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Site Report: Cope Street Partners (former MOA - HLB)

Site Name: Cope Street Partners (former MOA - HLB)
Address: 1025 Photo Avenue (Northwest of Intersection at Cope and Photo), Anchorage, AK 99503
File Number: 2100.26.181
Hazard ID: 24759
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.194636
Longitude: -149.902940
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Gasoline and diesel tanks removed in May of 1995. Contamination found in the soil and ground water. Additional contaminated soil excavated later in 1995. The 119 tons of excavated soil was thermally treated in 1995. In 1998 monitoring wells were installed and sampled. Confirmation soil and water samples that were collected in March 2005 indicated that the remaining soil and groundwater met site cleanup levels. A no further action letter was issued on April 18, 2005. Site was reopened in September 2007 based on groundwater contamination (DRO 5.28 mg/l) found at the site during a August 9, 2007 assessment for pending property sale. A soil sampled collected near the soil/water interface on October 11, 2007 had 552 mg/kg DRO, a monitoring well groundwater sample on October 12, 2007 was non-detect for DRO. In December 2007 597 cy of contaminated soils were excavated and thermally treated. Contaminated soil was found between 6 feet and 22 feet below ground surface. Contaminated soil remained at the extent of the excavation with up to 1330 mg/kg DRO in the areas sampled. Visibly stained soil in the northeast corner of the excavation was not sampled. In May 2008 six soil borings and 3 temporary groundwater monitoring wells were sampled. Groundwater contamination up to 6.24 mg/l was found to remain at the site. Further soil and groundwater investigation and monitoring is required. F.K.A. L55.294

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/6/1995 Site Added to Database Former Staff
5/6/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Former Staff
5/6/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77962 Former Staff
5/7/1995 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Gasoline and diesel contamination found during removal of one 650 gallon diesel tank and one 950 gallon gasoline tank. Robert Weimer
6/21/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Soils excavated to ground water at 22 feet below ground surface. 119 tons of contaminated soil removed and thermally treated. Up to 2700 mg/kg DRO left at base of excavation near the soil water interface. Hydrocarbon sheen observed on the groundwater in the excavation. Robert Weimer
3/13/1996 Update or Other Action Property reacquired by Municipality of Anchorage, Heritage Land Bank. Robert Weimer
4/24/1997 Update or Other Action A soil boring was drilled to investigated a manhole filled with soil at the site. A sample was collected at a depth of 5 feet in the manhole did not find any contamination above site cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
6/12/1997 Release Investigation On June 12, 1997 three monitoring wells were installed at this site and sampled. Up to 0.71 mg/l DRO in the three monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast. Depth to groundwater was around 20 feet below ground surface. Soil samples collected in the three monitoring wells meet site cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
2/6/1998 Site Characterization Report Approved February 6, 1998 groundwater monitoring event. Found diesel contamination (up to 1.9 mg/l DRO) in ground water. BTEX was non-detect in all 3 monitoring wells. Ground water flow to the north east. ADEC letter sent requesting quarterly ground water sampling for DRO in the site monitoring wells. Former Staff
4/24/1998 Site Characterization Report Approved April 24, 1998 groundwater monitoring event. All 3 monitoring wells meet site cleanup levels. Up to 1.3 mg/l DRO (1.5 mg/l cleanup level), and 1.1 ug/l Xylenes (10,000 ug/l cleanup level) in the groundwater. Historical groundwater flow direction is to the northeast. Robert Weimer
9/2/2004 Update or Other Action Called MOA to check on status of the monitoring of the site. MOA to have the groundwater sampled again. Robert Weimer
2/1/2005 Update or Other Action Talked with MOA. They have taken another groundwater sampling event and will submit the results. We discussed the need for taking confirmation soil samples for closure of the site. Robert Weimer
3/1/2005 Site Characterization Report Approved December 16, 2004 groundwater monitoring event. Monitoring wells MW-1 could not be located (this monitoring well had the highest concentrations of DRO, 1.9 mg/l during the monitoring event in 4/24/1998). MW-2 and MW-3 were sampled and were non-detect for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. Robert Weimer
3/10/2005 Update or Other Action Reviewed and approved workplan to install a DRO confirmation soil boring and sample the groundwater monitoring wells for DRO. Robert Weimer
4/18/2005 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed the April 13, 2005 confirmation soil and groundwater sampling report. All soil and groundwater samples were non-detect. Depth to groundwater was 16.70 to16.93 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
