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Site Report: MOA - Bering Street Maintenance Facility 12,000-Gallon Gasoline UST

Site Name: MOA - Bering Street Maintenance Facility 12,000-Gallon Gasoline UST
Address: 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, AK 99503
File Number: 2100.26.246
Hazard ID: 24201
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.181389
Longitude: -149.893840
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


A 12,000-gallon gasoline UST used to fuel vehicle was removed October 1998 (UST Tank 1403-1). During the UST removal process, 150 cubic yards of soil was excavated and segregated into two stockpiles. Stockpile 1 (70 cubic yards) was clean and used as backfill in the UST excavation. Stockpile 2 (80 cubic yards) was tramsported off site and thermally treated. Soil and groundwater found to be contaminted above ADEC cleanup levels. Based on May 2000 water elevation data, the GW flow direction was calculated to be NW. GW samples were collected on 9/10/10 and analyzed for GRO and BTEX. There were detections of GRO and all BTEX constituents but all were below the GW cleanup levels. The benzene result for MW-4 was 0.00461 mg/l and this was the first sample result that was below the cleanup level of the 12 samplings of this well. F.K.A. L69.43.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/10/1998 Site Added to Database Former Staff
10/10/1998 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Former Staff
10/10/1998 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78046 (Added by System) David Allen
11/4/1998 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Received a request to transport the stockpile generated from removal of the gasoline UST at this site to Alaska Soil Recycling for thermal remediation. Approval was given this date and the department requested appropriate related report(s) and weight tickets be submitted for review and verification. Lynne Bush
4/6/1999 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed a copy of the S&W "Underground Storage Tank Closure Assessment, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska" dated November 1998 and received 12/7/98. Removal of a 12,000-gallon gasoline UST, ADEC Facility ID 1404 Tank 1, used to fuel vehicles, installed in July 1986, was completed on 10/10/98. The UST was located near the maintenance building’s SW corner. Energy Recovery Services removed ~280 gallons of product from the UST prior to removal. The UST top was 2.5’ bgs and the bottom at 10.5’ bgs. Some piping was removed but some remains beneath the concrete. The exposed ends were filled with concrete and closed in place due to their location beneath undisturbed concrete. The final excavation dimensions were 18’W x 41’ L x 5-11.5’ D. Excavated soils were temporarily stockpiled ~200’ west of the excavation. ~70 c.y. of potentially non-impacted material was placed in Stockpile 1 and used as backfill. ~80 c.y. of potentially impacted material was placed in Stockpile 2 on a liner west of the excavation and covered. The UST and associated piping were disposed at Alaska Metal Recycling and disposal receipt copies located in the report. Gray gravelly sand was encountered during excavation to ~10’ bgs where silt was then encountered and assumed to provide resistance to the downward migration of fluids. 15 screening samples were collected ~1.5’ beneath the stockpiles’ surface for characterization. 53 headspace samples were collected from the excavation base and sidewalls. Five confirmation samples and one duplicate were collected from undisturbed soil in the sidewalls and beneath the UST’s former location on 10/10/98 and sent for laboratory analysis of GRO and BTEX. Select samples were submitted for lead analysis. Category A matrix cleanup levels for benzene and toluene were exceeded in at least one excavation sample with results up to 9.52 mg/kg and 29.3 mg/kg, respectively. Cleanup levels for benzene were exceeded in all three Stockpile 1 samples with results up to 0.129 mg/kg. Cleanup levels for GRO, and BTEX were exceeded in both Stockpile 2 samples with results up to 555 mg/kg, 3.53 mg/kg, 63 mg/kg, 27.2 mg/kg, and 167.3, respectively. Stockpile 1 was used as backfill for the excavation. Stockpile 2 is currently stored at the site. GW was detected at ~10.5’ bgs. Free Product and sheen were not observed on the GW surface. However, a sheen was evident on standing water at each end of the UST. The nearest municipal well is ~150’ NE of the site and private drinking water wells are located within ½ mile of the site. The nearest surface water is Campbell Creel, ~1 mile SE of the site. On 2/24/05 a call to Guy Harrison of the MOA indicated that the building was on public water. The well appears to not have been used for ~20 years. The assessment indicates that contamination remains in the soil at levels above cleanup requirements. In a letter sent by the department this date, a corrective action plan should be prepared and submitted for Department review. If you desire to incorporate this area into the current work plan for the Bering Street Maintenance Facility, the work plan should be modified accordingly and re-submitted for review and approval. While a comprehensive sampling plan should be considered to evaluate the current status of the site, the sheen on standing water in the excavation, free product noted in the monitoring points prior to the UST removal, and the new information from the recent UST closure may not allow site closure. The Department strongly urges an evaluation of the site so any upgrades or modifications to the site can be made as soon as possible. Lynne Bush
