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Site Report: MOA - Brother Francis Shelter Property

Site Name: MOA - Brother Francis Shelter Property
Address: 1021 East Third Avenue, in 2nd street easement, North of the Brother Francis Shelter building, Anchorage, AK 99503
File Number: 2100.26.326
Hazard ID: 24899
Status: Active
Staff: Julie Fix, 9074655368
Latitude: 61.220365
Longitude: -149.864156
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Three bulk fuel storage tanks were partially buried in the Second Avenue Easement located north of the Brother Francis Shelter building. In the 1970's two of the tanks failed and released an unknown quantity of used oil. In 1994 the third tank was removed and soil samples were collected. The soil samples documented TPH, DRO, GRO above cleanup levels. Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was also detected at 0.075 mg/kg (0.19 mg/kg cleanup level). Two borings/monitoring wells were sampled in 1996. Several additional borings and monitoring wells were installed in 2000 and 2001 as part of a release investigation. Soil and groundwater contamination was identified. Based on the 2001 sample results the consultant estimated that up to 1,000 cubic yards (1,500 tons)of contaminated soil remain at the site. Some of that contaminated soil (8.62 tons) was excavated and thermally treated in 2001. Last groundwater monitoring was in 2004. Need groundwater monitoring and soil cleanup or confirmation soil sampling to demonstrate current soil contamination concentrations. FKA L69.74

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/31/1996 Site Characterization Report Approved Three bulk fuel storage tanks were partially buried in the Second Avenue Easement located north of the Brother Francis Shelter building. In the 1970's two of the tanks failed and released an unknown quanitiy of used oil. In 1994 the third tank was removed and soil samples were collected. The soil samples documented TPH, DRO, GRO above cleanup levels. PCE was also detected at 0.075 mg/kg. In 1996 two soil borings were sampled to help assess the extent of the remaining contamination at the site. Up to 20,000 mg/kg RRO (10,000 mg/kg cleanup level), 8,500 mg/kg DRO (250 mg/kg cleanup level), 13 mg/kg GRO (300 mg/kg cleanup level), 0.010 mg/kg benzene (0.025 mg/kg cleanup level), 0.0069 mg/kg methylene chloride (0.016 mg/kg cleanup level), and 0.0013 mg/kg tetrachloroethene (PCE) (0.024 mg/kg cleanup level) in the soil samples collected. Metals samples met cleanup levels. Groundwater was encountered at 6 feet below ground surface. The two groundwater samples collected from temporary monitoring wells had up to 1,800 mg/l TPH (non detect was the cleanup level), and <0.001 ug/l benzene (5 ug/l cleanup level). Robert Weimer
11/12/1998 Site Added to Database Former Staff
11/12/1998 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Former Staff
11/12/1998 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78057 Added to database when report was received, not date of release. Former Staff
4/15/1999 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment ADEC approved release investigation workplan to drill 9 to 12 borings to collect soil and water samples. Letter also requests information requested back in 11/12/98 to submit a corrected street address for the site, and information on site conditions, background, and past work performed at the site. Robert Weimer
10/23/2000 Release Investigation Received October 2000 Release Investigation report. The report identified areas of soil and groundwater over site cleanup levels, and additional release investigation is needed to define the extent of the contamination. Letter also requests quarterly groundwater monitoring. Robert Weimer
10/23/2000 Site Characterization Report Approved Received October 2000 Release Investigation report. 8 soil borings were sampled and 4 of the borings were completed as monitoring wells in August 2008. One soil sample exceeded site cleanup levels for DRO at 3,880 mg/kg (250 mg/kg cleanup level). The arsenic and chromium concentrations in several soil samples exceeded cleanup levels, but appear to be naturally occurring background levels. All soil samples met site cleanup levels for BTEX, GRO, RRO, PAHs, HVOs, PCBs, and other metals. Four monitoring wells were sampled (B3MW, B4MW, B5MW, and B10MW). RRO contamination over cleanup levels was found in 3 of the 4 monitoring wells sampled (all but B10MW which is an up gradient monitoring well). The report identified groundwater contamination up to 2.77 mg/l RRO (1.1 mg/l cleanup level), 1.45 mg/l DRO (1.5 mg/l cleanup level), and 0.135 mg/l GRO (2.2 mg/l cleanup level). The DRO, GRO, BTEX, HVO, PCB, PAH, and metals groundwater samples were all below cleanup levels. Groundwater was encountered between 3 to 9.5 feet below ground surface. The direction of groundwater flow was to the north by northwest. The consultant estimated that the volume of contaminated soil may be as high as 2,000 cubic yards. Robert Weimer