4/19/2005 Update or Other Action Soil and groundwater meet site cleanup levels. A no further action (NFA) letter was issued on this date. Site was reopened in 2007 based on DRO groundwater contamination found near the former tank excavation on August 9, 2007. Robert Weimer
6/21/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The two remaining monitoring wells were decommissioned on June 10, 2005. Robert Weimer
9/24/2007 Site Characterization Report Approved Soil and groundwater sampling conducted at the site on August 9, 2007 for pending property sale. Six soil borings, with two of them drilled to groundwater to collect groundwater samples from temporary monitoring wells. In the two groundwater samples collected DRO contamination (5.28 mg/l) was found over default cleanup levels (1.5 mg/l) at boring B1. Boring B1 was drilled near the location former underground storage tank that was removed in 1995. Both of the two soil samples collected (boring B1 at 6 feet, and boring B2 at 21 feet) were below site cleanup levels. All soil boring field readings were 0. Groundwater was encountered around 26 feet below ground surface in boring B1. Robert Weimer
9/25/2007 Update or Other Action Site is reopened based on groundwater contamination (DRO 5.28 mg/l) found at the site during a August 9, 2007 assessment for pending property sale. Further investigation and monitoring is required. Robert Weimer
9/27/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review and approve workplan for the installation, and sampling for DRO, a monitoring well near the location that groundwater contamination was identified on August 9, 2007. Robert Weimer
10/22/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A soil boring/monitoring well was installed and sampled on 10/11/07. A soil sample was collected near the soil/water interface at 19 feet below ground surface. The sample was non detect for GRO and BTEX, but had 552 mg/kg DRO. The monitoring well was sampled on 10/12/07 and it was non-detect for DRO (<0.394 mg/l). Depth to groundwater was 21 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
10/26/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting release investigation to help define the extent of the remaining DRO soil contamination. ADEC requests a release investigation workplan by December 1, 2007. Based on the extent of the remaining contamination the site could be considered for conditional closure with long-term groundwater monitoring and a deed notice. Alternatively, if the remaining DRO soil contamination is excavated and treated, and the confirmation soil and groundwater samples demonstrate that this site meets default cleanup levels then a no further action letter could be issued for this site. The ADEC also requests that the monitoring well, or a replacement monitoring well be sampled for DRO in January 2008, with the results of that sampling submitted by February 15, 2008. Robert Weimer
11/7/2007 Update or Other Action Meeting with property owners representative to discuss site work need for closure and conditional closure. Robert Weimer
11/9/2007 Update or Other Action Discussed with RP's representative that if they are going to do the requested release investigation with borings, at a minimum we would need a boring to the SSW and a boring to the SSE to define the extent of the soil contamination. Robert Weimer
11/30/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC approves corrective action workplan for the removal by excavation of the remaining DRO soil contamination. A replacement monitoring well will be installed and sampled. Robert Weimer
12/11/2007 Site Visit Site visit to observe excavation of contaminated soil. Robert Weimer
4/3/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
4/3/2008 Update or Other Action Discuss site with MOA's consultant. They are taking over the lead for the cleanup of the site. They will be submitting a stockpile sampling and treatment plan. Robert Weimer
4/4/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of February 2008 remediation report. Between December 10, 2007 and December 15, 2007 597 yards of contaminated soil was removed and stockpiled on the site. Excavation extended to 22 feet below ground surface (bgs) to below groundwater. Up to 1330 mg/kg DRO and <0.014 mg/kg benzene in the multi-increment samples collected to characterize the soils remaining in the excavation. Soil contamination was encountered at 6 feet bgs to the east, 12 feet bgs to the northeast, and around 16.5 feet bgs on the rest of the excavation. Stained soil was left in the northeast corner of the excavation but no confirmation samples were collected due to sloughing near Cope Street. Groundwater was pumped out of the excavation, treated, and discharged to the sanitary sewer. Robert Weimer
5/6/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Review April 30, 2008 workplan that proposes to collect soil samples from six soil push probes, with up to three of them completed as temporary groundwater well points to help define the extent of the remaining soil and groundwater contamination at the site. The workplan is approved on the condition that it includes at least one soil probe (with at least one analytical soil sample collected at the soil/water interface) to the north east of the 2007 excavation, and that it is completed as a temporary groundwater well point (with an analytical water sample collected from the well point). Robert Weimer
