Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
12/2/1993 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
12/2/1993 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77803 ADD; Tesoro Discount Truck Stop. File# 102.26.099 by Dupee. |
Former Staff |
12/3/1993 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
LCAU; August 1993 tank upgrade --- contaminated soils removed --- free product recovery begun : LCAU date changed DB conversion |
Former Staff |
12/4/1993 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Kalu - SA2 has been completed. Site is currently under a monitoring plan. |
Paul Horwath |
1/14/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Peterson sent PRP-CS Database Notificatin Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. No response has been received as of this "complete date". |
Paul Horwath |
6/6/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
T.Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. |
Tim Wingerter |
8/26/1994 |
Site Visit |
B.Thomas met with Tesoro on site representative to review site history and activities. Noted free product recovery well, pump, and tank. Down-gradient portion of property defined by permafrost. |
Ben Thomas |
9/27/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
NOR; DUPEE: NORL ltr. sent. |
Former Staff |
1/30/1995 |
Release Investigation |
RELR; August 94 investigation revealed Benzene contamination above MCL in all 3 MW's installed. No appreciable impact to soils in these locations. D&M recommended CAP to address impact. Source not specified in report. |
Former Staff |
2/3/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
UPD; SITE SUMMARY: Release Investigation resulted after contamination discovered during pump island upgrade. Release Investigation in Aug 94 indicated 3 GW MWs with Benzene above MCL. Soils around MWs not impacted Consultant recommended and DEC requested CAP from Tesoro. Expect Tesoro response. |
Former Staff |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to current owner; Interior Fuels Company. |
Former Staff |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: INTERIOR FUELS COMPANY |
Former Staff |
3/16/2000 |
Release Investigation |
Approval of 5 monitoring wells and six borings for April 2000 timeline. |
Former Staff |
6/7/2001 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Site Assessment (UST system Closure) report submitted by Gilfilian Engineering. Approx, 1500 tons of contaminated soil excavated shipped off-site for thermal remediation. |
Monica English |
9/1/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Construction of free product recovery system (approved by John Carnahan-ADEC). |
Paul Horwath |
11/18/2002 |
Release Investigation |
During site assessment activities, additional contamination was encountered. |
Paul Horwath |
11/18/2002 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Site assessment of new building foundation excavation and an August 2002 groundwater monitoring event. |
Paul Horwath |
11/19/2002 |
Release Investigation |
Release investigation and November 2001 groundwater monitoring event. |
Paul Horwath |
8/28/2003 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March and May 2003 groundwater monitoring event reports reviewed. |
Paul Horwath |
10/14/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Approval to transport and treat contaminated soil. |
Monica English |
11/4/2003 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
ADEC correspondence requesting a Corrective Action plan to address off-site groundwater contamination and impacted Class C well. |
Monica English |
2/5/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
August 2003 Monitoring Event. |
Monica English |
2/5/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
October 2003 Release Investigation and Seepage Bed Replacement, and November 2003 Monitoring Event. |
Monica English |
4/28/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Received correspondance from Tesoro documenting that downgradient landowner has given permission to allow Tesoro to install municipal water service to his property. |
Monica English |
6/18/2004 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
Conditional approval given for 2004 Work plan. |
Monica English |
6/22/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Approval to transport and remediate contaminated soil. |
Monica English |
11/5/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
February 2004 Monitoring Event report. Fluid levels measured in several wells and the fuel recovery system was assessed. The presence of free product has continued to show an overall decreasing trend. |
Monica English |
11/15/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff attends annual environmental planning meeting with Tesoro and MWH to discuss proposed work plans for 2005. |
Monica English |
10/9/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Project manager changed from Monica English to Paul Horwath, per Paul Horwath. |
Alyce Hughey |
4/3/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ETM ranking completed. |
Paul Horwath |
