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Site Report: FAA Bettles UST 46-C-2 Bldg 603 Powerhouse

Site Name: FAA Bettles UST 46-C-2 Bldg 603 Powerhouse
Address: Bettles Airport Pump Bldg 603, Bettles, AK 99726
File Number: 890.38.014
Hazard ID: 24284
Status: Active
Staff: Jamie McKellar, 9074515175
Latitude: 66.906930
Longitude: -151.683100
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


This leaking UST was on property adjacent to a former AST tank farm. The groundwater beneath both properties was impacted. Contamination was first discovered in water supply wells serving the school and FAA living quarters in 1987. Corrective action was taken to remediate soil and groundwater. Previously file# 890.26.002. ADOT\PF lease property FA04-01-L-8106 Block 3, Lot 4. (rpltr2)(rpltr4)? Tank 46-C-102A was installed to replace this LUST. Tank 46-C-102A was replaced by Tank 46-C-102B in 1996. Area is currently undergoing LTM. Remediation cannot occur until buildings are removed. The entire floor of Bld 603 was removed. PCB positive sections were removed for disposal. LBP was removed from concrete and the concrete buried in another location. RP stated in 9/21 there was a request for Bld 603 to be moved to another location. RP was not sure where that request stood in 9/21. The mineral oil spill from the upside down transformer in the storage yard has now reached the AST tank farm depth and will addressed when that plume is remediated. As of 1/2022 Bldg 603 is still there. LT GWM still occurring.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/16/1991 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment SA1; Site Assesment. Overfills and broken overflow line, cause of release of diesel. Approx. 500 cu yds. contaminated soil, 1ft. floating product in nearby MW's, Well H2O at Bldg. 603 Contaminated. Former Staff
9/5/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78000 ADD; LUST site. Former Staff
9/5/1991 Site Added to Database Former Staff
9/19/1991 Update or Other Action NOR; Timmons Former Staff
6/24/1992 Update or Other Action RPL2; ADEC/Peterson sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to PRP requesting update and additional environmental information concerning the contaminated site. RP responded 7-9-92 with update and completed information form and information to contact Kerry Walker/Environmental compliance Section at 271-5359 for any further info on site. Former Staff
7/8/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway CAPR; Correction Action plan for in situ soils and ground water. Former Staff
8/5/1992 Update or Other Action CORR; Kalu discussed leaching assessment with FAA in Anchorage. (Action Code was LECH) Former Staff
8/12/1992 Update or Other Action UPD; Reviewed by Hung. Former Staff
3/26/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway CAPR; Kalu reviewed draft CAPR with FAA and HLA. Former Staff
9/4/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; Kalu - Corrective action underway. Former Staff
6/1/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway CAPR; Kalu reviewed. A 5,200 gallon UST #46-C-2 was removed from the site in 1996. The vent pipe was broken at the top of the tank. Soil and groundwater beneath the tank were impacted by overfills of arctic grade diesel. Former Staff
6/6/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized, under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. Former Staff
8/8/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Soils excavated from various tank removal meet the state cleanup std., yet, insitu cleanup is still in progress. Issued a letter of NFA regarding the soil stockpile and not for entire site. Former Staff
8/16/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Reviewed Corrective action Plan for in-situ soil and groundwater cleanup in Bettles. DEC agrees with the method FAA is utilizing to remove free product from groundwater. Former Staff
7/12/2000 Update or Other Action Former Staff
8/4/2006 Update or Other Action updated file number per project manager Wendy Uzzell
5/2/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Groundwater contamination will need to be assessed prior to considering a site closure. Kim DeRuyter
5/15/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approved the Work Plan - FAA Release Investigation and Remediation, Bettles Field FAA Station, Bettles, Alaska, dated April, 2015. This work plan includes several site characterization and removal actions which address multiple areas of concern (AOCs) at Bettles Field FAA Station, Alaska. Field activities proposed near Buildings 603/202 and the associated tank farm include a UVOST/LIF investigation to delineate a petroleum release, the collection of hydrocarbon risk calculator (HRC) contaminant and non-contaminant parameters, surface and subsurface soil sampling, the installation, development, and sampling of 6 new monitoring wells, slug testing in at least two wells, well repair for at least three existing wells, sampling of approximately 13 existing monitoring wells, water supply well decommissioning, lead-contaminated soil screening and excavation around both buildings 603 and 202, lead-based paint removal from the floor of Building 603, concrete sampling for PCBs, and sampling of a petroleum-contaminated soil stockpile near Building 603. At the LOC/DME facility, it is proposed that the LOC transformer will be removed and the concrete pad below the transformer will be sampled for PCBs. In addition, the WEF 420 Tower will be removed and several soil samples will be collected for PCB analysis from each side of the active transformer pad. Monitoring well elevations, soil sample locations, soil borings, UVOST probe locations, building locations, tanks, towers, and other significant structures will also be surveyed as part of the field activities. Monte Garroutte
8/11/2015 Update or Other Action Transferred site to PM Garroutte. Work continuing under 2015 workplan. Fred Vreeman
8/8/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has completed review of the Draft Release Investigation Report, Bettles Field FAA Station, Bettles, Alaska, dated July, 2016. Monte Garroutte
12/13/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2019 Groundwater Monitoring Program Report, FAA Stations in Bettles, Cape Yakataga, and St. Mary’s, AK, Dated December 2019. This report details 2019 groundwater monitoring activities at the Bettles, St. Mary’s, and Cape Yakataga FAA stations. Monitoring activities included collecting groundwater samples from existing wells at Bettles, St. Mary’s, and Cape Yakataga. Additionally, sediment samples were collected and analyzed at Cape Yakataga. One well at the Bettles site showed a cleanup level (CUL) exceedance of napthalene, but other wells exhibited no exceedances. Similarly, at the St. Mary’s site, one well exceeded the naphthalene CUL, but all other analytes were below CULs. One of the wells scheduled to be sampled at St. Mary’s was deemed unusable due to damage and subsequent low recharge. At the Cape Yakataga site, petroleum contamination remains above CULs in several wells, with contaminant concentrations increasing in some wells and decreasing in others. Several wells were not sampled due to insufficient water or the presence of free product. Additionally, several sediment samples were found to contain DDT and DDE above National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Screening Quick Reference Tables threshold and probable effects levels. Kevin Fraley
6/9/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft WP received. WP covers multiple FAA sites: Bettles (1374, 23785, 4685, 24284), Cape Yakataga (485, 26150, 25322), Chena NDB (26486), Puntilla Lake, and St Mary's. Comments sent 06/16/2021.Acceptance of RTC sent 06/25/2021. Approval letter for final WP sent 07/06/2021. Shonda Oderkirk
12/6/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Groundwater Monitoring for FAA Stations Bettles, Puntilla, Chena NDB. Report was supposed to include Yakataga and St. Mary's, but they weren't able to get out there due to COVID restrictions. 1/5/2022 Comments sent.DEC RTC sent 2/8/2022. 03/01/2022: received Final report copy. Approval letter sent 03/07/2022. Shonda Oderkirk

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