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Site Report: Adak GCI Compound UST GCI-1

Site Name: Adak GCI Compound UST GCI-1
Address: OU A, Building 42352, Main Road, Adak, AK 99546
File Number: 2501.38.003.09
Hazard ID: 2408
Status: Active
Staff: Jamie McKellar, 9074515175
Latitude: 51.869197
Longitude: -176.642648
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Petroleum related chemicals – DRO, GRO, benzene. The GCI compound is the site of a 6,000 gallon UST that was removed in 1995. The tank’s use is unknown but is believed to be associated with a dispenser island located 40 feet to the south that belonged to the former motor pool located at this site. The current site houses a telecommunication satellite dish and associated building. The tank and island were removed in 1995, during which time 220 cubic yards of earth and approximately 4,800 gallons of water and petroleum residue were removed from the site. Free product recovery began in 1996 and was concluded in 1997. Free product has not been observed at the site since 1997. Free product recovery was selected as an interim remedy in the OU A ROD. The site was removed from the OU A ROD by the OU A ROD Amendment for regulation under 18 AAC 75. The site is located in the downtown groundwater restriction and dig notification areas. The property was transferred to the Aleut Corporation in March of 2004 as part of a three way land trade between the Navy, USFWS, and The Aleut Corporation. The Proposed Plan for the site was completed in September of 2004, in which monitored natural attenuation and institutional controls was selected as the final remedy. Decision document signed for this site on May 20, 2005. Monitored natural attenuation selected as final remedy. The 2005 monitoring data showed free product in well 04-202, an increase in DRO concentrations in 04-701, and relatively static concentrations in the other two wells (04-210 and 04-100). 04-210 and 04-100 concentrations remain above clean-up levels.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/1/1998 Proposed Plan Site to be included in OU A ROD. Christina Goff
9/1/1999 Update or Other Action Site included in OU-A ROD and requires further evaluation due to presence of free product impacting groundwater. Free product recovery required. Kevin Oates
4/15/2000 Record of Decision The Record of Decision for this site was signed this date. Elim Yoon
12/28/2001 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Control Established. Includes Equitable Servitude for: Commercial/Industrial Land Use Restrictions, Groundwater Restrictions, Excavation permit required for areas with Soil Excavation Restrictions, and requirements for Inspections and Reporting. Elim Yoon
3/1/2003 Update or Other Action 2001 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report received. Navy recommends continuing monitoring as prescribed. Meghan Dooley
10/10/2003 Record of Decision Site Removed from the OU A ROD by OU A ROD Amendment; will be regulated under 18 AAC 75. Free product recovery interim remedy and institutional controls carried over with ROD. Sami Goldman
6/17/2004 Update or Other Action Comments for the 2003 Annual Groundwater Monitoring report were sent. General concerns include: the field team may not be familiar with the requirements in the CMP and SOP, and changes in ARARs. Meghan Dooley
9/1/2004 Update or Other Action Site is currently in draft proposed plan stage for long term remedy. Jason Weigle
9/7/2004 Update or Other Action The 2003 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends continuing current monitoring schedule. Meghan Dooley
9/15/2004 Site Characterization Report Approved Site characterization report approved as part of Focused Feasibility Study for Free-Product Sites Below Health Goals. Jason Weigle
9/15/2004 Risk Assessment Report Approved Risk Assessment approved as part of Focused Feasibility Study for Free-Product Sites Below Health Goals. Jason Weigle
9/15/2004 Update or Other Action Focused Feasibility Study Approved for this site. Jason Weigle
12/10/2004 Proposed Plan Long-term remedy proposed plan approved on this date. Jason Weigle
12/10/2004 Cleanup Level(s) Approved Table C groundwater clean-up levels selected for remediation. Jason Weigle
1/24/2005 Update or Other Action Received copy of the Draft Decision Document for Petroleum Sites with No Unacceptable Risk for review. Jason Weigle
2/8/2005 Update or Other Action Risk assessments were used to justify remedial endpoints for active remediation, not final clean-up endpoints. Jason Weigle
2/8/2005 Update or Other Action Monitored natural attenuation selected in proposed plan. Jason Weigle
2/8/2005 Update or Other Action Interim conveyance document contains an equitable servitude that restricts residential land use as well as the domestic use of groundwater. Site is also located in the downtown excavation notification zone. Jason Weigle
2/17/2005 Update or Other Action 2004 Annual Monitoring report received. Jason Weigle
2/17/2005 Update or Other Action Completed review of the Draft Decision Document for Petroleum Sites with No Unacceptable Risk. Jason Weigle
2/24/2005 Site Added to Database DRO, GRO. Sarah Cunningham
2/24/2005 GIS Position Updated Latitude and Longitude was derived using line maps used in investigations combined with road layers, +/-25 feet accuracy. Metadata is as follows: Updated NAD 1983 State Plane Alaska 10 FIPS 5010 Feet; Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic; False Easting: 3280833.333333; False Northing: 0.000000; Central Meridian: -176.000000; Standard Parallel 1: 51.833333; Standard Parallel 2: 53.833333; Latitude of Origin: 51.000000; GCS North American 1983. Jason Weigle
