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Site Report: Circle S Grocery

Site Name: Circle S Grocery
Address: 22189 South Birchwood Loop Road, Chugiak, AK 99567
File Number: 2106.26.004
Hazard ID: 24797
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: Janice Wiegers, 9074512127
Latitude: 61.404709
Longitude: -149.468506
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In 1995 a 10,000 gallon gasoline tank and a 5,000 gallon diesel tank were removed. 15 cubic yards of fuel contaminated soil was excavated to a depth of 15 feet. Soil contamination was left in the base of the excavation (up to 527 mg/kg GRO and 5.84 mg/kg benzene). A new 15,000 gallon two compartment tank was installed in the excavation later in 1995 on top of a liner. The contaminated soil stockpile was stored at the site and sampling conducted in 1999 found that it met default cleanup levels. In 1999 two soil borings were drilled to a depth of 70 feet to help define the extent of the contamination at the site. Groundwater was not encountered. The soil boring samples found up to 2.6 mg/kg benzene, 540 mg/kg GRO, and 19 mg/kg DRO. The highest level of benzene contamination was found in the sample collected at the bottom of the boring SB2. On August 23, 2012 the remaining 15,000 gallon two compartment gas/diesel tank and its associated piping were removed. Some contamination at the top and along the sides of the tank was observed related to the two sumps on top of the tank. Some soil beneath and to the sides of the liner from the 1995 tank removals was also excavated during the removal of the 15,000 gallon tank. Confirmation samples from the 2012 excavated soil met default cleanup levels so it was placed back in the excavation and they placed clean fill into the excavation on top of that to bring it up to grade. Up to 230 mg/kg GRO, 947 mg/kg DRO and 0.543 mg/kg benzene in the soil samples collected from the remaining soil at the base of the 2012 excavation. Two stained areas were observed at the base of the excavation, below each of the two dispensers. Sidewall samples were not collected because the excavation sidewalls extended beyond the liner area of the previous excavation. On January 14-15, 2014 three soil borings (BH-1, BH-2, and BH-3) were sampled in the former tank location. BH-1 was drilled to 82 feet below ground surface (bgs), BH-2 & BH-3 to 26 feet bgs. Up to 762 mg/kg GRO, 713 mg/kg DRO, and 8.16 mg/kg benzene in the soil samples collected. The two PAH samples collected were below cleanup levels. The soil sample collected at 82 feet bgs had 0.323 mg/kg benzene, non-detect (<10.7 mg/kg) DRO, and 5.99 mg/kg GRO. The chromatograms for the samples collected from BH-1 at 14 to 16 feet below ground surface (bgs) and BH-2 at 18 to 20 feet bgs appear to be fresh fuel. In 2014 a limited water well search found that all properties in the area are on private water wells, including the site property drinking water well located about 70 feet to the northwest of the former UST system (152 feet deep). The owner at 22111 McKinley View Avenue (located about 300 feet to the west of the former UST system) said their well is 150 feet deep. DEC requests that the closest drinking water well to the site be sampled for BTEX (by EPA method 524.2) and if possible the static water level and total well depth in the drinking water well be measured. The DEC request that that sampling/measurements be conducted with the results submitted to DEC by October 1, 2014. DEC is also requests by October 1, 2014 that an updated Figure 2 in the report be submitted to DEC that show the approximate locations of the other drinking water wells shown on that figure, along with (if available) copies of any well logs for those wells and the on-property well. DEC has no objection to repaving the excavated area with the understanding that further site characterization is needed to define the nature and extent of the contamination at this site and a corrective action plan will be needed to address the remaining contamination. April 7, 2015 ADEC letter to the Circle S Grocery owner. ADEC concurs with the May 2014 report’s recommendation that this drinking water well be sampled for BTEX (by EPA method 524.2) on a monthly basis for one year. ADEC request that this monthly sampling begin by April 30, 2015, with the results of the monthly sampling submitted to ADEC electronically each month, and summarized in a quarterly hard copy report. ADEC also requests that the nearest community drinking water well located at 22208 Birchwood Loop Road be sampled for BTEX (by method 524.2) by April 30, 2015, with the results of that sampling submitted to that property owner and ADEC by May 30, 2015. The extent of the soil and groundwater contamination at this site still needs to be defined. ADEC requests a work plan, including a schedule for conducting the work, for conducting additional release investigation to help define the extent of the contamination be submitted by June 1, 2015. This would include borings to determine the vertical extent of the contamination, and additional borings to determine the horizontal and vertical extent around that area with at least three of the borings completed as monitoring wells and sampled to help assess the extent of contamination in the groundwater. On April 29, 2015 the nearby community drinking water well on the adjoining residential property (22179 South Birchwood Loop Road) that also serves the Circle S Grocery commercial building was sampled and it was non-detect for BTEX. The on-property drinking water well has been sampled periodically since April 2015 and has detectable concentrations of BTEX that are below drinking water cleanup levels except for the January 26, 2016 sampling event that exceeded benzene cleanup levels. Bottled water has been provided to the residence and the commercial building is not currently in-use. On October 30, 2015 three groundwater monitoring wells were installed and sampled on November 18-19, 2015. Depth to groundwater was 103 to 128 feet below ground surface (bgs). Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. MW1 top of screen is 107' bgs, MW2 100' bgs, and MW3 is 97' bgs. On October 4, 2018 a work plan was approved for the installation of additional monitoring wells to help define the extent of the remaining soil and groundwater contamination at this site, the sampling of the drinking water wells, and the existing monitoring wells. The consultant has also proposed installing a replacement drinking water well outside of the contaminated groundwater plume. A work plan will need to be submitted for the installation of a replacement drinking water well and decommissioning of the current drinking water well.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/21/1995 Site Added to Database Former Staff
6/21/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum 15 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated during the removal of a gasoline and a diesel tank. Former Staff
6/21/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77942 Benzene and GRO contamination found. Former Staff
6/21/1995 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Up to 5.84 mg/kg benzene and 527 mg/kg GRO left at base of tank excavation (15 feet below ground surface). A liner was placed in the excavation and a new 11,000 gallon two compartment tank was placed in the same excavation. Robert Weimer
7/17/1995 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to RP requesting proper disposal of the old tanks that are currently being stored at the site on the surface of the ground. Robert Weimer
8/19/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting release investigation and corrective action. Former Staff
8/2/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC receives a stockpile sampling plan and a release investigation workplan for the installation of 3 soil borings to be completed as monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
8/29/1999 Release Investigation Two soil borings were drilled to 67 feet to help determine the extent of the soil contamination at the site. No groundwater was encountered during the drilling. The consultant had estimated that groundwater would be encountered within 50 feet of the ground surface. Up to 2.6 mg/kg benzene, 540 mg/kg GRO, and 19 mg/kg DRO was found in the soil boring samples collected. The highest benzene contamination was found at the base of soil boring SB2 at a depth of 67 feet below ground surface. SB1 had a well screen from 50 to 60 feet below ground surface (sealed to 30 feet), SB2 from 56 to 66 below ground surface (sealed to 35 feet). SB2 had fuel odors from 20 feet to 62 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
9/13/1999 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway The 15 cubic yard stockpile was sampled and found to meet default cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
10/15/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC approves request to spread the stockpile soils that now meet cleanup levels. ADEC requests a workplan for completing the release investigation by the spring of 2000. Former Staff
6/30/2000 Update or Other Action ADEC letter again requests release investigation and corrective action for the remaining contamination at the site. The letter request plan to be submitted by July 31, 2000. Robert Weimer
4/26/2001 Update or Other Action ADEC sends a second request for a release investigation and corrective action workplan for the remaining contamination at the site. The letter requests the workplans by May 31, 2001. Robert Weimer
12/18/2001 Update or Other Action ADEC sends a third request for a release investigation and corrective action work plan for the remaining contamination at the site. The letter requests the workplans by March 29, 2002. Lynne Bush
2/28/2002 Update or Other Action ADEC receives a call from Pompi Porterfield. She stated that she has sold the property and that the on property drinking water well was sampled and came back clean. Lynne Bush
6/26/2002 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting Site Characterization and Corrective Action Work Plan be submitted by July 30, 2002. Amanda Dreyer
2/15/2006 Update or Other Action Talked with the Porterfield's about the site. They sold the property in 2002 but got it back in foreclosure in 2005. The 11,000 gallon dual compartment tank is currently out of service. They will be contacting the brownfield program for a possible grant to conduct the release investigation work. Robert Weimer
3/18/2008 Update or Other Action Discussed site with property owners attorney. We discussed the current site status and the work that still needs to be done (release investigation and corrective action). She said she will relay the information to the property owner. Robert Weimer
3/19/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
1/7/2011 Update or Other Action Have not received requested release investigation work. Robert Weimer
10/28/2011 Update or Other Action Still have not received requested release investigation work. Robert Weimer
8/23/2012 Site Visit Site visit to observe the removal of the remaining 15,000 gallon two compartment gas/diesel tank and its associated piping. Some contamination at the top and along the sides of the tank was observed related to the two sumps on top of the tank. In order to remove the tank some contaminated soil from the 1995 tanks was also excavated. They plan to collect confirmation samples from the excavated soil and place it back in the excavation. They will then put down a marker liner and place clean fill on top of the contaminated soil to bring it up to grade. Robert Weimer