12/28/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the May 2007 Monitoring Event Report Final report prepared by MWH, dated August 2007. Product recovery system remains in operation, as does dissolved phase GW treatment system. Free product is still present in several recovery wells and monitoring wells. GW contaminant plume is not expanding, and is more or less static. Twice yearly MW sampling and quarterly treatment system operation and maintenance continues. |
Paul Horwath |
1/15/2009 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77803 former USTs. |
Alyce Hughey |
8/26/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the June 2008 Monitoring Event Report, dated July 2009, from MWH for Paul Horwath. Site conditions continue to be stable. Groundwater concentrations have shown a continual decreasing trend since the start of the project. Free product continues to be recovered from the three free product recovery systems installed at the site, (a full-time Spillbuster free product skimmer, a seasonal Spillbuster free product skimmer and a passive bailer skimmer in MW-3). Approximately 200 to 250 gallons of free product is being recovered annually, with the bulk of the recovering occurring during the second and third quarters. |
Alyce Hughey |
12/9/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the May 2009 Monitoring Event Report, dated September 2009, from MWH for Paul Horwath. Site conditions continue to be stable. Groundwater concentrations have shown a continual decreasing trend since the start of the project. Free product continues to be recovered from the three free product recovery systems installed at the site, (a full-time Spillbuster free product skimmer, a seasonal Spillbuster free product skimmer and a passive bailer skimmer). It is estimated that approximately 100 gallons of free product will be removed from the site within 2009. A somewhat elevated DRO concentrations level was detected in MW-8. Due to the close proximity to spring breakup, and the flooding within some of the monitoring wells, the elevated DRO concentration was not unexpected. |
Alyce Hughey |
7/6/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the results for an additional sampling event for Sulfolane, conducted on June 15th and 16th, 2010 from MW-14 located at the site. Sample results are non-detect for Sulfolane from MW-14. |
Alyce Hughey |
8/18/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved the MWH's July 21, 2010 Supplemental Work Plan for Chemical Oxidation Treatment, Tesoro 2 Go Mart #101/Interior Fuels Company. This approval is for the application of potassium permanganate to the groundwater to treat the gasoline range organics and diesel range organics contaminated subsurface soil smear zone and groundwater. |
Paul Horwath |
11/16/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff attended the annual environmental planning meeting with Tesoro and MWH to discuss the workplans for 2011. |
Alyce Hughey |
11/16/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff attended the annual environmental planning meeting with Tesoro and MWH to discuss the workplans for 2011. |
Paul Horwath |
12/9/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the June 2010 Monitoring Event Report, dated October 2010, from MWH. Groundwater concentrations have shown a continual decreasing trend since the start of the project. Free product continues to be recovered from the three free product recovery systems installed at the site, and it was estimated that approximately 50 gallons of free product has been removed from the site from January until June of 2010. A somewhat elevated DRO concentration level was detected in MW-17. Due to the close proximity to spring break-up the elevated DRO concentration was not unexpected. |
Alyce Hughey |
9/26/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the MWH June 24, 2011 Decommissioning Plan for 10 Obsolete Groundwater Monitoring Wells Work Plan. Approval was issued for eight of the proposed 10 monitoring wells and obervation wells for decommissioning (MW-2, MW-5, MW-16, MW-25, MW-27, MW-28, OWW, and OWE). Monitoring wells MW-9 and MW-18 were not approved for decommissioning either due to no historical sample data or historical high DRO concentrations. |
Paul Horwath |
9/28/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received information regarding MW-9 and MW-18, that they are full of debris, unuseable as groundwater monitoring wells, and are located in a high traffic area where trucks are driven and parked. Approval was issued for the decommissioning of these two wells in addition to the previously approved monitoring wells MW-2, MW-5, MW-16, MW-25, MW-27, MW-28, OWW, and OWE. |
Paul Horwath |
