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Site Report: Jones Point Stockpiles

Site Name: Jones Point Stockpiles
Address: 425 Sawmill Road, Haines, AK 99827
File Number: 1508.38.019
Hazard ID: 25315
Status: Active
Staff: Stacee Henderson, 9072628202
Latitude: 59.232866
Longitude: -135.481708
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


During site cleanup operations in the late 1990s, an estimated volume of 6,000 cubic yards (CYs) of gasoline contaminated soil was transported from the Haines Tank Farm (HTF) site on Beach Road to a former sawmill site on Klukwan Inc property at the end of Sawmill Road near Jones Point (JP) in Haines. A materials test of the stockpiled soil in May 2000 found the low organic content in the uncrushed gravel was highly suitable for incorporation into asphalt and a survey determined the volume of the north stockpile was 2,584 CYs and the south stockpile was 2,712 CYs. In 2008 DEC requested Klukwan sample groundwater wells at the HTF site on Beach Road and the JP contaminated soil stockpiles on Sawmill Road. In November Chilkat Environmental Inc (CEI) sampled the HTF wells and the JP soil stockpiles. Due to flooding conditions on the Sawmill Road property only two samples of dry soil could be collected from the JP stockpiles. DEC requested that CE collect three samples to characterize the surface water flooding the site. The analytical results for groundwater contaminants in the samples from HTF wells were below instrument detection but DRO results for the stockpile soil were above cleanup levels and DRO, RRO and naphthalene were above instrument detection in the water samples. In November 2008 Klukwan requested DEC separate HTF property on Beach Road from the JP stockpile property on Sawmill Road in Haines. In February 2009 DEC closed the HTF site with institutional controls and opened the Jones Point property as a biocell site on the database with a request that Klukwan submit a cleanup remedy for the JP site. The original volume of contaminated soil transported from the Haines Tank Farm site located on Beach Road in Haines was estimated at 5,300 cubic yards (CY). Deconstruction of the original stockpile located on Sawmill Road near Jones Point found that the bottom liner had leaked petroleum into soil under the stockpile. Finding the extent of contamination from the liner failure resulted in adding 2,000 CY of soil that exceeded cleanup levels. On the other hand, characterization sampling during deconstruction of the original stockpile identified 3,956 CY of soil near the surface that met cleanup levels. DEC approved the CEI Interim Removal Plan to use the remediated soil in constructing elevated platforms on which to build biocells to remediate the remaining contaminated soil. An additional 554 CY of clean material was imported from the Jones Point borrow site to construct stockpile platform foundations and berms. In accordance with the DEC approved IR Plan, CEI carefully constructed biocells with berms and membranes that effectively contained all fluids within the cells. Fluids passively draining out of the wet soil were channeled into collection areas. CEI periodically drained and treated these fluids by filtration prior to discharge to the ground surface on-site. The five biocell platforms currently on site contain an combined volume totaling 3,344 CY of soil. The volume of soil in stockpile 1 is estimated at 700 CY; Pile 2 at 750 CY; Pile 3 at 800 CY; Pile 4 at 755 CY; and Pile 5 at 429 CY. Characterization analytical sampling in 2014 demonstrates that more than half the volume of soil in the JP biocells meet cleanup levels. DEC approved interim removal of remediated soil from each biocell for land spreading on site. Klukwan will continue with the approved management plan to remediate the remaining volume of contaminated soil estimated at 836 cubic yards of soil five separate biocells.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/7/2009 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
1/16/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78667 name: Jones Point Biocell Bruce Wanstall
5/8/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Biocell Characterization Plan Approval letter sent to the responsible party. The biocell will be rebuilt to elevate the base with a gradient to improve drainage into an oil-water separator. Sampling the soil for laboratory analyticals is planned in fall 2009 after aeration and tilling over the summer months. Bruce Wanstall
5/13/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed and commented on a site characterization plan for the Jones Point Biocell in Haines. Klukwan Corporation is taking advantage of the dry conditions to de-water and rebuild the biocell that flooded in fall 2008. An elevated bench with a bermed liner and drainage treatment system will be constructed. When fully drained, the soil will be sampled and tested to determine its current condition after ten years of storage. Bruce Wanstall
6/4/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The draft report for analytical tests for volatile organic compounds in the biocell soil found high concentrations of gasoline compounds benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylenes (BTEX) that are soluble and will migrate if exposed to water; the gasoline fraction result was 1,000mg/kg and the diesel fraction was 800mg/kg; volatile chlorinated solvent compounds were not detected. Downward flow and weight of rain on the uncovered and bermed surface of the biocell was enough to force the gasoline to wash downward the through the biocell soil. The gasoline collected in the bottom layer of soil to form the current state of saturation. A drain system under the biocell channeled untreated effluent water into wetlands adjacent to the biocell. An effluent treatment oil-water separator in the approved biocell design plan was not found. The effluent migration has complete pathways to wetlands and salmon stream habitat. Local knowledge of gradient and subsurface soil horizons indicate the exposure pathway to nearby drinking water wells is most likely incomplete but testing and site assessment are needed. Bruce Wanstall
