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Site Report: Tundra Tours Bus Barn

Site Name: Tundra Tours Bus Barn
Address: 3009 Badger Road (fka 3220 Badger Road) ; 10 Mile Badger Road, Badger Rd, North Pole, AK 99705
File Number: 100.26.024
Hazard ID: 24234
Status: Active
Staff: Pax Templeton, 9072697691
Latitude: 64.773114
Longitude: -147.358371
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In May and June 1998, two 10,000-gallon underground fuel tanks (diesel and gas) and a 5,000-gallon heating oil tank were removed from the site. There was soil contamination that was excavated and subsequent investigations identified a groundwater contaminant plume (benzene) extending north of the former gas and diesel tanks. For information on the heating oil tank, see file no. 100.38.129 and separate entry in Contaminated Sites Database.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/12/1990 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway RAPR; QA/QC plan for sampling at the site was submitted to DEC. Former Staff
10/31/1990 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78048 ADD; Former Staff
10/31/1990 Site Added to Database Former Staff
5/28/1992 Update or Other Action RPL1; Learned through telephone conversation with Asset Mgr. that no USTs were removed. Leak was repaired and contam. soil was at North Pole. Former Staff
9/16/1992 Update or Other Action RPL1; Spoke to Mgr. requesting location of contam. soils removed from leaking piping UST system. VRCA may have reports or Arctic Slope Consulting Grp., Inc.,lessor. Former Staff
1/9/1994 Update or Other Action RPL2; Peterson sentPRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. RP responded with letter and would not provide information because they felt they did not have a contaminated site. Former Staff
3/17/1994 Update or Other Action UPD; Mgr. submits 1 inch of documents, mostly billings. In these documents was 12/4/92 rept. re-35 cu. yds. contam. soil fr. leaking piping stockpiled @ Tundra Tours on Industrial Ave. in NE corner adj. to two story shed. Soil samples tested for BTEX & GRPH 9/30/92 indicate low levels Toluene. Other analytes ND. 3/31-4/1/93 two 10,000-gal. USTs passed TTT using AES System II. Former Staff
6/6/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized, under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: TUNDRA TOURS, INC. Former Staff
9/30/1998 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Completed by AGRA for Petro Star, they identified petroleum impacts to soil, and likely water. Recommended additional release investigation. Former Staff
9/30/1998 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Excavation of contaminated soil and stockpiling onsite - approximately 750 cy +/-. There was an additional 260 cy excavated from the heating oil tank location Former Staff
7/21/2000 Update or Other Action AGRA submits workplan for additional release investigation. DEC recommends that the workplan address the stockpiled soil onsite, as well as the recommended 5 wells and 4 borings. Former Staff
10/10/2000 Release Investigation AMEC report indicating 5 soil borings (converted into monitor wells) were installed. Four of the wells were in the former gas/diesel tank location and the other one was at the heating oil tank. Soil and groundwater impacts were noted in both locations with significant contamination in the former gas/diesel area near the northern property line. The extent of the contamination was not fully defined Jim Frechione
12/5/2000 Update or Other Action ADEC email to ASRC with comments to the release investigation report including: additional GW delineation; water well search; provide conceptual site model; provide GW monitor plan; and other recommendations Jim Frechione
2/14/2001 Update or Other Action Travis Peterson (consultant to ASRC) submit reports related to soil staining in the bus barn and a well search. They field screened soil in the barn and identified "areas' for further assessment. The well search report indicated contrary GW flow directions at high water (northwest) to low water (southwest). The well search identified two areas (Wildflower Subd and Hobed Industrial Park) with numerous residences and indications they were on groundwater. The report indicated additional fieldwork in 2001 Jim Frechione
9/25/2001 Update or Other Action ADEC received Phase II assessment of the property prepared by Travis Peterson. ADEC review of the report concluded the following: additional off site assessment was required; CSM should be completed; do not decommission wells at this time; excavate additional soil in former gas tank area; remove soil stain areas in the building; address the floor drain with EPA UIC criteria; clarify GW flow direction. Jim Frechione
