Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
4/25/1996 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
4/25/1996 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78030 Soil and groundwater contamination found in 1996 during the removal of the old UST system (2 gasoline, 1 diesel, and 1 used oil tank) and the installation of a new UST system. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest. Groundwater is at about 5 feet below ground surface. |
Former Staff |
4/26/1996 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Tank closure site assessment identified gasoline and diesel contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
3/25/1998 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
Former Staff |
9/3/1998 |
Release Investigation |
Three monitoring wells are installed. |
Robert Weimer |
8/16/2000 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Four more monitoring wells are installed, for a total of seven. |
Robert Weimer |
11/3/2000 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
Approved 50 cubic yards of stockpiled contaminated soil to be treated at ASR. |
Robert Weimer |
1/30/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Annual meeting with ADEC & Chevron reps to review AK sites and set goals for 2001. See meeting notes for additional details. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
8/13/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter requesting additional monitoring wells to define the extent of the contamination and groundwater sampling. |
Robert Weimer |
10/3/2003 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Three more monitoring wells are installed, for a total of ten. |
Robert Weimer |
8/19/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 9, 2004 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.4 mg/l DRO, 15.0 mg/l GRO, 160 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some downgradient wells. |
Robert Weimer |
8/25/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends letter requesting additional monitoring wells to define the extent of groundwater contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
10/11/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on June 22, 2004 and July 28, 2004. Up to 25 ug/l GRO, 860 ug/l DRO, and 3.3 ug/l benzene found in water entering creek from storm drain outfall. |
Robert Weimer |
10/12/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Talked with RP's consultant, they will begin sampling Campbell Creek every two months for BTEX, GRO, DRO, and PAH's. They will also note weather conditions. |
Robert Weimer |
12/6/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 21, 2004 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 7.3 mg/l DRO, 16.0 mg/l GRO, 570 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some of the wells. |
Robert Weimer |
1/25/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved 5.8 cubic yards of BTEX/GRO/VOC contaminated soils to be thermally treated at ASR. This soil was generated from property transfer baseline site assessment borings. |
Robert Weimer |
1/26/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the December 14, 2004 Baseline Site Assessment report. The report documents the results of 13 soil borings and 15 groundwater samples collected from the borings and some of the existing monitoring wells. Up to 49 mg/l GRO, 1,700 ug/l benzene, non-detect MTBE, and 1,500 ug/l VOCs was found in the groundwater. Up to 790 mg/kg GRO, 1.2 mg/kg benzene, non-detect MTBE, 16 mg/kg VOCs was found in the soil. The highest VOC results were found near the southwest (BA-10) and west side (BA-11) of the property. |
Robert Weimer |
1/28/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on October 27, 2004. Up to 16 ug/l GRO, 320 ug/l DRO, and 2 ug/l benzene found in water entering creek from storm drain outfall. These contamination concentrations are lower than the June/July 2004 sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
2/24/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on December 19, 2004. Up to 12 ug/l GRO, 280 ug/l DRO, and 1.6 ug/l benzene found in water entering creek from storm drain outfall. These contamination concentrations are lower than the October 2004 sampling event. They also did PAH analysis and found some barely detectable PAH's (up to 0.2 ug/l pyrene, and 0.095 ug/l fluoranthene) in the creek at 3 sampling locations. |
Robert Weimer |
2/25/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 6, 2004 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.5 mg/l DRO, 4.8 mg/l GRO, 180 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be decreasing. The groundwater flows to the southeast during this monitoring event. |
Robert Weimer |
5/31/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 21, 2005 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.92 mg/l DRO, 1.7 mg/l GRO, 120 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be decreasing. |
Robert Weimer |
6/30/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on April 29, 2005. Up to 24 ug/l GRO, 460 ug/l DRO, and 2.0 ug/l benzene found in water entering creek from storm drain outfall. These contamination concentrations are higher than the December 2004 sampling event. They also did PAH analysis and found some barely detectable PAH's (up to 0.045 ug/l Benzo(a)pyrene, and 0.091 ug/l fluoranthene) in the creek at one sample location. |
Robert Weimer |
7/6/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
June creek sampling didn't collect PAH, they will collect them tomorrow and submit all data in a report. |
Robert Weimer |
8/9/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 15, 2005 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.3 mg/l DRO, 14 mg/l GRO, 570 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be increasing. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. |
Robert Weimer |
10/21/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on July 7, 2005. Up to 270 ug/l DRO, non-detect (<10 ug/l) GRO, and non-detect (<0.5 ug/l) benzene found in water entering creek from storm drain outfall. These contamination concentrations are lower than the April 2005 sampling event. PAH analysis did not find detectable levels but two sample jars were broken in transit, including the one that had the highest levels during the previous sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
10/21/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approved request for quarterly non-winter sampling of the creek for BTEX(602/624), GRO, DRO, and PAH's(610/625). |
Robert Weimer |
11/1/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC notified that due to safety concerns regarding the creek starting to freeze, they could not collect the fall creek samples as requested. The next creek sampling will occur in the spring of 2006 after the creek thaws. |
Robert Weimer |
12/1/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 28, 2005 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.9 mg/l DRO, 12 mg/l GRO, 270 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be generally stable. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4 to 9 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/28/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Discussed future site work with RP's consultant. They are to remove 2 hoists, floor drains and oil/water separator in January 2006. |
Robert Weimer |
1/10/2006 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approval of 25 cubic yards of hoist contaminated soil for thermal treatment at ASR. |
Robert Weimer |
2/7/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 7, 2005 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.1 mg/l DRO, 1.1 mg/l GRO, 65 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels appear to be decreasing in those 3 wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the south and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5 to 6 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