6/30/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78667 Jones Point Biocell. Analytical tests for volatile organic compounds in the biocell soil found concentrations GRO of 1,000mg/kg and DRO of 800mg/kg; Toluene concentration reached 526 mg/kg exceeding the direct contact limit of 13 mg/kg. 1, 2, 4 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5 Trimethylbenzene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, and Toluene concentrations in soil exceeded exposure limits for outdoor inhalation. Heavy gasoline soil contamination has been found inside and underneath the biocell liner after 8 years of storage. Petroleum compounds that bioaccumulate for exposure to the wild or farmed foods ingestion pathway have not been detected in the current assessment data; no risk to this pathway is currently identified. Bruce Wanstall
4/14/2010 Update or Other Action Chilkat Environmental Inc submitted a draft 2010 Work Plan for the Klukwan Inc. site on Sawmill Road in Haines. ADEC reviewed and commented on the remedial soil treatment and sampling plan. Remedial treatment involves drying and aerating previously saturated soil contaminated with low levels of GRO, DRO, toluene and total xylenes. Excessive soil moisture in samples has caused problems with data meeting ADEC quality assurance requirements. Bruce Wanstall
5/21/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC has reviewed and approves the attached Jones Point contaminated soil stockpile 2010 site characterization work plan by Chilkat Environmental for Klukwan Inc. without alteration or comment. ADEC has also reviewed and approves the attached investigation derived waste water filtration plan for disposal on the site. As stated the system effluent samples were tested with laboratory analysis and met TAH and TAqH Water Quality Standards. Bruce Wanstall
8/12/2010 Site Characterization Report Approved ADEC reviewed and approved data and conclusions/ recommendations in the Chilkat Environmental Inc (CEI) 2010 Report on Site Characterization Analytical Sampling of contaminated soil in the original stockpile, soil under the stockpile and in the new biocells. Deconstruction of the original stockpile located on Sawmill Road near Jones Point found that bottom liner leaked petroleum into soil under the stockpile. Finding the extent of contamination from the liner failure resulted in adding an estimated volume of 2,000 cubic yards of soil that exceeded cleanup levels. On the other hand, characterization results found an estimated volume of 3,956 cubic yards of material near the surface with DRO and GRO concentrations below soil cleanup levels. The remediated soil was approved for use in constructing elevated platforms on which CEI is building biocells with berms and membranes that effectively contain all fluids. Remedial treatment of 2,250 cubic yards of DRO and GRO contaminated soil in biocells 1, 2 and 3 is proceeding according the approved plan. The last phase of transferring contaminated soil from inside and below the old stockpile into biocells 4 and 5 on lined constructed platforms is nearly completed. ADEC approves continuation of the remedial treatment plan that includes carbon filtration of all drainage from biocells 1 through 5. Sieve test indicates that the material is highly suitable for use in asphalt. Bruce Wanstall
8/9/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78667 Jones Point Biocell. Bruce Wanstall
9/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other In accordance with 18 AAC 75.355 (b), qualified person(s) used data collection and field screening methods consistent with DEC methodology, the data meet field and laboratory report quality assurance criteria in Contaminated Sites Program guidance documents, therefore the Chilkat Environmental Chilkat Portage Cove Development Corporation Jones Point Final Excavation Report is approved in accordance with 18 AAC 75.335(d). DEC concludes that the findings in Report adequately demonstrate that residual petroleum contamination in the former stockpile footprint source area is of insufficient mass and concentration to cause exceedances of regulatory benchmarks for soil for the completed exposure pathways. DEC now considers this site to be in a long-term monitoring status. The remaining issues which must be resolved prior to closure are the maintenance and management of the soil stockpiles under an approved plan. DEC requests such a plan be developed and submitted for approval. Bruce Wanstall
5/22/2012 Site Visit DEC site visit; met with Ralph Strong at the Klukwan office to discuss site activities and then walked among the five biocells with consultant Chilkat Environmental. Covers were in good condition and drainage systems are well maintained. Bruce Wanstall
9/12/2012 Update or Other Action Address updated to more accurately reflect location of site. Kristin Thompson
11/25/2013 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter reiterating a request made in 2011 for Klukwan Inc. to submit a management plan for DEC approval that would maintain site controls at the five stockpiles of contaminated soil on Sawmill Road near Jones Point in Haines. The 2011 letter approved the Final Report by Chilkat Environmental for cleanup of the failed former biocell at the site. The material tested highly suitable for use in asphalt with low organic content. Bruce Wanstall
3/24/2014 Update or Other Action Chilkat Environmental informed DEC and that Klukwan has expressed interest in completing the long term management plan for the contaminated soil stockpiles located on Sawmill Road in Haines. Bruce Wanstall
5/8/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Evaluate the final draft of the Stockpile Management and Sampling Plan for Jones Point Biocell soils. Send formal Plan Approval by email to Klukwan Inc and Chilkat Environmental Inc Bruce Wanstall
