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Site Report: Moose Creek General Store

Site Name: Moose Creek General Store
Address: 4402 Al Cory Drive; 3349 Claude Street, North Pole, AK 99705
File Number: 100.26.057
Hazard ID: 24244
Status: Active
Staff: Pax Templeton, 9072697691
Latitude: 64.717027
Longitude: -147.192340
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


470 funds requested by Timmons in order to perform site assessment. The resident of the house has since moved out due to strong fumes and contaminated drinking water. State-Lead site. Kalu changed file# from 100.38.007.(FY93.2)(rpltr9)

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/10/1990 Site Added to Database Former Staff
12/10/1990 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; The resident of the house informed DEC that she had submitted a sample of her drinking water to be analyzed for hydrocarbons. The lab advised the resident not to drink the water and described the water as "gasoline soup". Former Staff
12/10/1990 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77692 ADD; Benzene in groundwater. Former Staff
12/11/1990 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; Three samples were taken in the Moose Creek neighborhood by Timmons and Noland. The General Store, the Al Cory Dr. residence, and a neighbor's house well were all sampled for VOCs, EPA Method 502.2. Date indicates actual date of sampling. Samples were taken from the well-pump located in the Al Cory Dr. house basement. A strong odor of hydrocarbons was noted and the water exhibited a yellowish-orange tint. Former Staff
6/27/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway RAPR; Timmons submitted work plan and request for funding via 470 funds to conduct a site assessment at the site. Known or suspected sources of contamination are: 3 potential LUST sites and an old military spill possibly connected with the Eielson - Ft. Wainwright fuel pipeline. Proposes 4-5 soil borings, 4-5 groundwater samples and 15-20 surface and subsurface soil samples. Analysis for diesel range organics, gasoline range organics, volatile aromatic compounds, and PCBs. Former Staff
4/1/1992 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment SA1; Kalu. Former Staff
9/1/1992 Release Investigation SA2; Kalu. Former Staff
9/15/1992 Update or Other Action UPD; SA1 underway and monitor wells installed. Free product on water table and groundwater is contaminated. CAP is being developed by consultant. Former Staff
12/1/1992 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; Kalu Former Staff
9/4/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; Kalu - Soil has been excavated. Free product recovery underway. Former Staff
4/19/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway CAPR; Kalu - reviewed and approved phase II CAP. Final budget is under review and pending approval. Former Staff
6/6/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized, under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. Former Staff
6/20/1994 Update or Other Action RPL2; Peterson sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. John Carnahan(479-7586) from RZA responded by calling to inform that RP had contracted them to follow up and complete work on site. RPCON responded with completed information form. Former Staff
7/1/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Kalu - Final design of remedial system will be completed by mid-september. Former Staff
8/15/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Kalu - Final design of remedial system has been completed. Installation should commence soon. The recovery of free product is still ongoing. Former Staff
10/8/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; CAT-Ox unit being designed and planned for installation so that the AS/SVE system can be started up Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: AL SAMUEL - MOOSE CREEK GENERAL Former Staff
11/24/1997 Update or Other Action GW Report sent in. Former Staff
6/5/2003 Update or Other Action The 2002 annual report was received by ADEC. According to the report, the leading edge of the plume has moved beyond MW-9. The BTEX concentration in the plume in the source area and near MW-9 is decreasing over time. Deborah Williams
7/1/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A work plan was submitted to ADEC to address the following concerns at the Moose Creek General Store site. Indoor air monitoring at the store and nearby residences (winter and summer events); Remediation System Work which includes Remediation System Assessment, Operation and Maintenance Manual, and Remediation System Upgrade; Monitoring Well Installation; and Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring, Survey, and Reporting. Deborah Williams
7/11/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the analytical results from the groundwater sampling that occurred in June 2003. MW-9 had levels of 254 ppb benzene, MW-5 had levels of 221 ppb benzene and MW-26 (located next to the store's septic system) had 520 ppb benzene. The Altig's residence well (50' bgs) and pond that is used by the neighborhood children as a swimming hole were both non-detect. Deborah Williams
10/2/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received the draft indoor air sampling results for the Moose Creek residence (2.9 ug/m3) and the Allen residence (3.7 ug/m3) which is located next door. Deborah Williams
1/28/2004 Update or Other Action Transferred DEC staff lead from John Carnahan Cynthia Pring-Ham
3/5/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review Annual Report for Moose Creek General Store. A new monitoring well installed adjacent to the store next to the septic system indicated levels of EDB at 25.1 ug/L, benzene at 2.38 mg/L, toluene at 41.1 mg/L, ethylbenzene at 3.32 mg/L and total xylenes at 18.62 mg/L. Deborah Williams