12/20/1999 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Reviewed the S&W work plan "Underground Storage Tank Release Investigation, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska" dated 9/1/99 and received 9/3/99. This investigation is not linked with the investigation and corrective action concerning the other three tanks at this facility, located 350 feet to the northeast. Monitoring wells installed as part of the investigation in question should be surveyed in addition to the wells installed as part of the investigation and corrective action of the previous three USTs to the NE of this site. Sampling dates should coincide for all monitoring wells to provide consistent and useful data. A separate report should be prepared at least annually that includes a complete overview of the site. This report should include a complete summary of all monitoring well and remediation system actions for the previous year, provide information on seasonal changes, if any, to groundwater flow and direction patterns, characterize the area geohydrology, and provide conclusions and recommendations for future actions. The first facility wide summary should be submitted within three months after the installation and survey ofthe four wells recommended in this current work plan. Piping was not included in the closure site assessment, as required, and should be assessed as part of this investigation. No mention of proper cleaning and permanent closure was made in the assessment report and this omission should be addressed, as well. Removal is the best option, allowing visual inspection while screening and sampling, since evidence of a release was discovered during previous activities. Lead was noted in the soil beneath the former dispenser, making it necessary to include lead as a contaminant of concern during the proposed investigation. Given reported soil conditions and shallow groundwater, all screening and sampling along the piping runs and under the pump island should extend to the soil/groundwater interface, if product is found to be present. Soil samples taken from borings should be screened at least every five feet with the analytical sample taken at the soil/groundwater interface. If the field screening instrument indicates that impacted soil may be present above the interface, the Department recommends perfonning analytical sampling from the "hottest" location above the interface, as well. Also, given the distance of the proposed boring/monitoring well locations from known areas of contamination, additional investigation may be warranted in the intervening area, regardless of boring results. The four monitoring wells proposed in the September work plan are acceptable to the Department and can be installed as soon as planning allows. The remaining investigation can be undertaken at the same time, although winter conditions might prove inclement. A work plan and schedule to complete the investigation should be prepared and submitted for review by January 30, 2000. If the MOA prefers to delay the boring installation in order to combine the completion of the closure site assessment with further investigation, a revised plan and schedule should be submitted by that same date. In either case, please inform the Department when your choice is made. Lynne Bush
5/31/2000 Update or Other Action Received a letter from Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) dated 6/5/99 indicating that on 11/16/99 ASR received 141.06 tons pf petroleum impacted soil from the site and on 5/13/00 thermal treatment of this soil was completed. Post analytical results included with the letter indicated that the soil meets the most restrictive ADEC cleanup Level A criteria. Lynne Bush
6/23/2000 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved After reviewing GRO, BTEX, and Lead analytical results, approved the transport of one drum of impacted soil resulting from installation of one monitoring well to ASR. Eileen Olson
11/8/2000 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed a copy of the S&W "Release Investigation, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska" dated June 2000 and received 7/24/00. The objective of this project was to evaluate the potential presence and extent of soil and/or groundwater contamination surrounding the former 12,000-gallon UST location. Five soil borings were advanced on 2/17-18/00, and one on 5/9/00. Borings B1 through B6 were advanced to depths of ~10 to 19 feet bgs. Soil samples were collected at 2.5- to 5.0-foot intervals. Screening of field samples occurred. One soil sample from each boring was analyzed for GRO and BTEX. A second sample was collected from borings B2, B3, B4, and B5 and analyzed for the sample analytes. The second sample from boring B2 and a duplicate of it were also analyzed for PAHs. The second sample from boring B4 was also analyzed for lead as well as a duplicate of it. The concentration of benzene reported in Sample B4S3, 0.0229 ppm, is the only soil sample result which exceeded the ADEC soil cleanup criteria