11/8/2012 Site Characterization Report Approved On 8/23/12 the remaining 15,000 gallon two compartment gas/diesel tank and its associated piping were removed. Some contamination at the top and along the sides of the tank was observed related to the two sumps on top of the tank. In order to remove the tank some contaminated soil remaining from the 1995 tank removals was also excavated during the removal of the 15,000 gallon tank. Confirmation samples from the excavated soil met default cleanup levels and it was placed back in the excavation and they placed clean fill into the excavation to bring it up to grade. Up to 230 mg/kg GRO, 947 mg/kg DRO and 0.543 mg/kg benzene in the soil samples collected at the base of the excavation. Two stained areas were observed at the base of the excavation, below each of the two dispensers. Sidewall samples were not collected because the excavation sidewalls extended beyond the liner area of the previous excavation. Robert Weimer
4/17/2013 Update or Other Action On April 17, 2013 the drinking water well at 22208 Birchwood Loop Road (The Crossing Church/Birchwood Christian School) was sampled for VOCs-Method 524.2 (once every 3 years) as part of their required community water system sampling. All VOC sample results were non-detect (<0.5 ug/l). Robert Weimer
6/20/2013 Update or Other Action DEC letter to property owner requesting a release investigaiton work plan to assess the nature and extent of the remaining contamination be submitted by September 1, 2013. Robert Weimer
6/20/2013 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter PRP letter sent Robert Weimer
7/31/2013 Update or Other Action DEC letter to property owner releasing them from the requirement for proof of financial responsibility due to the tank system being removed and a claim had been filed with the insurance company for the contamination. Robert Weimer
8/29/2013 Update or Other Action DEC an extention to November 1, 2013 for submittal of a release investigaiton work plan to assess the nature and extent of the remaining contamination. The insurance company is contacting consultants to do the work. Robert Weimer
10/21/2013 Update or Other Action Talked with property owner, the insurance company is hiring an environmental firm to do the site work. They plan to do the work in November 2013. She will send over some information. Robert Weimer
11/14/2013 Update or Other Action Insurance company called that they intend to make a claim against the tank decommissioning firm (Prism Design) because they may have contributed to the contamination observed below the two dispensers when they removed the dispensers and their associated piping. Robert Weimer
12/12/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approves the November 25, 2013 Site Investigation Work Plan from the insurance companies consultant (ERM) with the following conditions: 1. The treatment/disposal of the excess soil cuttings will be under a separate request. 2. Treated decon/purge water may not be disposed of within 100 feet of drinking water wells or surface water. 3. Complete copies of field notes are to be included with the draft and final reports. 4. DEC project manager (Robert Weimer) is to be notified 72 hours prior to conducting the field work. The work plan proposes to drill and sample 3 soil borings and complete the deeper one to 80 feet below ground surface as a monitoring well and two others to 25 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
12/16/2013 Update or Other Action DEC receives notification from the insurance companies consultant (ERM) that the plan to conducted the conditionally approved work plan in January 2014. Robert Weimer
1/9/2014 Update or Other Action DEC receives notifiaction from ERM that they plan to begin the release investigation site work is to begin on January 14th. Robert Weimer
1/9/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approves the January 2104 Site Investigation Work Plan from the insurance companies consultant (ERM). The work plan proposes to drill and sample 3 soil borings and complete the deeper one to 80 feet below ground surface as a monitoring well and two others to 25 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
3/12/2014 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves request to thermally treat at ASR 0.5 cubic yards of contaminated drill cuttings currently stored at the site. The drill cuttings were generated during the sampling of 3 boreholes within the 2012 tank excavation footprint. Robert Weimer
5/15/2014 Update or Other Action A limited water well search was conducted by the consultant. They found that all properties in the area are on private water wells, including the site property located about 70 feet to the northwest of the former UST system. The owner at 22111 McKinley View Avenue (located about 300 feet to the west of the former UST system) said their well is 150 feet deep. Robert Weimer
5/15/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Three soil borings (BH-1, BH-2, and BH-3) were sampled between January 14-15, 2014 in the former tank location. BH-1 was drilled to 82 feet below ground surface (bgs), BH-2 & BH-3 to 26 feet bgs. Up to 762 mg/kg GRO, 713 mg/kg DRO, and 8.16 mg/kg benzene in the soil samples collected. The two PAH samples collected were below cleanup levels. The soil sample collected at 82 feet bgs had 0.323 mg/kg benzene, non-detect (<10.7 mg/kg) DRO, and 5.99 mg/kg GRO. The chromatograms for the samples collected from BH-1 at 14 to 16 feet bgs and BH-2 at 18 to 20 feet bgs appear to be fresh fuel. Robert Weimer
