Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
11/6/2008 |
Site Added to Database |
A new site has been added to the database |
Mitzi Read |
9/11/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
USACE Closeout Report for Containerized/Hazardous, Toxic and Radiological Waste (CON/HTRW) project was signed by John Halverson. All environmental issues will be conducted under a HTRW project. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
1/4/2010 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78810 name: 8,000-gallon AST |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
8/2/2010 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Work plan approved for a limited investigation -- field work to be conducted in August 2010. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
8/3/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Scoping meeting held. RI field work anticipated at the end of August. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
7/31/2012 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Work plan approved this date. Fieldwork from 2011 delayed until 2012 due to weather and timing. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
2/4/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
PM changed from Palmieri to Morris. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
5/6/2013 |
Site Visit |
A scoping meeting for the 2013 RI and a public meeting for the Fort Babcock FUDS site was held in Sitka, Alaska. A site visit was conducted at Fort Babcock to plan the logistics of the 2013 RI field effort and to locate several features that were identified in historical documents. |
Jessica Morris |
9/6/2013 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The ADEC Contaminated Site Program approved the 2013 Phase II Remedial Investigation, Fort Babcock FUDS Site, Sitka, Alaska. The purpose of the work was fill data gaps and provide additional information for potential contaminant sources identified since the initial RI was performed. The scope of work included investigation at the landfill; 8,000-gallon AST, piping, tank cribs, and drums; tar drum storage area; power plant; and two septic tank areas.
Jessica Morris |
1/9/2014 |
CERCLA RI Report Approved |
ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the 2013 Remedial Investigation Fort Babcock FUDS, Sitka, Alaska |
Jessica Morris |
10/8/2014 |
CERCLA RI Report Approved |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the 2014 Remedial Investigation - Phase II, Fort Babcock FUDS, Sitka, Alaska. The data obtained from the Phase I and Phase II Remedial Investigations were sufficient to delineate contaminant sources areas, and were used to estimate volumes of impacted material. The recommendations in the report included moving forward to a Feasibility Study to evaluate the potential cleanup strategies. |
Jessica Morris |
10/8/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78810 8,000-gallon AST. |
Jessica Morris |
10/8/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79667 Landfill. |
Jessica Morris |
10/8/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79668 Septic Tank #1. |
Jessica Morris |
10/8/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79669 Tar Drums. |
Jessica Morris |
10/8/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79670 Power Plant. |
Jessica Morris |
5/27/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Phase II Remedial Investigation – Addendum 1, Modified Conceptual Site Model, Groundwater “350 Determination”, and Alternative Cleanup Level Evaluation, Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site, Sitka, Alaska.
Jessica Morris |
6/1/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
The Final 2016 RI Work Plan Addendum addressing PCB sampling at the Fort Babcock Power Plant was submitted and approved by ADEC on 6/1/2016. Up to 35 additional PCB surface soil samples will be collected in the vicinity of the former Power Plant. Work is scheduled for 6/20 - 6/24/16. ADEC approved USACEs impartial 3rd party waiver request and ADEC plans to be onsite to conduct an audit during field sampling. |
Holly Weiss-Racine |
6/20/2016 |
Site Visit |
H. Weiss-Racine with ADEC conducted a site visit and audit on 6/21 and 6/22/16 during PCB sampling. The USACE conducted site sampling under an impartial third party waiver granted by ADEC on 6/1/16. All observations indicated good field practices which would produce reliable data. |
Holly Weiss-Racine |
12/1/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
CS managers participate in the annual FUDS site management action plan meeting. The purpose of the is to collaborate with FUDS management on site progress and prioritization for all of the formerly used defense sites. FUDS prioritization is based on risk, congressional interest, state input and proximity to other sites on the prioritization list. FUDS has increased environmental restoration funding in Alaska for the 2017 and 2018 field seasons to meet National goals for site progress. |
Darren Mulkey |
5/12/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC sent out response letter with comments on Draft Phase II RI Report, Addendum 2 dated March 20, 2017. The main objective of this report was to summarize the follow-up PCB sampling at former Power Plant area in 2016. Results for the 38 primary surface soil samples collected from 37 locations indicated PCB concentrations ranging from ND to 9,300 mg/kg. PCB contaminated soils exceed ADEC cleanup level of 1 mg/kg and TSCA hazardous waste disposal level of 50 mg/kg. Only subsurface sample collected from 3.5-4.5 ftbgs showed a PCB concentration of 57.8 mg/kg. Groundwater level is estimated at 6.24 ftbgs. |
