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Site Report: FIA - ERA Aviation, Inc. (#1)

Site Name: FIA - ERA Aviation, Inc. (#1)
Address: 3852 University Ave. S., Fairbanks, AK 99709
File Number: 100.26.030
Hazard ID: 24271
Status: Active
Staff: Shawn Tisdell, 9074512752
Latitude: 64.808045
Longitude: -147.854257
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


An underground storage tank (UST) array that included three, 500-gallon gasoline USTs and a fuel dispenser island were removed from the site in 1991. Contaminated soil (110 cubic yards) was removed from the excavation and placed in a soil remediation cell equipped with a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. More soil was removed from the excavation in 1992; only two samples at the base of the excavation contained benzene above soil cleanup levels. Four soil borings were installed to determine if contamination was migrating from the area of the former tanks. In April 1992, 8 inches of free phase product was discovered in MW-2 down gradient from one of two 5,000-gallon Jet B USTs on the site. In June 1992, the suspect UST and associated fuel lines were removed. Free product was encountered in the soil beneath the UST. Approximately 600 cubic yards of soil was removed, and an airsparge soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE) system was installed. The excavated soil was treated on site in the soil remediation cell. The remaining 5,000-gallon Jet B UST and an associated dispenser shed were removed from the site in 1994. Low levels of contamination remained in the base of the excavation. ERA continued to monitor the groundwater and operate the AS/SVE until 1999. Historically, only two of eight monitoring wells have detected groundwater contamination. The AS/SVE system was sucessful at reducing contamination in one of the wells. However, contamination remains mostly unchanged in MW-8 which monitors groundwater beneath a corner of the hangar.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/3/1991 Update or Other Action REM; Gilfilian Engineering, Inc. removed 3 500 gallon USTs from the site. Field screening indicates petroleum product contamination may have existed in the subsurface soils around the USTs. Suspected contaminated soils were removed to a depth of approximately 7 feet and groundwater was encountered at 7.5 feet. Excavation was been halted to prepare a work plan. Former Staff
8/6/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77872 ADD; Suspected LUST site. Former Staff
8/6/1991 Site Added to Database Former Staff
8/7/1991 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; A release from a 5000 gallon jet fuel tank discovered during tightness testing. Subsequent testing determined that the tank was tight after repairs made. Soil samples found to exceed cleanup levels for VPH and total BTEX. Former Staff
9/20/1991 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment SA1R; Gilfilian Engineering, Inc. submitted "Workplan for Release Investigation" to investigate release of product from 3 500 gallon gasoline tanks USTs and a 5000 gallon jet fuel UST. Awaiting the lowering of the groundwater table in order to remove contaminated soils. Groundwater monitoring wells will be installed. Contaminated soils near the 5000 gal. UST to be removed in spring. Former Staff
9/27/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; Thomas reports 110 yds. of contaminated soil was removed in Sept. '91 and stockpiled on sites. Each season, a 30 yd. batch has been treated with an on-site ex situ VES system. The last batch will be treated in the '94 field season. Also, Manual Product Recovery has been in operation since late 1992. As well, a VES/Air Sparging system has veen in operation since 1/28/93, treating GW contamination. The system appears to be working efficiently. Former Staff
1/10/1992 Update or Other Action MEET; Met w/ADOT reps to discuss status of LUST site. Former Staff
5/29/1992 Update or Other Action MEET; Met with consultants. Former Staff
5/29/1992 Release Investigation RELR; Reviewed Assessment. Former Staff
5/29/1992 Update or Other Action TAS; Reviewed Treat. Altern. Study. Former Staff
5/29/1992 Update or Other Action TECH; Verbally presented with proposal to remove tank. Offered verbal approval. Former Staff
5/29/1992 Update or Other Action TRET; All approved with conditions. Former Staff
5/29/1992 Site Visit FI; Observed removal of (1) 5,000 gal. tank. Former Staff
5/29/1992 Site Visit RECN; Visited site! Former Staff
5/29/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Reviewed corrective action. Former Staff
7/15/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Emergency Response IA; Thomas requested additional interim action report due to a number of verbal modifications to original workplan. Former Staff
8/13/1992 Release Investigation SA2; Thomas reviewed status report. ERA will be submitting final report shortly- no ADEC comments until then. Former Staff
9/15/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway CAPR; Proposal for Interim Corrective Action for GW treatment. VES cell treatment and soils beneath building. Former Staff
9/22/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Thomas conditionally approved Interim Corrective Actions. Will await quarterly report monitoring results. Former Staff
11/26/1992 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; Thomas: Gilfillian update: additional MW installed beneath hanger, free product found. BTEX in MW-2 but no product. Other wells had no BTEX. GW elevations also given. Soil venting/air sparging system still in design phase, will submit final paln to ADEC for review. Former Staff