8/12/2014 Update or Other Action DEC concurs with the May 29, 2014 report’s recommendation that the closest drinking water well to the site be sampled for BETX (by EPA method 524.2) and if possible the static water level and total well depth in the drinking water well be measured. The DEC request that this sampling/measurements be conducted with the results submitted to DEC by October 1, 2014. DEC is also requesting by October 1, 2014 that an updated Figure 2 in the report be submitted to DEC that show the approximate locations of the other drinking water wells shown on that figure, along with (if available) copies of any well logs for those wells and the on-property well. DEC has no objection to repaving the excavated area with the understanding that further site characterization is needed to define the nature and extent of the contamination at this site and a corrective action plan will be needed to address the remaining contamination. Robert Weimer
10/2/2014 Update or Other Action ADEC letter noting that the extent of the contamination at this site needs to be defined. ADEC requests a work plan, including a schedule for conducting the work, for conducting additional release investigation to help define the extent of the contamination be submitted by December 1, 2014. This would include borings to determine the vertical extent of the contamination, and additional borings to determine the horizontal and vertical extent around that area. If contamination is found to extend within 5 feet of groundwater then monitoring wells will need to be installed and sampled to assess for contamination in the groundwater. DEC concurs with the May 2014 report’s recommendation that the closest drinking water well to the site be sampled for BETX (by EPA method 524.2) and if possible the static water level and total well depth in that drinking water well be measured. The DEC request that this sampling/measurements be conducted and the results submitted to DEC by November 1, 2014. DEC is also requesting by November 1, 2014 that an updated Figure 2 in the May 2014 report be submitted to DEC that shows the approximate locations of the other drinking water wells in the area, along with (if available) copies of any well logs for those wells and the on-property well. DEC has no objection to repaving the excavated area with the understanding that further site characterization is needed to define the nature and extent of the contamination at this site and a corrective action plan will be needed to address the remaining contamination. In an August 21, 2014 email from your consultant (ERM Alaska Inc.) they requested that the ADEC consider granting conditional closure with biennial drinking water sampling of the on-property drinking water well. ADEC regulations (18 AAC 78) require that the extent of the contamination be defined and corrective action be taken to address the contamination at a site. Your site can’t be evaluated for conditional closure until the required release investigation work has been completed. Robert Weimer
10/16/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On October 14, 2014, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program (ADEC) received a copy of ERM Alaska Inc.’s “Drinking Water Well Sampling, Chugiak, Alaska” work plan dated October 10, 2014. This work plan proposes to collect a drinking water well sample from the on-property drinking water well and to collect drinking water well information for that water well and other drinking water wells in the area. This work plan is approved under the condition that complete copies of field notes are included with the report. Robert Weimer
4/6/2015 Update or Other Action On April 17, 2013 the drinking water well at 22208 Birchwood Loop Road (The Crossing Church/Birchwood Christian School) was sampled for VOCs-Method 524.2 (once every 3 years) as part of their required community water system sampling. All VOC sample results were non-detect (<0.5 ug/l). Robert Weimer
4/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On November 5, 2014 the on-property drinking water well (22179 Birchwood Loop Road) was sampled for VOCs by method 524.2. Up to 0.27 ug/l benzene (5 ug/l groundwater cleanup level) and 0.15 ug/l ethylbenzene (700 ug/l groundwater cleanup level) in the drinking water samples collected. The consultant recommends monthly sampling of this well for VOCs and that they obtain drinking water from another source. Robert Weimer
4/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On November 24, 2014 the on-property drinking water well (22179 Birchwood Loop Road) was sampled for VOCs by method 524.2. Up to 0.28 ug/l benzene (5 ug/l groundwater cleanup level) and 0.18 ug/l ethylbenzene (700 ug/l groundwater cleanup level) in the drinking water samples collected. The consultant recommends monthly sampling of this well for VOCs and that they obtain drinking water from another source. Robert Weimer
4/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of December 30, 2014 drinking water well sampling report. The report documented that the static water levels for the on-property well was listed as 112 feet below ground surface (bgs), and the other drinking water wells in the area had static water levels of 91 to112 feet bgs. Based on the static water levels the consultant estimates that the groundwater flow direction is to the north by northeast. The on-property drinking water well is about 150 feet to the northeast of the former UST, with the next closest drinking water well 600 feet away to the west at 22111 McKinley View Road. The nearest community drinking water well is 700 feet away to the southwest at 22208 Birchwood Loop Road (The Crossing Church/Birchwood Christian School). The on-property drinking water well was sampled on November 5, 2014 and November 24, 2014 and had up to 0.28 ug/l benzene (5 ug/l groundwater cleanup level) and 0.18 ug/l ethylbenzene (700 ug/l groundwater cleanup level) in the drinking water samples collected. The consultant recommends monthly sampling of this well for VOCs and that they obtain drinking water from another source. Robert Weimer
