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Site Report: Mountain Market (formerly K&J Auto)

Site Name: Mountain Market (formerly K&J Auto)
Address: Corner of Haines Cutoff Highway and Third Ave., Haines, AK 99827
File Number: 1508.26.006
Hazard ID: 24544
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 59.232943
Longitude: -135.448558
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Site first known to be contaminated on 8/30/1991 in site assessment sampling by Randolph Bayliss, P.E. contracted under the previous owner, K&J Auto. The underground tanks, related equipment and some of the soil contaminated by the fuel release were removed from site in April 1992 by the Mountain Corporation. Gasoline soil contamination beneath Third Avenue was deemed not accessible and was left in-place. In 2001, four monitoring wells were installed to investigate gasoline contamination migrating in groundwater beyond Third Avenue. In 2003, 60 cubic yards of gasoline contaminated material was removed from the ditchline on the south side of Third Avenue. An air sparging unit was installed along 50 feet of the facility side ditchline of Third Avenue. The Mountain Corporation operates the sparging unit several hours every day, delivering air into the subsurface environment to promote bacterial breakdown of primarily gasoline and benzene contamination residing in the soil and groundwater.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/25/1991 Site Added to Database Former Staff
10/25/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77570 K&J Auto Site Assesment Report found weathered petroleum soil contamination and spotty groundwater contamination in the Fall of 1991; verbally reported to DEC 8/30/91; written report 8/22/91. Former Staff
4/16/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; All contaminated soil on Mountain Market property was excavated that did not threaten structural integrity of surrounding roads & structures (1680 cyds) and was hauled to Northern Timber Corp. for remediation. Contaminated soil still remaining on property (under structures); full extent of contamination off-site unknown. : LCAU date changed DB conversion Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: MOUNTAIN CORPORATION Former Staff
12/22/1997 Update or Other Action Soil Aerating now. Call from Mary jean.; Mary Jean; Former Staff
10/2/2001 Update or Other Action Changed Project Manager from Paul Horwath to Anne Marie Palmieri Cynthia Pring-Ham
7/1/2003 Release Investigation 60 cubic yards of soil was excavated from Lot 11, Block D, located across Third Avenue from the UST source area. Tests showed that benzene remained in soil extending into the often water-saturated layer below the extent of the excavation. The soil was transported off-site and remediated. Bruce Wanstall
4/6/2004 Cleanup Level(s) Approved Record of Decision signed by Section Manager; alternative Method Two migration to groundwater soil cleanup levels are ten times those listed in Table B1and B2 for GRO, DRO and BTEX; groundwater cleanup levels are those listed in Table C under 18 AAC 75.345. Bruce Wanstall
6/30/2004 Update or Other Action Project management transferred from Palmieri to Wanstall. Bruce Wanstall
3/15/2005 Update or Other Action File transfers and database updates. Bruce Wanstall
5/18/2005 Update or Other Action Topozone and personal knowledge of the site used to generate GIS latitude and longitude and estimate data accuracy. Bruce Wanstall
8/18/2005 Update or Other Action Review of the file to assist consultant in locating monitoring well points to draw up a current plan for annual sampling event. Copy of installation report conveyed to the consultant. Bruce Wanstall
10/24/2005 Update or Other Action Mountain Market file and Monitoring Well Sampling Report Lab data QA/QC Bruce Wanstall
10/27/2005 Long Term Monitoring Established Monitoring Well Sampling Comment letter sent; copy saved at jnu-svrfile G:\SPAR\Spar-Contaminated Sites\26 Case Files (LUST Sites)\1508 Haines\1508.26.006 Mountain Market (Formerly K&J Auto) Bruce Wanstall
12/14/2006 Update or Other Action Locate file and review the monitoring pattern and the sparging unit requirements. Phone MJS and CDI for an update. Bruce Wanstall
7/2/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking ETM ranking (initial by 1991 data and current by 2001 data) and telephone discussion with the facility owner for ground water well monitoring plan for 2007. Controlling pathways include each of the soil and air routes currently in minor exposure risk status. Bruce Wanstall
8/14/2007 Update or Other Action Requested on-site meeting on August 20th or 21st to determine current status and to discuss application of the 10 times rule cleanup level for the 3rd Avenue right of way with the Borough. Bruce Wanstall
9/19/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed and commented on the 2007 ground water monitoring report including lab control checklist and trend analysis. Bruce Wanstall
11/26/2007 Update or Other Action $321.30 received from Mountain Corporation for cost recovery of site cleanup oversight provided by DEC. Bruce Wanstall
1/16/2008 Update or Other Action $201.74 installment payment was received from Mountain Corporation for ADEC cleanup and monitoring project oversight. Bruce Wanstall