2/12/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Thomas report Gilfilian doc. "Status Report-Winter Season Site Remediation" describing site preparation work for Vapor extraction System and air sparging well. Pilot tests run to find optimal operating conditions. High responce (400-600 ppm PID) in exhaust. MWs to be sampled for baseline GW data. Design plans included. Former Staff
3/17/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Thomas review Gilfilian doc. "Winter Season Site Remediation Startup Report" describing initial VES/ASW startup response. System appears to be working properly. Sampling of MWs show excessive BTEX in G-2 and G-8. GW elevations inaccurate due to sparge mounding. Free product still being recovered n G-8. Will respond. Former Staff
3/31/1993 Update or Other Action CORR; Reviewed and commented on two status reports RE: VES and air sparging systems, and product recovery. ADEC has concerns tha GW level and BTEX monitoring are not beeing adequately recorded. System appears to be working. Requested that GW mounding and product interference be further examined. Will wait for next update. Former Staff
5/21/1993 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; Thomas rec'd sample report for GW monitoring wells. Samples are part of long term monitoring program for insitu ves program. Benzene noted in two wells: G-2 and G-8. Quarterly report to follow. Former Staff
7/7/1993 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; Thomas: Reviewed Gilfilian sampling data from monitor wells at ERA site. Samples part of long term monitoring program and insitu ves remediation system. Benzene still in G-8, although decreased since May '93, and still in G-2 although increased slightly. Quarterly report to follow. Former Staff
1/14/1994 Update or Other Action RPL2; Peterson sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information. RP responded with completed information form. Former Staff
2/2/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Thomas reviewed 4 Status Reports by Gilfilain regarding updates on soil treatment pile and the ongoing AS/SVE system. Third batch of soil was put in treatment cell, which appears to be working well. Ground water contamination levels are decreasing over time. Thomas sent back correspondence to Gilfilian with minor technical comments. Former Staff
6/6/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized, under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. Former Staff
6/15/1994 Site Visit FI; HUNG: On-site for Ben T. Took 7 photos. Inspite of two on-sites failed to see bottom of pit as side walls caved in soon after 5,000-gal jet B fuel UST excavated. 100 ppm PID readings from soil excavated on a very windy day. Sheen noted at bottom of UST just before cave-in by Consultant. Not sure if petroleum based or iron based. Looked at SVE operation. Pump designed to force air in and extract volatiles out into atmosphere every hour. Also saw set-up where product is still being extracted from ground water in the hanger. Former Staff
8/25/1994 Release Investigation RELR; Dupee: Reviewed site assessment for 5,000 gallon Jet B fuel tank, shed and dispenser. Requested additional soil samples. DEC in agreement to expand current AS/SVE system to include tank excavation site. Former Staff
9/6/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Thomas approved removal of third batch of treated soil from Biocell. Samples show third batch is below cleanup levels. Will allow placement of fourth batch. Former Staff
1/17/1995 Update or Other Action UPD; SITE SUMMARY: AS/SVE system currently on line treating two seperate zones of GW impact. Free product still being manually recovered. Soil being treated in annual batches on site in SVE pile (working well). Expect quarterly GW sample reports from Gilfil. Oversite limited to ensuring GW levels are decreasing and soils are being treated in cell. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: ERA HELICOPTERS, INC. Former Staff
3/3/2006 Update or Other Action Sent letter requesting update on SVE and groundwater monitoring. Kim DeRuyter
5/23/2006 Update or Other Action David McDowell from Shannon&Wilson called to say they had been contracted by Wright Air (current Lease holder) to evaluate the site for closure. Wright Air has been collecting free product measurements throughout the winter. S&W plans to assess the GW quality later this summer. Kim DeRuyter
11/28/2006 Update or Other Action Angela Miller (S&W) called with a preliminary update from this summers site characterization work. Groundwater monitoring from MW-2 did contain product, and product recovery continues from MW-8. The remaining wells did not detect contamination. A complete report should be in by January. Kim DeRuyter
8/7/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ETM ranking complete Evonne Reese
9/12/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC sent letter in response to July 2007 report by S&W providing soil and groundwater data. ADEC has determined that contamination remains on site that requires additional treatment and/or cleanup actions before a closure decision will be considered. Neal Everson
3/11/2009 Update or Other Action Sent a letter to RP requesting: 1. Periodically check for free product in on-site monitoring wells and recover product as necessary. 2. Decommission wells not needed for future monitoring purposes. Repair monitoring wells as needed for future groundwater monitoring. 3. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of the vapor extraction system over time. Neal Everson
