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Site Report: Gold Hill Liquor and Grocery

Site Name: Gold Hill Liquor and Grocery
Address: 3040 Parks Hwy.; , Fairbanks, AK 99709
File Number: 100.26.120
Hazard ID: 24409
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 64.846935
Longitude: -147.951558
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Problem originally suspected when site assessment next door noted subsurface gas contamination in groundwater. Area perched on fractured schist.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/15/1994 Update or Other Action MEET; Thomas met with site owner Mr. Carboy and with RZA AGRA to discuss site conditions discovered during recent site assessment. Free product found 100 feet down gradient from tanks, soils saturated with fuel beneath USTs and pump island, and in parking lot. Recommend emergency cleanup actions. Former Staff
5/19/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77700 ADD; File# 100.26.120 Former Staff
5/19/1994 Site Added to Database Former Staff
5/25/1994 Site Visit FI; HUNG: Made on-site trip along w/Ben T., FAP personnel and Consultant for educational purposes. Former Staff
6/6/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Wingerter sent letter informing RP of their financial liability under new ADEC cost recovery policy. State is authorized, under Section 9003(h) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to take action on this LUST facility. Former Staff
6/20/1994 Update or Other Action RPL2; Peterson sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. RP responded with completed info form. Former Staff
6/28/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Thomas approved a CAP for emergency cleanup. Plan includes tank removal, soil removal and treatment, monitor well installation and quarterly sampling, nearby water well sampling, and developing a long term soil and ground water treatment program. Tanks should be removed by August 1. Former Staff
7/1/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; Thomas approved the removal and on-site stockpiling of approx. 1100 yards of contam. soils. Soils lined and covered and awaiting treatment. May be incinerated next spring. Former Staff
7/17/1994 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment SA1R; Reviewed Site Assessment document outlining removal of tanks, pipes, dispenser and contaminated soils. 1100 yds. of soil excavated. GW impacted. SA2 will be underway in December '94. Former Staff
1/17/1995 Update or Other Action UPD; SITE SUMMARY: Tanks and 1000 yards soil removed. Investigation and AS/SVE pilot tests underway. AGRA will design AS/SVE unit. Additional grant money may be requested to included well water impact study at North Star Center. Need funding to build and install treatment system. Soils need treatment. Former Staff
5/15/1995 Site Visit FI; Took 9 photos and obtained most recent update on remediation activities from RP. No pumping activity re: GW was going on. Viewed huge covered contaminated soil stockpile, temporary refueling gasoline tank in front of store which appeared as UST being used as AST protected by wooden scaffolding. Former Staff
10/1/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; New gasoline tanks installed in July of 1995. AS/SVE system being designed for installation in 1996 Former Staff
6/5/2003 Update or Other Action Received 2002 Annual Report for Gold Hill Store. The benzene levels in WW-2 have declined significantly (287 ug/l, September 2002 (since November 1996 (1,700 ug/l). In general, BTEX and GRO concentrations have been reduced since initial detection in groundwater. These reduced concentrations likely are attributable to the influence of the remediation system near Mw-9/WE-7 and MW-13. Overall, it appears that the remediation system has continued to be effective in reducing BTEX constituents and GRO at the site and at the adjacent Correll Corrections Facility. Deborah Williams
7/1/2003 Update or Other Action AMEC submitted a work plan for the 2003 summer season at Gold Hill store. The work plan included the following items: Remediation System Work (Remediation System Assessment, Operations and Maintenance Manual, and Remediation System Upgrade); Monitoring Well Installation; and Groundwater Monitoring, Survey, and Reporting. Deborah Williams
7/16/2003 Update or Other Action Received 2003 Groundwater data for the Gold Hill store. MW-9 had 355 ppb benzene and MW-2 had 444 ppb benzene. The drinking water well on-site GHW-2 had a benzene level of 3.35 ppb. Deborah Williams
7/21/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received analytical results for the new wells that were installed in the summer of 2003. A total of 5 wells were installed at the site. Of the 5 wells that were installed, 3 were contaminated. MW-20 had GRO at 2.94 ppm, and benzene at 2.05 ppm. MW-17 had GRO at 4.68 ppm and benzene at 3.14 ppm. MW-16 had GRO at 64.8 ppm and benzene at 11.4 ppm. Deborah Williams
