Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
10/14/1989 |
Update or Other Action |
Three of four USTs removed at site. One 1,500 gal. heating oil, one 1,000 gal. gasoline, one 2,000 gal. avgas, and one jet A-50 (not removed). Contaminated soil and groundwater and floating product observed. Contamination determined by analytical methods to be either Jet A, Jet A-50, or JP-5. |
Former Staff |
10/16/1989 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77788 ADD; P |
Former Staff |
10/16/1989 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
10/17/1989 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
LCAU; :LCAU Date changed DB conversion |
Former Staff |
12/4/1989 |
Update or Other Action |
REM; The fourth UST, a jet fuel a-50 tank of unknown size was removed. Little soil was excavated and stockpiled and no other closure activities were conducted. High levels of soil contamination remain (35,000 ppm TPH), product on the shallow ground water. |
Former Staff |
12/7/1989 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
RAPR; Harding Lawson submits work, assessment and QA/QC plans for additional work. Plans approved same day. |
Former Staff |
12/8/1989 |
Release Investigation |
SI; Harding Lawson begins site assessment work. No report of results received. |
Former Staff |
1/22/1990 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Date estimated by review of file. |
Todd Blessing |
9/27/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
CAPR; Reviewed CAP for excavated trench soils. |
Former Staff |
9/29/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
CAPR; Reviewed and commented on CAP. |
Former Staff |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: WILLIAM S. BEVINS |
Former Staff |
12/2/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
; Dr. William Bevin; (907) 274-5615 |
Former Staff |
11/1/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
File Review by Mike Mooney |
Daniel Rogers |
10/25/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved transport of 300 cy of contaminated soil generated during installation of water and sewer line through the property to AIA soil storage area north of runways. Soils to be sampled summer of 2002 to determine appropriate CAP. |
Robert Weimer |
12/29/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Soil contamination encountered during construction of new hanger at the former Jet a-50 tank area. 230 cy of contaminated soil stockpiled on-site, 100 gallons of contaminated ground water pumped from excavation. Vent piping to be installed under building. |
Robert Weimer |
3/18/2002 |
Release Investigation |
Date estimated by review of file. |
Todd Blessing |
6/23/2003 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
Date estimated by review of file. |
Todd Blessing |
10/16/2003 |
Release Investigation |
May 2003 semi-annual groundwater monitoring report found 4 inches of product in MW4, the rest of the wells were non-detect. |
Robert Weimer |
11/3/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Site transferred from Wiemer to Blessing |
Todd Blessing |
3/1/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed Site Assessment Work Plan. Within the work plan, it is proposed that, at a minimum, 20 soil borings will be drilled, with soil samples collected at the top of the saturated zone in order to assess the extent of soil contamination. All soil samples collected are slated to be screened with a photoionization detector to pinpoint areas with the highest levels of contamination. A subset of the soil samples will be submitted to a laboratory to be analyzed for GRO/BTEX by Alaska Method AK101 and DRO by Alaska State Method AK102. Letter was submitted approving of the scope of work proposed in the work plan provided that investigative derived waste would be properly disposed of |
Todd Blessing |
2/22/2006 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Reviewed Site Characterization Report. A total of 21 soil borings were advanced throughout the facility in May 2005. The extent of DRO contamination was determined to consist of a square shape running east-west approximately 300 feet and running parallel just south of the Old Hangar to the north and about 40 feet south of the Museum Building to the south. Benzene was detected at a level of 0.073 mg/kg from soil sample SB-10, which is located on Lot 2A, Block 10, Anchorage International Airport. |
Todd Blessing |
3/14/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Issued letter to Tom Johnston, environmental program specialist at the Anchorage International Airport. The letter stated that the Department has determined that the extent of gasoline contamination has yet to be delineated. In 1989, elevated levels of BTEX were detected in soil samples collected near the former aviation gasoline tank. In addition, elevated levels of benzene were discovered in groundwater samples (i.e. GW-8 and GW-4) collected in 1990 hydrologically downgradient of the former location of the aviation gasoline tank.
In addition, the GRO/BTEX data generated in 2005 in which gasoline constituents were not detected is rejected by the Department. The reasons for this decision is that gasoline range constituents were detected in a trip blank and the field surrogate recoveries for the majority of soil samples slated to be analyzed for gasoline constituents did not meet established limits. Elevated levels of benzene have been detected in groundwater samples collected on Lot 2A, Block 10, Anchorage International Airport.
