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Site Report: Tesoro - Northstore #103

Site Name: Tesoro - Northstore #103
Address: 527 Old Steese Highway; , Fairbanks, AK 99701
File Number: 102.26.007
Hazard ID: 24149
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 64.850150
Longitude: -147.695420
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Former staff assigned S. Sexton.(FY94.2)(rpltr4) Hung was lead.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
2/24/1989 Site Visit FI; Tank tightness testing performed at 7-11 Store 103 by Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. Leak detected in 10,000 gallon gasoline tank vent line. Evidence of surface contamination noted on report. Former Staff
6/20/1989 Site Added to Database Former Staff
6/20/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77860 ADD; Former Staff
3/10/1992 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment PA; Former Staff
3/10/1992 Update or Other Action NOR; Sent NORL to PRP, requesting release investigation. Former Staff
1/20/1993 Update or Other Action CORR; Thomas: sent a letter to owner requiring Release Investigation plan submitted to ADEC within 30 days. First deadline already expired. Previous tests showed one UST possibly leaking and groundwater contamination confirmed in 1991. Considering NOV. Former Staff
2/23/1993 Update or Other Action RPL2; Peterson sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. As of this "complete date" no response has been rec'd. Former Staff
2/24/1993 Update or Other Action MEET; Thomas: Fountainhead notified ADEC that RZA-AGRA had been retained to conduct site assessment as per notice of violation. RZA will drop off site assessment next week for approval. Former Staff
3/30/1993 Update or Other Action CORR; Thomas granted approval to postpone SA at station until DOT R-O-W proposal closes station. SA due next summer. Approval contingent upon quarterly sampling of on-site MW for BTEX. Fountainhead will also provide previous reports not yet submitted to ARDEC. This satisfied conditions of NOV issued last month. Former Staff
6/6/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized, under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. Former Staff
7/12/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Thomas wrote letter requesting that site investigation be re-initiated now that DOT will not acquire right-of-way. ADEC also asked for 4 quarters of ground water data that have not been submitted. Former Staff
1/19/1995 Update or Other Action UPD; SITE SUMMARY: COBC in place to address outstanding compliance problems for failure to assess contam. in a timely manner. COBC requires bi-monthly GW sampling. GW impact known and above MCLs. DEC allowed RP to coincide cleanup with tank closure upgrade in the summer of 1995. Contingent upon GW sampling. COBC explicitly outlines timeline and penalties. Corrective action should begin this year. Former Staff
8/29/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; Tanks pulled on August 29th. AGRA to do site assessment/release investigation Former Staff
11/1/1995 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment SA1; Site assessment received for review Former Staff
10/7/1996 Update or Other Action DEC ph call to RP re-RI on USTs removed in '95 w/high levels contam. RP promises to return call 10/8/96. Former Staff
10/7/1996 Update or Other Action DEC Ph call to RPCON re-status of site. No action since '95 SA. Grd water monitoring done since road expansion for ADOTduring ROW investig. Former Staff
10/9/1996 Update or Other Action DEC ph call to RP re-RI. Need action as contam may have gone under road & community issues involved. Former Staff
10/16/1996 Update or Other Action Ph call fr RP requesting regulations for time lines on conducting certain operations. Informed 45 days after SA must do RI. Need action as community pointing at site. Former Staff
10/16/1996 Update or Other Action DEC ph call to RP re-RI. Need to do RI in order to develop CAP. Former Staff
10/21/1996 Update or Other Action DEC ph call to RP re-focus on COBC signed 10/12/94 by Michael Meath. Informed of stipulated penalties. Time to do RI and then CAP. Also find contam stockpile. Former Staff
10/21/1996 Update or Other Action Ph call fr RP found contam stockpile and have contacted RPCON to get estimates for taking care of stockpile, RI & CAP. Former Staff
10/29/1996 Update or Other Action DEC ph call to RPCON re-RI/CAP status. Informed that COBC will be enforced. Former Staff
12/17/1996 Update or Other Action Ph call fr RPCON that RI work plan submitted to RP. Awaiting response to proceed. DEC calls RPCON for time frame when RI field work will commence. Informed by RP perhaps next week. Former Staff
1/7/1997 Release Investigation DEC ph call to RPCON, informed RI to commence 2/97. Former Staff
1/21/1997 Update or Other Action Ph call fr RPCON, RP wants to reduce cost agrees w/wk pl. DEC will permit to defer field work for summer since informed winter work cost more. Former Staff