10/13/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC approved of work plan which included the sampling of 11 groundwater wells. The analyses that would be performed would be GRO/BTEX, BTEX, Naphthalene + VOCs, MTBE/EDB/EDC, total lead, and the natural attenuation parameters. Deborah Williams
1/28/2004 Update or Other Action Transferred DEC staff lead from John Carnahan Cynthia Pring-Ham
3/3/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed the 2003 Annual Report for Gold Hill Store Site. EDB found in MW-2 was 11.3 ppb and MW-20 was 4.71 ppb. Benzene levels were found in MW-17 at 3.14 mg/L. The groundwater sampling for 2004 will include futher characterization of the EDB. The remediation system will continue to run at least through August. Deborah Williams
8/11/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2004 Annual Report for Gold Hill Liquor store. Elevated levels of EDB (up to 17.7 ppb), EDC (up to 195 ppb) and MTBE (up to 128 ppb) found in monitoring well MW-16. Levels of EDB, EDC and MTBE above ADEC Cleanup levels and EPA action levels were also detected in VE-2, MW-20, MW-12, and MW-2. Elevated levels of benzene were still detected at 4,360 ppb in MW-20. Deborah Williams
12/7/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed the 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Sample results. During the sampling event, MW-16, MW-20 and the on-site drinking water well were sampled. MW-16 was sampled for GRO,BTEX, EDB (lower detection limits) and VOCs. Contaminants above ADEC cleanup levels were 38.6 ppb 1,2-Dichloroethane. MW-20 was analyzed for GRO and BTEX. GRO was 86,500 ppb, benzene was 17,800 ppb, toluene was 7,670 ppb, ethylbenzene was 1,240 ppb. The on-site drinking water well was analyzed for GRO and BTEX. All those results were below ADEC cleanup levels. Deborah Williams
12/12/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC received the 2006 Groundwater sampling report. According to the report, the on-site drinking water well was non-detect for BTEX and EDB. MW-20, MW-2 and MW-17 were also sampled and analyzed for GRO, and VOCs. MW-20 had GRO levels up to 13.9 ppm, benzene at 6,410 ppb. EDB and 1,2 - Dichloroethane were found at levels above ADEC cleanup levels Deborah Williams
3/7/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking completed. Deborah Williams
5/23/2008 Site Visit Site visit with owner to discuss the pending development work onsite. Discussed excavation and basic soil handling that may be involved if contamination is encountered. Staff reviewed the file and forwarded information on locaton of buried piping and depth to lines. John Carnahan
6/3/2008 Update or Other Action Project lead changed from Farris to Carnahan following discussion with Farris. John Carnahan
8/17/2009 Site Visit Conducted a site visit with the owners to discuss the placement of a future AKRR caboose on the property as a future coffee/snack shop. Location is to the back of the property behind the former location of the dumpsters. John Carnahan
5/21/2010 Update or Other Action Received call from owner representative regarding letter for sulfolane testing. They indicated that they do not currently have a monitoring program in place and were awaiting DEC determination on conditional closure. They will respond in writing to letter, but wanted to meet the June 1, 2010 deadline to contact our agency. John Carnahan
6/5/2014 Site Visit Met with owners to discuss site activities and potential necessary actions to move project forward. John Carnahan
6/13/2015 Update or Other Action Staff oversight changed to Debenham. John Carnahan
7/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved groundwater monitoring work plan. Eight groundwater samples will be collected and analyzed for gasoline range organics and volatile organic compounds. Melody Debenham
2/8/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received July 2015 Monitoring Well Sampling report. Groundwater samples were collected from 7 wells. Results show contamination remains in groundwater above cleanup levels in 4 of the wells. Melody Debenham
5/3/2016 Update or Other Action Staff changed to Jacobs. John Carnahan
6/23/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review letter of 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report sent to RP. Laura Jacobs
7/5/2017 Update or Other Action DEC received a work plan for groundwater, soil and indoor air monitoring in 2017 from Nortech. Laura Jacobs
7/13/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the 2017 Work Plan for Site Assessment Activities and sent comments regarding the work plan. Nortech proposes sampling a subset of wells on site and off to characterize the plume for COC's but in particular, EDB. A statistical analysis of past groundwater sample results will be conducted to understand plume behavior. And last, vapor intrusion survey will be conducted in any of the buildings that may provide a exposure risk to vapor intrusion. Approval was given with consideration of DEC's comments. Laura Jacobs
