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Site Report: MOA - Anchorage Police Department - 2,000 Gallon Diesel UST

Site Name: MOA - Anchorage Police Department - 2,000 Gallon Diesel UST
Address: 4501 Elmore Road, at Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99507
File Number: 2100.26.232
Hazard ID: 25098
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.179740
Longitude: -149.805194
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


A 2,000-gallon diesel UST (Facility ID 1298 Tank #1) which stored fuel for three emergency generators was removed on 6/9/99 and replaced by single UST. The contamination from Tank 1 is attributable to a leaking fill pipe. Excavation soil samples submitted to a lab for GRO, DRO, BTEX, and PAHs and the only detections were for DRO (11.6 mg/kg and 44.6 mg/kg) and benzo(b)fluoranthene (.00036 mg/kg) and below their cleanup levels. On 1/17/00 soil boring B3MW was advanced to 14.4' bgs in the former 2,000-gallon UST excavation and a MW installed. Soil samples from the borings near the GW table were submitted for laboratory analysis of GRO, DRO, and BTEX. Benzene was the only analyte not detected in these analytical results. DRO was the only contaminant that exceeded the soil cleanup level of 250 mg/kg at 635 mg/kg and remains after the tank was removed. GW samples were collected 2/7/00 and submitted for laboratory analysis of GRO, DRO, and BTEX. The only detections in B3MW were 0.69 mg/l DRO and 0.00228 mg/l total xylenes, both below their cleanup levels. Former File Number L69.83. Former Site Name was "MOA - Anchorage Police Department". The former address was 4501 South Bragaw Street.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/8/1999 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Removal of tanks and Site Assessment begins. Former Staff
6/9/1999 Site Added to Database Contamination was discovered this date but not reported until 6/17/99 by Shannon & Wilson. Former Staff
6/9/1999 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST site created in CSP for source area ID 78455. Reported to DEC 6/17/99. Diesel with approximately 50 cy contaminated soil. Ground water is impacted. Former Staff
6/10/1999 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Contaminated stockpiles for the 1,500-gallon HOT = 40 cubic yards (cy) & for the 2,000-gallon diesel UST = 50 cy. Former Staff
6/16/1999 Update or Other Action A letter was sent this date by the DEC STP conditionally granting Wastewater General Permit 9460-DB001 to discharge up to 100,000 gallons of groundwater per day from an excavation at the Police department. The permit expires on 1/1/02. The MOA will need to visually monitor the GW for sheen prior to turning any pumps on and hourly during operations. GW samplews must be collected and tested every 4 days for the duration of the pumping activities and rushed to a laboratory for analysis by EPA Methods 602 and 610. The sample results will be faxed to the department immediately upon receipt. If sample results exceed those specified in the general permit then pumping activities will be discontinued immediately. Elaine Cederstrom
6/17/1999 Update or Other Action The department received a request from Mr. Bennett to allow authorization to discharge up to 100,000 gallons of groundwater per day from an excavation in order to dewater and remove USTs. Elaine Cederstrom
9/27/1999 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Reviewed the Shannon & Wilson report "Underground Storage Tank Closure Assessment, 4501 South Bragaw Street; Anchorage, Alaska" dated July 1999, received 9/27/99. Action appended by Petrik on 12/22/09. Removal activities of the 2,000-gallon diesel UST started 6/9/99 and the final excavation dimensions were 13’ by 16’ by ~8’ deep. ~5.3’ diameter. Three steel tie-down cables held the tank to concrete ballast that was left in place. No obvious holes or corrosion of the tank walls was observed. All soil excavated from around the tank was placed in a stockpile located on a liner since impacted soil evidence was found near the ground surface. The excavation was backfilled after sampling with imported fill. Prior to back filling, approximately 10 pounds of 22-11-11 fertilizer was added to the excavation and hand spread to aid in bioremediation of the GW. Other than several cy of contaminated soil from the diesel UST that were added to the HOT contaminated soil stockpile, The remaining contaminated soil from the diesel UST was placed in a separate stockpile of ~50 cy total (Stockpile 2). Excavated soils consisted primarily of slightly silty gravelly sands. GW was encountered at ~7.5’ bgs which was ~0.5’ above the bottom of the tank and appeared impacted. Excavated soils consisted primarily of slightly silty gravelly sands. Two samples were collected from the excavation plus one duplicate and submitted for