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Site Report: Holiday Station Store #616/Williams Express Store #5016

Site Name: Holiday Station Store #616/Williams Express Store #5016
Address: 12021 Old Glenn Highway, Eagle River, AK 99577
File Number: 2107.26.001
Hazard ID: 24581
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.329000
Longitude: -149.568000
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


During the 1995 UST removal activities, petroleum-impacted soils were encountered. Apparent release sources include a ruptured pipe near former Dispenser Island D3 and a loosely threaded drain plug located near the fill pipe of Tank T3. No specific release volumes were documented. Other releases over time may have occurred due to tank overfills, product dispensing, and other fuel storage and handling practices.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/31/1995 Site Added to Database Former Staff
3/31/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77684 Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: MAPCO EXPRESS INC Former Staff
3/25/1998 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Former Staff
9/17/2001 Update or Other Action Changed ADEC Project Manager from Bush to Wiegers Cynthia Pring-Ham
10/31/2002 Update or Other Action Fall monitoring report submitted. Groundwater samples were collected from three wells. Benzene in the exhaust reached concentrations of 29.8 ppm. VES line 2 accounted for 75% of total hydrocarbon mass removal. MTBE was detected in B2MW and B1MW at 0.4 ppm. Janice Wiegers
3/11/2003 Update or Other Action Per J.Wiegers, change file number from L30.16 to 2107.26.001 Wendy Uzzell
11/14/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Remediation and groundwater monitoring report submitted. MTBE remain in B1MW and B2MW. BTEX was not detected in the monitoring wells. Increase vapor recovery was observed in Line 2 of the remediation system which may indicate smear zone soil contamination in this area. Flow will be increased through Line 2. Janice Wiegers
9/7/2004 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway On 07 July 2004, Bush met with Holiday representative Bruce Anthony; Williams Express representative Terrie Blackburn; and Shannon & Wilson representatives Matt Hemry, Ben Heaver, and Tim Terry. The topic of discussions was plans for future activities at all former Williams Express Stations. Lynne Bush
9/8/2004 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Holiday will be assuming responsibility for investigative and remediation activities at all former Williams Express Stores, but legal responsibility is divided by store. Holiday has renumbered their stores as: 5001=601; 5002=602; 5005=605; 5005=605; 5006=606; 5007=607; 5008=608; 5010=610; 5014=614; 5016=616; 5018=618; 5024=624; 5025=625; 5030=630; 5031=631; 5050=650. While Holiday will oversee the work at the former Williams’ stations, these sites remain the responsibility of Williams. The numbers of these sites remain the same: 5003; 5004; 5009; 5012; 5015; 5017; 5021; and 5034. Lynne Bush
5/9/2006 Update or Other Action Project management transferred from Bush to O'Connell. Aggie Blandford
5/15/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received May to December 2005 monitoring report. GW monitoring discontinued in 2004, this sampling event in response to elevated vapor samples collected in 2005. Three wells sampled, all ND. Bill O'Connell
3/16/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Former Staff
6/6/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2006 Annual Monitoring Report. Vapor monitoring only. Vapor samples contained GRO from 1.78 to 48.8 ppm and benzene from 0.25 to 7.75 ppm. Bill O'Connell
6/23/2008 Update or Other Action Receipt of 2007 report electronically. Review included laboratory review checklist. VES monitoring conducted. A rebound test was to be conducted starting late fall 2007 until early summer 2008, the results of which will determine if a petition for a change in site status will be submitted. Keather McLoone
2/13/2009 Update or Other Action At September 24 meeting with Holiday, Williams and their consultant it was communicated that a groundwater event was conducted in April 2008. B1MW and B3MW were nondetect for GRO and BTEX. Keather McLoone
2/13/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77684 USTs. Keather McLoone
6/12/2009 Update or Other Action Receipt of Petition for Determination of Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls Holiday Station Store No. 616. Keather McLoone
7/14/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of January to June 2008 Remediation System Monitoring Event and April 2008 Groundwater Monitoring report received July 1, 2009. Review included laboratory review checklist. A rebound test was conducted between January and June 2008. Historical data showed a high degree of variability but the overall trend was a generally decreasing one prior to shutoff of the system. The rebound test results were consistent with the last 3 years of data. Groundwater results were consistent with recent results. Keather McLoone