5/8/2008 Update or Other Action Discussed site with Municipality of Anchorage's (MOA) consultant. She said they have sampled the stockpiles remaining on property and they remain above default cleanup levels. They will be submitting a plan for the treatment of the stockpiled soils. They also plan to conduct the proposed release investigation work soon. Robert Weimer
5/8/2008 Update or Other Action Review updated workplan that proposes to collect soil samples from six soil push probes, with up to three of them completed as temporary groundwater well points to help define the extent of the remaining soil and groundwater contamination at the site. Approved updated workplan with the understanding that additional assessment to the northeast will be required in the future. They will try to collect that data if they have the time during the one day of planned release investigation work. Robert Weimer
5/15/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves plan to thermally treat at ASR the 600 cubic yards of DRO contaminated soil that is currently stockpiled at the site. Robert Weimer
9/12/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Review July 2, 2008 Stockpile Characterization and Site Assessment report. On May 14, 2008 six soil push probes with three of them completed as temporary groundwater well points were installed to help define the extent of the remaining soil and groundwater contamination at the site. Up to 6.24 mg/l DRO and <0.5 ug/l benzene was found in the groundwater sampled. Up to <0.015 mg/kg benzene and <24.4 mg/kg DRO in the soil samples collected from the in-situ soils. Higher concentrations of soil contamination may exist because in five of the six soil borings the soil from highest field reading was not analyzed as required in the approved workplan. The requested soil probe (with at least one analytical soil sample collected at the soil/water interface) to the north east of the 2007 excavation, to be completed as a groundwater well point (with an analytical water sample collected from the well point) was not conducted. Further soil and groundwater sampling is needed to define the level and extent of the remaining contamination at this site. Robert Weimer
9/18/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting release investigation work plan by November 1, 2008. The letter requests 6 soil borings (at B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and NE corner) with 2 completed as monitoring wells (at B3 and NE corner). The letter requests at least 3 quarterly groundwater monitoring events for BTEX and DRO in those monitoring wells. Recommended collecting natural attenuation parameters. Based on the results of the release investigation additional monitoring, assessment, and cleanup may be requested before this site can be granted conditional closure or cleanup complete status. Talked with RP's representative (MOA) and consultant regarding this letter. Robert Weimer
11/13/2008 Update or Other Action Received request on November 12, 2008 from the MOA's consultant for an extension until December 31, 2008 to submit the release investigation workplan that was to be submitted by November 1, 2008. ADEC requests that the workplan be submitted as soon as possible. Robert Weimer
12/9/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approves workplan to drill and sample six soil borings with two completed as monitoring wells. The soil and groundwater samples are to be analyzed for BTEX and DRO. Robert Weimer
2/27/2009 Update or Other Action Review and approve treatment of 3 drums of DRO contaminated soil and 2 drums of contaminated water that was generated during the recent site characterization work. Robert Weimer
4/7/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved On January 27 and 28, 2009, six soil borings (at B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and NE corner) with two completed as monitoring wells (MW-5 and MW-4) at B3 and NE corner. Groundwater was encountered at 18.5 to 18.6 feet below ground surface. Up to 578 mg/kg DRO (250 mg/kg cleanup level) and <0.0158 mg/kg benzene (0.025 mg/kg cleanup level) in the soil samples collected. Up to 2.42 mg/l DRO (1.5 mg/kg cleanup level) and <0.5 ug/l benzene (5 ug/l cleanup level) in the groundwater samples collected. Shallow soil contamination (531 mg/kg DRO at 0.9 to 1.1 feet below ground surface) was also identified near monitoring well MW5 that will also need to be cleaned up. Robert Weimer
4/10/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting at least 2 more quarterly groundwater monitoring events for BTEX and DRO in monitoring wells MW4 and MW5 with report submitted by June 10, 2009 and September 10, 2009. Recommended collecting natural attenuation parameters. Requested corrective action plan by September 10, 2009 for the shallow contaminated soil identified at the B3/MW5 area and the deeper identified soil contamination. Additional monitoring, assessment, and cleanup may be requested before this site can be granted cleanup complete or cleanup complete with institutional controls status. Robert Weimer