At this time, requested that ADOT&PF hire a consultant in order to develop a work plan to conduct a limited site investigation. The site investigation work plan should define the means and methods to determine the extent of soil and groundwater contamination that has originated from either the former locations of the aviation or gasoline underground storage tanks. |
Todd Blessing |
3/29/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking |
Todd Blessing |
7/3/2007 |
350 Determination |
Administrative update: this site has an established 350 determination. |
Kristin Thompson |
7/3/2007 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
In accordance with 18 AAC 75.350, ADEC has
determined that the unconfined groundwater (above the Bootlegger Cove Formation)
at the Anchorage International Airport (AIA) is not a current or future drinking
water source. This determination is subject to the following conditions:
1. It applies only within the Airside and Commercial RMZ’s, as described in the
Airport-Wide Remediation Management Plan. It does not apply within the Ecological RMZ.
2. It does not establish alternative cleanup levels within those zones but allows
ADEC to use the determination in making decisions in accordance with
18 AAC 75.345(b)(2) - (3). 3. Any drinking water wells located on AIA property must
be properly abandoned in accordance with ADEC decommissioning procedures within two
years of this decision. 4. AIA shall prohibit the installation of any water wells,
used for drinking, cooling, washdown, or any other purposes, on the AIA either
through 17 AAC 42.410 (b) (27) of the airport leasing regulations or in their
individual lease agreement documents. 5. The existing AIA water well used
to maintain the water level in Lake Hood is not considered a drinking water well. However, AIA is responsible for determining its wellhead protection area and ensuring that it maintains levels at or below 18 AAC 75.345 Table C values, unless otherwise approved by ADEC. March 19, 2007 Amendment: DEC has determined that the shallow groundwater along the Lake Hood shoreline is not a current or future drinking water source in accordance with 18 AAC 75.350. Therefore, the March 2001 groundwater use determination is amended to include the shallow groundwater in the Ecological RMZ in that determination. |
Colleen Deal |
9/6/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed and approved a work plan to evaluate the extent of gasoline contamination. The work plan was prepared by Restoration Science and Engineering (RSE) and dated August 30, 2007. RSE proposed to advance 10 soil borings at the property and complete three of them as monitoring wells. Soil and groundwater samples will be analyzed for GRO, DRO, and BTEX. DEC approved of the work plan provided one soil boring location (i.e. RSE-1) near the western boundary of the facility will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds in addition to GRO and DRO for soil and groundwater samples. In addition, soil samples will be collected from the following intervals: 0-2 feet below ground surface and 2-10 feet below ground surface. |
Todd Blessing |
5/13/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC staff reviewed a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment report. This report was received at DEC's Anchorage Office on February 07, 2008 and was prepared by Restoration Science and Engineering (RSE). RSE personel installed seven soil borings and completed three of them as monitor wells (RSE-1, RSE-3, and RSE-4). Sixteen soil samples and eight groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, and BTEX. The results of the 2005 and 2007 site investigations suggest that soil and groundwater contamination (primarily DRO) areis confined to Lot 4, Block 10, Anchorage International Airport,. It comprises an area of less than ½ an acre, and is located between the new hangar and the museum building. |
Todd Blessing |
5/13/2008 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
DEC approves conditional closure status for this site subject to the following conditions:
1. The owners/operators of the property shall notify DEC in the event soil or groundwater is proposed for transport or discharge off site. DEC approval of any off site transport is required in accordance with 18 AAC 78.274(b);
2. The owners / operators of the site shall conduct periodic groundwater monitoring in accordance with a work plan approved by DEC to ensure a stable and decreasing trend in contaminant concentrations;
3. No groundwater wells may be installed without prior review and approval by DEC; and
4. ADOT&PF will document the environmental status of this property in all future lease documents (including any site specific conditions) until established DEC cleanup levels are achieved. |
Todd Blessing |
5/13/2008 |
Conditional Closure Approved |
The Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum site was impacted from past releases of gasoline and jet fuel but cleanup efforts have removed the majority of sources (USTs and the contaminated soil). Even though residual soil and groundwater contamination remains above the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels, it does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment provided site specific conditions are complied with. |
