Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
9/1/1991 |
Site Added to Database |
(Date adjusted from 11/10/1999 for report/query consistency. (Reese))
John Halverson |
9/1/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). SI action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/13/97, based on FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. Summary shows the SI completed 09/09/91. SI for transformers, tanks, pressurized gas cylinders. |
S&W-Miner |
8/17/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RIFS - Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study). RIFS action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/13/97, based on FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. Summary shows the RIFS completed 08/17/93. RIFS for Phase III Remedial Investigation including safety plan, work plan, QAP, SAP, field sampling and monitoring wells. DO#9 tasked E&E with development of disposal options for 23 drums of dioxin. |
S&W-Miner |
11/15/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RD - Remedial Design). RD action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/13/97, based on FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. Summary shows the RD completed 11/15/93. RD for transformers, tanks, pressurized gas cylinders. |
S&W-Miner |
9/30/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RA - Remedial Action). RA action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/13/97, based on FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. Summary shows the RA completed 09/30/94. RA for IRA of 12 USTs and piping, soil and liquid samples, tank cleaning and field screening at 4 of the tanks. Scheduled completion 15 October 1994. |
S&W-Miner |
9/30/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RD - Remedial Design). RD action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/13/97, based on FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. Summary shows the RD completed 09/30/94. RD for structures and debris removal. Dioxin-contaminated building. |
S&W-Miner |
2/21/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RD - Remedial Design). RD action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/13/97, based on FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. Summary shows the RD for implementation of RI workplan, risk assessment, RA alternatives and design of soil remediation. |
S&W-Miner |
4/18/1996 |
Proposed Plan |
The Corps finalized the proposed plan. Preferred alternatives included: Main Complex tank farm and USTs 5-1 and 5-2 - vapor extraction and air sparging; Maintence Bld, ACS MARS, Quonset Hut and Disposal Trench Area Burn Pit - soil excavation and off-site treatment followed by no further action; Operations Building - excavation and off-site treatment followed by natural attenuation and institutional controls; Landfill and Disposal Trenches - capping, natural attenuation (landfill area only) and institutional controls. |
John Halverson |
6/3/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Received a groundwater monitoring report for tank farm area from sampling in August 1995. It covered the main complex area tank farm and USTs (significant fuel contamination), ACS/MARS facility (low level DRO), Operations Building (DRO and low TEX), Landfill (low level VOCs) and Trench disposal areas (DRO and benzene at burn pit area). |
John Halverson |
8/27/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Received the December 1995 groundwater monitoring event report. It covers the tank farm area and former USTs at the main complex (significant petroleum contamination in GW at and downgradient from tank farm), the ACS MARS facility and Quonset Hut area (low level DRO in GW), the Operation Building (DRO and TEX in GW), Landfill (low level VOCs) and Trench Disposal Areas (DRO, benzene at burn pit area). |
John Halverson |
11/22/1996 |
Interim Removal Action Approved |
Received final "Remedial Action Report Interim Removal Action, Wildwood AFS" by Harding and Lawson Assoc., October 28, 1996. Conclusions, based on confirmation samples at the end of the removal, include: ACS Mars - UST 250 and 253 meet cleanup levels, UST 251 did not (DRO 500 -3,400 mg/kg in soil); Quonset Hut Area - DRO 2,800 - 5,900 in soil; Trench Area Burn Pit - DRO 12,000 - 18,000 mg/kg; Main Complex - Building 55 and Drum Storage Area met cleanup levels; High Frequency Facility - up to 4,500 mg/kg DRO remains. |
John Halverson |
2/3/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
File number issued 2320.38.051 |
Aggie Blandford |
6/2/2005 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
A work plan for Site Characterization and Attenuation Monitoring was approved with minor comments. The work plan describes the planned investigation to delineate further the locations of remaining NAPL at the various source areas within the former Wildwood AFS using the Rapid Optical Screening Tool (ROST), Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). It includes sampling and analysis to calibrate the results of the ROST LIF work and to further characterize contaminant nature and obtain data with which to evaluate the status of each source area using current Method II and III tools, and possibly a 4-phase partitioning model. Sampling and analysis will also obtain data with which to evaluate natural attenuation occurrence at each source area. |
Debra Caillouet |
11/8/2005 |
GIS Position Updated |
Using Figure 2-3 from a Remedial Investigation Report Phase III Cleanup Design Wildwood Air Force Station, in conjunction with TopoZone Pro and the KPB Parcel Lookup, entered the coordinates for this site. Metadata includes No Topo Basemap, TopoZone Pro Street Maps, Black and White Aerial Photo, on a Medium Size Map, View Scale 1:10,000, Coordinate Datum NAD83. High degree of confidence in accuracy of location. |
Former Staff |
6/15/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
The Declaration of Project Closure Decison for the CON/HTRW project at Wildwood was signed. |
Debra Caillouet |
9/5/2007 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The ROST/LIF Investigation, Former Wildwood Air Force Station, Revision 1, April 2007 Report was reviewed and approved. The report presents the results of the investigation at multiple areas within the former Wildwood AFS during the summer of 2005. The logs from the ROST/LIF are presented along with laboratory analysis results. The report provides valuable site characterization data to support future decisions and generally meets the requirements of 18 AAC 75.335 Site Characterization.
Debra Caillouet |
11/16/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Debra Caillouet |
9/23/2008 |
Site Added to Database |
A new site has been added to the database |
Mitzi Read |
9/26/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78524 name: UST 251-1 |
Debra Caillouet |
4/20/2015 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Follow-up Investigation Work Plan, Additional UVOST Delineation, Soil Sampling and Well Installation, Wildwood Partly Mitigated Sites Project 04 was approved. Additional characterization will be performed to support site closure decisions. |
Debra Caillouet |
7/20/2015 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Follow-Up Investigation Report, Additional UVOST Delineation, Soil Sampling, and Well Installation, Wildwood AFS Partly Mitigated Sites Project 04, Formerly Used Defense Site, F10AK-25104, Kenai Alaska, Draft June 2015
ADEC approves the report as additional site characterization.
Debra Caillouet |
8/26/2015 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
DEC approved a "Soil Removal and Groundwater Monitoring Plan, Former ACS MARS Facility, Wildwood Air Force Station" (Aug 3, 2015), prepared by Cook Inlet Environmental, Inc. The plan calls for excavating, stockpiling and sampling low level DRO contaminated soil; based on DRO concentrations in the stockpiles, the soil will be disposed of in the Soldotna landfill or thermally treated at ASR in Anchorage (following DEC approval for off-site transport). Confirmation samples will be collected from the limits of the excavation. No groundwater monitoring provisions were included in the plan.
John Halverson |
4/21/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Soil Removal and Confirmation Sampling Report, dated December 19, 2016 for the Wildwood AFS ACS MARS Facility. The described effort was completed on September 16, 2015. Activities generally consisted of test pitting, limited soil excavation at the Wildwood AFS ACS MARS Facility UST 250-1 site (Hazard ID 25206), and soil screening and analytical sampling. Several issues were identified in the report and ADEC requested a revised final report by July 1, 2017. |
Joshua Barsis |
10/4/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Revised Soil Removal and Confirmation Sampling Report, dated August 28, 2017 for the Wildwood AFS ACS MARS Facility. This submittal is the revised version to an earlier report, dated December 19, 2016. In addition, ADEC also reviewed the submitted response to ADEC comments document. Several issues were identified in the response. Please reference ADECs letter dated October 4, 2017 for additional information.
Joshua Barsis |
2/21/2019 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Based on the information provided to date, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required. |
Joshua Barsis |