4/7/2015 Update or Other Action April 7, 2015 ADEC letter to the Circle S Grocery owner. ADEC concurs with the May 2014 report’s recommendation that this drinking water well be sampled for BETX (by EPA method 524.2) on a monthly basis for one year. ADEC request that this monthly sampling begin by April 30, 2015, with the results of the monthly sampling submitted to ADEC electronically each month, and summarized in a quarterly hard copy report. ADEC also requests that the nearest community drinking water well located at 22208 Birchwood Loop Road be sampled for BTEX (by method 524.2) by April 30, 2015, with the results of that sampling submitted to that property owner and ADEC by May 30, 2015. The extent of the soil and groundwater contamination at this site still needs to be defined. ADEC requests a work plan, including a schedule for conducting the work, for conducting additional release investigation to help define the extent of the contamination be submitted by June 1, 2015. This would include borings to determine the vertical extent of the contamination, and additional borings to determine the horizontal and vertical extent around that area with at least three of the borings completed as monitoring wells and sampled to help assess the extent of contamination in the groundwater. Robert Weimer
4/24/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves work plan to conduct drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well and the nearest community drinking water well located at 22208 Birchwood Loop Road. Pending access to the wells, the sampling is scheduled to be conducted by April 30, 2015. Robert Weimer
5/21/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 29, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well and the nearest community drinking water well located at 22208 Birchwood Loop Road. Up to 0.3 ug/l benzene, 0.48 ug/l ethylbenzene, 0.72 ug/l p&m-xylene, and 0.72 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. The 22208 Birchwood Loop Road drinking water well sample was non-detect (<0.15 ug/l) benzene/ethylbenzene/o-xylene/toluene, non-detect (<0.31 ug/l) p&m-xylene, and non-detect (<0.5 ug/l) total xylenes. Robert Weimer
9/10/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 26, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 0.22 ug/l benzene, non-detect (<0.25 ug/l) ethylbenzene, 0.47 ug/l p&m-xylene, and 0.59 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. Robert Weimer
9/10/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 23, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. The water sample was non-detect for BTEX this monitoring event. Robert Weimer
9/10/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other July 27, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 0.30 ug/l benzene, non-detect (<0.25 ug/l) ethylbenzene, 0.46 ug/l p&m-xylene, and 0.45 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. Robert Weimer
9/10/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 25, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. Up to 0.30 ug/l benzene, non-detect (<0.25 ug/l) ethylbenzene, 0.35 ug/l p&m-xylene, and 0.30 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. Robert Weimer
9/10/2015 Update or Other Action Discussion with RP's consultant (ERM) they will submit a work plan soon for the installation and sampling of three monitoring wells to help delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of the contamination at this site. They are to continue monthly sampling the on-property drinking water well. Once we have a better idea of the extent of the groundwater contamination and the influence of the use of the drinking water well on the plume we will evaluate possible reduction the frequency of the drinking water well sampling. Robert Weimer
11/5/2015 Update or Other Action Update from consultant that the three site monitoring wells were installed on October 30, 2015. The monitoring wells are to be developed and sampled early next week. Robert Weimer
11/5/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 30, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 0.17 ug/l benzene, non-detect (<0.25 ug/l) ethylbenzene, 0.16 ug/l p&m-xylene, and 0.16 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. Robert Weimer
1/8/2016 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves the off-site treatment of 2 drums of contaminated purge water at NRC and disposal of 3 drums of contaminated soil at Columbia Ridge Landfill in Oregon. Robert Weimer
1/8/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other November 18, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 0.21 ug/l benzene, and non-detect ethylbenzene, p&m-xylene, and total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. Robert Weimer
1/8/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other December 7, 2015 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 0.29 ug/l benzene, non-detect (<0.25 ug/l) ethylbenzene, 0.21 ug/l p&m-xylene, and 0.19 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. Robert Weimer