7/9/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The July 9, 2009 revised workplan is approved with the addition of PAHs to the characterization sample. After the characterization sample results have been reviewed, if the area of the contamination is to be excavated there will need to be a separate request for the treatment and post treatment analysis of those soils. The plan calls for excavating 5 or 6 test pits, collecting an analytical sample from each test pit based on the highest field readings, the field readings are the same within a test pit, then the shallower location will be analyzed. All of the analytical samples will be analyzed for DRO/RRO. The location with the highest field reading (characterization sample) will be analyzed for BTEX/GRO/DRO/RRO/VOCs/PCBs/PAHs/and RCRA metals. Robert Weimer
8/11/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discussed metals sampling with RP's consultant. The one metals sample was over for cadnium and chromium. They will run the sample with the lowest field readings for those two metals to compare. Robert Weimer
8/20/2009 Update or Other Action Sent copy of site map to property owner, and requested a map showing the location of the proposed building and other site improvements in relation to the remaining contaminated areas and site monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
8/26/2009 Update or Other Action Discussed site status with MOA's consultant. The near surface sampling report should be submitted soon. We discussed the impending excavation of a foundation for a new building on the property. The proposed building would be placed over contaminated soil area and over monitoring well MW5. We discussed that we need an approved correction plan in place for addressing the remaining soil and groundwater contamination at this site, and an approved plan for monitoring the groundwater at this site, including abandoning monitoring wells within the building foot print and installing replacement monitoring wells for them if necessary. Robert Weimer
9/1/2009 Site Visit At the request of the project manager the quality assurance officer was onsite to observe field sampling activities by Andrew Lee of Shannon and Wilson. Groundwater samples were collected from two wells and submitted for DRO and BTEX analysis. Additionally natural attenuation parameters, iron, ferrous iron, nitrate, and sulfate levels were analyzed by the lab. Brenton Porter
9/4/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviews proposed Environmental Management Plan (EMP) dated August 2009. DEC is requesting the following modifications: 1. (Section 4.2) The proposed PID reading of <10 ppm is not approved as being clean. The background limit should be established at the site from several known non-contaminated areas with the instrument (PID/FID) to be used on the day before the work is to be conducted. Based on past field screening I would expect background readings to be <5 ppm. Prior DEC approval is needed to use a background reading of >5 ppm. 2. (Section 4.3) All potentially contaminated soil (above background field reading, including all “warm” and “hot” soils) need to be stored on site until off site treatment is approved or the stockpile(s) have analytical sample results back that have been reviewed and approved by DEC for disposal on property. 3. (Section 4.4) All areas where potentially contaminated soil or groundwater is encountered will need confirmation soil samples collected to document the level of contamination remaining at that location. Additional assessment to define the extent of the soil or groundwater contamination may be required in the future. 4. (Section 4.4) DEC requests that a minimum of 5 field screening samples be collected from stockpiles under 50 cubic yards. 5. (Section 9.0) Any potentially contaminated soil (field readings above background, staining, or fuel odor) or potentially contaminated groundwater encountered (odor, sheens) needs to be reported within an hour to DEC by phone at 269-7525 or by email to 6. (Section 9.0) The final summary report is to be submitted to DEC along with copies of all field notes. 7. (Section 5.0) Should reference and include the current version of the Excavation Dewatering General Permit (March 24, 2009) 2009DB0003. 8. (Section 5.0) Besides storing the groundwater in a tank/drums on the property, any discharge or disposal of groundwater at this site, or transport of groundwater from this site will require prior approval from the DEC Contaminated Sites Project Manager. DEC also requests a copy of the details for the “vapor retarders” that is to be placed below the fill and/or building at this site. Robert Weimer
9/8/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discussed some of the 9/4/09 comments with the RP's consultant, plan to meet with stakeholders on 9/10/09, to discuss future site work. Requested copies of sampling data prior to meeting. Robert Weimer
9/10/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with the property owner and the MOA and their consultant to discuss future site work. Construction of the proposed building is currently on hold awaiting final permits. Some monitoring wells will need to be properly abandoned when construction begins, once foundation in replacement monitoring wells can be installed. MOA's consultant is to provide a revised plan based on ADEC comments. Groundwater a soil sampling reports are to be submitted soon. Robert Weimer