2/9/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron to discuss future site work. They are to sample the two highest contaminated wells for EDB and 1,2-DCA in 2006. Chevron is still evaluating treatment options, the remediation system is scheduled for 2007/2008. They will check the monitoring well integrity of MW-4. Report on the sampling of the hoist area is to be submitted soon. |
Robert Weimer |
8/11/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Notified RP's consultant that I had got a report that monitoring well MW-9 needs repair. It has been damaged by frost jacking. |
Robert Weimer |
8/22/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Received notification that monitoring well MW-9 has been repaired. |
Robert Weimer |
8/22/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves treatment of purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
8/25/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
April 7, 2006 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.1 mg/l DRO, 1.5 mg/l GRO, 96 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels appear to be decreasing in 2 of the 3 wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the south and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6 to 7 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
8/29/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 1, 2006 Hoist Removal Summary Report.26 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed and thermally treated. Arsenic and Chromium at naturally occurring background levels. Up to 0.18 mg/kg PCE (0.03 mg/kg is the cleanup level) remains beneath the building at 5.5 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
9/14/2006 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves thermal treatment of 3 super sacks of contaminated soil generated during the installation of bollards. |
Robert Weimer |
10/16/2006 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of 1 drum of purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
11/6/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 18, 2006 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.3 mg/l DRO, 15 mg/l GRO, 420 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels are increasing in 8 of the 9 wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the south and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5 to 8 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/7/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on July 14, 2006. All samples were non-detect for GRO, DRO, and benzene. These contamination concentrations are lower than the July 2005 sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
1/30/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on October 10, 2006. All samples were non-detect for GRO, MTBE, and benzene. One sample had 25 ug/l DRO. These contamination concentrations are lower than the July 2005 sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
1/31/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 28, 2006 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 4.4 mg/l DRO, 12 mg/l GRO, 200 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels are decreasing in 2 of the 9 wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the south and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 3 to 7 feet below ground surface. EDB and 1,2-DCA samples were non detect. |
Robert Weimer |
2/1/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter approving a reduction in the analysis of some of the groundwater monitoring wells. ADEC also suspends creek sampling at sampling point SP-5. Because of the remaining PCE soil contamination beneath the building at the former hoist area, ADEC requests that certain groundwater monitoring wells be sampled for Chlorinated Solvents in the second quarter 2007. |
Robert Weimer |
4/2/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with RP to discuss site. They are to continue with quarterly monitoring and sampling. They will be installing a replacement monitoring well for MW-9 that was damaged last winter. |
Robert Weimer |
6/25/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of one drum of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
7/10/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves work plan for installing a replacement monitoring for MW-9. |
Robert Weimer |
7/23/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
A replacement monitoring well for MW-9 was installed (MW-9R). |
Robert Weimer |
8/15/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Approve thermal treatment of 1 drum of contaminated soil drill cuttings and 1 drum of contaminated development water. |
Robert Weimer |
10/1/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 20, 2006 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.0 mg/l DRO, 1.0 mg/l GRO, 48 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels are decreasing in 2 of the 3 wells. Historically groundwater flow direction is to the south and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 3.85 to 5.75 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
10/16/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of one drum of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
11/16/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on June 21, 2007. All samples were non-detect for GRO, MTBE, and benzene. One sample had 31 ug/l DRO. These contamination concentrations are lower than the July 2005 sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
11/16/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 15, 2007 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.83 mg/l DRO, 0.80 mg/l GRO, 20 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels are generally stable in these two monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 7.37 to 8.05 feet below ground surface. The creek was not sampled because of ice. |
Robert Weimer |
11/19/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC requests that the RP's consultant provide the lab package and a completed DEC QA/QC checklist for the Creek samples, and provide the sample receipt lab checklist for the Lancaster Labs and Test America groundwater samples. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 23, 2007 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 6.4 mg/l DRO,11.0 mg/l GRO, 500 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 8 monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels are decreasing in 7 of the 8 wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.05 to 8.51 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
2/7/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on September 24, 2007. All samples were non-detect for GRO, MTBE, and benzene. Up to 60 ug/l DRO. These contamination concentrations are lower than the July 2005 sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
2/7/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 27, 2007 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.2 mg/l DRO,11.0 mg/l GRO, 390 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.17 to 7.89 feet below ground surface. BTEX and GRO groundwater results are biased low do to excessive temperature in samples delivered to the lab (8.1 to 9.2 degrees C). |
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Conceptual Site Model (CSM) submitted for this site. The CSM identified completed exposure pathways as soil ingestion/dermal contact, ingestion/dermal absorption of groundwater contamination, inhalation of outdoor/indoor air, and ingestion/dermal absorption of surface water. |
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 11, 2007 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.5 mg/l DRO,1.8 mg/l GRO, 100 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.24 to 7.27 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
