Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
12/12/1991 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
INTERIOR USTS: SA1; Basketfield: Tracer tested one 1000 gal. shop wastewater and one 1000 gal. shop waste oil tank, each failed testing (Equipment Bldg.). |
Former Staff |
7/14/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
NOR; Sent by Hung. |
Former Staff |
7/14/1992 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78099 entered by JC |
Former Staff |
7/14/1992 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
7/16/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
MEET; Basketfield met w/Joan Lepain, Shannon & Wilson. |
Former Staff |
7/16/1992 |
Release Investigation |
SA2; Basketfield reviewed LUST site assessment report, approved it. |
Former Staff |
7/20/1992 |
Release Investigation |
INTERIOR USTS: SA2; Basketfield: 9 soil borings, 4 as MW's. MW6 (ppb's): benzene, 2; 1-1-1-trichloroethane, 24; 1-1-dichloroethane,23; tricholorethylene,1; tetrachloroethylene (PCE), 16. MW3(ppb's): Benzene,1; toluene,2; ebenzene,9; xylenes,42. Metals at MW^ (PPM, Cd,Cr, Pb) 1,17,30; at MW5, 1, 13,5. |
Former Staff |
8/12/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
UPD; Reviewed by Hung. |
Former Staff |
1/7/1994 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
LCAU; Kalu - January 7, 1994 document titled "Peger Road LUST site Assessment Ground Water Sampling Results" has been submitted to the department. |
Former Staff |
6/6/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
CORR; Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized, under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. |
Former Staff |
10/10/1996 |
Site Visit |
INTERIOR USTS: Visit location of shop/location of USTs/MW 6/feasibility of removal of USTs based on history of solvents in soil and grd water. Appears tight, but possible after consulting w/inhse staff that know shop area. |
Former Staff |
8/27/1997 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
EXTERIOR UST: 3,000-gal gasoline UST removed. RPCON reports release in soil/grd water by memo 8/28/97. |
Former Staff |
8/28/1997 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
EXTERIOR UST: 100 cu yds contam soil removed from 3,000-gal gasoline UST area and thermal remediated. RI needed |
Former Staff |
10/3/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
INTERIOR USTS: RPCON proposes closure-in-place of w.o & chem waste USTs due to logistics/cost. DEC requests more grd water sampling since last sampling done '93 for Benzene & PCE. |
Former Staff |
10/8/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
INTERIOR USTS: Reviewed RPCON's SB log . RPCON agrees to characterize soil around USTs & rept findings. DEC will decide if close-in-place appropriate based on rept. |
Former Staff |
1/1/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
INTERIOR USTS: Ph call fr RPCON feels soil contam absent as TCE in grd water on steady decline based on 12/93 data. & closure-in-place of w.o & chem waste USTs appropriate. DEC will consider after more current data submitted. |
Former Staff |
6/25/1998 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
EXTERIOR UST: 500-gal waste oil UST removed. Soil & possible grd water impacted. |
Former Staff |
7/20/1998 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
EXTERIOR UST: 30 cu yds contam soil removed fr w.o. UST area. Hope to remove 20 cu yds more. Moderate to low levels chlorinated compds found. Want to thermal remediate. Referred to AQ |
Former Staff |
8/8/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
INTERIOR USTS: DEC approved closure-in-place after review of (2) soil boring analyses done 4/98. Analysesof soil and grd water indicate results below ADEC cleanup levels. |
Former Staff |
1/20/1999 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
INTERIOR USTS: 500-gal w.o. & 1,000-gal chem waste USTs were closed-in-place by Shannon and Wilson on Jan 20 and 21st, 1999. |
Former Staff |
12/27/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Received copy of thermal treatment cert. From OIT or W.O. tank soils that were treated at their facility. |
Former Staff |
1/28/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Transferred DEC staff lead from John Carnahan |
Cynthia Pring-Ham |
7/7/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78099 (Autogenerated Action) |
2/19/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Interior USTs meet cleanup standards for closure. Review of file indicates the two interior tanks were closed in place in 1999. Site characterizatoin prior to closure indicated soil was below cleanup levels for HVOCs (8021), VOCs(8020), GRO (ak101), DRO(AK102), RRO (AK103). Metals were below TCLP. Groundwater was analyzed by 8260 and results were all below MCLs in 1998. |
Ann Farris |
2/19/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Exterior 1,000-gal Waste Oil Tank removed in June 1998 and over excavated 35 cy. Additional 10 cy was removed in July 1998. Soil at limits was below cleanup levels for petroleum fractions. Benzene and PCE were not detected, but PQL was slightly above cleanup level 0.057 mg/kg. Groundwater is being monitored as part of the larger DOT facility for these compounds and other sources have much higher concentrations. Excavated soil was stockpiled and then thermally remediated at OIT. |
Ann Farris |
2/19/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
3,000- gal gas tank was pulled August 1997. Needs more soil sampling and maybe groundwater sample downgradient of dispenser island. A september 30, 1997 letter report from Shannon and Wilson indicated a sheen encountered on the water table beneath the tank. Soil samples at the limits of the excavation were 34 to 11,600 mg/kg GRO and benzene was 2.3 to 125 mg/kg with the north wall of the excavation and under the center of UST being the highest. Contamination was also encountered beneath the dispenser island to the north of the tank. A monitoring well, MW-5, was placed on the south side of the excavation. Initially benzene was 340 ug/L, but in 2006 was below cleanup levels. Wells, MW-3 and MW-4, approximately 400 feet downgradient, were monitored for multiple years and were below cleanup levels. |
Ann Farris |
8/7/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Site transferred to Jim Fish. |
Janice Wiegers |
9/10/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Site actions also being recorded under ADOT&PF Peger Road Facility 1402 102.38.098 |
Jim Fish |