10/4/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the May 2010 Monitoring Event Report, dated August 2011, from MWH. Groundwater concentrations continue to show a constant trend, with an elevated DRO concentration in MW-8 at 13.1 mg/L being detected during the May of 2011 groundwater sampling event. The three free product recovery systems were turned off and one bailer located in MW-3 was removed one month prior to the May 2011 sampling event in order to allow the free product to equilibrate to provide a more accurate free product measurement. A total of 0.50 inches of free product was measured in MW-3. All the free product recovery systems were turned back on and the Passive Bailer Skimmer was placed back into MW-3 with arrangements made with Lifewater to check the Passive Bailer Skimmer on a weekly basis to measure, record and empty any free product. The data collected during this free product survey will be evaluated in order to determine if a more extensive free product recovery system is needed. A total of 10-gallons of free product have been removed since January of 2011. |
Alyce Hughey |
12/1/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff attended the annual environmental planning meeting with Tesoro and MWH to discuss the workplans for 2012. |
Alyce Hughey |
12/1/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff attended the annual environmental planning meeting with Tesoro and MWH to discuss the workplans for 2012. |
Paul Horwath |
1/9/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the 2011 Monitoring Wells Decommissioning Report, dated November 18, 2011, from MWH. On October 4, 2011 nine groundwater monitoring wells, an old seepage bed with associated observation wells were decommissioned. Monitoring wells decommissioned included MW-2, MW-5, MW-9, MW-13, MW-16, MW-18, MW-25, MW-27 and MW-28. The old seepage bed was decommissioned through access by the observation wells and filled with a mixture of grout mixed thin initially then after it settled Bentonite chips were added at a slow rate with additional grout to carry the chips to fill the void. After the old infiltrator trench was decommissioned the two observation wells OWE and OWW were decommissioned. All wells were decommissioned according the ADEC’s Monitoring Well Guidance, dated February 2009. |
Alyce Hughey |
6/6/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff attended the mid-year planning meeting at the ADEC office in Soldotna to discuss the proposed Chemical Oxidation Treatment to be performed in 2012 at Tesoro - Discount Truck Stop #101. |
Alyce Hughey |
11/14/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Paul Horwath and Alyce Hughey attended the annual planning meeting at MWH office in Anchorage to discuss the Corrective Action Work Plan for 2013. |
Alyce Hughey |
5/7/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Paul Horwath approved the March 25, 2013 Supplemental Work Plan for 2013 Site Assessment, prepared by MWH. MWH is proposing to perform a site assessment to evaluate the extent of remaining petroleum contamination on the south side of the interceptor trench located along the north property line. A total of five test holes will be excavated. Four on the south side of the interceptor trench, and one on the south side of the infiltrator trench. A minimum of two soil samples will be collected from each test hole and analyzed for DRO, GRO and BTEX. Following field work and receiving laboratory results, a report will be submitted to ADEC with results and recommendations. |
Alyce Hughey |
7/30/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff attended the mid-year planning meeting at the ADEC office in Soldotna to discuss the findings of the test pits and discussed options for future site work. |
Alyce Hughey |
8/9/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the May 2012 Monitoring Event Report, dated October 2012, prepared by MWH. On May 24, 2012, monitoring wells MW-4, MW-8, MW-14, MW-17 and IFC Aeration Tank were sampled. MW-3 was not sampled because free product was present with 0.50 inches of measureable product. Monitoring wells MW-8 and MW-14 contained 1.88 mg/L and 2.72 mg/L DRO respectively. The other wells sampled had concentrations testing either non-detected or below the groundwater cleanup levels. A total of 29-gallons of free product was removed from January 2012 until the May 24, 2012 sampling, with the majority of product recovered during the spring thaw. In August during an operation and maintenance, the aeration tank piping was reconfigured. This adjustment increased the dissolved oxygen concentration of the water in the treatment tank. |
Alyce Hughey |
11/21/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the August 2013 Monitoring Event Report, dated October 2013, prepared by MWH. On August 12, 2013, monitoring wells MW-4, MW-14, MW-17 and CRW were sampled. Monitoring Well MW-3, MW-8 and Aeration Tank were not sampled due to the presence of free product. Well CRW (Central Recovery Well) was added to the sampling due to the recent findings during the excavation of test pits on July 23, 2013. Groundwater concentrations in monitoring wells MW-14 and MW-17 had significant increases in DRO with MW-14 containing 120 mg/L DRO and MW-17 containing 95 mg/L DRO. MW-14 also contained benzene at 0.0442 mg/L and GRO at 3.77 mg/L. The other two wells sampled, MW-4 and CRW did not detect any of the analytes sampled. A total of 48-gallons of free product was removed from January 2013 until the August 12, 2013 sampling, with the majority of product recovered during the spring thaw. Well MW-3 had 0.62 feet of product, MW-8 had 0.02 feet of product, and IFC Aeration Tank had product but was not measured. |