3/13/1997 Update or Other Action DEC Ph call to RPCON re-starting date for RI. Informed 5/97 and reduced cost by using existing MW and installing (2) new MWs which would be in ctr of former USTs and another down gradient across from old highway. Requests written approval of revised wk pl. Former Staff
3/17/1997 Update or Other Action DEC issues ltr approving 3/12/97 submittal of RI wk pl which also provides for development of CAP. Request RI rept and proposed wk pl for CAP to be submitted as soon as feasible. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: DENNIS WISE Former Staff
12/1/1997 Update or Other Action different RP. Wrong facid listed change 2934 to 2937 as fac id for event id 908; Jolene; None Given Former Staff
4/9/2003 Update or Other Action received draft Workplan regarding placement of additional wells and sampling plan Sharon Richmond
5/20/2003 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment installed two drive points- both clean. MW1 at source still has benzene at 112 ug/L. Will sample again in late summer. Sharon Richmond
12/18/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received sampling and analysis results Oct. 16, 2003. GRO and DRO concentrations in MW-1 were 2.24 and 2.85 mg/L, respectively. Benzene was 0.056 mg/L. Two wells installed between the Cornerstone Mall and the Fred Meyer store showed no evidence of contamination, indicating that fuel contamination on the Fred Meyer property did not arise from the Cornerstone Mall. A request for NFRAP was denied pending information regarding the disposition of stockpiled soil. Staff informed the property owner of the requirements for and steps necessary to achieve NFRAP status and explained that long term monitoring would be necessary. Sharon Richmond
2/24/2004 Update or Other Action The report describing the September 2003 sampling requested a NFRAP. On Dec 19, 2003 Richmond responded, requesting information. A response was received January 9, 2004. Some of the information requested included documentation of the final disposition of 65 cy of contaminated soil removed offsite without DEC permission. The soil was reportedly stockpiled on another property owned by Mr. Dennis Wise, the previous property owner. DEC is preparing a letter stating the information regarding the final disposition of the soil is not sufficient for a NFRAP but would accept the previous long term monitoring plan so long as the time period for sampling would be changed to reflect the need for monitoring until groundwater had been determined clean in 3 consecutive samplings. Sharon Richmond
4/14/2004 Site Visit Missing stockpile located. Location verified by staff. Staff completing administrative work necessary before NFRAP request can be considered. Sharon Richmond
6/17/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed May 23, 2005 ground water sampling submitted by Travis Peterson Consulting letter dated June 14, 2005. Douglas Bauer
6/1/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77860 (Autogenerated Action)
6/19/2007 Conditional Closure Approved Conditional Closure issued requiring a vapor intrusion assessment. Douglas Bauer
6/19/2007 Institutional Control Record Established The Notice of Environmental Contamination for Lots 205,206,208,209, and 211 was recorded at the State recorder's office. The notice declares that there is remaining soil and groundwater contamination that has not been completely delineated. This remaining contamination may be a risk if excavation were to occur, the land use changed from commercial to residential, or new buildings were constructed. Annual groundwater monitoring of MW-1 is required in the conditional closure and a vapor intrusion assessment. Vapors that may exist from the known subsurface contamination have not been investigated. Douglas Bauer
11/19/2007 Update or Other Action Staff sent a letter to the building owner indicating vapor intrusion assessment needed to be completed in order to satisfy the terms of the conditional closure letter. The letter described the recommended methodology for the assessment and was copied to the consultant. Ann Farris
12/17/2007 Update or Other Action Site visit conducted with the consultant and owner to determine technique and location for air sampling. The building has a crawl space. We spoke about 2 crawl space samples, 2 indoor air samples, and 1 outdoor air sample. The consultant indicated they would send me a current building layout and a figure with the details of the old gas station to confirm those samples and their locations would in fact be adequate. Ann Farris
11/9/2008 Update or Other Action The vapor intrusion assessment for the current building on site has been completed. Crawl space, indoor air, and outdoor air samples were collected in February and June 2008. These assessments were completed to fulfill one requirement of the conditional closure that DEC issued for this site in a letter dated June 19, 2007. The results of both the winter and summer assessments indicate that vapor intrusion is not occurring at the existing building on site. The crawl space, indoor air, and outdoor air concentrations were similar and below the action levels for commercial buildings. No vapor mitigation or remediation of soil or ground water is required to address this pathway at this time. Should land use change at the site or new buildings constructed, the remaining soil and groundwater contamination should be considered. Ann Farris