laboratory analysis for GRO, DRO, BTEX, and PAHs. The only detections were for DRO and benzo(b)fluoranthene and below their cleanup levels. One piping trench sample was taken for the same analytes and all results were ND. Stockpile 2 sampling results for GRO, DRO, RRO, BTEX, and PAHs detected GRO, DRO, RRO, BTEX and a number of PAHs. DRO was the only analyte detected above its cleanup level. Materials generated from the UST removal efforts included an UST, piping, fuel, and impacted soil. The residual fuel in the tank was removed by the MOA. The UST and piping were transported off site to R A Environmental Inc. and cleaned prior to disposal at Schnitzer Steel. Disposal receipts were in the report. The stockpile was lined and covered and remains on site pending decision on disposition. The report recommended a release investigation and/or corrective action program implementation. Elaine Cederstrom
9/30/1999 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved In response to a request dated and received today, the ADEC granted permission to transport contaminated soil from the impacted site to Alaska Soil Recycling for thermal remediation. Elaine Cederstrom
10/5/1999 Update or Other Action The DEC sent a letter this date requesting that a release investigation be performed on site to determine groundwater contamination. The work plan is requested by 10/19/99. Elaine Cederstrom
10/20/1999 Update or Other Action Received a letter from Shannon & Wilson requesting an extension of the 10/19/99 deadline dte for submittal of a release investigation work plan. Elaine Cederstrom
10/21/1999 Update or Other Action A letter was sent today to Shannon & Wilson in response to a request for an extension of submittal of a release investigation work plan. The extension is granted by the DEC until 11/19/99 and that STP is the lead even though a HOT is involved. Elaine Cederstrom
11/17/1999 Update or Other Action Three letters from Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) this date indicated that: 18.92 tons of petroleum impacted soil from Stockpile #1 (1,500-Gallon HOT), 49.38 tons of petroleum impacted soil from Stockpile #2 (2,000-Gallon Diesel UST (Generator Tank)), and 52.53 tons of petroleum impacted soil from Stockpile #3 (12,000-Gallon Gasoline UST) were received by ASR on 10/15/99 and were thermally treated on 10/23/99. Post remedial analysis completed on 11/4/99 indicates that these soils meet the ADEC Level A cleanup values. Eleanor Hung
12/10/1999 Update or Other Action Received a phone call from Laurie Silfven of Shannon & Wilson. Release Investigation work plan approval from the MOA will be requested the week of 12/12/99. Eleanor Hung
12/16/1999 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Shannon & Wilson faxed the "Underground Storage Tank Release Investigation, 4501 South Bragaw Street, Anchorage, Alaska" work plan dated 10/29/99. DEC reviews and approves the work plan. Eleanor Hung
12/28/1999 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC reviewed the Shannon & Wilson "Underground Storage Tank Release Investigation, 4501 South Bragaw Street, Anchorage, Alaska" work plan dated 10/29/99 that was faxed to the department 12/16/99 and received as a hard copy on 12/17/99 as well. A letter was issued this date approving the work plan. Eleanor Hung
4/24/2000 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approval was given this date to transport approximately 1 cubic yard of diesel impacted soil to Alaska Soil Recycling for thermal remediation. The soil was generated from borings B2MW and B3MW. The soil that is above DRO cleanup levels resulted from boring B3MW and analytical results indicated 635 mg/kg DRO, 26.6 mg/kg GRO, 0.169 mg/kg toluene, and 1.819 mg/kg total xylenes. Lynne Bush
3/2/2001 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Reviewed the Shannon & Wilson "Release Investigation; Anchorage Police Department; 4501 Bragaw Street; Anchorage, Alaska" report dated June 2000 and received 1/8/01. On 1/17-18/00 soil boring B3MW was advanced in the former 2,000-gallon UST excavation. The final depth of the boring was 14.4’ bgs. Boring B4MW was advanced to 15.5’ bgs on the west side of the building, unassociated directly to any UST. Soil samples were collected at approximately 5-7’ bgs in both of these borings. A second sample was taken just above and to the GW table between 9 and 11’ bgs in B3MW and above the GW table from 9-11’ bgs in B4MW. Only the deeper samples from both borings were submitted for laboratory analysis of GRO, DRO, and BTEX. They exhibited the highest PID readings for each borehole. A duplicate of B4MW was submitted for analysis of DRO only. Benzene was the only analyte not detected in the analytical results. DRO was the only contaminant that exceeded the soil cleanup level of 250 mg/kg at 635 mg/kg. Approximately 1 cy of impacted soil was disposed of at the Anchorage Regional Landfill Solid Waste Facility in Eagle River. No receipts were supplied to the department. 