of 0.02 ppm. Based on these analytical results, drill cuttings from Borings B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6 were spread on the non-paved ground surface at the site. The drill cuttings from Boring B4 will be transported to Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) for thermal treatment. All borings were completed as monitoring wells and designated as monitoring wells MW-l through MW-6. A level loop control survey was performed by S&W to determine the relative elevation of the top of the monitoring well casings. Water from each well was analyzed for GRO and BTEX. The sample from MW-2 and a duplicate of it were also analyzed for PAHs. The only ADEC cleanup levels exceeded in the analytical results is the 0.005 ppm benzene level in MW-2 and MW-4 of 0.0124 ppm and 0.208 ppm, respectively. Based on analytical results, the purge water from MW-l, MW-3, MW-5, and MW-6 was discharged to the ground surface, and the purge water from MW-2 and MW-4 was collected by Alaska Pollution Control (APC) and transported to their facility for treatment. GW levels varied from ~5-7’ bgs. Based on the February, March, and May 2000 groundwater elevation data, the general groundwater flow direction at this site is toward the northwest at an approximate gradient of about 0.02 vertical feet per one foot horizontal. This groundwater direction is unexpected as the March 1997 and the July 1998 Hart Crowser reports on groundwater monitoring at the UST site located approximately 350 feet to the east indicated that the groundwater flow direction was to the east/southeast. Monitoring wells located up-gradient and down-gradient with respect to the groundwater flow from the impacted area did not contain detectable hydrocarbon concentrations. Based on this knowledge S&W concluded that the soil and groundwater contamination is limited to the area of former UST and dispensing island locations and no apparent off-site migration of contaminants from the impacted area was identified. S&W recommended that the groundwater quality at the site be monitored to assess the potential seasonal fluctuations in groundwater level, quality, and flow direction, as well as to determine the potential for natural attenuation. ADEC sent a letter of comment this date indicating that it is in agreement with the report's conclusion and recommends quarterly sampling for one year for GRO, BTEX, and DO. Please submit a work plan for review and approval of this requested work. Lynne Bush
3/2/2001 Update or Other Action A letter was sent this date indicating that the ADEC receceived a second copy of the S&W "Release Investigation Report, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Facility #1403, Reckey #93210013701, File #L69.43" received by the department on 7/24/00. The ADEC reiterates the content of it's letter sent 11/08/00. Please submit a work plan for review and approval of this requested work by 4/27/01. Lynne Bush
3/20/2001 Site Characterization Workplan Approved After review of the S&W "Work Plan for Quarterly Monitoring, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska, File #L69.43, Facility ID #1403, Event ID #2656, Reckey #98210029001" dated 3/15/01 and received by the department on 3/19/01, the STP sent a letter conditionally approving it. The MOA must immediately report any substantive changes to the parameters currently reported fr this site. For example, the re-appearance of free product in any well or finding dissolved product in any previously uncontaminated well. If warranted, corrective actionmay be required. The report for the 4 quarters of sampling should be submitted to the department for review no later than 3/1/02. A new Event ID and Reckey number are assigned to this particular release to distinguish it from other releases at the Bering Street Facility. Lynne Bush
11/19/2002 Update or Other Action Received the S&W "Workplan for Groundwater Monitoring, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No.: #L69.43" dated 11/18/02. Lynne Bush
7/24/2003 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Bush to Dreyer. Amanda Dreyer
7/25/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed a copy of the S&W "Groundwater Monitoring at Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No.: L69.43 Fac ID #: 1403 Event ID #: 2656 Reckey #: 98210029001" dated 6/20/03 and received 6/24/03. The letter report presents the results of S&W’s one-year GW monitoring effort at the site. Water levels during both events were similar and varied between ~9.5 and 10.5’ bgs. All six MWs were sampled in November 2002 and June 2003 except for MW-2 which was determined to be dry during both episodes. A duplicate sampled was taken from MW-4. Each sample was analyzed for GRO and BTEX. Only the benzene results for MW-4 exceeded the 0.005 ppm GW cleanup levels for both events at 0.0684 ppm and 0.0431 ppm, respectively. Purge water from all wells except MW-4 was discharged to the ground surface. The purge water from MW-4 was stored in a 55-gallon container. GW at MW-4 consistently exceeded the benzene cleanup level since monitoring began in 2000. However, field water quality testing indicates that natural attenuation is occurring. MW-2 continues to be dry except at periods of high GW and should be considered for extension to accommodate the lower periods of GW levels. Sent a letter this date indicating that contamination above cleanup levels remains on site. The department requests continued GW monitoring and also requests that MW2 be extended approximately 5' beyond its current depth to increase its groundwater recharge. A level loop survey should also be conducted to include the new MW5 monument. Amanda Dreyer