3/4/2005 Update or Other Action Review of Draft 2004 Annual Monitoring report completed. Jason Weigle
3/7/2005 Update or Other Action Added MRTS data, derived from ADNR and USGS range, township, and section data overlaid on lat/lon coordinates derived previously. Accuracy is equivalent to the lat/lon coordinates. MRTS information depicts the center point of range fans and target areas; actual target areas or fans may overlap several sections. Jason Weigle
3/8/2005 Update or Other Action Added legal description for site. Jason Weigle
5/20/2005 Record of Decision Decision document signed on this date. Jason Weigle
5/20/2005 Long Term Monitoring Established Monitored natural attenuation selected as long-term remedy in Decision Document. Jason Weigle
5/23/2005 Update or Other Action The 2004 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends maintaining the current monitoring schedule. If concentrations of GRO or BTEX are found above clean up levels for groundwater used as a drinking water source, the Navy will install at least one more monitoring well between well 04-701 and the East Canal of the airport ditch system. Meghan Dooley
5/23/2005 Conditional Closure Approved No additional remedial action beyond long-term MNA is expected at this site. Jason Weigle
1/19/2006 Update or Other Action File number issued 2501.38.003.09. Aggie Blandford
3/20/2006 Update or Other Action Final 2005 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report received on this date. No IC problems noted at this site. Jason Weigle
3/20/2006 Update or Other Action The draft annual groundwater monitoring report for 2005 was received on this date. Jason Weigle
4/7/2006 Update or Other Action Comments on Groundwater Monitoring Report submitted to the Navy. GRO concentrations remain elevated throughout the site. Free product was discovered in well 04-202. The GRO plume appears to be expanding as concentrations in well 04-701 continue to increase. No statistical trends can be discerned yet as there aren't enough data points for all wells at the site. Jason Weigle
6/9/2006 Update or Other Action The 2005 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. The Navy recommends adding monitoring at well 04-204 to assess the presence or absence of an upgradient source. Meghan Dooley
12/18/2006 Update or Other Action Received Draft 2006 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report that details the results of annual Institutional Control (IC) inspections to determine the effectiveness of IC's selected in the OUA Record of Decision. Guy Warren
12/27/2006 Update or Other Action Submitted comment letter to the Navy on the Draft Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report. Comments focused on the adequacy of the excavation notification program, the effectiveness of the ordnance awareness program, and visitor notification of ICs. Guy Warren
2/15/2007 Update or Other Action Received Draft Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report, which presents the results of September 2006 ground water monitoring activities at 24 sites at the Former Adak Naval Complex. Guy Warren
3/13/2007 Update or Other Action Received the Final 2006 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report. Several Department comments will be addressed through revisions of the Institutional Control Management Plan planned for 2007. The remaining comments were addressed and additional recomendations to increase efforts to notify island visitors of ICs (including the ordnance awareness education program) were included in the final document. Guy Warren
4/25/2007 Update or Other Action Submitted comments on the Draft Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report. Primary areas of concern include: increasing trends in contaminant levels at several sites, Increased free product, and adherence to field sampling procedures. In general it appears that declining ground water levels are responsible for the increase in free product and dissolved contaminant concentrations. The Navy and DEC have agreed to reinstate free product recovery at those sites showing increases in free product. Guy Warren
4/26/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 73385 (Autogenerated Action)
7/26/2007 Update or Other Action Received Final Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report, September 2006. The Department's comments have been addressed in the Final Report. The Navy has agreed to conduct additional free product recovery at those sites with increassed free rpoduct. The Navy has agreed to evaluate conditions at several sites with increasing contaminant trends to determine if additional investigation or remediaiton is required. Guy Warren
3/28/2008 Update or Other Action The comments for the draft 2007 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report were sent. General concerns include: consistency of groundwater depth and flow measurements between sites, reporting of free product recovery methods and results, inclusion of the Petroleum Summary Report in recommendations for applicable sites in this report, tracking changes to the CMP, and extending surface water and sediment monitoring to appropriate sites. ADEC also recommends that BTEX sampling at the GCI compound well 04-701 resume on a biennial basis in 2008. Meghan Dooley
8/14/2008 Update or Other Action The 2007 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends adding well 04-213 for annual GRO sampling and reducing monitoring for GRO and benzene at well 04-701 to every even year. Meghan Dooley
