Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
7/1/1998 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
7/1/1998 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77771 300 CY contaminated soil stockpile from 3 UST gasoline removals |
Former Staff |
11/6/1998 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
The UST system consisted of one 4,000-gallon tank (tank #1), one 2,000-gallon tank (tank #2) and one 5,000-gallon tank (tank #3). All three tanks and associated piping were within one excavation pit. The tanks were taken out-of-service in 1997 when the dispensing island was removed. Tanks #1 and #2 were installed in 1982 and 1978, respectively. Tank #3 was originally an AST which was re-installed as an UST in 1976. The work resulted in the removal of the tanks and the excavation of 250 cubic yards of contaminated soil. The contaminated soil was stockpiled on the south end of the property. A total of 7 soil samples were collected and tested from the excavation and 2 soil samples were collected from under each former dispenser. Contaminant levels in the excavation ranged up to 5,080 ppm GRO and 73.7 ppm benzene. Contaminant levels in the dispenser and piping areas ranged up to 9,240 ppm GRO and 150 ppm benzene. |
Deborah Williams |
2/24/1999 |
Release Investigation |
On October 2, 1998, a release investigation was completed that included the drilling of nine test soil borings. The results of the RI showed the gasoline contamination from the former USTs appears to be confined to the strata from approximately 5 to 18 feet bgs, immediately southwest and south of the former excavation. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the test borings. |
Deborah Williams |
11/2/1999 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
Former Staff |
11/27/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC drafted a letter to the RP requesting a CSM for the site and an update on the status of the remediation of the contaminated soil stockpiles. |
Deborah Williams |
3/23/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking completed. |
Deborah Williams |
2/21/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
the ADEC conducted Multi-increment and composite sampling on the stockpile. Consultant sampled downgradient drinking water well and stockpile. Report should be arriving shortly. |
Former Staff |
5/20/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
An estimated 100 cy of contaminated soil remains. Recommended that it be removed down to permafrost to consider site for conditional closure. |
Neal Everson |
4/20/2009 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
RP and Susan Admunsen removed 100cy of contaminated soil and stockpiled on north side of lot. The clean stockpile to the west was used as backfill. Confirmation samples were taken at bottom and sides of excavation. A permafrost slab was encountered at depth preventing clean confirmation samples. Waiting for 2008 report. Anticipate- need to treat stockpiles for site closure. |
Neal Everson |
6/15/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
RP came in to office. He is working on securing funding for consultant's report for 2008 field work. DEC should receive report soon. |
Neal Everson |
2/16/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Changed DEC project manager to James Fish. |
Janice Wiegers |
3/3/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
DEC staff (J.Wiegers/J.Fish) met on site with prospective buyer of property, who is currently operating an automtive business on site (Everything Automotive). Strict liability, closure with I.C.s, and potential for re-opning site was discussed. |
Jim Fish |
1/19/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Drinking water sample data submitted for a samples collected on 9/20/10. The sample was collected in a drinking water well across the Parks Highway from the former gas station. Analyses included EPA 8260, AK101, and EPA 504.1. No VOCs, GRO, or EDB were detected. |
Janice Wiegers |
6/8/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC sends letter to owner discussing currently available information and requirements for closing the site with institutional controls. Stockpile remediation must be complete prior to site closure. |
Janice Wiegers |
10/9/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved workplan submitted by Admundson Environmental Services for sampling the stockpile. |
Janice Wiegers |
4/26/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
November 2012 stockpile soil sample report submitted. Soil samples indicate benzene slightly above migration to groundwater levels. Toulene, ethyl benzene, xylene, and naphthalene tested below direct contact, outdoor inhalation, and migration to groundwater levels.(LAG; 4/26/13). |
Laurel Gale |
7/26/2013 |
Site Visit |
Conducted site visit with the landowner to view location and condition of stockpile. The pile has been turned over by a dozer several times to promote volatilization and degradation of the remaining hydrocarbons. Sampling in 2012 indicated soil was below ingestion/inhalation cleanup levels. Discussed a final turning and us of the soil to build up the back edge of the property where the stockpile is located. Pictures collected from the current stockpile location and the original stockpile which was previously remediated and then moved to a different property at the end of the dirt road adjacent to the east side of the property. |
Janice Wiegers |
1/28/2014 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Corrective action complete letter provided to landowner. Petroleum contamination remains below 8 feet and may be present under the northeast corner of the garage building. Petroleum contamination may also remain in the DOT easement along the Parks Highway. |
Janice Wiegers |
4/22/2014 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
IC agreement signed by landowner on 1/28/14. |
Janice Wiegers |
10/29/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff name changed from Wiegers to IC Unit. |
Evonne Reese |
10/29/2014 |
Institutional Control Update |
Property was sold on 10/1/2014. Affiliate information was updated in database. |
Janice Wiegers |
11/12/2014 |
Institutional Control Update |
An IC reminder letter was issued to the new property owner on this date. |
Kristin Thompson |
7/8/2015 |
Institutional Control Update |
Multiple attempts to contact the known responsible party with a reminder of institutional control requirements have been unsuccessful to date. There is no updated contact information available at this time. Reminder system set to follow-up in two years. |
IC Unit |
7/27/2017 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted. Verified property owner information with the Fairbanks Tax Assessing Office. ICs verification letter issued. Reminder system set to follow-up every three years. |
Kristin Thompson |
1/12/2021 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
Compliance review started. A current confirmation of the property owner will be conducted and a letter will be issued. |
Evonne Reese |
3/1/2023 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted on this date and a reminder letter was issued. The next compliance review will be in 3 yrs. New property owner as of 11/01/2017, confirmed with FNSB map and Warranty Deed on file. |
Jennifer McGrath |