1/8/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other November 18, 2015 sampling of the three site monitoring wells with up to 104 ug/l benzene, 1.91 mg/l GRO, 1.29 mg/l DRO, and 0.557 mg/l RRO. Depth to groundwater was 103.73 to 128.08 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Groundwater samples were collected with an in-well pump after purging. Groundwater samples were collected with an in-well pump after purging. The field notes documented that the pump intake was not within the top foot of the water column as required so those results may be biased low. Since monitoring well MW-1 well screen interval was submerged the results from that monitoring well are considered biased low. Robert Weimer
2/10/2016 Update or Other Action Update from consultant that they just got the results back from the January 26, 2016 monthly drinking water well sampling of the on-property water well and it is now has 19 ug/l benzene that exceeds the drinking water standard of 5 ug/l. The have informed the owner not to use the well and they will be providing an alternative water source or water treatment system for that well. They suspect that the 7.1 earthquake 2 days prior to the sampling may have created a conduit for the contamination to enter the well. Robert Weimer
3/24/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other January 26, 2016 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 19.4 ug/l benzene (4.6 ug/l cleanup level), 0.98 ug/l toluene, 18.7 ug/l ug/l ethylbenzene, and 79.2 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. The user of the well was advised by the consultant not to use the water well. The consultant is evaluating alternative water sources/treatment for the residence. Robert Weimer
3/24/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other February 23, 2016 sampling of the three site monitoring wells with up to 11 ug/l benzene, 1.02 mg/l GRO, 0.286 mg/l DRO, and non-detect (<0.250 mg/l) RRO. Depth to groundwater was 101.02 to 104.35 feet below ground surface. Concentrations increased in 0 of 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the north by northwest. Groundwater samples were collected with an in-well pump after purging. The field notes documented that the pump intake was within the top foot of the water column as required in all monitoring wells except MW-1. Since monitoring well MW-1 well screen interval was submerged the results from that monitoring well are considered biased low. Robert Weimer
4/21/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Talked with the consultant and they plan to install a replacement drinking water well on the property and properly decommission the existing drinking water well. They think there is room to place the replacement drinking water well far upgradient of the contaminated groundwater area at the site. The replacement drinking water well will need some sampling and an evaluation of any drawdown in the monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
9/23/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other February 23, 2016 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 3.01 ug/l benzene, 5.03 ug/l ethylbenzene, and 15.2 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. The owner indicated to the consultant that she has been using a greater amount of the water for laundry since July 2015. The consultant proposes to have a new Class C drinking water well be installed in August 2016 to replace the existing well servicing both residence property and the Circle S Grocery property. Robert Weimer
9/23/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other March 18, 2016 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 1.48 ug/l benzene, 2.74 ug/l ethylbenzene, and 4.79 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. The owner indicated to the consultant that she has been using a greater amount of the water for laundry since July 2015. The consultant proposes to have a new Class C drinking water well be installed in August 2016 to replace the existing well servicing both residence property and the Circle S Grocery property. Robert Weimer
9/23/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 21, 2016 drinking water well sampling of the on-property drinking water well. 0.50 ug/l benzene, 0.70 ug/l ethylbenzene, and 0.81 ug/l total xylenes in the on-property drinking water well. The owner indicated to the consultant that she has been using a greater amount of the water for laundry since July 2015. The consultant proposes to have a new Class C drinking water well be installed in August 2016 to replace the existing well servicing both residence property and the Circle S Grocery property. Robert Weimer
6/5/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 2, 2016 sampling of the three site monitoring wells with up to 20.8 ug/l benzene, 0.696 mg/l GRO, 0.355 mg/l DRO, and 0.187 mg/l RRO. Depth to groundwater was 103.32 to 106.20 feet below ground surface. Concentrations increased in 3 of 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the north by northwest. Groundwater samples were collected with an in-well pump after purging. The field notes documented that the pump intake was within the top foot of the water column as required. Since monitoring well MW-1 well screen interval was submerged the results from that monitoring well are considered biased low. Robert Weimer
6/5/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 13, 2016 sampling of the three site monitoring wells with up to 229 ug/l benzene (46 ug/l cleanup level), 142 ug/l ethylbenzene (15 ug/l cleanup level), 504 ug/l total xylenes (190 ug/l cleanup level), 2.08 mg/l GRO (2.2 mg/l cleanup level), 0.886 mg/l DRO (1.5 mg/l cleanup level), and non detect RRO. Depth to groundwater was 104.05 to 106.95 feet below ground surface. Concentrations increased in 3 of 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Groundwater samples were collected with an in-well pump after purging. The field notes documented that the pump intake was not within the top foot of the water column as required so those results may be biased low. Since monitoring well MW-1 well screen interval was submerged (top of screen is at 107', with water at 103.73') the results from that monitoring well are considered biased low. Robert Weimer