5/20/2009 Update or Other Action The comments for the draft 2008 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report were sent. General concerns include: adequacy of the MNA remedy and increasing contaminant levels, implementation of recommendations from the Petroleum Summary Report, effects of the March 2008 earthquake and documentation in the report, the monitoring well network, and the inclusion of useful photos. ADEC concurs with the recommended changes to the monitoring program however if monitoring data for well 04-701 continue to exhibit an increasing trend ADEC will request that annual monitoring of this well resume. ADEC concurs that no chances to the monitoring program are required. Meghan Dooley
8/21/2009 Update or Other Action The 2008 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends discontinuing TEX monitoring at 6 wells and DRO monitoring at 1 well. Meghan Dooley
3/12/2010 Update or Other Action The draft 2009 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends discontinuing benzene monitoring in wells 04-2004 and 04-210 and terminating monthly free product recovery activities. Meghan Dooley
4/15/2010 Update or Other Action Comments for the draft 2009 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report were sent on this date. ADEC concurs with the recommendation to discontinue monitoring for Benzene at 04-204 but to reduce monitoring to every other year for well 04-210, ADEC concurs with the cessation of Free Product Recovery at the site, recommends adding DRO analysis to well 04-204 (in 2010 only), and if well 04-210 continues to show an increasing trend in 2010 then it will be necessary to resume annual sampling. Meghan Dooley
2/16/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The draft 2010 IC Site Inspection Report was received on January 11, 2011 and DEC sent comments on February 16, 2011. There were no observed problems with ICs at this site. Meghan Dooley
5/12/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final 2010 IC Site Inspection Report was received by ADEC. ICs appear to be functioning as intended at this site. Meghan Dooley
6/27/2011 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review The draft Third 5-Year Review was received. The purpose of the 5-Year Review is to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedy and determine if further action is warranted to protect human health and the environment. The document listed actions taken to address issues from the previous 5-Year Review, and offered new recommendations based on data collected from 2006 to 2010 from Operable Units A and B-1. It concluded that the remedy is functioning as intended at all but 4 sites and provided the following area-wide recommendations: 1. Update the current Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, Institutional Control Monitoring Plan, Operation and maintenance Plan, 2. Update the document repositories, 3. Assess and update as necessary the Community Relations Plan, and 4. Address action items identified during 2010 site inspections. The 5-Year Review recommends continuing groundwater monitoring as prescribed at the GCI Compound and adding analysis of DRO at well 04-204. Meghan Dooley
7/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final 2010 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. The report recommends one more year of monitoring for DRO at wells 04-204 and MRP-MW9, discontinuing analysis of benzene at wells 04-100, 04-202, and 04-701. Additionally, the report recommends discontinuing monitoring at well 04-207 and decomissioning the well. Meghan Dooley
5/1/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit comments to the Navy of the Draft 2011 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Monitoring recomendations include adding DRO analysis to several site wells to determine the source of free product observed at one site well. Report also recomended discontinuation of monitoring at up-gradient well MRP-MW9. Guy Warren
10/16/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit acceptance letter to Navy regarding Final 2011 Annual Ground Water Monitoring. Monitoring changes recomended in Draft Report have been included. Guy Warren
4/5/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC sent comments on the draft 2012 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. ADEC concurs with the recommendation to reduce sampling to every other year (odd years) and to discontinue DRO sampling. Meghan Dooley
6/4/2013 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting The 2012 Final Institutional Controls Site Inspection Report was received. There were no indications of groundwater use, changes in land use, or unauthorized excavations. Excavation restriction signs were clearly visible. ICs appear to be functioning as intended. Meghan Dooley
9/8/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received, Final 2013 Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report for Adak Alaska. While monitoring results are largely unchanged for the GCI Compound the Navy is changing how contaminants in the area are reported. There appears to be one large contiguous area of mixed DRO and GRO contaminated ground water that is included in three different sites (GCI Compound, Area 303, and SWMU 62). GCI compound is located totally within Area 303. This and future groundwater monitoring reports will evaluate monitoring data from all three sites in one location in the report to address the LTM requirements for this plume. Guy Warren