Alyce Hughey |
11/22/2013 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Reviewed the July 2013 Site Assessment (Soils Investigation) report, dated October 24, 2013, prepared by MWH. On July 23, 2013 a total of four test pits were excavated at strategic locations along the up-gradient side of the Interceptor Trench to a depth that encountered the groundwater table, typically at 9 to 10 feet below ground surface. Three test pits were excavated on the Tesoro Northstore #101 property and one on the Interior Fuel Company property. Benzene was detected at 0.119 to 0.664 mg/kg, Toluene at 7.07 to 9.75 mg/kg, Ethylbenzene at 8.43 to 47.7 mg/kg, Xylenes at 83.7 to 353 mg/kg, GRO at 305 mg/kg to 3,130 mg/kg and DRO at 2,160 to 11,900 mg/kg at depths of 7.5 to 12 feet bgs. |
Alyce Hughey |
12/3/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Paul Horwath and Alyce Hughey attended the ADEC/Tesoro Annual planning meeting held at the MWH office in Anchorage to discuss the Corrective Action Plan for 2014, the July 2013 Site Assessment findings, product recovery and the current groundwater conditions. |
Alyce Hughey |
11/4/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Paul Horwath attended the ADEC/Tesoro Annual planning meeting held at the MWH office in Anchorage to discuss the Corrective Action Plan for 2014. |
Paul Horwath |
11/20/2014 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Reviewed the MWH prepared May 2014 Monitoring Event Report. |
Paul Horwath |
10/9/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the May 2015 Monitoring Event Report, prepared by MWH, dated September 2015. GW quality conditions similar to prior, recent monitoring events. One product recovery pump (spill buster) was functional, one wasn't. 10 gallons of product recovered since January 2015. |
Paul Horwath |
10/15/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Decimal Lat/Long location coordinates collected from ADEC Internal GIS Map, and entered into CSP database.
64.813942 -147.708895 |
Paul Horwath |
12/1/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Paul Horwath attended the ADEC/Tesoro Annual projects meeting held at the MWH office in Anchorage to review corrective action work accomplished in 2016, and to discuss the Corrective Action Work Plan for 2017. |
Paul Horwath |
12/5/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review the May 2016 Monitoring Event Report, dated FINAL - November 2016. GW quality conditions are reported relatively consistent with the prior, May 2015 GW monitoring report. |
Paul Horwath |
12/7/2017 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Tesoro's Anne Duarte and Stantec staff at the offices of Stantec in Anchorage. Review work accomplished in 2017, and work proposed for 2018. |
Paul Horwath |
12/21/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review Stantec's September 2017 GW sampling & analysis report, and GW treatment system upgrade report. Provide comments concerning LNAPL thickness and LNAPL/GW elevations in the historical data tables for MW-3 and MW-17. |
Paul Horwath |
2/6/2018 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approved the offsite transport of recovered LNAPL to NRC Alaska, for beneficial reuse/recovery as heating oil. |
Paul Horwath |
5/14/2018 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Issue approval to transport contaminated soil to OIT's approved soil treatment facility, should contaminated soil be excavated during the scheduled final closure (by removal) of the existing regulated UST system. |
Paul Horwath |
11/13/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received and reviewed Stantec's November 2018 groundwater monitoring event report, which covering the groundwater sampling and analysis event from September, 2018. |
Paul Horwath |
12/6/2018 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Paul Horwath met with Tesoro and Stantec staff at Stantec's offices in Anchorage, to discuss work accomplished at this site during 2018, and to review and discuss a corrective action plans for calendar year 2019. |
Paul Horwath |
2/25/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC issued approval of the revised 2019 work plan for this site, revised to include the installation of two additional GW MWs. |
Paul Horwath |
4/12/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review and approve Stantec's Task 4 2019 CAP for further investigation of the extent of the LNAPL plume to the north of the site property boundary. |
Paul Horwath |
9/6/2019 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Approval to transport one drum of investigation derived waste - drill cuttings to NRC Alaska for treatment and disposal. |
Peter Campbell |
11/21/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review Corrective Action Work Plan. A new product recovery well is to be installed down gradient of the interceptor trench. The trench is no longer collecting product. Free product had been detected in MW 19-2. |