9/30/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC reviews and conditionally approves updated Environmental Management Plan (EMP) dated September 2009. The conditions are: 1. (Section 4.2) The DEC requests that the background limit be established at the site on the each day before the work is to be conducted. Prior DEC approval is needed to use a background limit of >5 ppm. 2. (Section 4.4) Additional assessment and/or corrective action may be required in the future to define the extent of any soil and groundwater contamination identified during future site work. 3. (Sections 4.5 and 4.6) Any excavated soils requiring analytical sampling may not be reused or transported off site without prior DEC review and approval of the analytical results. 4. (Section 9.0) Each potentially contaminated area encountered needs to be reported within 1 hour to DEC by phone at 269-7525 or by email to Subsequent contamination found in the same area needs to be reported to DEC within 24 hours. 5. (Section 9.0) The final summary report is to be submitted to DEC along with copies of all field notes. DEC is to be notified prior to beginning site work. Robert Weimer
10/15/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved June 23, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Monitoring wells MW-4 and MW-5 were sampled for BTEX and DRO along with natural attenuation parameters. Up to <0.5 ug/l benzene and <0.883 mg/l DRO in the monitoring wells sampled. Contamination concentrations decreased in both of the monitoring wells from the previous sampling event of 1/30/09. Depth to groundwater was 18.14 to 18.70 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the west during this monitoring event, this is a change from the historical north east flow direction. Robert Weimer
10/16/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved September 1, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Monitoring wells MW-4 and MW-5 were sampled for BTEX and DRO along with natural attenuation parameters. Up to <0.5 ug/l benzene and <0.842 mg/l DRO in the monitoring wells sampled. Contamination concentrations decreased in both of the monitoring wells from the previous sampling event of 1/30/09. Depth to groundwater was 18.07 to 18.54 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the west during this monitoring event, this is a change from the historical north east flow direction. Robert Weimer
10/16/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved Surface soil sampling conducted on 7/16/09 and 7/23/09 in the area of monitoring well MW5 where 531 mg/kg DRO was found at 1 foot below ground surface in January 2009. Up to 135 mg/kg DRO, 1000 mg/kg RRO, <2.57 mg/kg GRO, <0.00513 mg/kg benzene, 0.0253 mg/kg PCBs, 6.58 mg/kg Arsenic, and 36.1 mg/kg Chromium at the locations sampled. Sampling was not conducted in accordance with approved workplan: The highest field screening location (B12S2) was not analyzed. There were two boring locations B9 and B13 that "were not sampled in accordance with the ADEC-approved work plan; as a result borings B15 and B16 were advanced to replace these borings". Need field notes. Still need to implement July 9, 2009 corrective action plan for the 531 mg/kg DRO soils that calls for excavating the soils in that area, and taking 2 confirmation analytical samples based on field screening locations and a duplicate for an area of 250 square feet or less. Because of the detectable PCB's in the characterization sample the soils can not go to ASR for thermal treatment as proposed in the workplan. The soils to be excavated need to be stored properly until approved for treatment or disposal, such as disposal at the Anchorage Regional Landfill. Robert Weimer
10/21/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discussed site status with RPs consultant. We discussed that some of the near surface sampling was not done in accordance with the approved plan. ADEC requests a complete copy of the field notes for the near surface sampling work. ADEC also requests that after the monitoring well is abandoned that the 531 mg/kg DRO contaminated soil be removed and confirmation samples collected, based on field readings, from both the base and sidewalls of the excavated area. Because of the detectable PCB results these excavated soils can't go to ASR, but should be able to go to the MOA landfill. We discussed that the 531 mg/kg DRO sample was identified by the lab as lube oil and not asphalt (RAP). Robert Weimer
10/21/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC received notification that construction on the site will begin on 10/22/09. They plan to abandon the 2 remaining site monitoring wells in the next few days. A replacement monitoring well is to be installed near monitoring well MW5, just outside of the new building when the building foundations are complete. Robert Weimer
10/22/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviews and conditionally approves workplan for the decommissioning of monitoring wells MW-4 and MW-5. Robert Weimer