2/27/2008 Update or Other Action $215.29 installment payment was received from Mountain Corporation for ADEC cleanup and monitoring project oversight. Bruce Wanstall
9/29/2008 Update or Other Action Review the sampling schedule for site status. Daily operation of the air sparging unit will continue according to the two hour-per-day schedule with any interruptions reported to the ADEC. A sampling of monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 and MW-4 for GRO, DRO and BTEX analysis by an ADEC approved laboratory is due in September 2009. Bruce Wanstall
10/5/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Program reviewed the 2009 ground water monitoring report. The Test America Analytical Report failed to meet minimum DEC quality assurance requirements and the environmental consultant (Carson Dorn Inc) failed to address any of the minimum DEC quality assurance requirements for an environmental data report. CS sent a letter to Mountain Market requesting that quality assurance requirements be met; such as the lab checklist, case narrative, chain of custody, etc. Also requested that the daily operation of a air sparging unit be mentioned and what the intentions are until the next semi-annual monitoring event; that could be fall 2009 or in 2011 if a proper Report can be assembled. Bruce Wanstall
1/28/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the requested information from the responsible party on the Mountain Market regulated underground storage tank site undergoing active remedial treatment. ADEC replied by letter that ground water data meets quality assurance acceptance criteria and operation of the sparge system is consistent with the approved plan. Bruce Wanstall
2/16/2010 Long Term Monitoring Established DEC letter was sent to Mountain Corporation confirming a semi-annual schedule is in effect to monitor residual ground water contamination and report on daily operation of the on-site sparge unit. Bruce Wanstall
8/11/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking File record of four Release Investigations and nine years of long term groundwater monitoring were used for a risk evaluation of completed exposure pathways. The results are recorded in the DEC exposure tracking module for UST Release Source Area 77570. Bruce Wanstall
3/20/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed the Report Mountain Market Site – 2011 Groundwater Monitoring by CDI documenting groundwater contamination at the former regulated tank site. The scope of the current investigation is to document the effectiveness of in-situ treatment efforts implemented over the last five years to remediate residual gasoline groundwater contamination. In accordance with Title 18 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 78.090 and 18 AAC 78.230, qualified person(s) used data collection methods consistent with DEC methodology in the approved sampling plan. The data meet field and laboratory report quality assurance criteria in Contaminated Sites Program guidance documents and the UST Procedures Manual. The Report documents the results of current and historical results of field and laboratory investigation into petroleum release from regulated UST systems as required by 18 AAC 78.230 - 18 AAC 78.280 and 18 AAC 78.600 - 18 AAC 78.625, therefore the Report meets the final corrective action reporting requirements in 18 AAC 78.276. A determination for corrective action complete is recommended for this site in the report. Bruce Wanstall
5/4/2012 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77570 USTs. Bruce Wanstall
5/22/2012 Site Visit DEC site visit; observed and photographed the location of MW-3 flush mount on the east side of the Third Street right of way opposite the air sparge unit on the Mountain Market property. Tracked the Mission Street surface water drainage and observed the passage under Beach Road to a park and then the marine intertidal. Bruce Wanstall
6/27/2012 Long Term Monitoring Complete Administrative action on 5/1/2013. Kristin Thompson
6/27/2012 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Investigation of groundwater and long term monitoring has served as an indication that any remaining contaminants of concern have sufficiently attenuated and will continue to decrease further with time. Based on the results of an exposure pathway assessment, DEC has determined under 18 AAC 78.270(b) that the release does not pose a threat to human health, safety, or welfare, or to the environment and requires no further assessment or cleanup action. Bruce Wanstall

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
GRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Benzene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Toluene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Ethylbenzene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Xylenes (total) Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
GRO > Table C Groundwater
Benzene > Table C Groundwater
Toluene < Table C Groundwater
Ethylbenzene < Table C Groundwater
Xylenes (total) < Table C Groundwater
DRO < Table C Groundwater

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.

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