11/17/2000 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting additional release investigation and groundwater monitoring. ADEC concurs with the Municipality of Anchorage's (MOA) consultant recommendation that additional release investigation needs to be conducted to define the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination at the site. The ADEC requested that MOA submit, by December 17, 2000 a work plan, including a schedule, for conducting the release investigation work. The ADEC also requested that the groundwater in the existing 4 monitoring wells and future monitoring wells be sampled on a quarterly basis for BTEX, GRO, DRO, and RRO. The ADEC will periodically review the sampling results to determine, based on contaminant concentrations and trends, if sampling and/or analysis of certain monitoring wells may be suspended or reduced. Robert Weimer
1/10/2001 Update or Other Action ADEC approved December 19, 2000 workplan to conduct additional release investigation and groundwater monitoring at the site. The ADEC letter requests that after this release investigation work is completed that either a corrective action plan with a schedule for remediation of the contamiation at this site, or a work plan for conducting addtional release investigation necessary to prepare a corrective action plan be submitted. Robert Weimer
7/9/2001 Site Characterization Report Approved February 2001 release investigation and groundwater monitoring event. Groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. Depth to groundwater ranged from 0.5 to 7.87 feet below ground surface. The report identified groundwater contamination up to 4.76 mg/l DRO (1.5 mg/l cleanup level), 8.90 mg/l RRO (1.1 mg/l cleanup level), 0.917 mg/l GRO (2.2 mg/l cleanup level), and 2.42 ug/l benzene (5 ug/l cleanup level). One soil sample was collected from the one soil boring/monitoring well (B11MW) installed in February 2001 approximately 120 feet northwest of the former tank location was below cleanup levels. Based on this additional release investigation data the consultant has revised their estimate of the volume of contaminated soil down from 2,000 cubic yards to 1,000 cubic yards. Additional release investigation is needed to define the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination at this site. Robert Weimer
7/19/2001 Site Characterization Report Approved Additional release investigation was conducted in June 2001 just to the north of the current Brother Francis Shelter building where they plan to construct the new larger shelter building. 10 soil borings and six hand borings were sampled. The six hand borings were inside the warehouse building that is to be removed to construct the new larger shelter building. DRO soil contamination was identified at three locations over cleanup levels (B4, HB3 and HB4). Up to 956 mg/kg DRO (250 mg/kg DRO cleanup level), 1,630 mg/kg RRO (10,000 mg/kg cleanup level), 1.53 mg/kg GRO (300 mg/kg GRO cleanup level), and non detect BTEX and HVOs. Robert Weimer
7/19/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved workplan to excavate out contaminated soil in the vicinity of boring B4 (which had 522 mg/kg DRO at sample collected from 0 to 2.5 feet below ground surface), and thermally treat the 8.62 tons of soil at Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR). Confirmation soil samples are to be collected based on field readings at the highest bottom and sidewall locations of the excavation. Robert Weimer
8/16/2001 Update or Other Action Received documentation of the thermal treatment of 8.62 tons of contaminated soil at Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR). Robert Weimer
1/13/2004 Update or Other Action Talked with Jon Clark of MOA, he said they will be sampling the groundwater again at the site soon. Robert Weimer
10/17/2005 Update or Other Action Have not received results of groundwater monitoring and confirmation soil sampling at B4. Robert Weimer
1/10/2007 Update or Other Action File number issued 2100.26.326 (FKA L69.74). Aggie Blandford
5/29/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
3/29/2011 Update or Other Action To date still have not received results of requested groundwater monitoring and confirmation soil sampling results at B4. Robert Weimer