12/12/2001 Update or Other Action Travis Peterson report indicating 17 cy of soil was excavated from inside the building and 100 cy from the former gas tank area. Contamination remains but the report recommeded against further excavation based on its depth (8 feet bgs) and it was benzene that would attentuate over time. Jim Frechione
4/11/2002 Update or Other Action JKW: Changed DEC PM to Doug Bauer; reranked site to reflect presence of groundwater contamination (changed from low to med). Janice Wiegers
6/5/2002 Update or Other Action GW monitor report submitted to ADEC indicating GRO levels have decreased and only exceed cleanup levels in MW 1. Benzene is above cleanup levels in off site monitor points. Additional sampling points were proposed to further define the plume. Jim Frechione
9/17/2002 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson report that contamination levels are higher than in April 02 and recommend additional monitor points to define the extent of the plume. Jim Frechione
1/9/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson report that TT 19 was installed west of the property (on land owned by James Thurman). The monitor point detected DRO (1.39 mg/L) below cleanup level. Jim Frechione
5/9/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson report indicating 15 wells were sampled and 9 wells exceeded cleanup levels for benzene. Six wells off site (TT 12 through TT 17) had benzene above cleanup levels. Jim Frechione
5/16/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Conceptual Site Model is submitted summarizing the history of the site and potential receptors. The conclusion in the report was that the site did not pose an exposure risk even though contamination above cleanup levels remains. A no further action determination (with long term monitoring) was recommend by the consultant. Jim Frechione
8/20/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson report that 14 well points were decommissioned and 3 new wells were installed. The report indicated permafrost was encountered 15 feet bgs and that frequency of monitoring changed to once per year. Jim Frechione
10/22/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson report that natural attentuation was the preferred remedial action to address the contamination and the Bioscreen Model was used. Jim Frechione
3/1/2004 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway ADEC letter to Travis Peterson that natural attentuation is a viable remedy but long term monitoring and analysis has to support it before a conditional closure would be considered. Jim Frechione
11/8/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson submit sample results to support natural attenuation at this site. Jim Frechione
6/29/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson monitor natural attenuation report for spring 2005. Jim Frechione
11/10/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson report for the fall 2005 sample results indicating similar or decreasing contaminant levels Jim Frechione
12/7/2005 Update or Other Action Travis Peterson request sample frequency be changed from two times per year to only one Jim Frechione
5/15/2006 Update or Other Action Mr. Gerald Newton, a resident of 2815 Beulah Court (Lot 2 Beulah Estates), called twice complaining of the smell and taste of gasoline in his private residential drinking water well. The smell and taste are accentuated during major precipitation events or spring breakup. Mr. Newton’s residence is located immediately up gradient from the Tundra Tour Bus Barn site. Mr. Newton recently discovered that Tundra Tours was a contaminated/LUST site. Mr. Newton also alleges that a private a drinking water well located at Lot E1 Hobed Industrial has funny smelling water according to a resident of a several four-plexes that are located on the property. Lot E1 is located up gradient from Tundra Tours Bus Barn. Mr. Newton was advised to test his drinking water and provide the results to ADEC. Mr. Newton was also requested to provide the name of the resident at Lot E1 who complained of the funny taste in the water or the name of the owner of Lot E1. Mr. Dave Devore, a resident of 2845 Beulah Court (Lot 4 Beulah Estates) talked to Mr. Newton, and Mr. Devore called and visited the Fairbanks office. Mr. Devore also owns Lot D1 Hobed Industrial which is down gradient from Lot E1. Mr. Devore is concerned about possible contamination of the ground water on Lot D1. Mr. Devore visited the Fairbanks Office and reviewed the files. Mr. Devore was advised of the two conversations with Mr. Newton and the necessity of obtaining testing data at Mr. Newton’s residence and the “four-plex” property on Lot E1 before ADEC could request Tundra Tours to expand their investigation. Mr. Devore believes the well at the “four-plex” site is located beneath the locale permafrost at a depth of approximately 120 feet. Mr. Devore also believes that the monitoring wells associated with the Tundra Tours Bus Barn are located off its property. Douglas Bauer
