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Site Report: GSA Juneau Federal Building LUST

Site Name: GSA Juneau Federal Building LUST
Address: 709 West Ninth Street, Juneau, AK 99801
File Number: 1513.38.032
Hazard ID: 24533
Status: Active
Staff: Jenny Gates, 9072628203
Latitude: 58.301849
Longitude: -134.419766
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


A 1,000-gallon diesel UST which was used for emergency power generation was removed in March of 1995. Suspected petroleum contamination was found near the tank fill pipe and as a result, 3.5 cubic yards (y3) of soil was placed directly into Supersacks. The excavation continued until the tank was lifted from the ground. The depth of the excavation was approximately 6.5 ft. and the surface area was 8.5 by 16 ft. The excavation was bounded by the edge of the generator tower concrete pad. The results of the analyses found DRO at the base of the excavation at 180 ppm. The DRO concentration below the vent fill riser was 13,000 ppm. The 50,000-gallon UST which held both heating oil and bunker C oil, was excavated in July, 1994. The UST was located on the north side of the Federal Building in a grassy area bounded by Gold Creek on the northeast side, 9th Street on the on the northwest side, and by a parking an drive area in front of the building. Four and a half cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated from around the tank. there was no detectable petroleum contamination beneath the tank but there was DRO contamination up to 19,800 parts-per-million (ppm) below the fill pipe northwest of the tank. Concentrations of BTEX were also present at about 0.5-1.0 ppm. TPH results from near the fill pipe were similar having concentrations up to 31,000 ppm. HVO results found tetrachloroethene (PCE) at 0.105 ppm, 1,4-dichlorobenzene at 0.122ppm, and 1,2-dichlorobenzene at 0.032 ppm.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/9/1994 Site Added to Database Former Staff
7/9/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78467 ADD; This is a regulated UST - 50,000gal emerg gen tank. DRO contamination found adjacent to fill pipe. Tank integrity good. Former Staff
7/10/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; Contaminated soil encountered during tank closure was excavated to the maximum extent possible. Impacted soil thermally remediated at Channel Sanit. incinerator. Some contaminated soil remaining but threatens structures (rock wall, roadbed). : LCAU date changed DB conversion Former Staff
2/24/1995 Release Investigation SA2A; Limited Site Assessment done during tank removal closure. Former Staff
10/2/2001 Update or Other Action Changed Project Manager from Paul Horwath to Bill Janes Cynthia Pring-Ham
3/5/2002 Update or Other Action Project Manager changed from Janes to Wanstall. Bruce Wanstall
3/28/2002 Update or Other Action Minor soil contamination remains beneath 9th street roadbed from 1995 UST removal excavation. No groundwater was encountered, adjacent Gold Creek is channelized in a concrete flume to tidewater. Draft arguments for closure. Bruce Wanstall
4/4/2002 Update or Other Action File review and organization by staff this week to facilitate site closure. 1,000gallon heating oil tank removed in March of 1995 needs release investigation under CS oversite. File transfered and database site setup. Bruce Wanstall
8/20/2002 Update or Other Action Cost Recovery Notification letter forwarded to RP. Bruce Wanstall
8/11/2004 Update or Other Action Request to RP by email to review institutional controls on the property for the inaccessible soil contamination that remains on the property. Bruce Wanstall
8/11/2004 Update or Other Action Cost Recovery initiated for project site oversight costs for period January through June 2002; project manager approval memo forwarded to DOL. Bruce Wanstall
8/11/2004 Streamlined Cleanup Program Site meets the acceptance criteria for the Streamlined Cleanup Program. Bruce Wanstall
8/11/2004 Institutional Control Record Established Elevated concentrations of diesel range hydrocarbons remain in soil underlying the sidewalk adjacent to the retaining wall that support the sidewalk along 7th Street. The quantity of soil is estimated at less than 10 cubic yards. If groundwater supply well installation on the property is planned, the DEC will be notified in advance to provide oversight to ensure drinking water and petroleum regulations are not exceeded. If removal of soil from the contaminant plume area of the property becomes necessary the DEC will be notified in advance to ensure that final placement of the soil does not violate water quality or petroleum regulations. Bruce Wanstall
8/13/2004 Update or Other Action Project management transferred to Mike Jaynes. Bruce Wanstall
8/13/2004 Update or Other Action Phone discussion with GSA staff ; DEC email request to review property IC for residual soil contamination will be forwarded to GSA supervisor. Bruce Wanstall
3/20/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78467 (Autogenerated Action)
5/16/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78472 (Autogenerated Action)
3/15/2012 Update or Other Action File Review. Site scheduled for closure with ICs but RP has not responded to letter or cooperative negotiations. IC required is a property agreement to remediate remaining contamination after removal of the building. Site will remain open on CS database until IC approved by GSA. Summary of file review and emails added to site file. Site added to list for GSA discussions this fiscal year. James Ward
8/7/2015 Update or Other Action Reviewed ETM for this site and PCB site. Revised ETM for PCB site. Placed summary on listing of GSA sites communicated to agency during cleanup progress meeting. Fred Vreeman
4/26/2016 Update or Other Action Site reassigned for follow up by project manager Fred Vreeman
6/15/2016 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent PRP letter and letter requesting copies of reports documenting current site status. Melody Debenham
5/30/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with the GSA to discuss site needs. Danielle Duncan
1/26/2023 Update or Other Action Emailed RP to request an update on site status. No communication since August 2019. Flannery Ballard
2/28/2023 Site Visit While GSA was in town, performed a site visit to the area of the 1990's UST releases. The area is now home to the current USTs that supply fuel to the building. GSA communicated that previous excavations had been hampered by the foundations of the building, and the area is now capped by a concrete slab. The Gold Creek Children's Daycare center is located basically on site. Need to perform a site review of available documents to ascertain risk and to evaluate the site for closure with ICs. Flannery Ballard

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
CS Database Notation And Letter To Landowner/RP Database notation entered into the LUST database on 8/11/04.


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions Elevated concentrations of diesel range hydrocarbons remain in soil underlying the sidewalk adjacent to the retaining wall that support the sidewalk along 7th Street. The quantity of soil is estimated at less than 10 cubic yards. If removal of soil from the contaminant plume area of the property becomes necessary the DEC will be notified in advance to ensure that final placement of the soil does not violate water quality or petroleum regulations.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Elevated concentrations of diesel range hydrocarbons remain in soil underlying the sidewalk adjacent to the retaining wall that support the sidewalk along 7th Street. The quantity of soil is estimated at less than 10 cubic yards. If groundwater supply well installation on the property is planned, the DEC will be notified in advance to provide oversight to ensure drinking water and petroleum regulations are not exceeded. If removal of soil from the contaminant plume area of the property becomes n If groundwater supply well installation on the property is planned, the DEC will be notified in advance to provide oversight to ensure drinking water and petroleum regulations are not exceeded.

There are no documents for this site report.

Hazard ID Site Name File Number
1982 GSA Juneau Federal Building 1513.38.032

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