10/28/2011 Update or Other Action To date still have not received results of requested groundwater monitoring and confirmation soil sampling results at B4. Robert Weimer
1/19/2012 Update or Other Action Talked with Jon Clark of MOA, he will contact this consultant to provide copies of the requested missing soil and groundwater sampling reports. Robert Weimer
1/26/2012 Update or Other Action Talked with MOA's consultant they will provide copies of all of the requested missing soil and groundwater sampling reports. This includes the confirmation sampling at B4 in 2001 and the last groundwater monitoring event conducted in 2004. The reports were not received until 2/22/2013. Robert Weimer
2/22/2013 Update or Other Action RPs consultant said they have been authorized to prepare a work plan to conduct additional site characterization. Robert Weimer
3/5/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On June 17, 2004 groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells B3MW, B4MW, B5MW, B10MW, and B11MW. Up to 1.01 mg/l DRO. 1.76 mg/l RRO, 0.219 mg/l GRO, and 1.22 ug/l benzene in the groundwater. Concentrations increased in 2 of the 5 monitoring wells sampled. Depth to water was 0.98 to 8.03 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was toward the north by northwest. The wells were purged prior to sampling. Because a peristaltic pump was used to collect the volatile samples they may be biased low. The consultant recommends annual groundwater monitoring to document trends while remediation alternatives are being considered. Robert Weimer
3/5/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On July 24, 2001 8.63 tons of contaminated soil was excavated around boring B4 (which had 522 mg/kg DRO at 0 to 2.5 feet) to a depth of 2.0 to 2.5 feet. Two confirmation soil samples were collected from the excavation with up to 30.8 mg/kg DRO. Robert Weimer
11/1/2013 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The 2013 site characterization work plan proposes to sample 2 soil borings and to collected groundwater samples from the 5 existing monitoring wells. The 2013 site characterization work plan is approved under the following conditions: 1. All soil samples are to be analyzed for VOCs (8260), DRO, RRO, and total lead. Any sample with lead over 100 mg/kg to have TCLP lead analysis. 2. Based on the field readings/observations the most likely contaminated soil sample in each boring is to be also analyzed for PAH, PCBs, EDB, and 1,2-DCA. 3. Move boring PB12 to just northeast of B1. 4. All groundwater samples are to be analyzed for VOCs, DRO, RRO, and lead. 5. The water in manholes MH1 and MH3 are to be analyzed for VOCs, DRO, RRO, and lead. 6. Both borings PB12 and PB13 are to be completed as long term monitoring wells and have groundwater samples collected from them as in item #4. Robert Weimer
11/1/2013 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Site characterization work plan proposes to sample 2 soil borings and to collected groundwater samples from the 5 existing monitoring wells. The site characterization work plan is approved under the following conditions: 1. All soil samples are to be analyzed for VOCs (8260), DRO, RRO, and total lead. Any sample with lead over 100 mg/kg to have TCLP lead analysis. 2. Based on the field readings/observations the most likely contaminated soil sample in each boring is to be also analyzed for PAH, PCBs, EDB, and 1,2-DCA. 3. Move boring PB12 to just northeast of B1. 4. All groundwater samples are to be analyzed for VOCs, DRO, RRO, and lead. 5. The water in manholes MH1 and MH3 are to be analyzed for VOCs, DRO, RRO, and lead. 6. Both borings PB12 and PB13 are to be completed as long term monitoring wells and have groundwater samples collected from them as in item #4. Robert Weimer
11/12/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with MOA to discuss site status and future site work. MOA is to submit missing reports (if any) and implement approved RI work plan. Robert Weimer
1/29/2014 Update or Other Action Project manager changed to Amy Dieffenbacher, transferred to Juneau office Annie Ariel
4/4/2014 Update or Other Action Contacted Jon Clark (MOA) and he confirmed that groundwater has not been sampled at the site after June 2004. The site characterization workplan, conditionally approved by ADEC in November 2013, is scheduled for spring 2014. Amy Rodman
7/14/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received April 30, 2014 soil and groundwater data via email from Shannon & Wilson. Also received request to dispose of soil and purge/decon water. Amy Rodman
