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Site Report: MOA AWWU Operations Facility 1999 Used Oil Tank removal

Site Name: MOA AWWU Operations Facility 1999 Used Oil Tank removal
Address: 325 East 94th Court; Also listed as 503 East 94th Court, Anchorage, AK 99502
File Number: 2100.26.331
Hazard ID: 24744
Status: Active
Staff: Mollie Dwyer, 9074651076
Latitude: 61.135968
Longitude: -149.873710
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In 1999 removed 300 gal used oil tank and piping and contaminated soil. Some contaminated soil was transported off property and later retrieved. Contaminated soil stockpiled on-site and later treated at ASR. In November 2000 four monitoring wells were installed and a replacement monitoring well was installed in 2004. Groundwater was encountered between 6 and 11.5 feet below ground surface. All remaining soil and groundwater contamination appears to be confined to the 503 E. 94th Court property.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/12/1999 Site Added to Database Former Staff
10/12/1999 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Contamination found during the removal of a 300 gallon used oil tank and its associated piping. Up to non-detect (<1.70 mg/kg) GRO, 20.3 mg/kg DRO, 70.7 mg/kg RRO, non-detect (<0.00813 mg/kg) benzene, non-detect (<0.0388 mg/kg) PCBs, 3.46 mg/kg arsenic, 32.0 mg/kg chromium, 10.5 mg/kg lead, and non-detect for HVOCs. The arsenic and chromium concentrations appear to be naturally occuring. The 130 cubic yards (cy) of soil was excavated during the tank removal and 1,010 cy of potentially contaminated soil from a nearby water line/dry well excavation need characterization samples. Groundwater was encountered at 7 to 8 feet below ground surface and had a petroleum odor and sheen. An excavation water sample collected from the the new dry well excavation had 1.7 mg/l DRO, and 0.8 mg/l RRO. An excavation water sample from the water line excavation had 3.6 mg/l DRO, and 15 mg/l RRO. Robert Weimer
10/12/1999 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78079 (Added by System) Robert Weimer
1/12/2000 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On January 12, 2000 soil samples were collected from three test pits 10 to 40 feet to the southeast of the existing warm storage building, three test pits about 200 feet to the northeast of the building, and samples from a stockpile of soil that was excavated during the contruction of the building. The stockpile is located 250 feet northeast of the building. Robert Weimer
1/28/2000 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Site assessment report submitted Robert Weimer
5/15/2000 Update or Other Action ADEC requests work plans for release investigation, stockpile sampling, and stockpile treatment. 1,140 cubic yards of potentially contaminated soil was excavated during the removal of the UST (130 cy) and the installation of a new water line and dry well (1,010 cy). Robert Weimer
9/27/2000 Update or Other Action Conditional approval of requests for transport contaminated soil from 79th and Hartzell Road. Robert Weimer
10/30/2000 Release Investigation Conditional approval of release investigation workplan. Robert Weimer
11/21/2000 Site Characterization Report Approved On November 16, 2000, 4 soil borings were drilled and completed as monitoring wells. Up to non-detect (<0.09 mg/l) GRO, non-detect (<0.326 mg/l) DRO, 0.773 mg/l RRO, and non-detect (<0.5 ug/l) in the groundwater. Depth to groundwater was 6 to 11.5 feet below ground surface. No analytical soil samples were collected from the borings. Stockpile samples were collected. 1,140 cy of stockpile meets default cleanup levels except for Arsenic and Chromium which appear to be at naturally occuring concentrations. An additional 130 cy of stockpile to be treated at ASR. All water samples meet cleanup levels. Monitoring well #4 later accidentally destroyed. Tanks, piping, liquid, and sludges were properly disposed of. The consultant recommends quarterly groundwater monitoring to establish trends/seasonal fluctuations. Robert Weimer
11/22/2000 Update or Other Action Contaminated soil successfully removed from 79th and Hartzell Road where the stockpiles had been transported to. Robert Weimer
11/23/2000 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On November 16, 2000 a 5th boring/monitoring well installed to the north of the building to investigate a 1991 concrete/asphalt fill area. The soil and groundwater contamination does not appear to be related to the former UST. Depth to groundwater was 5.4 feet below ground surface. Up to 1.39 mg/l RRO, 0.93 mg/l DRO, non-detect (<0.09 mg/l) GRO, and 0.742 ug/l benzene in the groundwater. One soil sample was collected at the soil/water interface had 631 mg/kg DRO, 1,590 mg/kg RRO, 5.65 mg/kg GRO, and non-detect (<0.008 mg/kg) benzene. Robert Weimer
2/21/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other February 21, 2001 groundwater sampling event. Up to 0.40 mg/l DRO, non-detect (<0.09 mg/l) GRO, and non-detect (<0.595 mg/l) RRO in the samples collected. Concentrations increased in 1 of 3 monitoring wells sampled. Depth to groundwater was 6.27 to 7.70 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the south by southwest. Robert Weimer
5/14/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 14, 2001 groundwater sampling event. Groundwater samples had non-detect (<0.526 mg/l) DRO, non-detect (<0.09 mg/l) GRO, and non-detect (<1.05 mg/l) RRO in the samples collected. Concentrations increased in 0 of 4 monitoring wells sampled. Depth to groundwater was 3.36 to 8.07 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the west by northwest. Robert Weimer