10’ well screens were set in both borings. The screen was from 4-14’ bgs in well B3MW and from 5-15’ bgs in well B4MW. GW samples were collected 2/7/00 and submitted for laboratory analysis of GRO, DRO, and BTEX. No duplicate GW sample was submitted for analysis. The only detections in B3MW were 0.69 mg/l DRO and 0.00228 mg/l total xylenes, both below their cleanup levels of 1.5 mg/l and 10 mg/l, respectively. All sample results were ND for B4MW. Monitoring wells were surveyed for elevations and based on GW elevation data, the GW flows south to southeast with a gradient of 0.02 ft/ft. The North and South Forks of Campbell Creek are located within ½ mile south of the site and large wetlands about 2 miles east. Development and decontamination water was disposed of through Alaska Pollution Control. Sent a letter this date asking for more work. The department is in agreement with S&W conclusions and recommendations regarding the 2,000-gallon diesel UST that additional work is needed. The former HOT also showed evidence of elevated hydrocarbon levels at the time of its closure. Because the ballast was left in place when the excavation was backfilled, it will be difficult to assess this area. Work in this area will be difficult due to the close proximity to buried utilities. Despite these challenges, this tanl should also be included in a work plan for further investigation and corrective action. Please submit a work plan and schedule to the department by 4/27/01. Site reranked using the AHRM. Lynne Bush
7/24/2003 Update or Other Action Site transferred form Bush to Dreyer Amanda Dreyer
6/15/2004 Site Closure Approved After review of the Shannon & Wilson reports "Underground Storage Tank Closure Assessment, 4501 South Bragaw Street; Anchorage, Alaska" dated July 1999, received 9/27/99 and "Release Investigation; Anchorage Police Department; 4501 South Bragaw Street; Anchorage, Alaska" report dated June 2000, received 1/8/01 a letter was sent this date to Jon Clark indicating that based on the review of the information submitted to date for the 2,000-gallon regulated underground storage tank (UST) which stored diesel fuel for three emergency generators, this site will be considered closed and that status will be entered in the Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) Database (DB). The project consisted of the removal of a 2,000-gallon 18 AAC 78 regulated underground storage tank (UST) which stored diesel fuel for three emergency generators. UST removal began on June 9, 1999. Three steel tie-downs held the UST to a concrete ballast that was left in-place. No obvious holes or corrosion of the UST walls was observed. Evidence of impacted soils was reported near the ground surface in the vicinity of the fill pipe down to groundwater at approximately 7.5 feet below the ground surface (bgs). All soil excavated during removal was stockpiled on-site and considered contaminated. Two samples were collected from the base of the excavation for laboratory analysis. No contamination was measured above regulatory levels. Approximately 10 pounds of fertilizer was added to the base of the excavation to address potentially impacted groundwater. A release investigation was conducted on January 17 and 18, 2000 to determine the extent of soil and groundwater contamination. Four soil borings were advanced and three of those borings completed as groundwater monitoring wells. One well, B3MW, located near the former UST excavation, contained 0.690 mg/l DRO which is below the 1.5 mg/L DRO cleanup level. Based on the review of the information submitted to date, this site will be considered closed and that status will be entered in the contaminated sites database. Should site conditions change and DEC consider residual contamination to be a risk to human health or the environment, additional investigative and/or cleanup actions may be necessary. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dave Pikul at 269-7551. Action appended by Petrik on 12/29/09. Jim Frechione
4/24/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ETM Ranking of site. 1500-gallon HOT and 2000-gal diesel UST ranked separately. Daniel Fremgen
6/6/2007 Update or Other Action Site management transferred from Pikul to Petrik. Shannon Oelkers
2/20/2009 Update or Other Action LUST site created in CSP database for source area 2,000 Gallon Diesel UST, 78456 Pam Clemens

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

Control Type

Type Details


Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
3151 MOA - Anchorage Police Department - 1,500 Gallon HOT 2100.38.112
23273 MOA - Anchorage Police Department - 12,000 Gallon Unleaded Gasoline UST 2100.26.365

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