7/16/2014 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approval to dispose of two 55-gallon drums of drill cuttings and one 55-gallon drum of decon water with Emerald Alaska, Inc. via email to Shannon & Wilson. Amy Rodman
5/12/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received "Additional Site Characterization: Former Second Avenue Easement Tanks" report from Shannon & Wilson via email. Amy Rodman
7/9/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved March 2015 "Additional Site Characterization: Former Second Avenue Easement Tanks" received by ADEC from Shannon & Wilson in May 2015, approved and mailed/emailed to RP. Workplan requested to address remaining soil and groundwater contamination. Amy Rodman
7/13/2015 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter PRP letter mailed to RP. Amy Rodman
8/19/2015 Update or Other Action brief teleconference between DEC and consultant to discuss disposal options in Remedial Alternatives Evaluation document. Amy Rodman
8/25/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received "Work Plan for Additional Site Characterization" dated July 26, 2016 from Shannon & Wilson via email. Briefly reviewed planned project activities. Amy Rodman
9/22/2016 Site Characterization Workplan Approved approved: soil & groundwater (storm water included)sampling to delineate vertical and horizontal extent of contamination remaining near former Tanks 1, 2 and 3 locations; advancement of three soil borings (finish one boring as new groundwater monitoring well); conduct loop level survey of new & existing groundwater monitoring wells; possibly decommission one groundwater monitoring well. Amy Rodman
10/28/2016 Site Visit Site visit with consultant to view recent soil and groundwater sampling locations in Second Avenue Easement, storm water drains located adjacent to Second Avenue Easement and new well (B14MW). Pictures taken of sample locations. Approximately one inch of snow on the ground. Amy Rodman
2/14/2017 Update or Other Action Received "Additional Site Characterization" report for Former Second Avenue Easement Tanks, 1021 East Third Avenue Anchorage, Alaska from Shannon & Wilson via DEC's CS Submittals. Amy Rodman
2/9/2018 Site Characterization Report Approved The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program (ADEC) reviewed the “Additional Site Characterization Former Second Avenue Easement Tanks” (report) dated January 2017 for the MOA - Brother Francis Shelter Property site in Anchorage, AK. The report was submitted via email on February 14, 2017 by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. (Shannon & Wilson). The described field effort was conducted in October 2016 and generally consisted of advancing soil borings, installing a groundwater monitoring well, collecting groundwater samples from groundwater monitoring wells and storm water samples from two manholes, decommissioning one groundwater monitoring well, collecting soil samples; and conducting a level-loop survey of the groundwater monitoring wells. This report is approved. Responses to comments & questions, along with work plan due on March 30, 2018. Amy Rodman
4/9/2018 Update or Other Action Received proposal (dated March 29, 2018) to apply for EPA Targeted Brownfields Assessment via email (April 3, 2018) from RP. Amy Rodman
10/4/2018 Workplan Requested Work plan request letter with questions and comments emailed to RP and consultant. Work plan due November 15, 2018. Amy Rodman
5/1/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC Contaminated Sites Program staff reviewed and approved a “Work Plan for Soil Excavation and Additional Site Characterization, Former Second Avenue Easement Tanks, 1021 East Third Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska” (Work Plan) dated April 9, 2019 from Shannon & Wilson, Inc. for the MOA – Brother Francis Shelter Property site in Anchorage, Alaska. This Work Plan was submitted to ADEC via email on April 19, 2019. Proposed field work generally consists of excavating contaminated soil impacted with diesel range organics (DRO) and residual range organics (RRO) above ADEC’s Method Two Human Health (Under 40” Zone) soil cleanup levels, advancing one soil boring and completion as groundwater monitoring well (B17MW), soil and groundwater sampling for laboratory analysis, storm water system evaluation, and establishing a two-year biannual storm water and groundwater monitoring program. Amy Rodman
5/22/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Revised work plan approval letter emailed to RP and consultant. Revision includes no soil samples collected during well completion stage and only groundwater will be sampled (for analysis of total lead). Amy Rodman