Peter Campbell |
12/12/2019 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting held with Tesoro, the consultant and ADEC to discuss site conditions and the work plan for 2020. |
Peter Campbell |
12/16/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
Approve the Corrective Action Work Plan for 2020 dated December 12, 2019. |
Peter Campbell |
2/3/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The free product skimmer and groundwater drawdown pump are operating on a year round basis. The aeration remediation tank is operating normally. |
Peter Campbell |
8/24/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
Approval to transport drill cuttings to NRC Alaska. |
Peter Campbell |
10/27/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
1. The annual groundwater monitoring event was completed.
2. The new 6-inch diameter remediation well (designated as WRW-2020) was installed, developed, sampled and placed into operation with a continuous flow (approximately 4 gallons per minute) for capture of the free product plume upgradient of the interceptor trench. The well discharges into the existing aeration tank and drainfield for on-site treatment similar to the water pumped from CRW-2 remediation well.
3. Free product has been routinely collected and recorded from the following wells: CRW-2, WRW-2020, MW 19-1 and MW 19-2. The free product is stored on-site in a doubled walled drum for eventual pick up and disposal by NRC in Fairbanks. |
Peter Campbell |
12/1/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
Tech Memo reviewed for the installation of a new 6" product recovery well. Well installed 20 26' BGL with a 20 foot well screen. The highest level of contamination appears to be at the soil water interface. There was a sheen in the well water at the time of installation. |
Peter Campbell |
1/28/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review October 2020 monitoring report. Free product present in monitoring wells 19-1 and 19-2.
Free product skimmer in CRW-2 taken off line in July due to iron fouling. CRW-2 dosed with NuWell pellets in August to treat iron precipitates. Pumping in CRW-2 was out of service in January 2020. When monitoring resumed in June 2020 due to covid restrictions there was 8 feet of product in the well.
Pumping has stabilized product accumulation. |
Peter Campbell |
2/1/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review the 2021 Corrective Action Plan. |
Peter Campbell |
2/11/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2021 Corrective Action Plan ADEC Approval |
Peter Campbell |
8/31/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approve plan to install additional infiltration gallery paralleling the existing gallery. |
Peter Campbell |
8/31/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approve the inclusion of MW-30 during annual GWM event. |
Peter Campbell |
9/30/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
New drain field installed. Documented in Nov. 10, 2021 Technical Memorandum. |
Peter Campbell |
12/7/2021 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
2022 Corrective Action Work Plan meeting |
Peter Campbell |
12/8/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2022 Corrective Action Work Plan - ADEC Approval |
Peter Campbell |
2/9/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review and approve September 2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Trace free product (0.01') found in MW-19-2. An additional 450 square foot drain field was added to the remediation system. |
Peter Campbell |
3/30/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review Supplemental 2022 Work Plan for Task 4. Reviewed historical results and found no documentation of sampling for EDB, MTBE or lead in the source area. Request that the consultant verify that characterization sampling has been conducted. If no characterization samples have been collected, request that source area wells be sampled for those compounds. |
Peter Campbell |
4/7/2022 |
Update or Other Action |
Unusual snow depths prevented access to monitoring wells for first quarter 2022 groundwater sampling. |
Peter Campbell |
8/26/2022 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
40 CY of impacted soil from drain field installation approved for transport to US Ecology in North Pole for thermal treatment. |
Peter Campbell |
11/18/2022 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Review the Decommissioning of GW Monitoring Wells and Drilling of Confirmation Soil Borings Report. All six new boings encountered primarily DRO contamination with naphthalene and xylenes at the smear zone. Four of the borings were on Crowley property. Three monitoring wells were abandoned. A new work plan is expected to delineate contamination. |
Peter Campbell |
11/30/2022 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
Review the Annual September 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report. MW-14, MW-3, MW-8 and MW-19-1 had the highest levels of broad-spectrum contamination.
