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Site Report: Kotzebue Airport - Alaska Airlines

Site Name: Kotzebue Airport - Alaska Airlines
Address: Block 1 Lot E, F & G Ralph Wien Memorial Airport, Kotzebue, AK 99752
File Number: 410.26.005
Hazard ID: 24439
Status: Active
Staff: Pax Templeton, 9072697691
Latitude: 66.891045
Longitude: -162.602169
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The Alaska Airlines Terminal at the Kotzebue Airport was served by two underground storage tanks (USTs) installed in the early 1980s. One 10,000-gallon tank stored Jet A fuel, and a 550-gallon tank stored diesel fuel used for heating purposes. In 1993 a shallow excavation at the terminal was reported to have heavy sheening on the groundwater that was seeping into the pit. A release investigation identified several off-site sources as well as the two USTs as potential sources. The 550-gallon UST was removed in 1994. Further site assessment was done in 1995 and 1996. In 2000 the 10,000-gallon tank was removed, along with all associated piping.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
2/2/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77824 Preliminary Release Investigation Report submitted by Bayliss, PE. Contamaination associated with a 10,000 gallon and a 550 gallon tank exists at this site. The airport terminal facilities are sited in an area which is hydrologically connected through surface and groundwater pathways. Spilled fuels and other substances tend to migrate extensively throughout the airport property. Former Staff
2/2/1995 Site Added to Database Former Staff
6/12/1995 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Received a report identifying GRO impacts to soil associated with 550-gallon gas tank. GRO contamination detected during excavation, 8 cy of contaminated soil was removed and contained with supersacks for transportation off-site. Brown and black oily oozes were observed in the groundwater that seeped from the pit walls. Total depth of excavation was 5 feet bgs. Analyticals show GRO up to 14,000 mg/kg, DRO up to 1,000 mg/kg, and benzene up to 1.9 mg/kg. Results indicate the presence of gasoline and Jet A fuel. Former Staff
6/12/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum 550 gallon gasoline unregulated UST reportedly removed in 1994. John Carnahan
2/2/1996 Update or Other Action UPD; Release investigation report rec'd by Nome District office march 22, 1995. Based on laboratory date, a "no further action" letter signed by Randy Romenesko was mailed to Alaska Airlines on April 24, 1995 concerning the UST removal site. Former Staff
2/5/1996 Update or Other Action CLOS; no further action at this time. NOTE: This letter was sent regarding a limited RI assoicated with a 10K tank, and not for the site as a whole. Another 550-gallon tank exists at this site and requires SA and RI. Former Staff
2/18/2000 Update or Other Action JBC w/ ADEC contact Jacqueline Drumheller (AA) regarding the location of the 550-gal tank area. She indicated upcoming closure for the 10K tank, and JBC recommended that they couple the RI for both areas at the same time. Former Staff
2/22/2000 Update or Other Action Completed letter requesting additional RI at location of 550-gallon UST, and a SA at location of 10-K tank when it is decommissioned this summer. Former Staff
1/1/2003 Release Investigation Release Investigation and Exposure Pathway Assessment Report received by ADEC. Installation of SB-1 reveals that there is GRO and total xylenes contamination present in soil greater than ADEC soil cleanup levels. Possible source of contamination could be from Bering Air terminal. Four indoor air samples from the terminal were collected. Results from indoor air were inconclusive as to whether there is a potential exposure pathway from the subsurface vapors. Deborah Williams
1/1/2003 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Results from 2002 SA: SOELS - contamination detected up to 3,620 mg/kg GRO, up to 4,000 mg/kg DRO, 0.68 mg/kg benzene, 38 mg/kg Toluene, 17 mg/kg ethylbenzene, 130 mg/kg xylenes. GRONDWATER: Upto 59 mg/L GRO, up to 6.6 mg/L DRO, up to 0.785 mg/L benzene. AIR QUALITY: see report. Shannon Oelkers
2/27/2007 Update or Other Action Changed file name from "Alaska Airlines - Facility" to "Kotzebue Airport - Alaska Airlines." Transferred site from Wiegers to Oelkers. Shannon Oelkers
4/20/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77824 (Autogenerated Action)
7/30/2007 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Oelkers to Farris. Shannon Oelkers
2/4/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Updated Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77824 (Autogenerated Action)
11/26/2008 Update or Other Action Sent letter to Alaska Air requesting status of site and/or additional site characterization as a result of exceedances in TAH and TAqH in porewater samples along the Kotzebue Sound and Kotzebue Lagoon. Tamara Cardona-Marek
12/4/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC was contacted by Amy Fuller Lyman from Alaska Air in response to ADEC's letter requesting additional site characterization and/or current status of contamination. Alaska Air will submit a workplan to sample the existing monitoring wells and will update the CSM. Sampling will probably occur towards the end of the summer of 2009. Tamara Cardona-Marek
11/13/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received from SLR a work plan for groundwater monitoring. However, field season eneded before the work could be completed. SLR plans to contact DEC again in the Spring of 2010 to conduct the field work. Tamara Cardona-Marek