4/20/2009 Update or Other Action Sent 2007 letter to S&W who will respond on behalf of RP. Neal Everson
7/6/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved 2009 workplan approved. WP consists of 1. product check/recovery 2. repair and sample MWs G-5, G-6, G-7 for GRO, DRO, BTEX 3. Decommission G-1, G-3, G-4 4. Evaluate VES. Neal Everson
6/20/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received from Shannon and Wilson the Groundwater Quality Update from the sampling conducted in 2009. Monitoring wells G-5, G-6 and G-7 were sampled for GRO and BTEX. No DRO sampling was conducted. Wells G-2 and G-8 were not sampled , however, no justification is provided in the report. Wells G1, G-3 and G-4 were decommissioned. Between 1993 and 2009, approximately 416 liters of free product was recovered from G-8. The volume recovered significantly decreased over this time. Tamara Cardona-Marek
4/5/2016 Update or Other Action ADEC contacted RP, indicating the site is active and under review. Shannon and Wilson were contacted via email with a request for updated site information. Shawn Tisdell
4/22/2016 Update or Other Action A letter was sent to the site affiliates indicating additional data is needed to: 1. Determine if the groundwater contaminant plume is steady state or shrinking, if contaminant concentrations are decreasing at each monitoring point and if free product has been recovered to the maximum extent practicable. 2. Determine if vapor contamination infiltrates the building at levels that pose a threat to human health. A meeting was requested within the next 45 days to discuss appropriate action. Shawn Tisdell
6/7/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Representatives from the DEC, Shannon and Wilson and the RP (Wright Air Service) met via teleconference to discuss the April 22, 2016 request for additional information by the DEC to assess present site status and determine an exit strategy. We determined that a site visit would be helpful to move forward in determining additional site remedial action. Shawn Tisdell
6/8/2016 Site Visit DEC personnel met with the RP representative and the consultant for site walk over and discussion of additional investigative activities needed to move towards an exit strategy. The outside walk over involved identifying three locations where tanks were removed, what wells remained and where the SVE/AS system was installed. Inside the hangar we observed the SVE/AS system and where given a tour of the building offices, parts shop and hanger. The consultant completed a DEC Building Inventory and Indoor Air Sampling Checklist. Shawn Tisdell
11/14/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Work plan received on 11/8/2016 was reviewed, comments by the DEC were provided. The proposed work is to determine groundwater contaminant trends and to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion from the petroleum in the groundwater and soil into the occupied buildings. Shawn Tisdell
4/5/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting was held with DOT environmental staff to discuss Fairbanks International Airport contaminated site status. Shawn Tisdell
10/5/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved 2017 Wright Air Services Work Plan received on 9/29/2017 reviewed and approved. Work will include groundwater sampling for DRO, GRO, BTEX and select wells for VOCs and PAHs. A survey of well head elevations will be conducted to help determine groundwater flow direction. Sub-slab soil vapor VOC samples will also be collected to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion. Shawn Tisdell
1/23/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with DOT staff to discuss general coordination of contaminated site issues regarding leased properties at the Fairbanks International Airport and specific site information including cleanup activity status and upcoming work or proposed state action. Shawn Tisdell
2/27/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received and reviewed "Groundwater and Vapor-Intrusion Investigation Report". This report presented results and discussed a groundwater monitoring event and a sub-slab soil vapor monitoring event. Groundwater contaminant trends were consistent with previous results. Well G-2, located near the source area, has several volatile organic carbon (VOC)cleanup level (CUL) exceedances. Well G-6, located down gradient of the source area did not have CUL exceedances, however three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were detected. A request was made for the DEC to consider the site for closure with institutional controls. A letter was sent to the responsible party requesting additional clarification and modification to the report before closure approval could be considered. Shawn Tisdell
3/12/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC and DOT staff met to discuss progress and potential future cleanup action at this site. Shawn Tisdell
6/25/2020 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77872 USTs. Shawn Tisdell
8/28/2023 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77872 USTs. Shawn Tisdell
3/26/2024 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter PRP letter sent to ERA Aviation, current lease holder for the Fairbanks International Airport lease lot located at 3852 University Avenue South in Fairbanks, AK. Shawn Tisdell

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

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Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
25457 FIA - Sitewide 100.38.079

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