Peter Campbell |
12/2/2022 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
Review the 2023 Corrective Action Plan. The blower failed in the aeration tank in 2022 and was replaced. 50 gallons of free product was collected and removed. Well sampling will continue along with free product recovery. Free product is recovered from CRW-2, WRW2020, MW 19-1 and MW 19-2. Five to six confirmation soil borings will be drilled to characterize impacts on the former IFC property, upgradient of the borings installed in 2022. A separate work plan will be submitted. |
Peter Campbell |
12/6/2022 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Annual meeting to discuss 2022 accomplishments and the 2023 Corrective Action Work Plan. |
Peter Campbell |
5/18/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review and approve Supplemental 2023 Work Plan for Task 3 - Drill Confirmation Soil Borings to Delineate and Characterize the Petroleum Hydrocarbon Source. There are five proposed soil boings on the Crowley property and one additional boring on the Speedway property. |
Peter Campbell |
6/29/2023 |
Update or Other Action |
Recovery system down due to electrical problems. Marathon requested a shutdown of the system to passive remediation, but off-site contamination to the north has elevated levels of DRO and other hydrocarbons that will preclude permanently shutting the system down. We would require an alternative remediation system. |
Peter Campbell |
11/14/2023 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Six soil borings were installed to the southeast of the site, mostly (5) on Crowley property in an effort to define the extent of contamination. All six borings found no contaminants of concern exceeding DEC cleanup levels. |
Peter Campbell |
12/11/2023 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Review the Technical Memorandum for the Installation of Confirmation Soil Borings (Nov. 13, 2023). Six confirmation soil borings were drilled to groundwater in an arc southeast of the known contamination, delineating the clean extent of known impacts. There were no exceedances of hydrocarbons tested. |
Peter Campbell |
12/11/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
Review and approve the Annual November 2023 Groundwater Monitoring Report. It appears that the recovery pump is suffering from iron fouling which is to be addressed. The remediation system was down for one month due to electrical supply issues. The system is operating normally. |
Peter Campbell |
12/12/2023 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Annual meeting held to discuss 2023 work and the CAP for 2024. Proposal to install a submersible pump in well CRW. |
Peter Campbell |
12/18/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
Review the 2024 Corrective Action Work Plan - ADEC Approval. Continued monitoring of on-site wells, operation of the remediation system and the addition of a submersible pump to remediation well CRW for operation during non-freezing conditions. |
Peter Campbell |
8/20/2024 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Marathon and consultant to discuss site conditions, plans for monitoring and remediation. |
Peter Campbell |
12/10/2024 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
2025 Corrective Action Plan meeting. |
Peter Campbell |
12/12/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review 2024 Annual report. MW-14 an offsite well in a City right of way and adjacent to the building to the north has elevated hydrocarbons that are not being controlled by the current remediation system. During the meeting, it was discussed that the property to the north has been power washing equipment that may be contributing to contamination, but it seems unlikely as groundwater is relatively deep. Free product is present in MW-3, MW19-1 and MW19-2. |
Peter Campbell |
12/12/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review and approve the 2025 Corrective Action Work Plan |
Peter Campbell |