2/21/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Only well MW-2 was sampled. Well MW-1 was not found and MW-3 was broken. Well points WP-1 and WP-2 were both dry. Samples from MW-2 contained DRO as high as 11.8 mg/L and benzene at 0.023 mg/L. All other analytes were below cleanup levels. DRO was the highest detected in this well since installation in 2000. Tamara Cardona-Marek
7/16/2014 Update or Other Action Letter sent to RP asking for status of site; ADOT&PF Airport Leasing CC'd. Jim Fish
8/20/2014 Update or Other Action Received phone call from RP that they are planning to have consultants continue with groundwater monitoring and other work necessary for the site. Jim Fish
2/2/2015 Update or Other Action Work plan received from consultant for well decommissioning, well installation, and groundwater sampling activities (Block 1, Lots E, F, and G). Jim Fish
3/4/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan - concurred with monitoring well repairs, replacement, and sampling, but asked for additional contaminated groundwater delineation and sampling for PAHs (in addition to GRO, DRO and VOC, including BTEX). Also recommending a building survey as next step for VI evaluation. Jim Fish
5/11/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan (monitoring well reinstallation & sampling) approved today after discussion with the consultant. Jim Fish
2/16/2016 Update or Other Action Met with Transportation Assistant Attorney General to discuss potential RP's. Laura Jacobs
4/1/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent RP review comments for the 2015 Concrete Excavation and the 2015 Groundwater Monitoring reports. Laura Jacobs
5/2/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received RP's responses to our review comments for the 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report and the 2015 Concrete Excavation Report on 5/20/2016. Currently reviewing comments. Laura Jacobs
5/5/2016 Update or Other Action Accepted all explanations of consultant in reply to the 2015 report comments. Laura Jacobs
7/25/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for Alaska Airlines Lease Property Block 1 Lots E, F, and G Ralph Wien Memorial Airport, Kotzebue Alaska. Comments and approval were sent to RP's consultant. Work will be conducted around September. Laura Jacobs
12/14/2016 Update or Other Action Received 2016 Groundwater Monitoring and Well Installation Report, Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Facility, December 2016. Laura Jacobs
3/14/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Two reports were reviewed. The "Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Terminal Building Expansion Soil Screening Report" and "2016 Groundwater Monitoring and Well Installation Report, Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Facility". An investigation of potential soil contamination within the area of the terminal expansion was conducted in 2016. Eleven shallow soil borings were installed, with field screening for hydrocarbons. Samples were collected for lab analysis from locations with highest screenings. In 9 of the 11 borings, gasoline range organics, diesel range organics, and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes levels were detected, with exceedences of the Migration to Groundwater cleanup levels in four locations. No sample results exceeded the human health soil cleanup levels for the arctic zone. during terminal expansion, soils will be screened and disposed of or treated if levels of contaminants are detectable. Three new monitoring wells were installed, one well was replaced and one well was decommissioned prior to sampling six wells for groundwater. DEC requests an additional well on the west side of the site to better define the contaminant plume remaining on site. Laura Jacobs
3/29/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received "Soil Management Plan, Alaska Airlines Terminal Facility, Kotzebue, Alaska" March 2017 from SLR. Laura Jacobs
4/7/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with Penny Adler, Sam Myers, and Mike McCarroll at DOT to discuss contamination associated with the Kotzebue Airport. During the meeting, DEC discussed what is known about petroleum-contaminated water and migration to the Kotzebue Sound and the Lagoon. DEC is no longer investigating the contamination through state funding, and will be working with lease lot RPs to identify the sources of contamination and attempt to cleanup contamination through source removal. Lease agreements, lease lot histories, and deterrents to investigations were discussed. Laura Jacobs
4/17/2017 Update or Other Action Received "Site Assessment and Closure Plan - Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Facility" from RP's consultant SLR. Laura Jacobs
4/24/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the "Soil Management Plan, Alaska airlines Terminal Facility, Kotzebue, Alaska, March 2017" and sent out comments. The plan is to screen, segregate, sample and dispose of potentially contaminated soil during expansion of the terminal building. Copy of letter sent with comments from the Solid Waste Program, DEC regarding using contaminated soils in landfill as cover. Laura Jacobs
5/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed, sent comments, and approved the revised Soil Management Plan, "Soil Management Plan, Terminal Expansion Project, Alaska Airlines Terminal Facility, Kotzebue, Alaska". Laura Jacobs
6/5/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent review comments regarding the Site Assessment and Closure Plan to SLR. DEC has requested source area delineation and further characterization of plume extents. Laura Jacobs
