Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
10/23/1997 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
10/23/1997 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77723 Jim Spontak with AGRA contacted officer during UST removal. Greater than 2,000 square feet of surface impacted. Primarily gravel and will be stockpiled onsite. |
Former Staff |
12/18/1997 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
AGRA & Swaim complete UST removal and SA. Approximately 350 cubic yards of diesel impacted soil is removed. Levels at base of excavation include up to 32,000 ppm DRPH. |
Former Staff |
8/11/1999 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
Excavation of 350 cubic yards of diesel contaminated soil treated with cold-mix asphalt and placed on site. |
Former Staff |
1/28/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Transferred DEC staff lead from John Carnahan |
Cynthia Pring-Ham |
3/12/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking completed. |
Tamara Cardona-Marek |
6/11/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Sent letter requesting current site status. |
Tamara Cardona-Marek |
6/30/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Spoke with representative from Rockwell Engineering . They have been contacted to follow up on DEC's letter of 6/2008. |
Tamara Cardona-Marek |
9/30/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received and reviewed the Rockwell Engineering Groundwater Investigation report for H&H Contractors. DRO (2.84ppm) and benzene (9ppb) are above DEC cleanup levels on the well located in the source area. Two additional temporary wells were installed near the location of the Trailers. All contaminants in these two wells were non-detect. No workplan was submitted for this work. The downgradient well at Constructions Parts was not sampled. DEC requested a CSM and sampling of the Construction Parts well. |
Tamara Cardona-Marek |
10/27/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 77723 name: 30,000 Gallon UST |
Tamara Cardona-Marek |
10/29/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Spoke with consultant at Rockwell Engineering (Dave Miller). They will develop and submit a CSM and contact DEC to discuss additional actions needed at the site. |
Tamara Cardona-Marek |
11/6/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Transferred site management from Tamara Cardona-Marek to Jim Fish. |
Janice Wiegers |
7/21/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contacted consultant for FNSB - doing Phase 1 as result of property transaction (Ice Alaska) |
Jim Fish |
8/18/2011 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
PRP letter sent to Ice Alaska, following purchase of lots TL-812, TL-831, and TL-849.
Jim Fish |
9/6/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Met with representatives of Ice Alaska - the new site owners - to discuss contamination issues and requirements for site closure. |
Jim Fish |
9/8/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter sent to RP concerning requirements to move towards site closure. These include:
•Installation of permanent monitoring wells in the vicinity of the former UST location (source area), south of the former UST, and to the northwest of the former UST;
•Periodically sampling this series of monitoring wells to understanding groundwater movement and contaminant distribution;
•Periodically sampling the drinking water wells on lots TL-849 and TL-831 to confirm the absence of contaminants;
•Determining the fate of suspected injection wells used during hot-mix asphalt plant operations.
Jim Fish |
10/10/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Spoke with Rockell engineering concerning monitoring well placement, UICs, drinking water wells and contaminant sampling. Work Plan for Autumn 2011 pending. |
Jim Fish |
10/31/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Recieved and approved groundwater and drinking water well sampling plan |
Jim Fish |
1/19/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Groundwater monitoring report received from Ice Alaska. |
Jim Fish |
2/3/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting held with ICE Alaska & consultant representing H&H Contractors, Inc. Groundwater sampling results, Additional site characterization identified for surface soil, Record of Decision, and Environmental Mananagement Plan discussed. Location of MW-1, and original UST location questioned. |
Jim Fish |
2/13/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Met with consultant to discuss ROD and acutal location of original UST and subsequent monitoring wells.
Jim Fish |
10/16/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Met Nortech - taking over as lead consultant (from Rockwell); will develop workplan and try to identify exact location of former dispenser island. |
Jim Fish |
10/26/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Work plan received from NORTECH |
Jim Fish |
10/31/2012 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Work plan approved. |
Jim Fish |
7/25/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Received assessment report and work plan for Ice Alaska property/former excavation & dispenser island. |
Jim Fish |
7/29/2013 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
Cleanup Plan (proposed excavation and land farming) approved. Groundwater monitoring will also be conducted after new monitoring well installations. |
Jim Fish |
7/16/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Consultant indicated report of excavation, moniotring well installations, and land farm construction pending. |
Jim Fish |
9/18/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Site characterization report received today. |
Jim Fish |
6/17/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Received a September 2014 Bio-Cell Field Screening Results Report and an October 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report from consultant (Nortech) |
Jim Fish |
7/6/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Received a soil boring report for 2014 activities to characterize remaining soil contamination and groundwater elevations. |
Jim Fish |
1/8/2021 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
DEC staff teleconference with consultant, discussed current site conditions and additional site activities. Landfarming management was the primary focus of the discussion, as the landfarm had not been tilled for some time and it no longer had a functioning cover. Frequent tilling over the entire depth was recommended. PID headspace sampling was conducted last year. Only a small area of soil near the bottom of the 18" layer had elevated headspace readings (500 to 700 ppm). The consultant will work with the RP to plan multiple tilling events this next summer and contact the DEC with the proposed plan. The consultant also reported that no additional groundwater monitoring had been conducted since the last report in 2014. |
Shawn Tisdell |
9/15/2022 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Work plan for soil sampling the landfarm originally received 8/4/2022 was approved following revision updates. This plan presents a multi-incremental sampling strategy to provide data to determine if prior fertilizing and tiling activities have sufficiently remediated the soil and allow for closure of the landfarm. |
Shawn Tisdell |
3/20/2023 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The revised Former Underground Storage Tank landspread Stockpile Sample Results Report submitted by Nortech on March 7, 2023 has been reviewed and approved.
This report indicated incremental sampling of the landfarm and discrete sampling of the surface soil beneath the landfarm liner was conducted during September and November of 2022. Sample results indicate that the landfarm soil and the soil immediately beneath the landfarm were all below the DEC cleanup criteria for unrestricted use. The DEC requested a work plan be prepared that identifies a strategy to characterize data gaps remaining at the site.
Shawn Tisdell |
10/4/2023 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Work plan objectives include current evaluation of the groundwater contamination and contaminant trends, complete a relative elevation survey and determine the groundwater gradient, and collect water quality and geochemistry parameters, which include dissolved oxygen, nitrate, ferrous iron, sulfate, methane, oxidation-reduction potential, pH, temperature and conductivity. Seven wells will be sampled in October 2023 and results will be provided in a report within 6 weeks of the completion of the fieldwork. |
Shawn Tisdell |