11/17/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Updated Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77860 (Autogenerated Action)
10/21/2009 Update or Other Action Annual Groundwater sampling report received from Travis peterson. MW-1 was sampled on Sept. 29, 2009 and had benzene at 150 ug/L, the same as in 2008. Annual monitoring per the decision document will continue. Ann Farris
7/2/2012 Update or Other Action Staff changed from Ann Farris to IC Unit. Kristin Thompson
8/29/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Annual Groundwater sampling report received from Travis peterson. MW-1 was sampled on August 9, 2012 and benzene showed a slight decreased from 2009 levels at 0.0558 mg/L. There was a slight increase in DRO levels, but remain below cleanup levels. Annual monitoring per the decision document will continue in MW-1. Evonne Reese
8/21/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Annual Groundwater Sampling" report received from Travis/Peterson. MW-1 was sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, and BTEX on August 5, 2013. Benzene concentrations were slightly increased from 2012 levels at 0.0584 mg/L which is above ADEC groundwater cleanup levels. GRO and DRO concentrations continue to remain below cleanup levels. Annual monitoring per the decision document will continue in MW-1. Kristin Thompson
12/4/2013 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Evonne Reese
9/26/2014 Institutional Control Update Issued a letter to the resonsible party regarding DEC's approval to exclude DRO and GRO from the next groundwater monitoring event. Evonne Reese
9/26/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Annual Groundwater Sampling" report received from Travis/Peterson. MW-1 was sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, and BTEX on August 26, 2014. Results indicated a slight increase in total xylenes and detections at the method detection limit for remaining BTEX constituents except toluene, which was non-detect. Benzene concentrations are still above the ADEC groundwater cleanup levels in both the primary (0.0411 mg/L) and duplicate (0.0412 mg/L) samples. As DRO and GRO concentrations have remained below the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels since 2011, DEC will require MW-1 be sampled for BTEX only in future annual sampling events. DRO and GRO can be excluded from future sampling. Kristin Thompson
10/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Annual Groundwater Sampling" report received from Travis/Peterson. MW-1 was sampled and analyzed for BTEX on August 28, 2015. Benzene was detected above ADEC cleanup levels. Results show a decrease in concentration of benzene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes. Toluene was not detected in the project sample. The trip blank results were all non-detect for BTEX constituents. MW-1 will continue to be sampled for BTEX on an annual basis. Kristin Thompson
9/2/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Annual Groundwater Sampling" report received from Travis/Peterson. MW-1 was sampled and analyzed for BTEX on August 16, 2016. Results demonstrate a decrease in concentration of benzene. Benzene was no longer detected above ADEC cleanup levels. Ethylbenzene was not detected in the project sample. The trip blank results were all non-detect for BTEX constituents. MW-1 will continue to be sampled on an annual basis until contaminants are detected below the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels for three consecutive years. Kristin Thompson
9/27/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Annual Groundwater Sampling" report received from Travis/Peterson. MW-1 was sampled and analyzed for BTEX on August 22, 2017. Results demonstrate a decrease in concentration of benzene, total xylene, and toluene. Ethylbenzene was not detected in the project sample. The trip blank results were all non-detect for BTEX constituents. This is the second consecutive year that contaminant concentrations have been below the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels. If next year's sampling indicates contaminants remain below cleanup levels, ADEC will consider removing future groundwater monitoring requirements. Kristin Thompson
7/17/2018 Institutional Control Update Contacted by the consultant for the property owner with a request to sample the groundwater this year in late July rather than late August as in previous years. This request was approved . We will expect a report in the next few months. Evonne Reese
8/7/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Annual Groundwater Sampling" report received from Travis/Peterson. MW-1 was sampled and analyzed for BTEX on July 20, 2018. Results demonstrate an increase in concentration of benzene and total xylene. Ethylbenzene and toluene were not detected in the project sample. Benzene was detected about Table C levels in both the parent sample and the duplicate. The trip blank results were all non-detect for BTEX constituents. Another sampling event will be completed in 2019. Evonne Reese