6/24/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2004 Annual Report for Moose Creek General Store. MW-26 showed benzene cont. at 766 ppm and EDB at 9.64 ppm. Drinking water wells (WW-1 and WW-2) were sampled and determined to be non-detect for GRO, BTEX and EDB. Deborah Williams
8/3/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC drafted a letter to the RP making comments on the 2004 Annual Report for Moose Creek General Store. Also, ADEC stated the minimum requirements for groundwater sampling at the site would be sampling drinking water wells (WW-1, WW-2, and A-50) annually for BTEX using EPA Method 524.2. In addition, these wells should be sampled for EDB using EPA Method 504. The monitoring wells (MW-26, MW-9, and MW-25) should be sampled annually for GRO/BTEX using AK Method 101/8021. In addition, MW-9 should also be sampled and analyzed for EDB using EPA Method 504. After two years of data have been collected, the data can be evaluated for trends and a possible NFRAP determination could be issued. Deborah Williams
10/24/2005 Update or Other Action ADEC received sample results from NORTECH for the samples collected from the drinking water wells on September 22, 2005 at the Allen's (WW-2) and the Altig's (A-50). Both of these wells were non-detect for BTEX using EPA method 524 and EDB using EPA method EPA method 504. Deborah Williams
11/8/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC received sample results from 2006 groundwater sampling event. The sampling event involved the sampling of WW-2 and A-50 for BTEX using 524.2 and EDB using Method 504 and GRO/BTEX for MW-26. The drinking water wells WW-2 and A-50 were non-detect for BTEX and EDB. MW-26 had 18.8 ppm GRO, 138 ppb benzene, 4.9 ppm toluene, 1.11 ppm ethylbenzene and xylenes were below ADEC cleanup levels. Deborah Williams
3/7/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking completed. Deborah Williams
4/26/2007 Update or Other Action Meeting with supervisor to discuss future remediation requirements for the site. According to the file, the primary pathways of concern at the site appear to be the Vapor Intrusion Pathway and the Groundwater Ingestion Pathway. The two drinking waters on site are WW1 and WW2 and are 60 feet deep. One downgradient well exists offsite on the Altig's residence is approx. 50 feet deep. WW1 was sampled in 94, 95, 03, and 04 and the results have always been non-detect for GRO and BTEX. WW-2 has been sampled in 03, 04, 05, and 06. The samples were non-detect for GRO and BTEX. In 05 and 06 the sample from the well was analyzed for EDB and was non-detect. A-50 drinking water well is located further downgradient and was sampled in 03, 05, and 06. All the samples have in non-detect for GRO and BTEX. In 05 and 06, the sample from the well was analyzed for EDB and was non-detect. For evaluating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway for the residences within in the plume area, indoor air samples were collected in 03 and 04. The highest result was 3.7 ug/m3 in 03 from the Allen's property. The levels exceed EPA screening levels for indoor air but could be attributed to background levels. The groundwater plume appears to be stable and confined to the property which includes the rental property adjacent to the store. Deborah Williams
4/20/2009 Proposed Plan DEC proposed a plan for RP to obtain site closure- sent letter in response to RP's request. At minimum, wells not intended for future use need decommissioned, long term monitoring plan needs maintained, ICs must be established including possible COBC, deed notice. See letter. Neal Everson
5/11/2010 Update or Other Action Request to sample for sulfolane sent to Al Samuel. Mr. Samuel responded indicating he is planning to collect groundwater samples in the fall under the long-term monitoring plan. Susan Amundson will conduct the groundwater sampling event and will contact DEC at the time about which well to sample for sulfolane. Janice Wiegers
9/29/2011 Update or Other Action DEC sends letter requesting information on groundwater monitoring. Groundwater sampling was last requested in 2007, but no sampling results are available in the DEC file. Janice Wiegers
1/11/2012 Update or Other Action Received letter from Al Samuel stating that his finance are tight, but he plans to complete drinking water testing this winter and monitoring of three groundwater wells next summer. He also requested that the DEC PM visit the site next summer to inspect the remaining wells and discuss an approach for decommissioning the wells and the remedial system with Mr. Samuel. Janice Wiegers
1/13/2012 Update or Other Action Call from RP; requested reduction of requirement to sample three drinking water wells to only two drinking water wells based on history of sampling results and current condition of the third property. Janice Wiegers
9/5/2012 Site Visit Met Al Samuel at site to survey monitoring wells, sparge wells, and vapor extraction wells. Found 8 monitoring wells, 11 vapor extraction wells, and 5 sparge wells. Many wells were not found and were probably previously decommissioned, covered, or destroyed by plowing. Discussed well decomissioning and groundwater monitoring with Al. Janice Wiegers
1/22/2014 Site Visit Site visit to check monitoring wells for any free product and to use PID in building and around furnace as follow up to possible new odors detected in building. CS staff opened three wells and did not find any product or hydocarbon odors. Bailer used on MW6 did not find any product. Willett Boger
1/21/2016 Update or Other Action DEC sent letter to owner requiring follow-up monitoring and decommissioning of wells. Workplan required in 90 days. Janice Wiegers