Linda (Qi) Liu |
6/30/2017 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79668 name: Septic Tank #1 |
Linda (Qi) Liu |
6/30/2017 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79670 name: Power Plant |
Linda (Qi) Liu |
7/3/2017 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79670 Power Plant. |
Linda (Qi) Liu |
7/19/2017 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A RTC review meeting was held to discuss unresolved issues in the Phase II RI - Addendum II Report. |
Linda (Qi) Liu |
8/2/2017 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A RTC resolution meeting was held to discuss the path forward at the Site. A feasibility study is expected in 2018. |
Linda (Qi) Liu |
10/12/2017 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
ADEC approved 'Final Technical Memorandum of Phase II Remedial Investigation Report, Addendum 2 Summary of PCB Soil and Groundwater Sample Results from the Former Power Plant and Comparison of RI Data with 2016 ADEC Cleanup Levels'. This addendum includes revised alternative cleanup levels. |
Sammi Castle |
1/18/2018 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
USACE, US.Forest Service, EA Engineering and ADEC PM attended a meeting to discuss the scope of work for FS. ADEC expressed the concerns of PCB in groundwater at the power plant area. |
Linda (Qi) Liu |
7/27/2018 |
Draft Feasibility Study, Fort Babcock FUDS received by ADEC on June 6, 2018. This draft FS describes and compares three alternatives for PCB contaminated soil and five alternatives for POL contaminated soil at the FUDS. The three alternatives for PCB soil are: 1) No Action 2)Ex-situ Vapor Energy Generator (VEG) 3) Excavation and Offsite Disposal. The five alternatives for POL soil are: 1) No Action 2) In-situ Mixing 3) Ex-situ VEG 4) Excavation with Offsite Disposal 5) Excavation with Offsite Low Temperature Thermal Desorption. ADEC submitted comments on the draft FS on this date. |
Sammi Castle |
2/12/2019 |
ADEC received the Final Feasibility Study, Fort Babcock FUDS, dated December 2018, on January 21, 2019. ADEC sent a letter acknowledging receipt of the final document on this date. |
Sammi Castle |
8/14/2019 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
ADEC received the Draft Proposed Plan, Fort Babcock FUDS, dated August 2019. This Proposed Plan presents the preferred alternatives for the PCB and POL contaminated areas. The preferred alternative for PCBs is Excavation with Off-site Disposal. The preferred alternative for POL is Excavation with Offsite Disposal. ADEC submitted comments on the draft plan to USACE in a letter dated September 6, 2019. |
Sammi Castle |
11/1/2019 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
ADEC received the final Proposed Plan, Fort Babcock FUDS, dated October 2019. ADEC submitted a public comment on the Proposed Plan, requesting the inclusion of the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA) as an applicable or relevant and appropriate requirement (ARAR) for this project, in a letter dated December 10, 2019. |
Sammi Castle |
9/4/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC submitted comments on the Draft Decision Document, HTRW Project #F10AK0353-04, Fort Babcock FUDS, Sitka, Alaska dated July 2020, in a letter on this date. This draft decision document details USACE's preferred remedial alternatives for polychlorinated biphenyl and petroleum, oil, and lubricant contaminated soil at the Fort Babcock contaminated site. |
Sammi Castle |
8/25/2021 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79667 name: Landfill |
Darren Mulkey |
8/25/2021 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79669 name: Tar Drums |
Darren Mulkey |
1/4/2022 |
DEC Non-Concur on Federal No Further Action Decision |
On 01/03/2022 ADEC sent a Non-Concurrence letter to USACE for the Final Decision Document for Fort Babcock, dated August 2021.
The final decision document details the USACE preferred remedial alternative for polychlorinated biphenyl and petroleum, oil, and lubricant contaminated soil at the Fort Babcock contaminated site. ADEC does not concur with the final decision document for the following reasons:
1.The petroleum soil cleanup levels identified in the decision document are DEC’s maximum allowable concentrations found in 18 AAC 75.341(d) Table B2, and are based on DEC’s 2015 approval (enclosed) of the “Final Phase II Remedial Investigation – Addendum 1, Modified Conceptual Site Model, Groundwater “350 Determination”, and Alternative Cleanup Level Evaluation, Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site (F10AK035304), Sitka, Alaska” dated 23 April 2015 (technical memorandum). The cleanup levels approved in 2015 assumed a recreational user with institutional controls in place to ensure no residential use, and a DEC determination in place in accordance with 18 AAC 75.350 (350 determination) supported by institutional controls that prohibit groundwater use. For the maximum allowable cleanup levels to remain approved for the site, the institutional controls must include a notice of activity and use limitation (NAUL) in accordance with the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA) as described in AS 46.04.340. UECA was promulgated in 2018, after the approved 2015 technical memorandum, but before this decision document was developed. DEC comments on the proposed plan and draft decision document indicated that UECA would require a NAUL with this remedy.