10/22/2003 Site Characterization Workplan Approved After reviewing the S&W "Work Plan for Groundwater Monitoring Program, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No.: L69.43" dated 9/16/03 and received by the department on 9/19/03, the CSP sent a letter approving it. Amanda Dreyer
2/24/2005 Update or Other Action A call to Guy Harrison, Engineering Technician with the MOA, indicated that the building was on public water. The well appears to not have been used for ~20 years and may or may not still be there. Amanda Dreyer
2/25/2005 Update or Other Action File number issued, 2100.26.246. F.K.A. L69.43 Aggie Blandford
3/1/2005 Institutional Control Record Established Based on the information provided to date, the remedial actions employed at the site have removed the source(s) of the contamination and the majority of soil impacted by any releases. There may be residual contamination remaining at the site but it does not pose a risk to human health or the environment. As a result of this action, DEC will not require any further cleanup action. This determination is subject to the following conditions: 1. Groundwater monitoring shall be required until the contamination levels are consistently below the 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup levels. The MOA shall propose a monitoring schedule that allows for natural attenuation of the contaminants but at a frequency to ensure concentrations are not increasing or migrating. It is recommended that the next sample event be conducted in three years from the date of this decision. Any monitoring wells that will not be included in the long term monitoring plan shall be properly decommissioned in accordance with DEC standards. 2. The MOA shall submit a request to DEC in the event that any soil or groundwater are proposed to be transported from this site in accordance with 18 AAC 78.274(b). 3. In accordance with 18 AAC 78.276, additional investigation and cleanup may be required if new information is discovered which leads DEC to make a determination that the cleanup described in this decision is not protective of human health, safety, and welfare or the environment. Action added by Grant Lidren. Jim Frechione
3/1/2005 Conditional Closure Approved The Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program, (DEC) has completed review of the document titled “Groundwater Monitoring at Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska" dated June 20, 2003 prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. A letter was sent this date indicating that based on the information presented in that report, DEC has determined that the site does not pose an environmental risk and further cleanup action is not required, subject to institutional controls. Action added by Grant Lidren. Jim Frechione
6/6/2007 Update or Other Action Site management transferred from Pikul to Petrik. Shannon Oelkers
6/2/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intial Ranking Completed Grant Lidren
2/5/2010 Update or Other Action This file was comingled with the information on the 3,000-gallon USTs which was located on the same property. This site was subsequently closed so all the information related to the removal of the two 3,000-gallon USTs was removed and assigned file # 2100.26.566 on this date. Bill Petrik
2/19/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78046 12,000 Gallon Gasoline UST. Bill Petrik
5/19/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed a copy of the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. "Work Plan for 2010 Groundwater Monitoring, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No. 2100.26.566 and 2100.26.246" dated 5/3/10 and received 5/6/10. Bill Petrik
6/29/2010 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The CSP reviewed the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. "Work Plan for 2010 Groundwater Monitoring, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No. 2100.26.566 and 2100.26.246" dated 5/3/10. The work plan calls for GW elevation measurement in all MWs on site and sampling from most of the MWs. Sampling analytes will include BTEX for all sampled wells, GRO for the MWs related to the 12,000-gallon gasoline UST, and DRO and naphthalene for the MWs related to the removed 1,500-gallon waste oil and 3,000-gallon gasoline USTs, and a closed in-place 500-gallon UST. The work plan was approved on the conditions that naphthalene be added to the sampling, the naphthalene and blind duplicate samples come from MW-6, and a conceptual site model is completed and added to the report of findings. Bill Petrik