5/18/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the report "2017 Monitoring Well Sampling at the Gold Hill Store Site" submitted by Nortech staff April 18, 2018. Groundwater contamination in off-property wells show declining levels of Benzene, toluene, ethylene, and xylenes (BTEX), Ethylene dichloride (EDC), Ethylene dibromide (EDB)and Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE. Historic trends at a subset of monitoring wells were analyzed with Mann-Kendall statistical analysis and found to show predominantly decreasing trends. Indoor air quality was determined to have low levels of hydrocarbons present but was found to be spatially inconsistent with the area of documented contamination. Laura Jacobs
7/2/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with RP and their consultant to discuss the possibility of closing the site with Institutional Controls, and the 2017 report findings. Laura Jacobs
11/7/2018 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77700 Gasoline Contamination. Laura Jacobs
6/28/2019 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Laura Jacobs
11/15/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC staff filed a correction to the legal description of the parcel identified under the Notice of Environmental Contamination for the deed. Laura Jacobs
9/17/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed and approved the work plan to decommission 17 known wells on the property. Some of them are service wells drilled for drinking water, some are left from the air sparging and soil vapor extraction efforts. Most of the 17 wells have been used as groundwater monitoring wells. A private contractor will be hired by the RP to work with the QEP on work details and to ensure decommissioning occurs according to ADEC guidelines. Laura Jacobs
9/21/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC met with RP to discuss options regarding preparing the site for closure with IC's and gaining covenants from herself and adjoining property owner, OR, no covenant required, use NECs already recorded, remove wells from property and sell property with contamination on site, OR, keep wells to be sampled on site and adjoining property, close all others, and continue to monitor and close site when plume has shrunk back to Gold Hill property. Laura Jacobs
10/29/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the Well Decommissioning Report submitted by Nortech to ADEC on October 22, 2020. Fourteen wells were decommissioned. Decommissioned well locations are documented. ADEC reviewed the historic site files to locate information on other wells that are shown in a site figure from a 2004 report. Despite efforts to locate those wells using swing ties and metal detection, the additional 16 wells were not found during the current effort to decommission wells; neither was their decommissioned status documented in the existing site files. Discussion with the property owner, and consultants with past history with the site's well installation and decommissioning suggest those wells were broken off and filled in with gravel, soils and probably paved over during the past 15 years of site activities. Laura Jacobs
11/5/2020 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Laura Jacobs

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Xylenes (total) > Table C Groundwater
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene > Table C Groundwater
Benzene > Table C Groundwater
Dichloroethane > Table C Groundwater
Ethylene dibromide > Table C Groundwater
Trichloroethane > Table C Groundwater
Naphthalene > Table C Groundwater
BTEX Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
GRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination NEC on Gold Hill Liquor and Grocery property at TL 6, Section 9, Township 1 South, Range 2 West, Fairbanks Meridian, signed by Susan M. and Harold Osborne. A second NEC was placed on adjoining property to the east, managed by Parks Hiway Enterprises at TL 7, Section 9, Township 1 South, Range 2 West, Fairbanks Meridian signed by Gary Shirley.


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)
Periodic Review Landowner agrees to notify ADEC prior to any sale or transfer of property and shall report to ADEC every 5 years to document status of compliance with institutional controls.
Groundwater Use Restrictions No groundwater wells shall be installed in the area covered by institutional controls.
New Construction Restrictions If the use of the building changes or if other buildings are constructed within 30 feet of the contaminated area, ADEC must be notified and may require a vapor intrusion evaluation.
Subdivision Restriction ADEC must be notified in advance of the subdivision or replat of the property associated with these institutional controls.

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