3/5/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. Chevron to conduct and indoor air evaluation for this site. They will continue to sample the creek. They plan to evaluate the storm water sewer near their site. They will provide at corrective action plan for the remaining soil and groundwater contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
4/30/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviews and approves April 23, 2008 Work Plan. The plan proposes to collect monitored natural attenuation data, and to conduct a storm water assessment for this site. ADEC also request that they evaluate other remedial alternatives to enhance the remediation at this site. |
Robert Weimer |
5/14/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
5/14/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78030 (Autogenerated Action) |
6/9/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves treatment of one drum of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
10/15/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves treatment of drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 17, 2008 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.3 mg/l DRO, 16.0 mg/l GRO, 490 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 7 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.15 to 8.59 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on June 4, 2008. All samples were non-detect for GRO, MTBE, and benzene. Up to 190 ug/l DRO. The DRO contamination concentrations are higher than the previous sampling event in 2 of the 3 stream locations that were sampled. Results may be biased low due to failure to keep the samples chilled. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 4, 2008 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.3 mg/l DRO, 2.8 mg/l GRO, 100 ug/l benzene, and <50 ug/l MTBE in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the southeast and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.1 to 7.23 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
11/24/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 4, 2008 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.1 mg/l DRO, 3.0 mg/l GRO, 190 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.15 to 8.59 feet below ground surface. Results may be biased low due to failure to keep the samples chilled. |
Robert Weimer |
2/25/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. Chevron to conduct and indoor air evaluation for this site. Surface water sampling it to continue until further notice. Chevron is to evaluate corrective action alternatives for the remaining soil and groundwater contamination and submit a corrective action plan. Storm water assessment report is to be reviewed by ADEC. |
Robert Weimer |
5/4/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 10, 2008 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.2 mg/l DRO, 2.7 mg/l GRO, 100 ug/l benzene and <50 ug/l MTBE in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.16 to 8.78 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
5/5/2009 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of 15 gallons of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
6/30/2009 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
7/27/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 26, 2008 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.6 mg/l DRO, 11.0 mg/l GRO, and 300 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 3 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.71 to 8.16 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
7/28/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 17, 2008 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.1 mg/l DRO, 14.0 mg/l GRO, and 300 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 4 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 3.62 to 7.71 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
7/28/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek storm sewer sediment sampling conducted on October 10, 2008. Up to 4700 mg/kg DRO, 22 mg/kg GRO, and <0.5 mg/kg benzene in the 5 sediment samples collected. The highest sediment sample was from the clean out next to Old Seward Highway. Up to 760 mg/kg DRO, <10 mg/kg GRO, and <0.2 mg/kg benzene in the storm drain clean outs just prior to discharge into Campbell Creek. |
Robert Weimer |
7/28/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek storm sewer water sampling conducted on October 10, 2008. Up to 7.1 mg/l DRO, 0.010 mg/l GRO, and 2 ug/l benzene in the 5 storm sewer clean out samples collected. The highest storm sewer sample was from the clean out next to Old Seward Highway. Up to 2.8 mg/l DRO, 0.010 mg/l GRO, and 2 ug/l benzene in the storm drain clean outs prior to discharge into Campbell Creek. A sheen was noted on the surface runoff from the current pump islands and curb and gutter systems around the site. Because of the observed concentrations in the storm sewer the RP's consultant recommends suspending quarterly sampling of Campbell Creek. |
Robert Weimer |
7/28/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on October 10, 2008. Up to 1300 ug/l DRO, 10 ug/l GRO, and 1 ug/l benzene. The DRO contamination concentrations are higher than the previous sampling event in 2 of the 4 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
7/28/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) evaluation report. MNA parameters were collected on 6/26/08 and 9/17/08. MNA parameters indicate that the entire area is anerobic (including upgradient) except for the monitoring wells near Campbell Creek. Statistical analysis of dissolved concentrations in select monitoring wells does not support a stable or shrinking plume. Slug stest were conducted in select monitoring wells, and average hydraulic conductivity of 7.06 feet per day was observed. |
Robert Weimer |
8/12/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
The January 27, 2009 report recommends that the quarterly surface water sampling be suspended. This is not approved because elevated groundwater contamination remains in close proximity to Campbell Creek. Campbell Creek sampling needs to continue. |
Robert Weimer |
8/31/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 19, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.1 mg/l DRO, 3.8 mg/l GRO, <10 ug/l MTBE, and 27 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south by southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 7.10 to 8.53 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
10/12/2009 |
Proposed Plan |
Approved request for treatment of 30 gallons of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
1/25/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 8, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.6 mg/l DRO, 14 mg/l GRO, <10 ug/l MTBE, and 320 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 6 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.45 to 7.50 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
1/25/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Report of Campbell Creek sampling conducted on June 9, 2009. All samples were non-detect. The DRO contamination concentrations are lower than the previous sampling event in 3 of the 4 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
2/25/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 23, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.4 mg/l DRO, 14 mg/l GRO, and 390 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 6 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.19 to 8.86 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
2/26/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved request for treatment of 15 gallons of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
3/9/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on September 24, 2009. Up to <52 ug/l DRO, <10 ug/l GRO, and <0.5 ug/l benzene. The DRO contamination concentrations similar to the previous sampling event in 4 of the 4 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