3/15/2016 Update or Other Action Telephone call from Al Samuel of the Moose Creek General Store. Mr. Samuel received the letter and discussed financial situation with DEC staff and his plans to do some sampling this summer. DEC requested that Mr. Samuel submit a written response to the letter to describe his plan and the financial constraints. Janice Wiegers
3/21/2016 Update or Other Action Amundson Environmental called DEC to discuss possible sampling plan. Janice Wiegers
6/10/2016 Update or Other Action Contacted by owner to discuss treatment being installed on drinking water wells at the site by the Air Force due to the Moose Creek plume of perfluorinated compounds. Discussion with the DEC project manager about this treatment indicated any petroleum that might be present would be taken care of by the treatment system. The owner of the Moose Creek General store plans to sample the monitoring wells around July 1, when they are most likely to be thawed. Drinking water well testing will occur later due to limited funding. Janice Wiegers
12/1/2016 Update or Other Action Amundson Environmental called to report that she had attempted to sample three monitoring wells at the site. One was sampled, one was not found, and the other was full of mud. The report should be submitted in about a month, after consultant receives payment. Janice Wiegers
6/28/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC reviewed file to determine status. Contacted owner to discuss monitoring requirements and options for completing monitoring. Discussed the owners ability to pay for this work. Janice Wiegers
7/3/2019 Update or Other Action Contacted by Engineering firm to review site information in preparation for project to install water lines along Al Cory Drive and Claude Street next year. Janice Wiegers
7/12/2019 Update or Other Action Follow up call with owner to discuss ability to pay for ongoing monitoring. Janice Wiegers
10/4/2019 Update or Other Action Notified by responsible party that all the properties in the contaminated groundwater plume will be hooked up to North Pole city water due to PFAS contamination from the Eielson Moose Creek plume, probably next year. Janice Wiegers
5/17/2021 Update or Other Action DEC term contractor and staff inspected monitoring wells at the site, collected samples from two downgradient monitoring wells (MW-6 and MW-9), and attempted to sample MW-25 but could not find it. Additional wells were checked but several were frozen (MW-14 and MW-21). Other wells could no longer be found. A second round of groundwater sampling is planned for September. Janice Wiegers
11/26/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A groundwater monitoring report was submitted by the contracted consultant, Shannon & Willson, for sample efforts in May and September 2021 for three groundwater monitoring wells located on site (MW-26, -9, and -14). The sample results shown that gasoline range organics (GRO), diesel range organics (DRO), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,2-dibromoethane, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, benzene, ethylbenzene, naphthalene, and total xylenes remain above the DEC Groundwater Cleanup Levels at the source monitoring well (MW-26)in May. Many of the same analytes were also above the DEC Groundwater Cleanup Levels in September. An obstruction in MW-14 prevented sample collection in May 2021, but was successfully sampled in September, resulting in results that were mostly below the detection levels. Sample results for m,p-xylenes, o-xylenes, total xylenes, and naphthalene were flagged as estimated concentrations in this sample. Laura Jacobs
11/18/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC reviewed, coordinated with consultant regarding process, and approved the request to transport approximately 15 gallons of purge water from a well that had sheen, and the lab analyses has proven the presence of per- or poly-fluorinated alkyl substances. Laura Jacobs
2/2/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Moose Creek General Store Groundwater Sampling report received by DEC for a sample effort conducted in September 2022. Work was completed under the Amendment Two of the NTP21*472 on a Term Contract. Three groundwater monitoring wells were sampled to assess remaining petroleum contamination and the data was compared to historical data to review seasonal trends. Characterization of the investigation-derived waste purge water from sampling was analyzed for the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) as the store property is within the known groundwater plume for PFAs that originates from offsite. Sample results from MW-26 had diesel range organics (DRO) and gasoline range organics (GRO) above groundwater cleanup levels. The volatile organic compounds exceeding groundwater cleanup levels in all three sampled wells (MW-26, MW-5, MW-9) included 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, benzene, and total xylenes. Trend analysis of MW-9 furthest downgradient of the source area did not have sufficient sample data for winter months and a complete suite of analytes to determine whether there were significant seasonal trends. Laura Jacobs
1/2/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed a revised copy of the Moose Creek General Store Groundwater Sampling report submitted as a partial report on contracted work to sample groundwater at MW-5, MW-9, MW-26 during June, September, and December 2023 to gather information on contaminant levels across the seasons to compare with past sample results. Laura Jacobs
1/5/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The laboratory report for the groundwater sampling event in December 2023 was received and reviewed. Data will be collated with past historical data and analyzed for seasonal trends by DEC staff. Laura Jacobs

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