10/1/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The August 28, 2019 groundwater monitoring report for this site was received and reviewed. One monitoring well (MW-01) was included in this event. Results from this sampling event show a decrease in the concentrations of the detected analyses (benzene). Ethylbenzene, xylenes, and toluene were not detected in the parent sample or duplicate. Benzene was detected below the applicable DEC groundwater cleanup level in both the parent sample and duplicate. The trip blank results were all non-detect for BTEX constituents. Monitoring will continue until all analytes are below cleanup levels for three consecutive years. Evonne Reese
10/3/2019 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review was conducted along with the review of the 2019 groundwater monitoring report. A letter regarding this was issued to the current landowner. Evonne Reese
9/15/2020 Institutional Control Update Received the groundwater monitoring report for 2020. The report will be reviewed and this record updated with the results in the near future. Evonne Reese
10/9/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The September 14, 2020 groundwater monitoring report for this site was received and reviewed. One monitoring well (MW-01) was included in this event. Although only a BTEX analysis was required but a full VOCs panel was run inadvertently. Benzene concentrations continue to decrease and were not detected in the original sample and the duplicate sample concentration was well below the Table C cleanup levels. Out of the other VOCs the only detection was Trichlorofluoromethane and it was below the Table C cleanup levels. Monitoring will continue until all analytes are below cleanup levels for three consecutive years. This is the second consecutive sampling event that showed contaminants below Table C cleanup levels. The next sampling will be completed in the later summer of 2021. Evonne Reese
7/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed groundwater well decommissioning report for MW-2 and MW-3. Monitoring well #1 was left in place for future sampling. Evonne Reese
10/4/2021 Institutional Control Update Received the latest groundwater monitoring report. This will be reviewed in near future and the site record will be updated. Evonne Reese
11/1/2021 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Groundwater monitoring of MW-1 was completed on September 1, 2021 for BTEX. All constituents were below cleanup levels. This is the third consecutive year that concentrations are below cleanup levels. The extent of the contaminant plume is known. Existing institutional controls (asphalt encapsulation) appear to be working. MW-1 will be sampled again in 2022, although three consecutive years of monitoring below applicable DEC cleanup levels has occurred it is the owner’s preference to continue sampling at the Cornerstone Mall MW-1 location. Evonne Reese
10/6/2022 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review On August 24, 2022 groundwater monitoring was performed on this property. Monitoring well #1 was sampled for BTEX and all analytes were below cleanup levels once again this year. MW-1 will be sampled again in 2023, although three consecutive years of monitoring below applicable DEC cleanup levels has occurred, it is the owner’s preference to continue sampling at the Cornerstone Mall MW-1 location. Evonne Reese
2/16/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater monitoring was performed in August 2023. The extent of the contaminant plume is known. In 2018 benzene was detected above the applicable DEC cleanup levels. Since then, no analytes, including testing from this sampling event, have been above applicable cleanup levels. MW-1 will be sampled again in 2024, although three consecutive years of monitoring below applicable DEC cleanup levels has occurred, it is the owner’s preference to continue sampling at the Cornerstone Mall MW-1 location. Evonne Reese

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Benzene > Table C Groundwater
Toluene > Table C Groundwater
Xylenes (total) > Table C Groundwater
GRO > Table C Groundwater
DRO > Table C Groundwater
Benzene > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
GRO > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination Document 2007-011035-0 Fairbanks Recording Distric 401


Description Details
Groundwater Monitoring Ground water monitoring well MW-1 shall be sampled annually until GRO/BTEX and DRO are below ADEC cleanup levels for all constituents in three consecutive monitoring events.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Cornerstone Mall shall prohibit use of ground water and the transport of contaminated soil and/or groundwater off site without prior ADEC approval.
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Cornerstone Mall shall prohibit use of ground water and the transport of contaminated soil and/or groundwater off site without prior ADEC approval.

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