3/9/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review proposed 2009 Corrective Action Plan. The plan proposes to do monitored natural attenuation for 2 years and evaluate whether enhancements are needed to aid natural attenuation at this site. Existing monitoring data that anaerobic conditions exist at the site. The current low dissolved oxygen levels appears to be limiting the cleanup of the site. |
Robert Weimer |
3/10/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. MW3 & MW7 are to be sampled for PAH the next monitoring event. Chevron to provide a workplan for enhanced monitored natural attenuation. Need to continue quarterly groundwater monitoring of the three monitoring wells near the creek and creek sampling. We discussed that groundwater samples for volatiles should not be collected with bailers or peristaltic pumps due to the loss of volatiles, Chevron is to provide a workplan specifying how groundwater samples will be collected in the future. |
Robert Weimer |
5/14/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Talked with Chevron consultant (Arcadis) the recent monitoring event the samples showed up to the lab late and over temperature. DEC requests that those samples not be analyzed and that they have the site resampled this quarter. Arcadis said they would do that. |
Robert Weimer |
10/22/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 25, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.5 mg/l DRO, 0.87 mg/l GRO, and 24 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.69 to 9.22 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
10/22/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 10, 2010 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.1 mg/l DRO, 12.0 mg/l GRO, and 410 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 8 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 5 of the 8 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the south and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.61 to 8.56 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
10/22/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on May 20, 2010. Up All samples were non-detect. The DRO contamination concentrations similar to the previous sampling event in 4 of the 4 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
2/22/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Chevron still has not provided a workplan for enhanced monitored natural attenuation as requested in the meeting on 3/10/2010. |
Robert Weimer |
8/16/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
October 5, 2010 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.4 mg/l DRO, 10.0 mg/l GRO, and 200 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 7 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 4 of the 7 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.23 to 9.53 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
8/16/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on October 5, 2010. Up to 370 ug/l DRO, 19 ug/l GRO, and non-detect (<0.5 ug/l) benzene. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations similar to the previous sampling event in the 4 stream locations that were sampled, except for SP-3 which had detectable DRO and GRO results. SP-3 is located just downstream from the site. |
Robert Weimer |
9/1/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 21, 2010 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.93 mg/l DRO, 2.6 mg/l GRO, and 130 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.39 to 7.67 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
10/31/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 9, 2011 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.87 mg/l DRO, 1.0 mg/l GRO, and 26 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction is historically to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 7.41 to 9.21 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/9/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 13, 2011 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.7 mg/l DRO, 9.3 mg/l GRO, and 380 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 8 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.95 to 8.4 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/9/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on June 13, 2011. Up to 74 ug/l DRO, <10 ug/l GRO, and <0.5 ug/l benzene. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations similar to the previous sampling event in the 4 stream locations that were sampled, except for SP-3 which had detectable DRO results. SP-3 is located just downstream from the site. |
Robert Weimer |
3/1/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/28/12. Chevron is to continue to conduct the current groundwater sampling, suspend sampling of creek sampling point SP-1, and conduct monitoring well monument repair and resurvey. They are to add a rose diagram to the monitoring figure. |
Robert Weimer |
10/23/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 15, 2011 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.8 mg/l DRO, 12.0 mg/l GRO, and 240 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 6 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.29 to 8.69 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
10/23/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on September 15, 2011. Up to 860 ug/l DRO, 29 ug/l GRO, and 1.2 ug/l benzene. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations were similar to the previous sampling event in the 4 stream locations that were sampled, except for SP-2 which had detectable DRO, GRO, and benzene results. SP-2 is located just downstream from the site. |
Robert Weimer |
10/31/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 8, 2011 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.0 mg/l DRO, 2.2 mg/l GRO, and 76 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.33 to 7.94 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/12/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 20, 2012 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.8 mg/l DRO, 2.8 mg/l GRO, and 120 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 5 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.83 to 7.95 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/12/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on June 20, 2012. All samples were non-detect. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations were lower than the previous sampling event in the 4 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
2/26/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/26/13. Chevron proposes to continue quarterly/semi-annual groundwater and Campbell Creek monitoring to monitor for natural attenuation and trends, and provide missing reports. They are to add a rose diagram to the monitoring figure. The next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data. |
Robert Weimer |
4/24/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 19, 2012 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.2 mg/l DRO, 12.0 mg/l GRO, and 140 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 3 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the south and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 3.15 to 6.81 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
4/24/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on July 5, 2012. All samples were non-detect. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations were similar to the previous sampling event in the 2 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
6/28/2013 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe current site conditions. |
Robert Weimer |
12/3/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
November 6, 2012 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.67 mg/l DRO, 2.5 mg/l GRO, and 84 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 2.74 to 6.55 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Because a bailer was used the volatile samples may be biased low. |
