Site Report: MOA Third Addition Block 39 Lot 15
Site Name: | MOA Third Addition Block 39 Lot 15 |
Address: | NW Corner of Nelchina Street and Chance Court Intersection, fka 1530 Nelchina Street, Anchorage, AK 99501 |
File Number: | 2100.38.508 |
Hazard ID: | 25276 |
Status: | Active |
Staff: | Alena Voigt, 9072697556 |
Latitude: | 61.207039 |
Longitude: | -149.857233 |
Horizontal Datum: | WGS84 |
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We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
On July 22, 2008, DRO-contaminated soil was discovered related to an underground heating oil tank encountered during a road improvement project. The tank was removed and contaminated soil was excavated and stockpiled. Formerly known as: MOA Residential Property - 1530 Nelchina Street HHOT.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
7/31/2008 | Update or Other Action | Spill reported this date for contamination discovered 7/22/2008. Oil & Hazardous Substances Spill Notification Form submitted by consultant Shannon & Wilson states that "Heating oil UST was encountered during a road improvement project at the above referenced address. One of the three soil characterization samples collected from the UST excavation (designated Sample EXlS24) contained 641 mglkg DRO. The field duplicate of Sample EXIS24 (designated Sample EXlS242) contained 5,290 mglkg DRO. As indicated on the laboratory report,the DRO concentration detected in Sample EX1 S242 is conisdered biased high due to hydrocarbon interference." | Eileen Olson |
8/4/2008 | Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved | ADEC approved request of this date to transport and thermal remediation of approximately 15 cy of heating oil contaminated soil at Alaska Soil Recyclying. | Eileen Olson |
8/20/2008 | Update or Other Action | ADEC received and acknowledged soil disposal notification dated 8/19/2008 from Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) stating that ASR accepted 9.08 tons of petroleum impacted soil from the 1530 Nelchina Street site in accordance with ASR's facility operations plan. Under the operations plan, soils are covered by the bonding requirements of 18 AAC 75.365 and there is no further remedial action required by the responsible party for the soils. | Eileen Olson |
9/22/2008 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | Approved plan of same date to advance a soil boring at the former heating oil UST location to further characterize the area where contaminated soil was documented. Condition of approval is collection of a soil sample at the soil-groundwater interface, with at least two samples collected from the boring if the sample from the soil/groundwater interface does not have the highest PID reading. | Eileen Olson |
9/25/2008 | Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved | ADEC received and approved ont his date a request to dispose of a drum of drill cuttings (investigation derived waste) following soil boring activities; DRO is the contaminant of concern; no significant volatiles have been detected. | Eileen Olson |
11/21/2008 | Site Added to Database | A new site has been added to the database | Mitzi Read |
3/2/2009 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78607 name: Underground HHOT | Mitzi Read |
12/3/2009 | Update or Other Action | Received report "Underground Storage Tank Closure Assessment, 1530 Nelchina Street...October 2009" prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. for the Municipality of Anchorage. | Eileen Olson |
1/9/2013 | Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter | ADEC letter of interest and cost recovery notification sent to Municipality of Anchorage for adjacent sites at 1530 Nelchina Streets and 1517 Medfra Street. The Medfra Street site will be assigned a separate file number and will be identified as a separate site on the database. | Eileen Olson |
1/14/2013 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78607 Underground HHOT. | Eileen Olson |
1/16/2013 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | ADEC letter of this date issued requesting additional soil and groundwater characterization based on the results documented in the single report on file for the site titled "Underground Storage Tank Closure Assessment, 1530 Nelchina Street...October 2009." DRO exceeded the applicable site cleanup level in the tank excavation samples, where maximum concentrations in soil were 5,490 mg/kg and 2,960 mg/kg at 7 feet below the ground surface (bgs). A boring through the former tank location encountered groundwater at approximately 18 feet bgs, with DRO impacted soil containing 976 mg/kg DRO in the sample from the 12.5-14.5 ft. bgs sample and 3,200 mg/kg DRO in the sample from the 20-22 ft bgs sample, described in the report as having been collected at approximately the soil/groundwater interface. A temporary monitoring well installed in the boring was sampled and the groundwater sample was found to exceed DRO cleanup levels. Based on the report review, ADEC requeted that MOA submit a plan to complete site characterization by June 30, 2013, with work scheduled to begin by July 30, 2013. | Eileen Olson |
4/12/2013 | Update or Other Action | ADEC letter issued in response to MOA letter dated March 26, 2013 requesting that no additional work be required at the site. ADEC's letter responded to the points raised by the MOA and renewed the request in ADEC's letter dated January 16, 2013 that MOA submit a work plan to complete characterization of contamination at the site. ADEC stated that the plan may propose initially installing only one of the three requested monitoring wells as described in the letter and taking further action in a phased approach as necessary, with the condition that the former tank location be confirmed and that the initial well be installed at that location. Additionally, ADEC requested field notes and other relevant records for the work done in 2008 and requested that the plan include (1) sampling for DRO and PAH's in soil at the base of the former tank excavation, with groundwater to be sampled for PAHs, and (2) a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) prepared in accordance with Contaminated Sites Program guidance. | Eileen Olson |
1/22/2020 | Workplan Requested | ADEC, CSP sent a 2nd request for site characterization work plan. | Randy Guintu |
Contaminant Information
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Control Type
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