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Site Report: ADOT&PF MarkAir (Former Cargo Bldg.) - Kotzebue Airport

Site Name: ADOT&PF MarkAir (Former Cargo Bldg.) - Kotzebue Airport
Address: Block 1 Lot C-D, Ralph Wein Airport, Kotzebue, AK 99752
File Number: 410.38.003
Hazard ID: 2497
Status: Active
Staff: * Currently Not Assigned, 9072693057
Latitude: 66.891204
Longitude: -162.603312
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


This is the former location of the MarkAir Cargo building. The original cargo building burned and was demolished in 1995-1997. A new building was built on the existing concrete slab in 1998-1999. Impacted soil was identified to the east, west, and possibly underneath the cargo building. Highest contamination in soil found in test pits in 2004 included diesel range organics (DRO) at 7,570 parts per milllion (ppm), gasoline range organics (GRO) at 2,460 ppm, benzene at 1.98 ppm, ethylbenzene at 30.6 ppm, and xylenes at 144 ppm. Groundwater is uniformly impacted at Lot C-D with benzene up to 0.359 milligrams per liter (mg/L) in wells installed in 2004 in test pit areas.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/11/1994 Update or Other Action Dames & Moore performed a Phase I site assessment in 1992. Lot A (passenger terminal) had three ASTs identified. One 500 gallon AST held heating oil, one 500 gallon AST held Jet A and one tank of undetermined size was located in the building crawlspace and it is unknown what this tank held. 25 barrels of undetermined contents were temporarily stored on site. Lot C-D (cargo building) had 3 ASTs; one 1,500 gallon heating oil AST, one 150 gallon waste oil tank, and one 300 gallon diesel AST, which was out of use. Staining and leaking was observed at the 1,500 gallon tank and underneath the waste oil tank on Lot C-D. Added to database in 2007 to reflect administrative file. Shannon Oelkers
12/1/1995 Update or Other Action 1995 Phase II Cost Estimate prepared by Dames & Moore. This report is missing from the file. Later Shannon & Wilson report "Site Summary, Former MarkAir Site, Lots A and C-D, Block 1, Kotzebue Airport, Alaska" received in 2004 reports the following from the missing Dames & Moore report: Lot A had surface staining near several ASTs and a drum storage area. Lot C-D also had surface staining. The cargo building was demolished and burned, leaving only a concrete pad. Possible impacts from three ASTs located west (Lot B) of Lot C-D were noted. Added to database in 2007 to reflect administrative file. Shannon Oelkers
12/5/1997 Update or Other Action 1997 Environmental Baseline Survey by Dames & Moore. This report is missing from the file. Later Shannon & Wilson report "Site Summary, Former MarkAir Site, Lots A and C-D, Block 1, Kotzebue Airport, Alaska" received in 2004 reports the following from the missing Dames & Moore report: Lot A - Two hand borings identify DRO at 520 ppm on western boundary 3.5 feet bgs underneath a surface stain. Fuel was observed in the sump beneath the former MarkAir Terminal building. The sump is located adjacent to an oil fueled furnace. Three soild borings identify DRO up to 5,260 ppm along eastern boundary. Lot C-D - Soil boring along eastern side of cargo building from 4 feet bgs showed 4,070 ppm DRO and 448 ppm GRO, 0.555 ppm benzene, nad 9.10 ppm toluene. Groundwater with petroleum sheen was observed in the hole. A soil boring near the 1,500 gallon heating oil tank showed 1,540 ppm GRO, 6,170 ppm Dro and 12.2 ppm ethylbenzene. Added to database in 2007 to reflect administrative file. Shannon Oelkers
8/20/2004 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC Staff Pikul approves workplan for interim corrective action at Kotzebue MarkAir facility. Shannon Oelkers
12/29/2004 Update or Other Action Results of interrim corrective action at Lot C-D: 100 cubic yards excavated from the west side of the cargo building - near the former 1,500 gallon heating oil AST. GW encountered at 5feet bgs. Test Pit Results: GRO up to 2460 mg/kg, DRO up to 7570 mg/kg, Benzene up to 1.98 mg/kg, Ethylbenzene up to 30.6 mg/kg, Xylenes up to 144 mg/kg. Monitoring Well Results: GRO up to 12.0 mg/L, DRO up to 8.94 mg/L, benzene up to 0.359 mg/L. Results from all three wells were above cleanup levels for GRO, DRO, and benzene. Shannon Oelkers
12/29/2004 Interim Removal Action Approved "Interim Removal Action and Site Characterization: Former MarkAir Facility, Kotzebue, Alaska" received from Shannon & Wilson. Work was completed in September of 2004. Six test pits were advanced, three monitoring wells were installed, and excavation of potentially contaminated soil, and construction of a long term storage cell. (Lot C-D) Shannon Oelkers
12/29/2004 Update or Other Action Received Shannon & Wilson report "Site Summary, Former MarkAir Site, Lots A and C-D, Block 1, Kotzebue Airport, Alaska" detailing a 2002 Site Reconnaissance. Lot A: Storage area east of former terminal building had an AST and barrels. One barrel was observed to be leaking. Two samples collected from 0.5 to 1 foot bgs identified 953 ppm GR0, 3,410 ppm DRO, 0.233 ppm benzene, 6.09 ppm arsenci, 2.69 ppm PCE, and 7.37 ppm ethylbenzene. Lot C-D had identified contamination at the former heating oil AST and generator building. One sample from 0.5 feet bgs showed 354 ppm GRO, and 4,040 ppm DRO. Added to database in 2007 to reflect administrative file. Shannon Oelkers