Robert Weimer |
12/3/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on November 6, 2012. All samples were non-detect. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations were similar to the previous sampling event in the 3 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
12/11/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
April 1, 2013 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.52 mg/l DRO, 0.415 mg/l GRO, and 35.4 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.79 to 9.02 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Because a bailer was used the volatile samples may be biased low. |
Robert Weimer |
2/18/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 3, 2013 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.5 mg/l DRO, 2.96 mg/l GRO, and 64.9 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 6 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 4 of the 6 monitoring wells sampled. Several monitoring wells were not sampled because they were frozen. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.50 to 8.71 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected both by no purge with Hydrasleeve and purge using a bladder pump. The results may be biased low because the sample interval was not documented or was not from the top of the water column. For purge sampling MW-8 was 4.68 feet below the top of the water column, and MW-10 was 5.10 feet below the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
2/27/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/27/2014. Because of problems with last year’s purge/no-purge sampling the next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data or they will switch to no purge for future sampling events. We discussed that the groundwater samples needs to be collected as close as possible to the soil/water interface, with the pump intake within a foot of the soil/water interface at the time of the sampling. After reviewing the results of the May 2014 groundwater sampling event the consultant may be requesting a reduction in ground water and/or creek monitoring. In the future they will need to evaluate for a diving plume on the monitoring wells far from the release point. The consultant will make sure that their site reports are complete in accordance with DEC’s 9/23/2009 Site Characterization Work Plan and Reporting Guidance for Investigation of Contaminated Sites. |
Robert Weimer |
5/27/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 18, 2013 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.4 mg/l DRO, 8.98 mg/l GRO, and 101 ug/l benzene in groundwater in the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 4 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.8 to 7.29 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected both by no purge with Hydrasleeve and bailers (non-volatiles). The results may be biased low because the sample interval was not documented from the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
5/27/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on September 18, 2013. All samples were non-detect. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations were similar to the previous sampling event in the 3 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 27, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. The 1 monitoring well sampled was non-detect. Due to snow and ice obstructions 7 other monitoring wells were not sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 7.14 to 8.58 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve and bailers (non-volatiles). The sample interval was documented from the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
3/20/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on May 13, 2014. All samples were non-detect. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations were similar to the previous sampling event in the 3 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
3/20/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 12-13, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.7 mg/l DRO, 9.65 mg/l GRO, and 143 ug/l benzene in groundwater. All of the monitoring wells were sampled for PAHs which were all below cleanup levels. Concentrations increased in 4 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.62 to 8.15 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve and bailers (non-volatiles) and purge with a bladder pump. The no-purge sampling results for monitoring well 4 are considered biased low because it was collected 1.35 feet below the soil/water interface. The sample results between purge and no-purge sampling were not comparable in some of the monitoring wells MW-9R had 27.7 ug/l benzene (purge) and 2.2 ug/l (no-purge), MW-1 had 11.2 ug/l benzene (purge) and 2.8 ug/l benzene (no-purge). |
Robert Weimer |
5/12/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 12, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.4 mg/l DRO, 6.65 mg/l GRO, and 32 ug/l benzene in groundwater. All of the monitoring wells were sampled for PAHs which were all below cleanup levels. Concentrations increased in 3 of the 10 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.50 to 8.04 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve. The no-purge sampling results for monitoring well MW-1, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6 are considered biased low because of submerged well screen. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
5/12/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Campbell Creek sampling conducted on September 12, 2014. All samples were non-detect. The DRO and GRO contamination concentrations were similar to the previous sampling event in the 3 stream locations that were sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
6/24/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
November 14, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.50 mg/l DRO, 1.28 mg/l GRO, and 64.8 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Concentrations increased in 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.27 to 8.83 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
1/25/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC approves extension request to submit the 2nd semi-annual 2015 groundwater monitoring report by February 29, 2016. |
Robert Weimer |
2/22/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
April 30, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 5.2 mg/l DRO, 11.0 mg/l GRO, and 240 ug/l benzene in groundwater. All of the monitoring wells were sampled for PAHs and 4 of the 7 monitoring wells exceeded proposed cleanup levels, with Naphthalene up to 4.1 ug/l and Benzo(a)Pyrene up to 0.14 ug/l. Concentrations increased in 7 of the 7 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was generally to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.37 to 8.71 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column, except for monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-3 which were not documented or were documented at a deeper depth. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-6, and MW-7 were not sampled because they were frozen. |
Robert Weimer |
8/12/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 22, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.6 mg/l DRO, 7.6 mg/l GRO, non-detect lead, and 260 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Concentrations increased in 5 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the west by northwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.50 to 8.21 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column except in monitoring well MW6 which was collected 2 to 5 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
