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Site Report: ACOE - Chena Lakes Flood Control Project

Site Name: ACOE - Chena Lakes Flood Control Project
Address: Fairbanks Borough, Fairbanks, AK 99775
File Number: 100.26.172
Hazard ID: 24998
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 64.759570
Longitude: -147.218490
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


JBC: Work in progress. Tanks registered early 1998. Intent to close in 1998. May be confused with Fairbanks North Star Borough. FacID 458.Not enough info in file to determine LUST status. ---Updated 2011--- In July 2009, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) conducted a test boring sampling event in the vicinity of the existing Chena Lakes Project Office. This data was to be used in preparation for an upgrade to the existing structure. The results of sampling indicated that contaminants were present in soil above Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Method 2 migration to groundwater cleanup levels. These contaminants include: DRO, 1-methylnapthalene, 2-methylnapthalene, and arsenic. The results of this sampling event were not report to DEC until October 2010. It is likely that the contamination is related to previously undiscovered migration from the nearby LUST site. Tanks at this site were removed in 1999, however this site has not yet been closed. Construction of the facility upgrade was completed in the summer of 2010, and approximately 150 cubic yards of contaminated soil was temporarily stock piled on site without a DEC approved work plan. Confirmation samples were not taken to confirm nature and extent of contamination identified by the July 2009 trip report. Prior to transport and disposal approval, DEC required sampling of the uncharacterized stockpile. Results from the first sampling event confirmed DRO contamination, as well as identifying methylene chloride above 10,000 ug/kg in all samples with the exception of the trip blank. A second sampling event for VOC’s was conducted, these results were “non-detect” for methylene chloride. However the detection limit at the laboratory was greater than DEC migration to groundwater cleanup level, so its absence as a contaminant of concern at the site cannot be determined. Disputes between contractors allowed the stockpiled material to become frozen to the ground and immovable. It was agreed that this stockpile could remain in place until the thaw (May 2011). In May 2011 the stockpile was removed and transported to OIT for disposal. An additional work plan for site characterization was submitted in March 2011. The site characterization effort was completed in June 2011. A report on findings is expected to be submitted in the winter of 2011. ---Updated 2012--- In January 2012, a draft UVOST Site Investigation Report was submitted. The report made recommendations for additional site characterization to identify nature and extent of source area and installation of permanent monitoring wells to further characterize groundwater contamination.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/1/1995 Site Added to Database Former Staff
9/1/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77430 Former Staff
10/29/1999 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Geoengineers completed under subcontract to Linder Construction. Not submitted as of time of entry, but discussed with Mark Rogers with Geo Engineers. In final review and ready for submittal. Former Staff
10/29/1999 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Reported that impacts identified have been addressed. Former Staff
3/20/2002 Update or Other Action Contacted Barbara Reilly with USACE via email. Linder Construction post closure report shows one sample 2 feet below diesel dispenser at 3600 ppm DRO. Deeper samples meet cleanup standards. Report states no contamination found. Requested clarification of discrepancy and status of contaminated soil. Douglas Bauer
8/21/2002 Update or Other Action RECKEY has automatically been generated. Cynthia Pring-Ham
1/28/2004 Update or Other Action Transferred DEC staff lead from John Carnahan Cynthia Pring-Ham
9/30/2010 Update or Other Action DEC recieved a copy of the July 2009 USACE Trip Report for the Chena Lakes Project Office Modernization construction project along with request to transport contaminated soil stockpile off site. DEC had no record of this construction project prior to this communication. Amanda Loomis
10/6/2010 Update or Other Action USACE sent Spill Notification Form to PERP for contamination discover during the July 2009 sampling Amanda Loomis
10/8/2010 Site Visit DEC staff visited the Chena Lakes Project Office and held a meeting with USACE, Travis Peterson Environmental Consulting, Exclusive Paving, and Bristol Build Design Services. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss a path forward for removal of the contaminated stockpile that was created during the construction project. The decision reached included sampling the uncharacterized stockpile, submitting a SAP to DEC for the stockpile sampling, transport the stockpile to OIT once results from sampling were reviewed. An additional site characterization plan would need to be developed for the contamination left in place at the Project Office. Amanda Loomis
11/1/2010 Site Characterization Workplan Approved SAP for characterization of uncharacterized stockpiled material reviewed and approved Amanda Loomis
11/3/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Lab Data from Stockpile sampling reviewed. DRO ~400 mg/kg found in numerous samples. Also methylene chloride above ~10,000 mg/kg found in all samples except the trip blanks. Additional sampling approved to rule out lab contamination. Amanda Loomis
11/9/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Additional samples taken from stockpile and analyzed for VOC's. No methylene chloride was detected in these samples. It is important to note that the detection limit for methylene chloride was above the DEC migration to groundwater level. Amanda Loomis
11/19/2010 Update or Other Action Request to transport contaminated material to OIT signed by DEC Amanda Loomis
12/6/2010 Update or Other Action USACE PM Scott Olson contacted DEC with a request to leave the current stockpile in place. Due to disputes among contractors, the soil stockpile frozen to the ground and became immovable. DEC agreed to review a new Stockpile Plan that outlined the USACE plan for the current stockpile. This plan will be written into the Site Characterization Plan that is due in March 2011. Amanda Loomis
12/6/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 77430 name: autogenerated pm edit - ACOE - Chena Lakes Flood Control Project Amanda Loomis
1/14/2011 Update or Other Action On January 6, 2011, DEC staff recieved and approved a request for a third party sampling waiver for use of UVOST by the USACE for site characterization efforts occurring this spring. Amanda Loomis
