Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
9/4/1997 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
9/4/1997 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78020 Contaminated soils found during UST closure. |
Former Staff |
9/4/1997 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
Source removal. UST removed from the ground 9/4/97. |
Tim Stevens |
6/25/1998 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
ADEC received the site assessment report. This site is one of 43 UST SA reports contained in the April 1998 Draft " Project Report" Eareckson AS. Final report dated June 11, 1999 and entitled "Project Report - UST Site Assessment Reports, AST Removal Reports, and Environmental Compliance Activities." Associated ADEC/STP comment letter dated January 12, 2000 prepared by Timothy Stevens. ADEC comment letter states that based on information and laboratory data contained in the site assessment reports, tank 731-1 (ADEC #30) will need to have a release investigation done to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination found during the closure process. Please note: tank 731-1 is reported as ADEC #69 in LUST database, but as ADEC #30 in SA report and in ADEC comment letter dated January 12, 2000. |
Gretchen Pikul |
2/5/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
After reviewing SA report ADEC project manager sent a letter to the US Air Force requesting a release investigation be done to find the full extent of the contamination at this site. |
Tim Stevens |
11/16/2007 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 4 days to conduct site visits and become familiar with the ecology and topography of the island. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to discuss the plan moving forward for Records of Decision and remedial alternatives. |
Jonathan Schick |
5/9/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78020 (Autogenerated Action) |
1/12/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program sent a letter to the USAF stating that additional investigation is required at this site to delineate the extent of impacted soil. |
Jonathan Schick |
9/25/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A project records review and scoping meeting was held between the ADEC and USAF. Additional investigation work is planned for this site during 2015. |
Jessica Morris |
10/22/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program reviewed and commented on a draft scope of work for investigation, remedial process optimization, and long term management studies at several sites for Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
8/31/2016 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program conditionally approved the 2016 Uniform Federal Policy - Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP-QAPP) for Site Characterization at 14 Former POL Sites, Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska. The conditions for the UFP-QAPP are as follows: 1) We do not object to the long term monitoring work being completed as outlined in the UFP-QAPP; however ADEC cannot concur that efforts will be counted towards meeting the end point criteria outlined in the decision documents until an adequate monitoring program has been established. 2)The QAPP states that field screening results and field observations will be used to determine additional groundwater monitoring well locations. These locations should to be coordinated with ADEC. 3) The leaking underground storage tank (LUST) sites at Eareckson Air Station will need to be characterized and closed in accordance with LUST regulations that are included in 18 AAC 78. 4) The scope of work for this investigation may not be sufficient to fully characterize the sites listed in the work plan, and additional investigation may be necessary. |
Jessica Morris |
11/14/2016 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 4 days to conduct site visits and become familiar with the ecology and topography of the island. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. |
Jessica Morris |
11/27/2017 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 3 days to conduct site visits and institutional control inspections. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. |
Jessica Morris |
2/23/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program submitted comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report at 13 Former POL Sites, Phase I, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. |
Jessica Morris |
2/23/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program provide comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report at 13 Former POL Sites, Phase I, Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
5/2/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program submitted comments on the Draft Remedial Process Optimization Report for Eareckson Air Station. The purpose of the report was to present an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current selected site remedies and make recommendations for optimization of an island-wide monitoring and management program for contaminated sites at Eareckson. ADEC had numerous comments on the document, and requested a project team meeting to further discuss a more effective and efficient program at Eareckson. |
Jessica Morris |
2/4/2019 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Addendum Addendum Uniform Federal Policy – Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP-QAPP) for Site Characterization at 13 Former POL Sites, Eareckson Air Station, Sheyma Island, Alaska. The QAPP Addendum was approved with the following conditions: 1)ADEC requests weekly field meetings during the effort. 2)the LUST regulations in 18 AAC 78 still need to be achieved. 3) the scope of work for this effort may not be sufficient to fully characterize the sites, and additional characterization may be necessary.
Jessica Morris |
4/27/2022 |
Update or Other Action |
On 4/27/2022 ADEC approved the Eareckson Air Station, Alaska, REMEDIAL PROCESS OPTIMIZATION REPORT dated April 2022.
This Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Report presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of current selected site remedies and makes recommendations for optimization of the IWM Program, as appropriate to establish a more integrated groundwater monitoring program at Eareckson AS. RPO is a systematic approach for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of site remediation without increasing site risk. This RPO Report presents a site-by-site evaluation of effectiveness of the sites selected remedy and provides recommendations to:
• Streamline groundwater monitoring.
• Develop a holistic approach to site management.
• Maintain the remedial action objectives (RAOs) set forth in established Record of Decisions (RODs) and Decision Documents (DDs).
Daniela Fawcett |
10/15/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided responses to comments for the Decision Document for 23 Petroleum Contaminated Sites, Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska, Draft (dated July 2024) to the U.S. Air Force. Most of the responses to comments were acceptable, with a couple requiring additional text changes to the document. Two sites (CS566 and OT617) have contamination present above human health levels and a Notice of Activity Use and Limitations will be required for those sites. |
Erica Blake |
12/27/2024 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78020 1500-gallon DF2 Heating Oil UST. |
Erica Blake |