5/16/2006 Update or Other Action Letter mailed to Mr. Gerald Newton with copy to Mr. Dave Devore concerning potential contamination of residential wells. Douglas Bauer
5/18/2006 Update or Other Action Received email from Paul Kirby with ADOT&PF: no permits issued for the installation of monitoring wells on Block 6, Woodland. Douglas Bauer
5/18/2006 Update or Other Action Updated LC number to 14828060 per 5/17/2006 email from L. Barnnett. Douglas Bauer
5/18/2006 Update or Other Action Letters mailed to Mr. David Devore, Christian Tabernacal Ministries, Alaska Commercial Rentals, Mr. Larry Smith, and Mr. Mark Leonard, owners of properties immediately noth-northwest of Tundra Tours. Letters advised owners of allegations of potential ground water contamination and provided factual information about known ground water contamination. Douglas Bauer
5/23/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC contact with resident (Mr Smith) who owned several housing units north west of the Tundra Tours site. There was discussion of sampling the drinking water wells and who was responsible for paying for it. Mr Smith indicated he was going to sample his wells. Jim Frechione
10/14/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson report for fall 2006 sample event that indicated 8 wells were sampled and 6 contained benzene above cleanup levels. The plume is mainly beneath MW 1, MW 2 and TT 5 Jim Frechione
11/16/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Travis Peterson submit fall 2007 sample results Jim Frechione
12/12/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed the November 2007 Travis Peterson report for groundwater monitoring. The general conclusions are that contamination (benzene; GRO) is still present both on (and off) site above cleanup levels. MW 1 (area of the former tanks) is still the highest at 823 ppb benzene and 38 ppm GRO. TT 5 and TT 15 are also elevated. ADEC requested additional data related to the natural attenuation parameters Jim Frechione
12/14/2007 Site Visit a site visit (with Travis Peterson) to observe the proximity of monitor wells (TT 5; MW 1; MW 2) to the adjacent property. The property to the northwest is owned currently by Alaska Commercial Rentals LLC. During the site visit - there were several (2 or 3) multi-family units located there served by groundwater wells. DEC recommended the wells be sampled for water quality purposes to ensure they were not impacted by the Tundra Tours contamination Jim Frechione
5/19/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78048 (Autogenerated Action)
12/1/2008 Update or Other Action Recieved 2008 monitoring well sampling report and condo drinking water well report. Off-site migration above 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup levels is occurring. The nearby condos wells are approximately 40 deep (depth varies) and the water samples collected from the wells did not detect petroleum hydrocarbons. Monitored natural attenuation parameters were submitted as well as a Mann-Kendall analysis of each well. Neal Everson
7/7/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent letter to RP with comments regarding MNA data and current site status. Made several recommendations including an additional nested well between TT-5 and the apartment buildings. Also, need to replace well points with standard long-term monitoring wells. Other comments are listed in letter. Neal Everson
10/27/2009 Update or Other Action New PM talked with owner's consultant regarding status. Annual groundwater sampling occurred in early October following the work plan sent in June 2009. Report is being written right now. There is one well damaged. Report will include recommendations for decommissioning. Downgradient wells were non-detect. Ann Farris
5/12/2010 Update or Other Action Letter requesting Sulfolane testing, in connection with historic fuel use originating from Flint Hills Refinery, sent to RP (Arctic Slope Regional Corp). Jim Fish
5/25/2010 Update or Other Action Letter received from RP indicating consultant would fulfill DEC's sulfolane sampling request during October, 2010. Jim Fish