8/12/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Campbell Creek sampling was not conducted in November 2015 because of lack of access. The consultant is working with Chevron and the Municipality of Anchorage to get access to the creek and monitoring well MW-9R. |
Robert Weimer |
9/7/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
November 9, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.4 mg/l DRO, 4.3 mg/l GRO, and 110 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Concentrations increased in 2 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the west by northwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.96 to 8.31 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
1/6/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 9, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.42 mg/l DRO, 0.1 mg/l GRO, and non-detect benzene in groundwater samples collected. Concentrations increased in 1 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.06 to 7.35 feet below ground surface. Volatile samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve, and semi-volatile samples with a bailer. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
2/27/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 7, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 6.0 mg/l DRO, 18 mg/l GRO, and 210 ug/l benzene in groundwater samples collected. PAH sampling was also conducted in all of the monitoring wells sampled. 15 of the 16 PAH compounds were detectable in the groundwater and benzo(a)pyrene (0.036 ug/l) and naphthalene (110 ug/l) exceeded current cleanup levels (MW-2, MW-3, MW-6, MW-7, and MW-10 exceeded PAH cleanup levels). Concentrations increased in 7 of the 8 monitoring wells sampled. Monitoring well MW-5 was not sampled because it was damaged, it is to be repaired. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.31 to 8.00 feet below ground surface. Volatile samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve, and semi-volatile samples with a bailer, except in monitoring well MW-6 that was sampled using a bladder pump after purging. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
3/20/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 21, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.7 mg/l DRO, 3.7 mg/l GRO, and 100 ug/l benzene in groundwater samples collected. PAH sampling was also conducted in monitoring well MW-6 and it was non-detect. Concentrations increased in 8 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.47 to 7.92 feet below ground surface. Volatile samples were collected by no purge with Hydrasleeve, and semi-volatile samples with a bailer. The water samples were collected at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
3/30/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC received notification from the consultant that the next groundwater sampling event would be delayed a week or two due to the snow piled over monitoring wells MW-8 and MW-10. |
Robert Weimer |
3/30/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC is requesting that, until further notice, starting with the second quarter 2017, groundwater monitoring event that all monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling and that they are sampled using a bladder pump or positive displacement pump with the pump intake within the top foot of the water column at the time of sampling. DEC is also requesting that monitoring wells MW2, MW3, MW6, MW7, and MW10 be sampled for PAHs each monitoring event, and all the monitoring wells to be sampled be analyzed for the full 8260 (all 8260 compounds that DEC has cleanup levels for) instead of just BTEX by 8260. |
Robert Weimer |
10/23/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
November 1, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1.4 mg/l DRO, 1.8 mg/l GRO, and 22 ug/l benzene in groundwater samples collected. Concentrations increased in 0 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled (MW-8 and MW-10). Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.02 to 8.33 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top three feet of the water column using a Hydrasleeve for VOCs and bailer for DRO without purging. |
Robert Weimer |
11/2/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 1, 2017 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 3.0 mg/l DRO, 11.0 mg/l GRO, 180 ug/l Naphthalene, 180 ug/l benzene, and several other VOC were detected (but below current cleanup levels) in groundwater samples collected. Concentrations increased in 8 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled when they switched from non-purge to purge sampling. Monitoring wells MW-6 and MW-7 had the highest concentrations since 2011. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.09 to 8.42 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging. Laboratory data report is missing Naphthalene results for the 8260 VOC analysis. |
Robert Weimer |
11/28/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
August 16, 2017 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.6 mg/l DRO, 13.0 mg/l GRO, 190 ug/l Naphthalene, 120 ug/l benzene, and several other VOC (method 8260) were detected (but below current cleanup levels) in groundwater samples collected. Naphthalene contamination over current cleanup levels in Monitoring wells MW-3 and MW-7. Concentrations increased in 5 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled when they switched from non-purge to purge sampling. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 5.03 to 8.42 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging. The creek and monitoring well MW-9R were not sampled this monitoring event. Laboratory data report is missing Naphthalene results for the 8260 VOC analysis. |
Robert Weimer |
11/29/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC noted that the 8260 VOC analysis for the June 2017 and August 2017 monitoring events did not report the Naphthalene results, they were only reported in the 8270 PAH analysis. DEC requested that the consultant obtain and provide an updated laboratory report that includes the Naphthalene results for the 8260 VOC analysis for the June 2017 and August 2017 monitoring events. |
Robert Weimer |
1/18/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Review of the requested 8260 VOC Naphthalene results for the June 2017 and August 2017 monitoring events did not report the Naphthalene results, they were only reported in the 8270 PAH analysis. Naphthalene results were up to 180 ug/l for June 2017 and 190 ug/l for August 2017 (for both the highest concentration was in monitoring well MW3). The Naphthalene results were between 1.3 to 6,000 times higher by method 8260 vs. 8270. |
Robert Weimer |
3/2/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
November 10, 2017 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.46 mg/l DRO, 1.6 mg/l GRO, 18 ug/l benzene, 16 ug/l ethylbenzene, and several other VOC (method 8260) were detected (but below current cleanup levels) in groundwater samples collected. PAHs were detected in the one monitoring well sampled (benzo(b)fluranthene 0.017 ug/l, benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.016 ug/l, fluranthene 0.010 ug/l, and indeno(1,2,3,-cd)pyrene 0.011 ug/l). Concentrations increased in 0 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 4.63 to 7.65 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging. The creek and monitoring well MW-9R were not sampled this monitoring event because it was inaccessible. Laboratory data report is missing the full results for the 8260 VOC analysis, only BTEX was proviuded. |
Robert Weimer |
4/3/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC request the results for the full 8260 VOC analysis for the November 10, 2017 groundwater monitoring event (only BTEX was provided for the 8260 analysis). |
Robert Weimer |