Todd Blessing |
7/14/2009 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
DEC staff reviewed and approved Tom Johnston's March 2009 long term groundwater monitoring plan. Within the plan, Mr. Johnston proposed to do the following:
• Hire MACTEC to conduct annual groundwater sampling;
• Annually collect groundwater samples from the following wells MW-4, RSE-1, RSE-3, and RSE-4;
• Analyze collected groundwater samples for GRO DRO, and BTEX according to CSP approved methods; and
• Submit a groundwater monitoring report to CSP following each sampling event
Todd Blessing |
1/26/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC staff reviewed MACTEC’s “ANC Groundwater Monitoring for the Aviation Heritage Museum Fall 2009“ Dated November 24, 2009. MACTEC evaluated the levels of contaminants of concern, and groundwater elevations in four monitoring wells located at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum. Samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-4, RSE-1, RSE-3, and RSE-4 and analyzed for GRO, DRO, BTEX by DEC approved methods. CSP approved of this work in our July 14, 2009 letter. The levels of DRO in samples collected from MW-4, RSE-3, RSE-1, exceeded 18 AAC 75.345 Table C values. DRO ranged from 0.538 to 3.15 mg/L in all samples. Benzene, toluene, and GRO were also detected above 18 AAC 75.345 Table C values in samples collected from RSE-1. Groundwater elevation data suggests a northwest flow direction. |
Todd Blessing |
6/7/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC staff reviewed Mactec's "ANC Groundwater monitoring of the Aviation Heritage Museum, Fall 2010 4721 Aircraft Drive" report dated February 25, 2011. This report discussed the sampling and analysis of groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells RSE-1, RSE-3, RSE-4, and MW-4. Collected samples were analyzed for DRO, GRO, and BTEX by DEC approved methods. DRO, GRO, and benzene were detected above 18 AAC 75.345 Table C values in samples collected from MW-04 and RSE-1. |
Todd Blessing |
6/30/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Transferred Project Manager to IC Unit |
Bianca Reece |
11/9/2011 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC review conducted and tickler system updated for a summer 2012 groundwater requirement reminder. |
Evonne Reese |
2/28/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC staff reviewed EMI's "ANC Groundwater Monitoring Aviation Heritage Museum - Fall, 2012". A total of four wells were sampled during this event. Groundwater wells above ADEC cleanup levels for DRO concentrations were MW4 (40 mg/L) and RSE1 (1.7 mg/L). Both of these wells were also above the ADEC cleanup levels for GRO concentrations at 11 mg/L. All other wells were below ADEC cleanup levels for GRO and DRO. In RSE1, concentrations of benzene (0.66 mg/L) and ethylbenzene (0.21 mg/L) were above the ADEC cleanup levels for those compounds. The groundwater gradient is slightly to the northwest towards Lake Hood. |
Kristin Thompson |
7/25/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC staff reviewed EMI's "ANC Groundwater Monitoring Aviation Heritage Museum - Fall, 2013". A total of five samples were collected from four wells (MW-4, RSE-1, RSE-3, RSE-4) during this event, including one duplicate sample from well RSE-4. Monitoring well MW-4 was above ADEC cleanup levels for DRO (52 mg/L) and GRO (9.4 mg/L). Benzene concentrations were above ADEC cleanup levels in RSE-1 (0.047 mg/L). All other samples were below ADEC cleanup levels for DRO, GRO, and BTEX. |
Kristin Thompson |
5/12/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC staff reviewed EMI's "ANC Groundwater Monitoring Aviation Heritage Museum - Fall, 2014". A total of four samples were collected from three wells (AHM-RSE-1, AHM-RSE-3, AHM-RSE-4) during this event, including one duplicate sample from well AHM-RSE-4. Well AHM-MW-4 was not sampled due to insufficient water volume in the well. Monitoring well AHM-RSE-1 was above ADEC cleanup levels for GRO (5.1 mg/L) and Benzene (0.11 mg/L), and just under ADEC cleanup levels for DRO (1.5 mg/L). All other samples were below ADEC cleanup levels for DRO, GRO, and BTEX. |
Kristin Thompson |
5/23/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
IC Unit staff reviewed EMI's "Petition for Monitoring Well Sampling Reduction." Groundwater contamination at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum was evaluated in context to historical concentrations and statistically significant trends to determine if any of the wells and/or parameters could be removed from future monitoring events. Based on the evidence provided in this report, ADEC agrees with the recommendations and approves the following: 1. biennial sampling instead of annual, beginning after this fall's sampling event with the next sampling event to be in 2018 (every even year); 2. repair MW4 and resume sampling for GRO, DRO, and BTEX; 3. drop DRO from the sampling spread on RSE1; 4. close out/remove well RSE4; 5. drop RSE3 from the sampling requirement, but keep as a sentinel well (if needed); and 6. allow the AIA staff to conduct the biennial sampling unless they are requesting a change in status to Cleanup Complete without conditions (in which case, an impartial third party consultant would be required to conduct the sampling). |