9/22/2010 Update or Other Action Historic data reviewed and sampling request sent to RP (Artic Slope Regional Corp). Included groundwater sampling from monitoring wells for GRO,DRO,BTEX and EDB/EDC fuel additives, as well a MNA parameters. Also requested all down-gradient drinking water wells (deep and shallow) be sampled for EDB & EDC as part of regular VOC analyses. Jim Fish
10/4/2010 Update or Other Action Reviewed historic data and analyses; sent extensive letter of recommendation to consultant (TPECI) for futrue sampling and data analysis requirements. Jim Fish
1/18/2012 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Supply water well (residences downgradient) sampling plan approved. Jim Fish
10/26/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2012 Water supply results report (2989 Badger Road Residential Propeorty. DRO detected belwo cleanup level (0.495 J-flagged), and all other petroleum compound (including EDC & EDB) non-detect for blue, green, and yellow buildings. Jim Fish
10/24/2014 Update or Other Action Reviewed file and latest reports for suggestions on how to evaluate MNA as a cleanup action for this site and sent to consultant. Jim Fish
10/31/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with consultant to discuss MNA evaluation methods and site characterization data gaps Jim Fish
1/20/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received response from ASRC's consultant (TPECI)to prior PM proposed list of tasks to be finished before a decision can be made on closing the site. Laura Jacobs
2/23/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent review letter with attached copy of ADEC site closure policy to ASRC and consulting staff as a response to consultant's January 15, 2016 letter requesting closure. Emailed a invitation for meeting to discuss letter. Laura Jacobs
5/6/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received and reviewed Conceptual Closure Plan submitted by consultant. Laura Jacobs
4/4/2017 Update or Other Action Property sold to Mr. Daniel Rady of Alyeska Industrial LLC, Fairbanks. DEC received a letter signed by Mr. Rady to his intentions to take on liability for continued work at this contaminated site. Laura Jacobs
4/10/2017 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter DEC sent a Potentially Responsible Party letter to the new owner of the site, Mr. Daniel Rady of Alyeska Industrial LLC. The letter includes a copy of the August 2016 letter to ASRC regarding remaining work that needs to be done on site before closure can occur. Laura Jacobs
4/19/2017 Update or Other Action DEC responded to Public Records Request for files to help guide location of steel ductile pipe for North Pole waterline installation. Laura Jacobs
6/28/2018 Site Visit ADEC staff visited site to discuss required steps to take at site before closure can occur. The new RP has been talking with a QEP for next sample event. Monitoring wells that are no longer functional and are still on site will need to be decommissioned. Deadline for work plan for a groundwater sample event is July 31. Laura Jacobs
10/29/2018 Workplan Requested ADEC staff sent the RP a letter notifying them of the missed deadline for continued soil and groundwater characterization for the site. A new deadline for submittal of a work plan to accomplish this work is January 15, 2019. Laura Jacobs
1/23/2019 Workplan Requested ADEC staff are planning to meet with the RP and their consultant on Monday, January 28 to discuss a work plan for finishing assessment of natural attenuation. Deadline for work plan was January 15, 2019. Laura Jacobs
1/28/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with RP's, and Travis/Peterson staff to discuss remaining work necessary to document contaminants of concern are stable or decreasing and whether remaining above detection on adjacent properties. Laura Jacobs
4/18/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff called ASRC to discuss requested work plan sent through email today, and advising them that new owners have not been able to afford the work necessary to get to site closure. Laura Jacobs
7/31/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the Sampling and Analysis Plan for Tundra Tours North Pole Bus Barn received by ADEC on June 27, 2019. The work plan was approved with suggested revisions. Laura Jacobs
8/15/2023 Update or Other Action Letter sent to RP requesting site characterization work that was approved in July 2019 be completed, with a report to DEC by November 15, 2023. Laura Jacobs

Contaminant Information

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
4530 Tundra Tours Bus Barn 100.38.129

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