8/30/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 30, 2001 groundwater sampling event. Groundwater samples had non-detect (<0.568 mg/l) DRO, non-detect (<0.09 mg/l) GRO, and non-detect (<1.14 mg/l) RRO in the samples collected. Concentrations increased in 0 of 4 monitoring wells sampled. Depth to groundwater was 4.28 to 12.04 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Robert Weimer
11/1/2004 Update or Other Action Consultant confirmed that last sampling conducted in 2001. Robert Weimer
1/11/2007 Update or Other Action File number issued 2100.26.331 (FKA L69.85). Aggie Blandford
6/16/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
3/6/2013 Update or Other Action ADEC sent email request to AWWU for reports or correspondence with DEC that AWWU has for this facility. Robert Weimer
11/5/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC requested the consultant complete a round of sampling on ground water monitoring well 5 (B5MW) in order to evaluate possible residual contamination on the property. Lisa Griswold
11/5/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The November 14, 2000 Removal of Stockpiled Soil and Surface Characterization Report, 79th Avenue and Hartzell Road, Poor Boy Construction Yard, Anchorage, Alaska was reviewed on this date. The report indicates that the soil disturbed by the delivery, storage, and removal of stockpiled soil from the AWWU Operations Facility 1999 Used Oil Tank Removal site did not contain concentrations of Diesel Range Organics, and Residual Range Organics above ADEC clean up levels, and Gasoline Range Organics, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, total Xylenes and Halogenated Volatile Organics were not present above laboratory reporting limits. Lisa Griswold
1/4/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling Work Plan, 503 East 94th Court, Anchorage, Alaska reviewed on this date. The work plan details plans to advance a boring and complete it as a monitoring well in the vicinity of B5MW which could not be located in a November 25, 2015 site visit, and is assumed to be destroyed. The four other monitoring wells at other locations on the property had non-detect concentrations, or concentrations of gasoline range organics, residual range organics, diesel range organics and BTEX below ADEC cleanup levels at the last sampling event in 2001. Lisa Griswold
2/19/2016 Update or Other Action Transport of <55 gallons of contaminated soil to Columbia Ridge landfill by NRC approved. Lisa Griswold
4/11/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling report approved on this date. Report details the drilling and installation of a new B5MW. Up to 1,980 mg/Kg Diesel Range Organics (DRO) and 4,630 mg/Kg Residual Range Organics (RRO) remains in soil. Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) (32.4 mg/Kg J) and total xylenes (0.651 mg/Kg) were detected but are below ADEC cleanup levels. Ethylbenzene (0.157 mg/Kg) was also detected but is below 2008 ADEC cleanup levels. DRO (.952 mg/L), RRO (0.256 mg/L J), benzene (0.000240 mg/L J), toluene (0.000360 mg/L J)and total xylenes (0.000560 mg/L J) were detected but below ADEC cleanup levels. GRO (<0.05 mg/L) and Ethylbenzene (<0.0005 mg/L) were non-detect in groundwater. Lisa Griswold
4/11/2016 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Site Characterization approved on this date. Site characterization is being completed to delineate the contamination discovered in the new B5MW and consists of up to 12 borings being drilled 20 feet north, south, east and west of the well advanced to approximately 10 feet bgs. ADEC approved of this site characterization contingent upon field notes and a conceptual site model being submitted along with the report. Lisa Griswold
6/23/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of May 2001 GW sampling event for B5MW reviewed on this date. B5MW contained 2.16 mg/L Residual Range Organics (RRO) and 1.67 mg/L Diesel Range Organics (DRO) which are both above ADEC cleanup levels of 1.5 mg/L for DRO, and 1.1 mg/L RRO. Lisa Griswold
6/28/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Site Characterization report approved on this date. Site characterization indicated that up to 1,630 mg/Kg Diesel Range Organics in soil. The consultant indicated that based on these results a site cleanup work plan was going to be developed. Due date for this work plan is August 29, 2016. Lisa Griswold
10/25/2016 Update or Other Action Inquired with consultant regarding status of cleanup plan. Lisa Griswold
10/26/2016 Update or Other Action ADEC approved extension of cleanup plan submittal date. Cleanup plan to be submitted by December 30, 2016. Lisa Griswold
2/1/2017 Update or Other Action ADEC approved extension of cleanup plan submittal date. Cleanup plan to be submitted by April 3, 2017. Lisa Griswold
5/11/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to RP to ask the cleanup plan be submitted as soon as possible as it was now past due and to inform that project management was being transferred to Rodman. Lisa Griswold
5/11/2017 Update or Other Action Site transferred to Rodman Lisa Griswold
10/3/2018 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan to conduct cleanup activities approved. Letter mailed via USPS first class mail and emailed to RP & consultant. Amy Rodman
5/15/2020 Update or Other Action Nearby contamination encountered during a geotech investigation in support of a building design project. See email in file. Kara Kusche