9/10/2014 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting The Final 2013 Institutional Control Site Inspection Report was received. There were no observed changes to land use and no indications of groundwater use or excavation activities. Signs were present. ICs appear to be functioning as intended. IC inspection frequency has been reduced to every 4 or 6 years (to coincide with the 5-year review). Guy Warren
3/16/2015 Update or Other Action Received Final 2014 Institutional Controls Site Inspection Report, OUA and OUB of the former Adak Naval Complex. No recommendations for site in report, as all IC’s appear to be functioning as intended. Next IC inspection is scheduled to occur in 2019 in coordination with the 5-year review. Guy Warren
6/10/2015 Update or Other Action Received Final Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report, 2014 Long Term Monitoring at OUA of the Former Adak Naval Complex. The report recommends several adjustments to the monitoring program for the GCI/AREA 303/SWMU62 plume. These include elimination of monitoring at 7 redundant locations and adding two additional wells at the edge of the contaminant plume. Guy Warren
7/16/2017 Site Visit ADEC completed a three day site visit to Adak NAVFAC. All active sites were visited and current status discussed at length with NAVFAC representatives. Current field work activities were observed and noted. Work plan activities were proceeding as scheduled. No work plan deviations were evident. Darren Mulkey
12/10/2019 Update or Other Action Site location was updated on this date. Coordinates for this site are used to determine the presence and position of the site on BLM’s ANCSA Conveyed Land web map. Rebekah Reams
3/6/2020 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting The U.S. Navy (Navy) is the lead agency and responsible party for monitoring and ensuring the effectiveness of the institutional controls (ICs) selected in the Operable Unit (OU) A Record of Decision (ROD) and the OU B-1 ROD at the Former Naval Complex, Adak, Alaska. The Navy is required to conduct monitoring for as long as site conditions pose an unacceptable risk for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure to the community and the environment. The ICs will remain in place until those conditions are met. If any of the ICs are ineffective or if significant failures pose harmful risks to the community and the environment, the Navy is responsible for additional remedial actions. Repairs to ICs identified by periodic inspections will be conducted by the Navy approximately every 3 to 5 years, if needed. If severe or unusual failures of ICs are observed, the Navy will conduct additional emergency repairs at that time. Because it has been shown that ICs have generally remained effective since 2005, reductions to the monitoring program began in 2013. Currently, 28 sites are inspected biennially (including Parcel 4) with 39 sites (including 12 remote OU B-1 sites) inspected every 5 years. Darren Mulkey
4/16/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples were collected from 40 monitoring locations at 4 sites during the 2019 monitoring event. In addition, product thickness and depth to water measurements were performed at 50 locations from these sites. Monitoring was conducted to satisfy OU A Record of Decision (Navy, ADEC, and EPA 2000) remedy requirements as well as free product recovery remedy requirements that were established under the State-Adak Environmental Restoration Agreement (Navy and ADEC 1994). Monitoring was conducted to assess the remedies of monitored natural attenuation, limited groundwater monitoring, surface water protection, and compliance. Based on the previous monitoring results, the monitored natural attenuation remedies appear to be effective and biodegradation appears to be occurring to varying degrees at all of the monitored natural attenuation sites (Navy 2019a). Monitoring for natural attenuation parameters has been reduced from annually to every 4 to 6 years to coincide with the next 5-year review, and was last conducted in 2018. Darren Mulkey
8/18/2022 Site Visit CS Staff conducted a site visit on Adak Island from August 10-13, 2022. Jamie McKellar

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO > Table C Groundwater
GRO > Table C Groundwater

Control Type

Type Details
Equitable Servitude The Equitable Servitude to the Interim Conveyance Document restricts groundwater use and residential land use.
Institutional Control Management Plan The Institutional Control Management Plan, a supbart of the base-wide Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, requires the completion of a dig notification in the Downtown Area and at several outback locations.


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions All excavation within the 'downtown area' of Adak, as defined in the Equitable Servitude to the Interim Conveyance Document, must be submitted to the City of Adak and the Navy for review three days prior to excavation. Annual report of excavation notifications included in the IC Inspection Report.
Restricted to Industrial / Commercial Land Use Equitable servitude restricts land uses to non-residential uses. Site is inspected and reported yearly to ensure there are no residential land uses taking place.
Groundwater Use Restrictions The Equitable Servitude restricts groundwater use in the Downtown Area. Site is inspected and reported yearly to ensure groundwater is not being used in the Downtown Area.
Groundwater Monitoring The Comprehensive Monitoring Plan Rev. 2 requires annual groundwater monitoring for this site. Groundwater is sampled yearly for various parameters.

There are no documents for this site report.

Hazard ID Site Name File Number
27909 Adak Island OU A, B1, & B2 2501.38.007.01

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