10/22/2009 Site Visit Site visit to observe excavation of soil for the installation of a waterline to the property. Initial field readings didn't show anything over background. Robert Weimer
10/22/2009 Site Visit Site visit to observe the decommissioning of monitoring wells MW-4 and MW-5. A replacement monitoring well for MW-5 is to be installed after the foundations of the building have been completed. Robert Weimer
10/23/2009 Update or Other Action DEC letter requesting excavation of the 531 mg/kg DRO shallow soil contamination area at MW-5 and submittal of a plan to treat the excavated soils by November 6, 2009. The letter also requested field notes for the July surface sampling be submitted by October 30, 2009. The letter also requests confirmation sampling for DRO and RRO from the excavation base and sidewall. Robert Weimer
10/23/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC receives field notes for the July surface sampling work. Robert Weimer
10/26/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC receives notification that they will begin the removal of the near surface contamination identified at MW-5 today. Confirmation sampling is to be conducted in accordance with the ADEC 10/23/09 letter. Robert Weimer
10/28/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC receives notification that they removed of the near surface contamination identified at MW-5 on 10/26/09. They stated that initial results from the lab indicate that the confirmation sampling DRO and RRO results meet site cleanup levels. The results are to be submitted soon along with a request for treatment of the excavated soil. Need the lab data package, chain of custody, completed QA/QC checklist, and complete copies of the field notes along with the site figure, table, and summary. Robert Weimer
10/29/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved ADEC review of results of the excavation of near surface contaminated soil at MW5. Based on the information provided, it appears that the near surface soils remaining in the vicinity of MW5 meet site cleanup levels. ADEC is no longer requesting that the soils in this area be segregated unless otherwise required in accordance with the conditionally approved site EMP. Robert Weimer
11/10/2009 Cleanup Plan Approved ADEC approves request to dispose at the Anchorage Regional Landfill of 2 drums of contaminated soil generated from the removal of the shallow DRO contamination near MW5. Robert Weimer
4/7/2010 Cleanup Plan Approved DEC approves request to transport 30 cubic yards of DRO contaminated soil (with up to 358 mg/kg DRO) to the Anchorage Regional Landfill along with 45 cubic yards of grubbed material that was less than 5 ppm on the PID. Robert Weimer
4/7/2010 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC conditionally approves workplan to install a replacement monitoring well for MW-5. No soil samples are required and groundwater is DRO only. Drill cutting soils to be handled as per the EMP. Purge water to Emerald. Robert Weimer
7/12/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC note that it has no objection to the disposal at a non-environmentally sensitive area at the Clithroe Center property of soils meeting the “cold” requirements of the EMP for this site that was conditionally approved on 9/30/09. ADEC requested that documentation be provided as to the final amount of soil transported. Robert Weimer
3/29/2011 Site Characterization Report Approved On April 9, 2010 replacement monitoring well MW-6 was installed near the southeast corner of the new building. Groundwater was encountered at 18.92 feet below ground surface. The groundwater sample collected on April 16, 2010 had <0.870 mg/kg DRO. Robert Weimer
3/29/2011 Site Characterization Report Approved On February 2010 during the excavation of an elevator shaft for the new building at 4 feet below ground surface on the south sidewall. Confirmation samples collected from the excavation has up to 1,280 mg/kg DRO, <2.1 mg/kg GRO, 60.3 mg/kg RRO, and <0.0105 mg/kg benzene remaining. Only the south sidewall sample exceeded default cleanup levels. All of the samples collected at the base of the elevator shaft at 6.5 feet below ground surface meet default cleanup levels. The 75 cubic yards of contaminated soil from the elevator shaft excavation was disposed of at the Anchorage Regional Landfill. Robert Weimer
6/12/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77962 1995 gas/diesel tanks removal. Robert Weimer
11/12/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with MOA to discuss site status and future site work. MOA is to submit missing reports (if any). DEC to review site for cleanup complete with IC status. Robert Weimer
5/5/2014 Institutional Control Record Removed Institutional Controls have been removed. Joshua Barsis
5/5/2014 Update or Other Action Monitoring Well (MW6) was decommissioned on this day. Because of the wells proximity to the building, it could not be removed. The well was decommissioned in place. Joshua Barsis
5/5/2014 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Joshua Barsis

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO < Table C Groundwater
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.

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