6/7/2017 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting a revised well installation and quarterly groundwater monitoring report be submitted by July 1, 2017. ADEC also requests that if the on-property drinking water is currently in-use it be sampled in June 2017 and every month after that it is used. The results of the drinking water well sampling is to be provided to ADEC within 72 hours of receiving the results from the laboratory. Robert Weimer
10/4/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves ERM Alaska Inc.’s work plan dated October 3, 2018 for “Groundwater Monitoring and Drinking Water Well Sampling” at this site. The work plan proposes to collected water samples from the three site monitoring wells and the on-property drinking water well, and provide a report of the results to be submitted within four weeks after receipt of the laboratory analytical results along with recommendations for future site work. The work plan is approved with the following modifications: 1. The drinking water well samples are to be analyzed for VOC (method 524.2), GRO, DRO, and PAHs (method 525.2). 2. The treatment/disposal of the generated purge water will be under a separate request. This request would include a completed ADEC Transport, Treatment, & Disposal Form, and if the purge water is to treated on-site and discharged, details on the treatment procedure and location of the discharge on property, including the distance from the discharge to the nearest drinking water well. Note that this approval does not change previous ADEC requests that the site monitoring wells be sampled on a minimum of a semi-annual basis, the drinking water well be sampled on a monthly basis while in use, and that additional soil borings/monitoring wells be installed and sampled to help define the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination at this site. Robert Weimer
1/9/2019 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77942 1995 tank removal. Robert Weimer
11/25/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC contacted consultant (ERM) to check on status on the requested site work. ERM said report should be submitted by December 4th, 2019. Robert Weimer
1/28/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater Monitoring Report submitted by ERM for Berkley Specialty Underwriting Managers. Three on-site monitoring wells (MW-01, MW-02, and MW-03) were sampled in November 2018. Contaminants did not exceed DEC cleanup levels in MW-01 and MW-03 , although the groundwater table was above the well screen in MW-01 and the results may be biased low. In MW-02, benzene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, 1,24-trimethylbenzene, 1,2-dichloroethane, and naphthalene exceeded the cleanup levels. Benzene was detected at 204 ug/L, about 44 times the cleanup level. The wells were surveyed, and groundwater determined to be flowing west-northwest with a gradient of 0.1128 feet/foot. In previous years, groundwater was observed flowing north-northeast. The drinking water well at 22179 Birchwood Loop was also sampled with benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes present below the cleanup levels. The consultant indicated the drinking water well is not in use. The consultants recommendations included installation of a new drinking water well into a confined aquifer, if possible, decommissioning of MW-01, and installation of two new wells east and downgradient of MW-02. Janice Wiegers
10/20/2020 Update or Other Action DEC sent letter approving and concurring with the groundwater monitoring report submitted in January. The letter requested a work plan for additional investigation and cleanup actions by 12/1/20. The deadline was extended to the end of February on 12/23/20. Janice Wiegers
4/27/2021 Update or Other Action DEC sent email to insurer about the status of the workplan. Workplan was expected in February. Janice Wiegers
6/16/2021 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan submitted by RSE to sample the monitoring wells and the drinking water well. DEC approved the plan with a letter dated 6/25/2021. Additional delineation is still expected. Janice Wiegers
10/11/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved RSE submitted a report for monitoring well and drinking water sampling. MW-01, MW-02, and MW-03 were sampled in August. These monitoring wells are installed at depths between 104 to 108 feet below ground. MW-02 contained benzene, 1,2-dibromoethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, above cleanup levels. GRO and DRO were detected in MW-02 but were below cleanup levels. DRO was also detected in MW-03 below cleanup levels. Groundwater was determined to be flowing north. The drinking water well at 22179 Birchwood Loop Road was sampled for volatile organic compounds in August. Only 1,2-dichloroethane was detected. This compound was present at 0.76 ug/L, which is below the drinking water maximum contaminant level of 5 ug/L. RSE also intended to sample the drinking water well for PAHs, but the sample was not analyzed correctly. RSE reviewed groundwater data at this site and recommended decommissioning and replacement of the drinking water well at 22179 Birchwood Loop Road. DEC concurs with this recommendation. Janice Wiegers