2/14/2011 Update or Other Action UVOST Site Investigation Work Plan recieved. Amanda Loomis
2/21/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other UVOST SI Work plan reviewed and comments sent to USACE. Amanda Loomis
3/24/2011 Update or Other Action Response to DEC comments recieved from USACE. Amanda Loomis
3/25/2011 Update or Other Action DEC reply to response to comments sent to USACE. Amanda Loomis
4/8/2011 Site Characterization Workplan Approved UVOST Work Plan approved Amanda Loomis
6/15/2011 Update or Other Action USACE stated that UVOST investigation was completed at the site. Origional spill appears very weathered, also found an additional source area that appears to be a newer spill. The report will be delivered to ADEC this winter. Amanda Loomis
1/12/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a Draft 2011 UVOST Site Inspection Report. Dennis Shepard
2/1/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provided comments to USACE on Draft UVOST Site Investigation Report. Dennis Shepard
3/21/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the Final 2011 UVOST Site Investigation Report. The report concluded that two areas are impacted by DRO contamination in soil above Method two cleanup levels. One area on the northwest corner of the project office is estimated to contain 460 cubic yards of weathered arctic grade diesel (the report states that the contamination is likely a result of former military operations at the site Nike Site Tare). A smaller area was estimated to contain 55 cubic yards of DRO contaminated soil. The report recomends further evaluation/site characterization prior to a removal action. The report also concludes that groundwater at the site should be further evaluated. One of five groundwater samples encountered DRO contamination above the Table C cleanup level. No down-gradient groundwater samples have been collected. Installation of permanent monitoring wells were recomended for the site. Dennis Shepard
5/14/2015 Update or Other Action Contacted Andrea Elconin of USACE to determine project status. To date, no work schedule has been established. Joy Whitsel
6/2/2015 Update or Other Action USACE will issue an Inventory Project Report (INPR) to determine eligibility for the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program. It will take several months to prepare that report and make a determination on eligibility. Therefore no cleanup work will occur on this site in 2015. Joy Whitsel
2/1/2016 Update or Other Action Letter issued from DEC Drinking Water Program approving operation of the public water system for the Chena River Lake Flood Control Project Office and Visitor Center. The letter stipulates that "a BTEX sample will be required for 2016 to follow up on detectable levels of toluene and xylene above 0.5 ppb in June 2011 due to a nearby historic fuel contaminant plume. Dec will evaluate the results before deciding whether to require additional samples after 2016." Joy Whitsel
7/19/2018 Site Characterization Workplan Approved This Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) has been prepared for the Pavement Improvements Chena River Lakes Flood Control Project. This SAP outlines the environmental tasks, including field screening and analytical sampling, required to ensure appropriate measures are taken to protect worker health and safety, prevent mixing of potentially contaminated media with uncontaminated media, document any encountered contamination, and ensure compliance with applicable hazardous waste designation, storage, and disposal regulations. Darren Mulkey
3/19/2019 Update or Other Action New DEC PM is John O'Brien. DEC contacted ACOE by phone for a project update and to learn if the work scheduled for 2018 was completed. Pavement improvement SAP reviewed on this date. John O'Brien
4/16/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved The Pavement Improvements Chena Lakes Flood Control Project is separated into four work areas. Areas 1 and 2 are not located within the boundaries of a contaminated site. Area 4 was not awarded. However, Area 3 is located within the boundaries of a contaminated site mapped as Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) File ACOE – Chena Lakes Nike Site and ACOE – Chena Lakes Flood Control Project (DEC File # 100.26.003 and 100.26.172). Soil screening and analytical sampling confirm that the sidewalls of the contaminated excavation area are clean from a regulatory standpoint. Petroleum, oils, and lubricant (POL) related contamination (naphthalene) remains in the base of the excavation at a concentration that exceeds the DEC Cleanup Level. Darren Mulkey
8/8/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC comments are provided on WP to install monitoring wells and conduct soil sampling. Gretchen Caudill
4/3/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments provided for Draft Environmental Investigation report. This report detailed the results of the 2019 soil and groundwater sampling conducted at the USACE Flood Control Project Office. Kelly Walker
5/22/2020 Site Characterization Report Approved Final Environmental Investigation report approved. Kelly Walker
8/13/2020 Site Characterization Report Approved 2020 Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum approved. Further groundwater monitoring is planned at this site in addition to sampling of on site drinking water well. Third Party Waiver request for sample analysis on site is approved. Kelly Walker
2/9/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Finished review of Chena Lakes Flood Control Project Office Groundwater Monitoring report. Report Approved. All groundwater monitoring well sample results were below Method 2 cleanup levels for DRO. Drinking water faucets were sampled as well and all results were below Method 2 cleanup levels. Kelly Walker
6/1/2021 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued DEC Contaminated Sites has reviewed the environmental records associated with the ACOE - Chena Lakes Flood Control Project contaminated site. Based on this information, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required unless information becomes available that indicates residual contaminants may pose an unacceptable risk. The Closure Complete letter is attached to this record and publicly viewable. Kelly Walker

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil The highest DRO result for this is 945 mg/kg. This exceedance of migration to groundwater is bound by deeper samples from the same boring that are below migration to groundwater cleanup levels. Sufficient site characterization has been completed and ADEC has determined that residual contaminants in soil have achieved steady-state equilibrium and will not further migrate to groundwater.

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)

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