6/14/2017 Update or Other Action DEC gave approval to soil disposal plan with signed approval to transport. Laura Jacobs
7/13/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received copies of the authorized wastewater discharge permit for excavation dewatering at Alaska Airlines in Kotzebue. Additionally, SLR agreed to monitor groundwater elevation in surrounding wells to ensure the radius of influence does not include other contaminated sites. Laura Jacobs
8/8/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the RPs consultant's responses to DEC comment letter for the "Site Assessment and Closure Plan" and drafted a reply. Laura Jacobs
8/30/2017 Update or Other Action DEC drafted a letter to all contaminated site lessees and managers at the Kotzebue Airport to explain the unique challenges at the airport and DEC's planned approach to address these issues for all sites. Laura Jacobs
9/7/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and an approval was sent for the 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Facility. Work includes annual groundwater monitoring and installation of a replacement well for MW-1R2 which was removed during the recent excavation for facility expansion. Laura Jacobs
9/27/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Consultant called 9/26/17 and emailed request for approval to not re-install monitoring wells MW-1R and MW-4 this field season because excavations are not yet completed and pavement will not be in place until next season. Yearly groundwater monitoring will occur this month in the remaining 4 wells. Laura Jacobs
12/5/2017 Update or Other Action ADEC staff received a technical memorandum from RP's contractor for removal of a fuel hydrant, and shipment of contaminated soils offsite without an approved work plan. Laura Jacobs
12/21/2017 Update or Other Action Staff sent compliance advisory letter to RP with a request for a written response and March 21, 2018 deadline for a work plan for site characterization. Laura Jacobs
3/1/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the 2017 Groundwater Monitoring and Soil Removal Report, Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Facility. Monitoring wells MW-4 and MW-1R2 were decommissioned during excavation activities for terminal expansion, but are planned to be replaced. Contaminant levels in groundwater were found to decrease to some degree, but some analytes remain elevated. Approximately 115 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil were shipped offsite for thermal treatment and disposal. A revised Conceptual Site Model was prepared. Laura Jacobs
3/29/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with RP and RP's consultant to discuss site characterization needs at the location of a fuel vault that was removed last fall. Laura Jacobs
4/3/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the report "Site Assessment and Closure Plan Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Facility" and issued a request for a Corrective Action Work Plan. Laura Jacobs
6/12/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC staff reviewed "2018 Groundwater Monitoring and Release Delineation Work Plan Alaska Airlines Kotzebue Facility" for work proposed on the property leased by Alaska Airlines at the Kotzebue Airport. The work plan was received by DEC May 7, 2018. SLR proposed to conduct annual groundwater monitoring at existing wells and replacement wells which will be installed now that building expansion has been finished. Soil borings will be used to further delineate release areas identified from past studies. DEC suggested a few additional efforts be made on the site. Laura Jacobs
6/27/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff approved work plan with requested changes. Laura Jacobs
2/19/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the "2018 Groundwater Monitoring and Release Delineation Report". Samples from fourteen soil borings, and groundwater samples from seven monitoring wells resulted in finding contamination in "most of the same areas as previously reported". These source areas were: in the southeastern side of the building (former heating oil AST), south of the building (near the former and active fuel hydrants), northwest of the building (downgradient of former 550 gallon gasoline UST). Laura Jacobs
3/2/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A review of the 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report was completed by DEC. After the 2018 report, it was agreed for the RP to conduct monitoring efforts every three years. The 2021 report documented diesel range organics (DRO) and benzene above the DEC Groundwater cleanup level in three of the five monitoring wells sampled (MW-1R3, MW-7, and MW-8). Ethylbenzene exceeded the Groundwater Cleanup Level in MW-7. Gasoline range organics (GRO) did not exceed Groundwater Cleanup Levels in the five wells sampled. No target analytes exceeded the Groundwater Cleanup Levels for monitoring wells MW-3R and MW-4R. Naphthalene exceeded cleanup levels in MW-7 and MW-8. DEC requested summaries of remaining contaminants in soil and groundwater surrounding the four identified source areas. Laura Jacobs
5/16/2022 Workplan Requested A letter was sent to the Kotzebue Airport Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities requesting a work plan to remediate continuing movement of contaminants into area surface waters from the airport. Laura Jacobs

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