8/19/2009 Institutional Control Record Established Notice of remaining contamination- Soil contaminated with benzene and GRO above the ADEC Tables B1 and B2 cleanup levels remained in the former tank excavations and pump island areas. Keather McLoone
8/19/2009 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued The ADEC has determined there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, and this site will be granted a Corrective Action Complete- ICs determination subject to the following. 1. Any future change in land use may impact the exposure assumptions cited in this document. If land use and/or ownership changes, current ICs may not be protective and ADEC may require additional remediation and/or ICs. Therefore the Holiday Alaska, Inc. shall report to ADEC every five years to document land use, or report as soon as Holiday Alaska, Inc. becomes aware of any change in land ownership and/or use, if earlier. The report can be sent to the local ADEC office or electronically to 2. A Notice of Environmental Contamination must be recorded and will be attached to the ADEC database to document that there is residual contamination remaining onsite above most stringent ADEC cleanup levels. 3. Future installation of groundwater wells will require approval from ADEC. 4. Monitoring wells (MWs) must be decommissioned in accordance with the ADEC approved Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning at Holiday and/or Williams Stores dated May 29, 2009. 5. Any proposal to transport soil or groundwater off site requires ADEC approval in accordance with 18 AAC 78.600(h). A “site” [as defined by 18 AAC 75.990 (115)] means an area that is contaminated, including areas contaminated by the migration of hazardous substances from a source area, regardless of property ownership. 6. Movement or use of contaminated material in a manner that results in a violation of 18 AAC 70 water quality standards is prohibited. Keather McLoone
9/2/2009 Update or Other Action DEC received a Corrective Action Complete-ICs Agreement and Signature Page on this date. Keather McLoone
9/16/2009 Update or Other Action Work Plan for Remediation System Decommissioning and Well Decommissioning received on this date. Removal of the above ground remediation system components will be removed from the site. The shed will remain at the site for storage at the request of the store manager. Monitoring wells B1MW, B2MW, and B3MW will be decommissioned in accordance with the work plan for monitoring well decommissioning at Holiday and/or Williams Stores dated May 29, 2009 and approved by ADEC on June 5, 2009. Keather McLoone
1/11/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of Well and Remediation System Decommissioning report. This work was to be performed in accordance with the Work Plan for Remediation System Decommissioning and Well Decommissioning at Holiday Station Store 616, dated September 14, 2009 and approved on September 17, 2009. This report does not supply adequate detail regarding the sealing of the subsurface piping components or the well decommissioning. ADEC requests additional information. Keather McLoone
9/13/2010 Update or Other Action Email clarification regarding decommissioning report on today's date stating "missing a sentence in our VES decommissioning paragraph indicating that the lines were filled". Email reply sent stating that this was sufficient additional information. Keather McLoone
9/27/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Receipt via email of revised Monitoring Well and Remediation System Decommissioning at Holiday Station Store 616. Letter sent on 11/1/10 commenting on the revised decommissioning report. Holiday requested a response during the October 28th meeting. Keather McLoone
12/1/2011 Update or Other Action The current project manager chose to retain management of this site with the Cleanup Complete Determination that has Institutional Controls. Kristin Thompson
8/6/2012 Update or Other Action Received a phone call from Seth Startup (a land developer) indicating that Walgreens intends to buy this gas station. They submitted a request to the UST program last week and intend to pull the tanks on 20 April. The request was approved. Seth provided the results from a Phase II inspection that was conducted in July 2012. Richard Bernhardt