1/19/2005 Site Added to Database DRO, GRO, Benzene. Sarah Cunningham
1/19/2005 GIS Position Updated TopoZone Pro. NAD27. Sarah Cunningham
1/19/2005 Update or Other Action File number issued 410.38.003. Aggie Blandford
7/11/2005 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Medium Priority. Sarah Cunningham
8/23/2006 Update or Other Action ADOT&PF built new ARFF & SREB building on Lots AA and A. Former terminal building demolished, AST's and UST's removed, and contaminated gravel removed from 3 feet to 5 feet bgs. Clean fill was used for foundation, and parking areas were paved almost to lot corners. Reference file 410.26.009 for full details on Lot A. The MarkAir site is now primarily associated with Lot C-D. Shannon Oelkers
3/6/2007 Update or Other Action Requested copy of missing 2005 site characterization report from Shannon & Wilson. Shannon Oelkers
7/27/2007 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Oelkers to Farris. Shannon Oelkers
9/13/2007 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and approved a proposal for an area-wide groundwater investigation at the Kotzebue Airport. Shannon and Wilson will review the CS file for Markair and LUST files for AK air, Northwest Aviation, Crowley (Lot 1, Block 4), and ADOT&PF to determine data gaps. A work plan will then be put together to fill those data gaps to the extent possible with the funding restraints. A new hard file was created to track the area-wide activities (410.38.021). Database entries will be entered under Markair until further information is acquired. Ann Farris
9/27/2007 Update or Other Action Staff contacted property owners and leasees at the Kotzebue Airport to request permission to do sampling as part of the airport area-wide investigation. Shannon and Wilson expects drilling to begin on October 22, 2007, assuming access is granted. Ann Farris
10/19/2007 Update or Other Action Access was not given as DOT could not provide adequate utility locates and had concerns about drilling on the taxiway. Also northwest aviation was unresponsive. The project is being reevaluated. A site visit will be planned for the spring to determine acceptable drilling locations. Also the scope of work will be revisited. Ann Farris
2/21/2008 Update or Other Action Staff met with Shannon and Wilson to discuss the planned site visit and direction of the project. This fiscal year we will focus on teh site visit and the work plan. Any drilling activities will be postponed until next fiscal year. Ann Farris
6/6/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Ann Farris
10/16/2008 Update or Other Action Site included in Kotzebue Areawide RFP. NTP dated Sept. 2008. Shannon and Wilson field work took place Oct. 6-10, 2008. Tamara Cardona-Marek
12/30/2010 Update or Other Action This site has been split. Lot A - Markair Former Terminal Building is currently a DOT facility tracked under ADOT&PF Maintenance Station- Kotzebue Airport (File 410.26.009) Markair Lot C-D (former Cargo Building) is tracked under this site name. Tamara Cardona-Marek
6/17/2016 Update or Other Action Reviewed file to determine site status. Laura Jacobs
3/17/2017 Update or Other Action DEC received call from consultant acting on behalf of lessees, Marcia and Mark Fairbanks, doing business as FBX. Consultant was working on a Phase I assessment for the Fairbanks couple who are now operating a parcel business out of the Former MarkAir Cargo Building. Laura Jacobs
4/7/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with Penny Adler, Sam Myers, and Mike McCarroll at DOT to discuss contamination associated with the Kotzebue Airport. During the meeting, DEC discussed what is known about petroleum-contaminated water and migration to the Kotzebue Sound and the Lagoon. DEC is no longer investigating the contamination through state funding, and will be working with lease lot RPs to identify the sources of contamination and attempt to cleanup contamination through source removal. Lease agreements, lease lot histories, and deterrents to investigations were discussed. It was revealed by DOT&PF Airport Environmental staff that there was an unreported 5-gallon spill of diesel 6/11/2008 at this site. The contaminated soils were dug up and placed on a liner, with no other information given. Airport Leasing staff shared database of lease and contracts for the Kotzebue Airport, in which the FBX business also, for a time, dispensed aviation fuels and lubricants. Laura Jacobs
8/30/2017 Update or Other Action DEC drafted a letter to all contaminated site lessees and managers at the Kotzebue Airport to explain the unique challenges at the airport and DEC's planned approach to address these issues for all sites. Laura Jacobs
5/16/2022 Workplan Requested A letter was sent to the Kotzebue Airport Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities requesting a work plan to remediate continuing movement of contaminants into area surface waters from the airport. Laura Jacobs
2/13/2025 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 73474 Cargo Building ASTs. Bill O'Connell

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
25111 Kotzebue Airport - ADOT&PF Maintenance Station 410.26.009

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