2. DEC continues to disagree with the 14-day exposure frequency used to calculate the alternate cleanup levels (ACLs), since the U.S. Forest Service’s permitting would allow users to camp up to 30 days every six months, for a total of 60 possible exposure days per year. This comment was made by DEC on the feasibility study, proposed plan, and draft decision document, but has not been addressed by USACE.
3. There are multiple contaminants in groundwater above DEC’s 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup levels. For the 350 determination to remain approved, the institutional controls restricting groundwater use must include a NAUL in accordance with UECA.
Because USACE has not committed to pursuing the institutional controls required to ensure the cleanup levels are protective, and the exposure frequency used to calculate the ACLs was inconsistent with allowable land use DEC rescinds its May 26, 2015 approval for the alternate cleanup levels for all contaminants. The applicable soil cleanup levels for this site are the most stringent in 18 AAC 75.341.
Additionally, DEC rescinds its May 26, 2015 approval for the 350 determination, because its approval was contingent upon appropriate institutional controls being in place to restrict the area to recreational use, which requires a NAUL, in accordance with UECA. 18 AAC 75.375(c)(1) reiterates that the institutional controls must be, “appurtenant to and run with the land so that the control is binding on each future owner of the site.” |
Daniela Fawcett |
4/15/2022 |
Site Visit |
On 4/14/2022 ADEC, USACE, Brice, USFS performed on site visit on the FUDS Fort Babcock site on Kruzof Island, AK. Activities consisted of site familiarization and identification of the areas and features for implementation of the selected remedy described in the Decision Document, Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site, Sitka, Alaska. |
Daniela Fawcett |
2/1/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has completed a review of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District’s draft Final Work Plan for Clearing and Grubbing – Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site (F10AK0353-04), Kruzof Island, Alaska, dated November 2023. The Clearing and Grubbing Work Plan (Work Plan) describes the methods that will be used to conduct clearing and grubbing activities as part of the Hazardous, Toxic, or Radioactive Waste (HTRW) remedial action (RA) at the Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) (F10AK0353-04), at Shoals Point on Kruzof Island, Alaska. Regarding the above referenced document, DEC provided comments. DEC recommends adding soil screening to this work plan. |
Sarah Bernhardt |
2/8/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the document "Eagle Nest Survey – Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site
(F10AK0353-04), Kruzof Island, Alaska" dated January 2024. The document summarizes work undertaken in September 2022 to conduct an aerial survey at Fort Babcock to locate any bald eagle nests within 660 feet of the planned remedial action (RA) activities and to evaluate the area for signs of nest occupancy for compliance with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA). |
Sarah Bernhardt |
3/8/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC completed a review of the of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District’s response to comments on the draft Final Work Plan for Clearing and Grubbing – Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site (F10AK0353-04), Kruzof Island, Alaska, dated November 2023. |
Sarah Bernhardt |
7/1/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has completed a review of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Draft Work Plan Fort Babcock HTRW Remedial Action, Formerly Used Defense Site F10AK0353-04, Kruzof Island, Alaska, Contract W911KB22C0019, dated May 2024. This Work Plan presents the approach and procedures to be followed during the Hazardous, Toxic, or Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Remedial Action (RA) at the Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) (F10AK0353-04, Contaminated Soil) at Shoals Point on Kruzof Island, Alaska. Fieldwork at the Fort Babcock FUDS will be conducted at the Fuel Storage Area, Tar Drum Area, Power Plant Area, Manhole #1, Septic Tank #1, and Septic Tank #2. |
Sarah Bernhardt |
10/3/2024 |
CERCLA Removal Action Plan |
On this date DEC provided approval of Final Work Plan Fort Babcock HTRW Remedial Action, Formerly Used
Defense Site F10AK0353-04, Kruzof Island, Alaska, Contract W911KB22C0019, dated July 2024. The work is scheduled for 2025. While DEC does not agree that this site can reach closure as outlined in the
stated objectives of the project, DEC is supportive of the planned field work to remove
contamination, and as such, approved this work plan. |
Sarah Bernhardt |
1/3/2025 |
Public Notice |
Fort Babcock FUDS Public Meeting
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Harrigan Centennial Hall, 330 Harbor Drive, Sitka, Alaska 99835
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is hosting a public meeting to update the community on the remedial action for the Fort Babcock Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) contaminated site cleanup project, located on Kruzof Island.
The meeting will be held in person and virtually. To attend virtually, scan the QR code or log into the Microsoft Teams App using Meeting ID 272 404 937 014 and Passcode pU7GQ95f.
To participate by telephone only, please dial 1-469-998-6090 and enter conference ID code 346 282 338#.
For more information on this meeting or the Fort Babcock FUDS project, please contact Beth Astley, USACE Project Manager, at (907) 753-5782 or by email at , or the USACE Public Affairs Office by email at |
Sarah Bernhardt |