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Site Report: Northstar Gas Company - Bethel - 1993

Site Name: Northstar Gas Company - Bethel - 1993
Address: 1170 Bridge Street, Bethel, AK 99559
File Number: 2407.26.015
Hazard ID: 24813
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 60.793290
Longitude: -161.747743
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


During the removal of two 2,300-gallon underground storage tanks and the associated underground piping, gasoline contamination was encountered. Approximately 98 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated and stockpiled on-site. Six soil samples were collected from the perimeter of the excavation at approximately 6 inches above groundwater. Laboratory results showed that gasoline range organics (GRO), and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) was above the ADEC's Soil Cleanup Levels along the west property line. Further excavation of the contaminated soil was not performed due to the property line.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/21/1993 Site Added to Database Former Staff
9/21/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Former Staff
9/21/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77988 (Added by System) Former Staff
9/21/1993 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Phase II Environmental Site Assessment received. Assessment showed soil contamination exceeding ADEC cleanup levels for GRO and BTEX. No GW encountered. Permafrost encountered at 6 to 7 feet below ground surface. Alyce Hughey
9/16/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway UST Closure work plan received. Alyce Hughey
10/21/1994 Update or Other Action Received letter form consultant informing the Department of installation of temporary AST and plans to close 2 - 2,200 gallon Gasoline UST's. Alyce Hughey
9/18/1998 Update or Other Action UST Removal and Closure report received. 98 yds3 of contaminated soil stockpiled on site. Some GRO contamination exceeding ADEC cleanup levels remains along West property line between 3 to 7 feet below ground surface. Alyce Hughey
9/30/1999 Update or Other Action Soil Stockpile analytical results received on 27 September 99. Colin Bayse approved soil to be land farmed as requested in letter. Alyce Hughey
1/14/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC Closure Investigation Report Review Comments sent by Horwath. Alyce Hughey
10/8/2004 Release Investigation ADEC reviewed a release investigation report and issued correspondence with comments January 14, 2004. The letter was returned. ADEC will try to re-issue the letter to the appropriate RP. Paul Horwath
10/11/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC Closure Investigation Report Review Comments letter resent to correct address. Original letter was sent to an incorrect address. Alyce Hughey
10/11/2004 Update or Other Action Site re-assigned by Horwath. Research correct mailing address for facility and owner. Re-issue Horwath letter from February 04 to PO Box. Alyce Hughey
4/23/2008 Update or Other Action File number 2407.26.015 assigned and entered into the Fileroom Database, and Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database. Alyce Hughey
4/23/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked using the 1998 spill ranking, site North Star Gas Company - Bethel 98, Reckey:1998250026101, Event ID:2746. Site entered in database twice, should be the 1993 spill. The 1998 spill was closed out and being worked in the 1993 site. Alyce Hughey
6/17/2008 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Don Seagren to Paul Horwath per Linda Nuechterlein. Alyce Hughey
1/14/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77988 UST Removal. Alyce Hughey
9/2/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Soil Sampling and Analytical Report for North Star Gas, LLC, dated August 2010, from Tutka, LLC. The results of the July 2010 soil samples taken along the west side of the property boundary, indicated that GRO soil contamination of 541 mg/kg, benzene of 0.133 mg/kg, toluene of 24.2 mg/kg, and total xylenes of 162.1 mg/kg at 36 inches below ground surface. Based on the other soil samples taken in this soil sampling event, it appears that the contamination is localized and that the concentrations have reduced substantially in the past 12 years. It is being recommended to continue natural attenuation at the site for several seasons with bi-annual soil sampling or the installation of a bioventing system to enhance the natural attenuation process. Alyce Hughey
10/4/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments in response to the August 2010 Soil Sampling and Analytical Report for North Star Gas, LLC, report, which was prepared by Tutka, LLC. An e-mail message was concurrently sent to Scott Nygard with Tutka, and to Elaine Brown with North Star Gas. A soil sampling work plan, and information on the source of potable water for this and adjacent properties was requested. On October 7, 2011, Keith Guyer from Tutka informed Paul Horwath that Elaine Brown no longer worked for North Star Gas and that the new point of contact was Mary Snider, Paul Horwath
2/14/2012 Update or Other Action Forwarded our October 4, 2011 request for a corrective action plan (soil sampling work plan) to Mary Snider, with North Star Gas, again soliciting a NSG response. Tutka LLC informed us that Mary Snider is the current North Star Gas point of contact. Paul Horwath
2/22/2012 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with John Wagner, General Manager of Northstar Gas, LLC, to discuss ADEC's request for a corrective action plan in order to complete the assessment of the extent of soil contamination at this site. John Wagner is ADEC's current point of contact within Northstar Gas, LLC. Paul Horwath
2/24/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Issued PRP letter 2/24/2012. Paul Horwath
6/29/2015 Update or Other Action Sent an e-mail communication to Golder Associates and to John Wagoner with North Star Gas Company, to determine the current status of work from their side of this project. Paul Horwath
4/20/2016 Update or Other Action Telecom with Golder & Associates, resulting in a commitment to provide ADEC with a report on the status of groundwater use in the area, for drinking water. Golder states that the shallow groundwater is not used for drinking water in Bethel, and is considered non-potable by the local community. Paul Horwath
5/11/2016 Update or Other Action Received a letter, thru Golder Associates, from James R. Colonel, Hauled Utilities Supervisor for the City of Bethel Public Works Department, stating that the two closest active drinking water wells a both a least 1/2 mile from this site. Paul Horwath
5/19/2016 Update or Other Action Talked with Jim Colonel, Hauled Utilities Supervisor, City of Bethel Public Works Department. Mr. Colonel is in charge of the services that haul potable water to residents/businesses potable water storage tanks in Bethel, and the sewerage pumping service which pumps and transports sewage from septage holding tanks. He knows of no drinking water wells withing 1/2 mile of this site. He states the any recent water wells in Bethel are more than 400 feet in depth. Two City of Bethel drinking water wells located about 2-3 miles from this site are ~470 feet in depth. Permafrost is present in Bethel from near the ground surface to ~100 feet in depth. Groundwater used for drinking water is available beneath the permafrost at depths commonly exceeding 400 feet. The seasonal shallow groundwater upon the permafrost is not used for drinking water. The lack of potable water without drilling to great depths is why Bethel provides potable water hauling services. The presence of the shallow permafrost is why Bethel provides sewage pumping services for the purposes of emptying septage holding tanks. Paul Horwath
9/12/2016 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued A cleanup complete decision letter was completed and signed, for issuance to Northstar Gas, LLC tomorrow, 9/13/2016. No formal institutional controls were necessary. A copy of the signed decision document has been attached to this database, for public access. Paul Horwath
9/12/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77988 UST Removal. Paul Horwath

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
BTEX Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)

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