6/6/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 27, 2018 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.44 mg/l DRO, 0.55 mg/l GRO, 4 ug/l benzene, and several other VOC (method 8260) were detected (but below current cleanup levels) in groundwater samples collected. PAHs were detected in the one of the monitoring wells sampled naphthalene was 100 ug/l. Concentrations increased in 2 of the 4 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 6.71 to 8.75 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging. |
Robert Weimer |
1/18/2019 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78030 1996 UST contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
1/31/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 18, 2018 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.4 mg/l DRO, 11 mg/l GRO, 190 ug/l benzene, and several other VOC (method 8260) were detected (and some were above current cleanup levels) in groundwater samples collected. PAHs were detected in 3 of the 5 monitoring wells sampled and naphthalene was 85 ug/l. Concentrations increased in 5 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater is 3.83 to 7.33 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging. Naphthalene results were missing for the 8260 VOC analysis. |
Robert Weimer |
3/13/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
August 8, 2018 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.29 mg/l DRO, 0.70 mg/l GRO, 15 ug/l benzene, and several other VOC's (method 8260) were detected in groundwater samples collected. PAHs were detected in 2 of the 5 monitoring wells sampled and naphthalene was 110 ug/l. Concentrations increased in 4 of the 6 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater was 3.83 to 7.33 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging. Naphthalene results were missing for the 8260 VOC analysis. |
Robert Weimer |
6/18/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
October 30-31, 2018 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2.4 mg/l DRO, 6.6 mg/l GRO, 95 ug/l benzene, and several other VOC's (method 8260) were detected in groundwater samples collected. PAHs were detected in 2 of the 5 monitoring wells sampled and naphthalene was 73 ug/l. Concentrations increased in 6 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater was 4.68 to 8.01 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging. Naphthalene results were missing for the 8260 VOC analysis. |
Robert Weimer |
9/23/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. |
Robert Weimer |
1/17/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
March 29, 2019 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 0.48 mg/l DRO, 1.3 mg/l GRO, 20 ug/l benzene in groundwater samples collected. Full VOCs (missing naphthalene) were analyzed in one monitoring well (MW-10) and it was non-detect. Concentrations increased in 0 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and contamination extends off property to the south and west. Depth to groundwater was 5.32 to 8.39 feet below ground surface. It is unknown if the samples were collected from the top foot of the water column using a bladder pump after purging since the sample logs were not included in the report. Naphthalene results were missing for the 8260 VOC analysis. DEC has requested a revised report to be submitted with the missing sample logs and naphthalene results. |
Robert Weimer |
2/6/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The missing naphthalene results were provided for monitoring well MW-10 for the March 29, 2019 monitoring event. The naphthalene was non-detect. |
Robert Weimer |
3/12/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also all BTEX and VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. ADEC is also requesting that all reports be submitted within 60 days of the sampling and the groundwater monitoring figure include a diagram showing historic groundwater flow directions. |
Robert Weimer |
3/17/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed 2020 groundwater sampling plan and provided the following comments: For all future monitoring events please make sure that the field notes document the measurement of the pump intake that is within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling unless the top of the well screened interval is deeper, then in that case from the top foot of that screened interval. For all future monitoring events any monitoring well where BTEX or HVOC sampling is proposed it needs to be the full VOC (method 8260) list, including naphthalene. The field QC samples are per day of sampling at a site. For all future monitoring events all reports be submitted within 60 days of the sampling and the groundwater monitoring figure include a diagram showing historic groundwater flow directions. For all future monitoring events if a monitoring well is low yield and purges dry then a sample will still need to be collected that monitoring event once the monitoring well has recharged to approximately 80% of its pre-purge volume. If it has not returned to 80% of its pre-purged volume during that sampling day DEC requests that you return to the site early the next day to attempt to collect the water sample.
Robert Weimer |
1/15/2021 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
DEC staff met with Chevron Environmental Management Company (CEMC) and Arcadis to discuss Chevron sites located in Alaska during the Annual Portfolio Meeting on January 14th and 15th, 2021. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/24/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2019 Second Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on May 13 and 14th, 2019. Well survey and gauging was conducted June 3, 2019. MW-9R was not accessible and could not be sampled during this event. Monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-8, MW-10 and SP-1 to SP-4 were submitted to the analytical laboratory for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. Samples from MW-2, MW-6, MW-7, and MW-10 were analyzed for full suite of VOCs. Groundwater cleanup level exceedances were reported up to 2.9 mg/l GRO, 0.15 mg/l benzene, 0.23 mg/L ethylbenzene, 0.45 mg/L total xylenes, and 0.001 mg/L EDC. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 4.33 to 8.12 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/25/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2019 Third Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on September 17, 2019. Groundwater samples were collected from MW-1 through MW-8, MW-10 and SP-1 through SP-3. MW-9R was not accessible and could not be sampled. SP-4 was not sampled. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. Samples from MW-2, MW-6, MW-7, and MW-10 were analyzed for full suite of VOCs. Groundwater cleanup level exceedances were reported up to 5.8 mg/l GRO, 2.2 mg/l DRO, 0.19 mg/l benzene, 0.36 mg/L ethylbenzene, 0.827 mg/L total xylenes, 0.09 mg/l naphthalene, 0.88 mg/l 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and 0.098 mg/l 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 5.26 to 8.81 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/25/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2019 Fourth Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on November 4, 2019. Groundwater samples were collected from MW-8 and MW-10. MW-9R was not accessible and could not be sampled. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. Samples from MW-10 were analyzed for full suite of VOCs. Groundwater cleanup level exceedances were reported up to 0.047 mg/l benzene and 0.03 mg/L ethylbenzene. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 4.82 to 8.45 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/25/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2020 First Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on March 25, 2020. Groundwater samples were collected from MW-8 and MW-10. MW-2 could not be accessed due to the presence of an ice berm, MW-4 and MW-7 were obstructed by ice within well, and MW-9R could not be sampled due to lack of an access agreement. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. Samples from MW-10 were analyzed for full suite of VOCs. No groundwater cleanup levels exceedances were observed during this sampling event in the wells that were sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 6.67 to 8.85 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/25/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2020 Second Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 29, 2020. Groundwater samples were collected from MW-1, MW-8, and MW-10. Surface water samples were collected from SP-1 through SP-4. Monitoring wells MW-3, MW-5, MW-6 and MW-7 were obstructed by ice within the well casing and could not be sampled by bladder pump and MW-9R could not be sampled due to lack of an access agreement. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. Groundwater cleanup level exceedances were reported up to 0.0229 mg/l benzene and 0.0221 mg/l ethylbenzene in the wells that were sampled during this sampling event. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 3.63 to 8.18 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/25/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2020 Third Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on July 27 and 28, 2020. Groundwater samples were collected from MW-1 through MW-8 and MW-10. Surface water samples were collected from SP-1 through SP-4. Monitoring well MW-9R was unable to be sampled due to a lack of an access agreement for the associated property. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. Groundwater cleanup level exceedances were reported up to 2.3 mg/l DRO, 2.62 mg/l GRO, 0.0996 mg/l benzene, 0.242 mg/l ethylbenzene, 0.596 mg/l xylenes, 0.0032 mg/l EDB, 0.0705 mg/l naphthalene, and 0.323 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 4.83 to 8.34 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/25/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2020 Fourth Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on October 19, 2020. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-8 and MW-10. Monitoring well MW-9R was unable to be sampled due to a lack of an access agreement for the associated property and MW-5 was unable to be located due to snow and ice. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. One groundwater cleanup level exceedance was observed at MW-8 where benzene was detected at 0.0434 mg/l. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 5.04 to 8.55 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/25/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2021 First Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on March 22, 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-8 and MW-10. Monitoring well MW-2, MW-4 and MW-6 were unable to be located due to snow and ice. Monitoring well MW-5 and MW-7 were unable to be accessed due to vehicles parked over the wells. Monitoring well MW-9R was unable to be gauged due to a lack of an access agreement for the associated property. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. One groundwater cleanup level exceedance was observed at MW-8 where benzene was detected at 0.00541 mg/l. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 7.1 to 8.85 feet below ground surface. GRO was detected below the reporting limit in the equipment blank sample (0.0113 J mg/L) and the trip blank sample (0.0238 J mg/L), a blank action level was established at five times the reported blank concentrations. |
Rebekah Reams |
8/2/2021 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2021 Second Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on May 3, 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-2, MW-5, MW-8 and MW-10 and surface water samples SP-1, SP-2, SP-3, and SP-4. Monitoring wells MW-1, MW-3, MW-4, MW-6 and MW-7 were frozen and could not be sampled. Monitoring well MW-9R was unable to be sampled due to a lack of an access agreement for the associated property. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 3.05 to 8.22 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/31/2022 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2022 First Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on March 28, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-8 and MW-10. Monitoring well MW-1 was frozen, MW-2, MW-6 and MW-7 were unable to be located due to snow and ice. MW-9R was unable to be accessed due to no access agreement. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 6.55 to 8.70 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/29/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC provided comments on the Treatment of Purge Water Utilizing Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) at Chevron Environmental Management Company Sites which includes standard operating procedures and breakthrough estimates proposed for use at this site. |
Rebekah Reams |
12/23/2022 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approved transport of one 55-gallon drum of purge water for offsite disposal |
Rebekah Reams |
2/17/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
DEC provided comments on the Groundwater Sampling Analyte Reduction Request – Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum which proposes to reduce the sampling schedule from quarterly to semi-annual, to eliminate surface water sampling at Campbell Creek, and to reduce the number of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reported during sampling events at this site. |
Rebekah Reams |
2/22/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
DEC approved the Revised Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum. This work plan addendum will establish semi-annual sampling completed in the second and third quarters and will include analysis for DRO, GRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 1,2,3-trichloropropane, EDB, EDC, and
lead in all site wells, additionally SP-1 through SP-4 will include PAH analysis in order to calculate TAH and TAqH for surface water samples. |
Rebekah Reams |
11/29/2023 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff visited the site to observe current site use, layout, and sampling locations. |
Rebekah Reams |
1/26/2024 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2023 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on October 17, 2023. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-10 and surface water samples SP-1 through SP-4. Samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for GRO, DRO, select VOCs, lead, and PAHs. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 5.16 to 7.75 feet below ground surface. A well survey was conducted during this sampling event. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/6/2024 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78030 1996 UST contamination. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/17/2024 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
ADEC approved the Site Conceptual Model and Additional Investigation Work Plan following comment resolution. This document summarizes the site history, evaluates exposure pathways, identified data gaps, and proposes to advance 20 soil borings, three soil vapor probes, and two additional monitoring wells at the site. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/24/2024 |
Site Visit |
ADEC conducted a site visit with Chevron and Arcadis personnel to observe site layout, sampling locations, and nearby features. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/25/2024 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC staff met with Chevron and their consultant for an annual portfolio meeting to discuss site status, upcoming document submittals, pending reviews, and general updates for Chevron's contaminated sites throughout the state. |
Rebekah Reams |
11/14/2024 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approved transport of 55 gallons of purge water generated in October 2024 |
Rebekah Reams |