8/7/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Phase II report from July 2012. Eleven soil borings were advanced, and all were developed into temporary monitoring wells. Soil samples were collected prior to development. Two additional borings were advanced to analyze soil gas concentrations. One temporary soil boring had concentrations slightly above above cleanup for benzene (actual concentration = 0.0254 mg/kg), but all other samples were either ND or less than ADEC cleanup levels. The benzene sample came from 18' bgs. Other detectable analytes included GRO, MTBE, and benzene in other borings, but all were below cleanup levels. BTEX was not detected in soil gas samples where the new Walgreens building will be built. Richard Bernhardt
8/20/2012 Site Visit Site visit to observe tank pull and decommissioning activities. Richard Bernhardt
8/22/2012 Update or Other Action Walgreens closed on the property sale on 17 Aug 2012, and all four tanks (3x gas/1x diesel) were pulled on 20 & 21 August. Richard Bernhardt
8/31/2012 Site Visit Spoke with job site foreman (Steve ?) to see why excavation continues on west side of former Holiday property. An 8" water pipe was installed to bring water to the new Walgreens store, and excavation was backfilled. The former Holiday store was demolished on Friday and was in the process of being removed. Excavation to 8' BGS was nearly complete on the east side of the site. Richard Bernhardt
9/12/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and approved soil characterization workplan from Walgreens' consultant (ARCADIS). All soil & gravel will be excavated and characterized down to 3' BGS from the western portion of the former Holiday store. Soil will be sorted and stockpiled until lab results confirm contaminant concentrations. Clean soil will be taken to Alaska Aggregate Products in Eklutna, and contaminated soils are expected to be taken to Anchorage Regional Landfill, pending results of contaminant concentrations. The excavation and replacement with clean soil are necessary for development of Walgreens' appurtenances on top of soils that are more structurally sound. Richard Bernhardt
9/19/2012 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Lab reports collected during Holiday's tank pull indicate that maximum soil contaminant concentrations under the former dispensor include benzene at 0.275 mg/Kg. Additional excavation was conducted to remove contaminated soil, and 150 cy of contaminated soil from stockpile was approved to be taken to Anchorage Regional Landfill. All known or suspected contaminated soil has now been removed from the dispenser/UST areas. Additional confirmation samples from stockpile were collected. Richard Bernhardt
9/26/2012 Update or Other Action Received SGS lab results from Shannon & Wilson (Haydar Turker) for their initial excavation efforts. Results show that all samples from the first stockpiles were either "non-detect" or below Limits of Quantitation. William's rep will take remaining stockpiled soil (known to be contaminated with up to 0.275 mg/Kg benzene) to the Anchorage Regional Landfill for disposal. Walgreens has begun excavating and characterizing the top 3' of gravel from beneath the former asphault on the west side of the facility. Richard Bernhardt
12/17/2012 Final Cleanup Report Reviewed Holiday/Shannon & Wilson has successfully completed their UST closure efforts. Soil containing as much as 0.275mg/Kg benzene was detected beneath the westernmost dispenser island after the first excavation attempt, so a second excavation was conducted. Confirmation testing from the excavation walls and floor did not reveal additional contamination. Therefore, ADEC will not require additional characterization or remediation associated with the UST closure. The site will be evaluated for complete closure in 2013. Richard Bernhardt
12/24/2012 Site Visit Site visit to evaluate prior to complete closure and to observe construction progress. Richard Bernhardt
1/11/2013 Institutional Control Record Removed Excavation and remediation efforts have successfully removed contamination to a point that no longer presents an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Richard Bernhardt
1/11/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77684 USTs. The ETM was updated for source area 77684 based on a Phase II investigation and characterization/remediation efforts that were part of the UST closure process in 2012. The top three to eight feet feet of soil were removed from the entire facility following sale to Walgreens in 2012. Contaminated areas near the northern dispenser island were excavated until contamination was no longer detectable in laboratory samples. One soil sample contained 0.0254 mg/Kg benzene, 18' BGS on the western side of the property (near the 1998-era UST array). This is considered to be De Minimis contamination, and it was not detected in groundwater samples Richard Bernhardt

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Benzene < Method 2 Most Stringent Soil

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.

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