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Site Report: Baileys Rent-All

Site Name: Baileys Rent-All
Address: 6871 Old Seward Hwy.; , Anchorage, AK 99515
File Number: 2100.26.152
Hazard ID: 24134
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.158537
Longitude: -149.863359
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Two 1,000 gallon diesel & one 1,000 gallon leaded gasoline underground storage tanks removed in 1991. Soil & groundwater contamination found. Soil in excavation and stockpile tested again in 2002 and found to meet site cleanup levels. On August 30, 2002 a monitoring well was installed within the limits of the former underground storage tanks excavation. A groundwater sample was collected on September 3, 2002. Depth to groundwater was 1 foot below ground surface. Up to 3.6 mg/l GRO, 3.2 mg/l DRO, and 160 ug/l benzene in the groundwater. The monitoring well has a screened interval from 4 to 9 feet below ground surface. The sample results may be biased low due to the screened interval being below the groundwater surface. ADEC letter requesting workplan by May 1, 2003 for the installation of additional monitoring wells to define the extent of the groundwater contamination at the site, with the results of the next groundwater monitoring event submitted by June 1, 2003. Need additional monitoring wells to define the extent of the groundwater contamination. To date the requested release investigation and groundwater monitoring work has not been conducted. F.K.A. L55.149

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/9/1991 Site Added to Database Former Staff
11/9/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78025 Petroleum contaminants. Soil and groundwater contamination found during the removal of two 1000 gallon diesel tanks and one 1000 gallon leaded gasoline tanks systems. Former Staff
11/10/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU Date changed DB conversion Former Staff
12/20/1991 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Tank removal site assessment report. Two 1,000 gallon diesel tanks and one 1,000 gallon leaded gasoline tank was removed. The three tanks were installed in 1981. Up to 12,000 mg/kg DRO, 5,900 mg/kg GRO, and 41 mg/kg benzene left in the former tank excavation. The west side of the excavation was were the piping and dispensing equipment was located. Only one excavation sample was analyzed for lead had 9.2 mg/kg. No PAH samples were collected. Highest concentrations were at 5.8 feet below ground surface at the soil/water interface. Excavation water at 6 feet below ground surface had 790 ug/l benzene, it was not analyzed for GRO, DRO, PAH, or lead. Four stockpile samples were collected had up to 0.35 mg/kg benzene, 520 mg/kg GRO, 890 mg/kg DRO, and 12.3 mg/kg lead. The stockpile is stored on the property and later was used as backfill in the tank excavation without DEC approval. Former Staff
2/25/1993 Update or Other Action Notice of release letter from site assessment report. The letter requests an interim corrective action report within 60 days. Former Staff
3/8/1993 Update or Other Action Letter from general manager for Baily's Rent-All that they intend to do no further site work until financial assistance is available. Robert Weimer
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: BAILEYS RENT - ALL, INC. Former Staff
8/18/2000 Update or Other Action Letter sent this date reiterating DEC letter of March 03, 1993 requesting corrective action no later than October 23, 2000. Former Staff
8/31/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with property owner to discuss needed release investigation and corrective action at this site. Robert Weimer
9/5/2000 Update or Other Action Letter from owner of Baily's Rent-All that they intend to have a release investigation conducted as soon as possible. Robert Weimer
3/19/2001 Update or Other Action Reiterated requirements stated in letter of 18 August 2000; requested a correctiovew action plan be submitted by 01 June 2001. David Allen
4/23/2001 Update or Other Action Response to recent letter requesting release investigation. RP has hired consultant and will provide work plan to DEC for review. David Allen
8/24/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Letter conditionally approving additional RI for bottom and side wall sampling, new stockpile sampling, and installation of a monitoring well. Robert Weimer
10/30/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On May 8, 2001 and September 11, 2001 soil samples were collected from the former tank excavation and the soil stockpile. Up to 84 mg/kg GRO, 170 mg/kg DRO, and 0.0173 mg/kg benzene at the locations sampled. Robert Weimer
1/2/2002 Update or Other Action Letter from general manager for Baily's Rent-All requesting closure of the site. Robert Weimer
6/18/2002 Update or Other Action DEC letter that base on the samples collected the stockpile is approved for use as backfill in the excavation at the the site. The letter notes that a former monitoring well on the northern edge of the property had standing water at 4.3 feet below ground surface (bgs) in 2001, and that groundwater was encountered int he tank excavation at 6 feet bgs in 1991. In 1991 the groundwater in the excavation was sampled and found to be contaminated over groundwater cleanup levels. The nature and extent of the groundwater contamination at this site needs to be defined before this site can be considered for closure. The DEC request installation of a monitoring well to assess groundwater in accordance with the conditionally approved August 20, 2001 work plan. Robert Weimer
1/10/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On August 30, 2002 a monitoring well was installed within the limits of the former underground storage tanks excavation. A groundwater sample was collected on September 3, 2002. Depth to groundwater was 1 foot below ground surface. Up to 3.6 mg/l GRO, 3.2 mg/l DRO, and 160 ug/l benzene in the groundwater. The monitoring well has a screened interval from 4 to 9 feet below ground surface. The sample results may be biased low due to the screened interval being below the groundwater surface. Robert Weimer