12/6/2021 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter approving the groundwater monitoring report. The report was reissued on 12/6 after fixing an error. Janice Wiegers
4/10/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved RSE submitted a workplan for soil and groundwater monitoring in the summer of 2022. DEC reviewed and approved the plan on 4/19/2022. Rotary drilling will be used in this situation due to the depth to groundwater and expected soil types. Janice Wiegers
6/16/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved Additional Site Assessment report submitted by RSE consultants. Two monitoring wells were installed downgradient of MW-02, and groundwater flow direction was checked. Groundwater samples from the two new wells did not contain any contaminants at concentrations above cleanup levels. Soil samples were collected during drilling at 110 and 112 feet below ground surface, at the groundwater interface. Pyrene and benzene were detected in the soil sample from MW-04, but not above the cleanup level. DEC responded with comments to the report on 7/5/2022. DEC concurs with RSE's recommendation to proceed with installation of a new drinking water well for the property. Janice Wiegers
11/10/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RSE submitted a groundwater monitoring report, dated 10/21/2022. The report documented groundwater sampling on 8/23/2022 at MW-2, this historically contaminated well, and MW-4 and MW-5, the two downgradient wells recently added to the site. Groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs, PAHs, and GRO. MW-2 contained higher than normal results, which RSE indicated was most likely due to the abnormally high groundwater table when the samples were collected. MW-4 and MW-5 did not contain contaminants above cleanup levels. Janice Wiegers
5/30/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater Monitoring Report dated May 23, 2023 submitted. Groundwater samples were collected in MW-02, MW-04, and MW-05 in April 2023. Groundwater elevations remained high but were determined to be peaking. Petroleum, 1,2-dibromoethane, and 1,2-dichloroethane concentrations had dropped significantly since the high levels seen in August 2022. 1,2-dibromoethane and 1,2-dichloroethane were also present in MW-04 but at concentrations below the cleanup level. Also, two new drinking water wells were installed in December 2022, one at Lot 97 A and one at Lot 97B. The wells were installed to 162 and 159 feet, respectively. Samples did not contain petroleum compounds. Janice Wiegers
6/27/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Decommissioning workplan approved for MW-01 through 05 and SB-1 and SB-2. Janice Wiegers
6/30/2023 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Janice Wiegers
8/30/2023 Update or Other Action The site was closed with institutional controls. Some petroleum contamination remains beneath the former UST excavation starting at approximately 14 ft bgs and extending down to the groundwater table at approximately 82 ft bgs. Petroleum contamination is also present in the groundwater beneath the Circle S property. Leaded gas scavengers (1,2-dibromoethane and 1,2-dichloroethane) have also been observed in the groundwater. The final closure letter was sent out on 8/30/2023. Janice Wiegers

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Benzene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Toluene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Ethylbenzene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Xylenes (total) Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
GRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Benzene > Table C Groundwater
Ethylbenzene > Table C GroundwaterGroundwater
Xylenes (total) > Table C Groundwater
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene > Table C Groundwater
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene > Table C Groundwater
Naphthalene > Table C Groundwater
GRO > Table C Groundwater

Control Type

Type Details
Environmental Covenant Environmental covenant recorded on 8/8/2023.


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. With respect to the Site, DEC approval is required prior to moving soil or groundwater where contamination remains above applicable cleanup levels. If DEC approval for movement is granted, any moved soil or groundwater must still be characterized and managed following regulations applicable at that time.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)
Groundwater Use Restrictions No groundwater wells shall be installed on the contaminated area of the Site without prior DEC approval.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Contaminated groundwater underlying the Site may not be pumped, drained, or dewatered; or used for irrigation, dust control, or any other purpose without prior DEC approval. If that use is approved under this Covenant, that use is still subject to all applicable treatment, monitoring, disposal, and permitting requirements.
New Construction Restrictions Contamination may be present below 14 feet bgs in soil beneath the former UST location, as shown in the attached figure and labeled as the “Area of Soil Contamination.” If buildings are constructed within 30 feet of this area, DEC must be notified and may require that Grantor complete an evaluation of vapor intrusion and mitigation of any vapor intrusion risks.
Subdivision Restriction DEC must be notified in advance of any subdivision or replat of the Property. This Covenant must be included as part of future Property transactions and attached to subsequent associated parcels, as determined applicable by DEC.

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