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Site Report: ADOTPF - Chitina Maintenance Station

Site Name: ADOTPF - Chitina Maintenance Station
Address: Mi 33 Edgerton Hwy, Chitina, AK 99566
File Number: 2211.26.001
Hazard ID: 24623
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.582000
Longitude: -144.435300
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Two UST's were removed from this site in 1997, one 2,500 gallon diesel tank #SC-01, and one 2,500 gallon gasoline tank #SC-02. In situ samples beneath the dispenser contained up to 6,400 mg/kg DRO, and up to 440 mg/kg GRO. Contaminated soils were placed back in the excavation, no soils were stockpiled. Shannon & Wilson 2003 Corrective Action report indicates that another 180 cubic yards of soil were removed from the former UST location and stockpiled on site. One sample on the west wall of the excavation exceeded Method II Migration to Groundwater Cleanup levels, DRO 3,010 mg/kg. The onsite drinking water well did not contain petroleum hydrocarbon analytes above laboratory PQL's. The soil stockpile was approved for re-use onsite.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/11/1997 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment (2) 2,500-gallon diesel & gasoline USTs removed Former Staff
12/4/1997 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum entered by JC Former Staff
12/4/1997 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77133 SA rept received by DEC Former Staff
12/4/1997 Site Added to Database Former Staff
12/31/1997 Update or Other Action Former Staff
1/7/1998 Update or Other Action NORL sent by DEC Former Staff
1/28/2004 Update or Other Action Transferred DEC staff lead from John Carnahan Cynthia Pring-Ham
6/30/2004 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment work plan approved. Will sample stockpile and drinking water well Sharon Richmond
1/12/2005 Update or Other Action Update GIS using Topozone Pro and report site map. Kim DeRuyter
4/25/2005 Update or Other Action Report Review and draft NFRAP. DRO at the limits of the excavation was reported at 2,610 mg/kg. Samples were analysed for GRO and BETX these analytes were all reported below clean up levels. The stockpile was approved for re-use in a non environmentally sensitive area. GRO, DRO and BETX were not reported above their PQLs in the onsite well. Kim DeRuyter
7/27/2005 Conditional Closure Approved DRO, the only contaminant of concern remaining at the limits of the excavation was reported at 2,610 mg/kg. Samples were also analyzed for GRO and BETX these analytes were all reported below clean up levels. The stockpile was approved for re-use in a non environmentally sensitive area. GRO, DRO and BETX were not reported above their PQLs in the onsite well. Kim DeRuyter
7/27/2005 Institutional Control Record Established ADEC approval will be obtained prior to removal and/or disposal of soil from this site to an off-site location. If excavation is planned for the impacted area a plan to address the contamination should be developed. Kim DeRuyter
9/14/2012 Update or Other Action Staff changed from Eileen Olson to IC Unit. Kristin Thompson
9/26/2012 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC review conducted. Evonne Reese
9/26/2012 Institutional Control Record Removed Historical conditions at this site meet the 2009 closure policy therefore ICs can be removed. Any proposal to remove and/or transport soil or groundwater offsite requires prior ADEC approval. Evonne Reese

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
26974 ADOT&PF Chitina Maintenance Station Class V Injection Well 2211.38.004

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