1/21/2011 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed the S&W "Well Decommissioning and Groundwater Monitoring, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska" dated October 2010, received 10/26/10. During a site reconnaissance conducted 8/10/10 MWs 1, 3, and 5 were determined to be damaged and unusable and MW-6 was determined to need repair which was done on 8/25/10. MWs 1, 3, and 5 were decommissioned on 8/27/10. GW was approximately 9-10' bgs at sampling time and moving NW. It was 5 years since the last sampling. GW samples were collected on 9/10/10 and analyzed for GRO and BTEX. There were detections of GRO and all BTEX constituents but all were below the GW cleanup levels. The benzene result for MW-4 was 0.00461 mg/l and this was the first sample result that was below the cleanup level of the 12 samplings of this well. Sent a letter this date requesting a work plan to conduct further GW monitoring and clean out MW-2 to enable future GW sanpling. Bill Petrik
4/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. "Work Plan for Additional Site Characterization and Indoor Vapor Intrusion Evaluation, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No. 2100.26.566 and 2100.26.246" dated 3/28/11, received 4/5/11. Bill Petrik
4/26/2011 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Sent a letter this date conditionally approving the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. "Work Plan for Additional Site Characterization and Indoor Vapor Intrusion Evaluation, Bering Street Maintenance Facility, 4333 Bering Street, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No. 2100.26.566 and 2100.26.246" dated 3/28/11. The work plan calls for tasks at two unique releases at the site designated as AOC1 (file 2100.26.246) and AOC2 (file 2100.26.566). Monitoring Well MW-2 at AOC1 is to be decommissioned and a replacement monitoring well, MW-2R, installed about 5 feet further east and boring soils sampled. GW samples will be collected from the nine monitoring wells at AOC1 and AOC2 and their water levels measured as well. Task 2, Indoor Vapor Intrusion Evaluation related to AOC2, was eliminated from the work plan. This task will be performed at a later time and a work plan submitted for it based on the results of this approved plan. The source of GW contamination observed at AOC2 will be evaluated by investigating other potential on-site sources within and around the existing building by performing an ADEC Building Inventory and Indoor Air Sampling Questionnaire and a floor drain system assessment. Bill Petrik
8/16/2011 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC review conducted due to an electronic reminder from the tickler system regarding groundwater monitoring results. Spoke to Shannon and Wilson regarding the monitoring and was told that a new workplan was issued and new monitoring well installation and sampling will be done around September 1, 2011. A new reminder has been placed to follow up in the late fall regarding the results. At this time the project manager name was not changed to IC Unit because monitoring for this site is conducted jointly with another MOA site (2100.26.566) that is active. We will need to investigate the most efficient dual management of both sites. Evonne Reese
2/16/2012 Update or Other Action Staff changed from Bill Petrik to IC Unit. Kristin Thompson
11/20/2013 Institutional Control Update At this time monitoring for this site is conducted jointly with another active MOA site (2100.26.566) that has groundwater monitoring requiremed. The Task Tracker has been updated to remind staff to check on both sites every few years to make sure the GWM requirements are being met. Evonne Reese
5/28/2015 Update or Other Action Staff name transferred to Lisa Krebbs-Barsis in order to jointly manage this site with the physically adjacent active site that has monitoring wells in common. Evonne Reese
6/2/2015 Update or Other Action Groundwater monitoring is no longer required at the site. At this time, the groundwater monitoring wells should not be decommissioned until it has been determined that they are no longer needed for monitoring of other COC at a co-located site. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
7/20/2015 Update or Other Action Approved of a work plan to decommission MW-2R and MW-4 in Area of Concern (AOC)1. MW-6 will remain intact for now to for data collection for another, co-located, contaminated site. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
12/21/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved In August 2015 AOC 1 MW2R and MW4 were decommissioned. MW6 remained intact for monitoring at another site. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
9/22/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Staff changed from Darren Mulkey to IC Unit. IC reminder letter issued. Reminder system set to follow-up every five years. Kristin Thompson
8/8/2024 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was e-mailed to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. Gaige Robinson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Benzene > Table C Groundwater
Toluene > Table C Groundwater

Control Type

Type Details
CS Database Notation And Letter To Landowner/RP


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions The MOA shall submit a request to DEC in the event that any soil or groundwater are proposed to be transported from this site in accordance with 18 AAC 78.274(b)
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
23667 MOA - Bering St Maintenance Facility 3,000-Gal Gasoline, 1,500-Gal Used Oil and 500-Gal USTs 2100.26.566
25848 MOA 4333 Bering Street Paint Shop 2100.38.528

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