Kristin Thompson |
5/23/2016 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted. |
Kristin Thompson |
5/27/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
IC Unit staff reviewed EMI's "ANC Groundwater Monitoring Aviation Heritage Museum - Fall, 2015". A total of four samples were collected from three wells (AHM-RSE-1, AHM-RSE-3, AHM-RSE-4) during this event, including one duplicate sample from well AHM-RSE-4. A sample was not taken from AHM-MW-4 due to an obstruction in the well, although a water level meter was lowered into the well and came back up with a very distinct petroleum odor. Monitoring well AHM-RSE-1 was above ADEC cleanup levels for GRO (6.18 mg/L), Benzene (0.395 mg/L), and Ethylbenzene (0.163 mg/L) and similar to the 2014 results was just under ADEC cleanup levels for DRO (1.38 mg/L). All other samples were below ADEC cleanup levels for DRO, GRO, and BTEX. |
Kristin Thompson |
11/25/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
IC Unit staff reviewed and approved EMI's "Long Term Groundwater Monitoring Plan for the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum" dated October 14, 2016. Groundwater sampling will occur in the fall, on a biennial basis The three wells included in this monitoring program are MW4, RSE1, and RSE3. Monitoring well MW4 will be sampled for GRO, DRO, and BTEX; RSE1 will be sampled for GRO and BTEX (ADEC approved dropping DRO from the sampling of this well in May 2016); and RSE3 is a sentinel well not included in the regular monitoring schedule. Sampling will follow appropriate quality control procedures. |
Kristin Thompson |
11/25/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
IC Unit staff reviewed EMI's "Report for Monitoring Well Assessment and Decommissioning" dated November 8, 2016. Monitoring Well RSE4 was decommissioned following ADEC guidelines. Monitoring well MW4 was inspected for damage, but was found to be in tact and capable for use in future sampling. |
Kristin Thompson |
12/9/2016 |
Institutional Control Update |
EMI plans on performing the 2016 sampling towards the end of next week. The report will come soon after. |
Kristin Thompson |
12/20/2016 |
Institutional Control Update |
On December 19, 2016, EMI attempted to sample the AHM wells, but those wells were all caked with ice or else completely hidden underneath snow. EMI will try again when the annual winter tropical front comes through. Re-set the reminder system to check back in a few months time. |
Kristin Thompson |
5/17/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
The wells have just recently thawed out. EMI plans on sampling them this week. Reminder system set to look for the report in a few months. |
Kristin Thompson |
7/18/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
IC Unit staff reviewed the Spring 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Groundwater sampling was conducted on May 22, 2017. A sample and a duplicate sample were taken from monitoring well MW4. However, high levels of fuel product were determined to be present in the MW4 sample(s), which subsequently had to be discarded. Monitoring well RSE-3 was sampled for GRO and BTEX; results were non-detect. The next sampling event will occur in 2019. |
Kristin Thompson |
7/19/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
In regards to the Spring 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report, ADOT clarified the following: MW4 was the fuel sample that was not analyzed. MW4 had a strong smell, complete fuel consistency, and it was determined best to not subject the lab to analyzing this sample. |
Kristin Thompson |
9/15/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
IC Unit staff reviewed the Summer 2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report which combined results for wells on the Aviation Museum property and also MarkAir property. Groundwater sampling was conducted on July 19, 2017. Due to high levels of fuel product found in MW4 samples were not taken from this well. Monitoring well RSE-3 was sampled for GRO and BTEX; results were non-detect. The next sampling event will occur in 2019. |
Evonne Reese |
7/17/2020 |
Institutional Control Update |
I reviewed this IC record. The next groundwater monitoring will be completed during this season 2020. |
Evonne Reese |
3/22/2021 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review completed. |
Evonne Reese |
3/22/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
IC Unit staff reviewed the October 2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report which combined results for wells on the Aviation Museum property and also MarkAir property. Due to high levels of fuel product found in MW4 again this sampling event, samples were not taken from this well. Monitoring well RSE-3 was sampled for GRO and BTEX; results were non-detect. The next sampling event will occur in 2022. |
Evonne Reese |