8/14/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference to discuss site delineation and plans for expansion of vehicle warm storage building and asphalt area. A work plan for the new source area that was located during geotechnical work was also discussed. The new source will be issued a separate hazard ID once information is submitted. Jamie Grant
8/19/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held Follow-up meeting to expand on data gaps for the contamination around B5AMW. Additional data to the north of B5AMW, PB2, PB3, and PB10 is needed to complete the delineation of soil contamination. Data should include sampling for DRO, RRO, VOCs and PAHs. The most recent groundwater sample from B5AMW found all COCs were less than ADEC Cleanup Levels (CLs) however, the two sampling events prior (2000) to this event indicated groundwater contaminants were present above CLs. An additional sample from B5AMW should be collected to determine if groundwater contamination is still present. Jamie Grant
10/9/2020 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The site characterization work plan received on October 5th and revised on October 8th has been reviewed and approved. Jamie Grant
3/12/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved On March 2, 2020, the department recieved a final site characterization report. The report details characterization efforts to delineate soil and groundwater contamination in October 2020. Field activities consisted of advancing six soil borings to a depth of 10'bgs, installing three groundwater monitoring wells, decommissioning a damaged well (B5AMW), and collecting soil and groundwater analytical samples. Four soil borings, designated boring B5B and PB16 through PB18 were initially advanced using a GeoProbe® direct-push drill rig. Soil was collected from each boring in 5 foot sections which was then divided into 2.5 foot intervals for screening and sampling. Boring PB16 and PB17 contained evidence of petroleum contamination, so two additional step out borings PB19 and PB20 were advanced approximately 20' further out. Six analytical soil samples were selected for laboratory analysis based on the highest field screening results. Borings B5B, PB17, and PB20 were advanced to approximately 14'bgs to facilitate the installation of groundwater monitoring wells (B5BMW, MW6, and MW7). Analytical results indicate sample PB16-S2 contained 1,590 mg/kg DRO, 13,300 mg/kg RRO, and 0.181 mg/kg naphthalene, which exceeds the ADEC Method Two cleanup levels of 250 mg/kg, 10,000 mg/kg, and 0.038 mg/kg, respectively. The remaining tested analytes were either not detected or were detected at concentrations less than the applicable ADEC cleanup levels. Each groundwater sample contained concentrations of RRO (maximum of 3,060 µg/L) exceeding the ADEC Table C cleanup level of 1,100 µg/L. In addition, the sample collected from Well MW6 contained 1,710 µg/L DRO, which exceeds the ADEC Table C cleanup level of 1,500 µg/L. The remaining tested analytes were either not detected or were detected at concentrations less than the ADEC Table C cleanup levels. This report is approved. Jamie Grant
4/30/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, a revised Soil and Water Management Plan (SWMP) was submitted for the handling of contaminated materials during onsite construction in 2022. The plan requires: advanced notification of selected qualified environmental professional and their credentials; advanced notification of proposed stockpile locations and their proximity to any wells or waterbodies; proper handling, field screening, and analytical sampling of stockpiled materials; an advanced copy of approved AWWU Industrial Discharge Permit and dewatering plan; notification prior to construction start day. A final report documenting activities, sampling locations, deviations, etc must be provided for review and approval. The SWMP has been reviewed and approved. Jamie Grant
5/25/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC has reviewed and conditionally approved a groundwater monitoring (GWM)plan that was received on this day. The GWM plan includes a silica gel cleanup analysis to evaluate whether there is biogenic interference from natural organic material (NOM). Jamie Grant
10/19/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On this date, ADEC approved the transport, treatment, and disposal of 1 drum (55gal) of petroleum contaminated purge water. Water will be processed by a wastewater treatment unit at US Ecology's Anchorage Facility. Jamie Grant
2/3/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved ADEC reviewed a Groundwater Monitoring and Silica Gel Cleanup Report detailing the collection and analysis of groundwater samples. Samples were evaluated for diesel range organics (DRO), residual range organics (RRO), and for potential biogenic interference from natural organic material(NOM) using a Silica Gel Cleanup Method. ADEC has reviewed and approved this report. An additional Soil Water Management Report is pending 2022 construction activities at the AWWU King Street Campus. Information included in the required report may provide additional information about remaining subsurface contamination in this area. At the conclusion of this construction and reporting effort, ADEC will meet with AWWU to evaluate overall site characterization and next steps for this site. Jamie Grant

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

Control Type

Type Details


Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
26995 MOA AWWU Maintenance and Operations Facility Diesel AST Overfill 2100.38.574
25575 MOA - AWWU - Maintenance Facility (1997 Tank Removal) 2100.26.569

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