11/13/2019 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approval granted to transport & dispose of investigation-derived waste from five onsite groundwater monitoring wells to NRC Alaska, Inc. (Anchorage). Approval granted to discharge purge water from B17MW to unpaved ground surface. Amy Rodman
1/27/2020 Site Characterization Report Approved The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s (ADEC) Contaminated Sites Program reviewed and approved the “Former Second Avenue Easement Tanks, 1021 East Third Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska” (report) dated January 3, 2020 for the Municipality of Anchorage by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. (S&W). The documented field work was conducted in October 28 & 29, 2019 and generally consisted of survey of groundwater monitoring wells and stormwater drains and groundwater sampling for laboratory analysis. Work plan for continued groundwater monitoring and contaminated soil removal due March 2, 2020. Amy Rodman
11/9/2020 Update or Other Action J. Fix assigned as new project manager. Julie Fix
11/19/2020 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Contaminated Media Transport and Disposal Approval form sent from L. Krebs-Barsis to J. Hepner of Shannon & Wilson. One 55-gallon drum of purge and decontamination water generated during groundwater sampling during the October 2020 sampling event will be disposed of at NRC Alaska LLC (US Ecology Company). Julie Fix
1/6/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Contaminated Media Transport and Disposal Approval form sent to A. Rizzo of Shannon & Wilson. One 55-gallon drum of purge and decontamination water generated during groundwater sampling (October and November 2020 sampling events) will be disposed of at NRC Alaska LLC (US Ecology Company). Julie Fix
2/10/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "2020 Groundwater Monitoring Activities: Former Second Avenue Easement Tanks" report received from Shannon & Wilson. Julie Fix
3/12/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved Monitoring report approved on this date. Groundwater samples were collected from B4MW, B5MW, and B11MW and analyzed for VOCs, DRO, RRO, and total lead. Results from B5MW indicated a DRO exceedance (6.13 mg/L) with additional exceedances for RRO at B4MW (1.33 mg/L) and B5MW (4.64 mg/L). All other analysis results were below cleanup levels. A groundwater sample was also collected from B17MW and analyzed for lead. This result was below the cleanup level. Julie Fix
3/18/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with consultant and RP to discuss path forward. Discussed options for closure with IC's considering groundwater contamination is above Table C cleanup levels and soil contamination above maximum allowable concentrations (including RCRA). Julie Fix
9/20/2022 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with consultant to discuss old stockpile and plan to complete site characterization activities from the 2019 approved work plan. Julie Fix
10/3/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The draft “Work Plan for Stockpile Characterization” was received by the department on 9/30/2022. The approval letter was sent on this date. The work plan proposes to characterize the soil stockpile to determine whether additional remediation is required or if the soil can be re-used onsite by collecting field screening and analytical samples. Julie Fix
10/11/2022 Site Visit Site visit with RP and consultant on this day. Utilities and locations of most recent sampling event were marked with orange paint. Observed the suspected soil stockpile, source area, locations of groundwater wells, and other soil borings. Discussed limitations for additional excavation due to the steep hillside and proximity to underground utilities. Field notes and photos are saved to the site file. Julie Fix
5/29/2024 Site Characterization Workplan Approved A 2024 groundwater sampling event proposal was received on May 16, 2024, and was approved on this date. Groundwater samples using the May 2019 Work Plan will be collected from monitoring wells B3MW, B4MW, B5MW, B11MW, B12MW, B14MW, and B17MW.The groundwater samples and one duplicate from wells B3MW, B4MW, B5MW, B11MW, B12MW, and B14MW will be analyzed for VOCs, DRO, RRO, and total lead. The groundwater sample from Well B17MW will be analyzed for total lead. Julie Fix
10/14/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The draft "2024 Groundwater Monitoring Activities" report was received on this date and is currently under review. Julie Fix

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