3/24/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting workplan by May 1, 2003 for the installation of additional monitoring wells to define the extent of the groundwater contamination at the site, with the results of the next groundwater monitoring event submitted by June 1, 2003. Robert Weimer
8/13/2004 Update or Other Action File number updated from L55.149 to 2100.26.152 Aggie Blandford
11/30/2004 Update or Other Action Still have not received release investigation workplan requested in March of 2003. Robert Weimer
10/13/2005 Update or Other Action Still have not received release investigation workplan requested in March of 2003. Robert Weimer
5/12/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
4/26/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discussed site status with current company owner and operator (Marvin Lee). He has owned the company since May 2005, and was manager of the property for several years before then. We discussed the DEC letter of March 24, 2003, which identified that there was groundwater contamination above cleanup levels and requested further groundwater sampling and additional monitoring wells to help define the extent and direction of the groundwater contamination. He will contact an environmental consultant to sample the existing monitoring well and to provide a workplan for the additional monitoring wells. I requested that he have his consultant contact me about the groundwater monitoring before they do it. Robert Weimer
10/28/2011 Update or Other Action To date ADEC has not received a workplan for installation of additional monitoring wells and the sampling of the existing monitoring well. Robert Weimer
10/11/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Talked with current business owner (Jeffery Benkert 344-9635) about the status of the site. When he bought the business in 2010 the remaining site work was not disclosed to him by the previous owner (Marvin Lee). Jeffery said he does not currently have the funds to conduct the work but he will contact the property owner (Lovejoy) about helping him will conducting the release investigation and groundwater monitoring. Jeffery said he will send me an email to provide a schedule for conducting the work after he talks with the property owner. Robert Weimer
5/14/2014 Update or Other Action Spoke with Jeffrey Benkert on the phone. Stated that no work has been completed since he purchased the business three years ago, is aware that further remediation is necessary, but states limited funding is the main delay. Amy Rodman
5/27/2014 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter PRP Notification letter mailed to Jeffrey Benkert. Amy Rodman
6/1/2015 Update or Other Action Received email from consultant (Restoration Science) stating that RP hasn't answered with information on status of onsite groundwater monitoring well. Amy Rodman
9/10/2015 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Letter of interest sent to the potentially responsible party requesting work plan, and overdue sampling. Chelsy Passmore
9/28/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held with Restoration Science and Engineering regarding what the ADEC was looking for as far as delineation and work plan. Both parties discussed different sampling and delineation possibilities and ADEC requested a proposed work plan after the consultant consulted with PRP. Chelsy Passmore
1/22/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed December 18, 2015 Report for Groundwater Sampling. Groundwater sampling was conducted on December 3rd 2015. No sheen or odor were observed on the purge water. A single water sample was collected for BTEX and GRO constituents, and did not contain contaminants above cleanup levels. Chelsy Passmore
2/2/2016 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter ADEC interest letter sent to request additional sampling in the fall to account for low water levels in the on site well and seasonal variation. Chelsy Passmore
11/17/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report. One sample was collected from the groundwater monitoring well on the property during October 2016. During sampling the well purged dry. Recharge was slow, however a no-purge sample was collected after the well was recharged. The sample was below ADEC cleanup levels. Chelsy Passmore
8/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC Reviewed the 2017 Bailey's Monitoring Well Decommissioning Work Plan, which details the procedures for decommissioning the on site monitoring well. ADEC has no objections to the work plan. Chelsy Passmore
10/13/2017 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program (ADEC) has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the Baileys Rent-All Site located at 6871 Old Seward Highway in Anchorage. Based on the information provided to date, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required unless new information becomes available that indicates residual contaminants may pose an unacceptable risk. This Cleanup Complete determination is based on the administrative record for the Baileys Rent-All, which is located in the ADEC office in Anchorage, AK. This decision is based on the site history and cleanup actions and levels and standard site closure conditions that apply. Chelsy Passmore

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
PAHs - Total < Table C Groundwater
BTEX < Table C Groundwater
BTEX < Table C Groundwater
DRO < Table C Groundwater
GRO < Table C Groundwater
Lead - Total < Method 2 Most Stringent Soil

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)

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