6/17/2014 Interim Removal Action Approved DEC approved by letter to Rosemarie Hotch, Interim Director for Klukwan Inc, Jones Point Stockpile Characterization For Interim Removal of Remediated Soil Report (Report), dated June 10, 2014, prepared by Chilkat Environmental Inc. DEC concurs with the Report conclusions that sampling data demonstrates that at least the upper two thirds of soil in each stockpile meets cleanup levels. DEC approved the CEI recommendation to remove the remediated soil from each of the five biocells and land spread the soil on-site not within 100 feet of surface water. After removal CEI will stir the remaining soil during the summer prior to covering and continuing maintenance according to the approved plan in spring, fall and winter seasons. Bruce Wanstall
10/6/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed Jones Point Stockpiles (Report), dated October 6, 2014, prepared by Chilkat Environmental Inc.(CEI). By letter dated today sent to Klukwan Inc, DEC concurs with the conclusions and recommendations in the Report. The site activity met the objectives of semi-annual tasks in the approved Jones Point Biocell Management and Sampling Plan. Those on-going tasks include: 1) drain stockpile eluent from the collection reservoir for filtration treatment prior to discharge to the ground surface, 2) seal all rips in the geomembrane cover material and repair broken links in the hold-down web of rope and tires, 3) ensure the stockpiles remain elevated well above the surrounding flood plain, and 4) provide photographs and a brief description of site conditions in spring and fall. Bruce Wanstall
2/17/2015 Update or Other Action Site name changed from Jones Point Biocell to Jones Point Stockpiles. The remediation management plan does not actively aerate and fertilize for microbial breakdown. The objective of the plan is to drain fluids from the soil into a reservoir with subsequent treatment prior to discharge on-site. The mineral soil contaminated with diesel and gasoline was initially designed as a biocell that overlaid a former sawmill site constructed in the floodplain using vegetative fill. During 10 years of inactivity, the weight of the biocell structure sank to the groundwater table. Empirical evidence shows that while under water the fraction of contamination that floats and the fraction that is aqueous were heavily flushed leaving only volatile chemicals trapped by the saturation. Chilkat Environmental excavated to a clean depth and transferred the contaminated soil onto constructed elevated stockpiles between geomembrane liners and began to drain the soil. Upon drying out the soil these VOC’s evaporate and the soil easily meets the most stringent cleanup levels. Over 90% of the contaminated soil managed for owner Klukwan Inc. has met MTG soil cleanup levels and was landspread on-site. Under beneficial re-use the former sawmill site is stabilized and remediation continues for the remaining stockpiles according to plan. Bruce Wanstall
4/10/2015 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter DEC letter was sent certified by regular mail to the new owner/operator of the Jones Point property in Haines providing notice of cleanup liability and responsibility, as stated in Alaska Statute and Regulation. DEC requested Takshanuk provide notice of intent to adhere to the approved Stockpile Management Plan (Plan). The purpose of the Plan is to ensure that the pollution is contained and that the migration of contamination is not presenting a risk of exposure that could affect human health and safety or the environment. Bruce Wanstall
6/30/2015 Update or Other Action Meredith Pochardt with TWC contacted DEC by phone to provide an update on seasonal dewatering of the stockpile drum reservoirs. Dewatering of Stockpiles 1 through 4 was completed according to the approved Management Plan. The hose from Stockpile #5 will have to be re-connected to the drum/reservoir for draining. If the system cannot be repaired to proper function, TWC will obtain an excavator to transfer the remains of stockpile #5 to one of the other stockpiles with cover capacity to accept the extra volume. Bruce Wanstall
7/8/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed the Memo Report from the Takshanuk Watershed Council (TWC) on maintenance activity of contaminated soil stockpiles in Haines. TWC installed an electric fence on the perimeter of the Site to deter bears from tearing the stockpile cover material. Activity in June, 2015, included inspection and repair of tears in geotextile cover material, draining stockpile eluent reservoirs and treating contaminated water prior to release on-site, and photographic documentation of the Site. Removal and filtration water log for Stockpiles #1 through #4 recorded 2,003.75 gallons for the 6-month period. As previously discussed, the reservoir for Stockpile #5 was not found. During the second period of maintenance in 2015, TWC will excavate to find the reservoir. If unsuccessful, the material in Stockpile #5 will be transferred to one of the other functional Stockpiles as footprint and cover capacities allow. The next Report on site activity is scheduled to be submitted in October, 2015. The site activity met the objectives of the DEC-Approved Plan. The Memo Report is approved in accordance with 18 AAC 75.335(d). Bruce Wanstall
12/31/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved, by letter sent today, the Jones Point Stockpile Biennial Report submitted by the Takshanuk Watershed Council on December 5, 2015, documenting maintenance actions conducted in accordance with the Stockpile Management and Sampling Plan (Plan). The objective of the Plan is to maintain petroleum contaminated soil in the Jones Point Stockpiles Site in a proper manner and on a regular schedule. The purpose of the Report is to document performance during the reporting period repairing tie downs and tears in the fabric covers, completing regular water removal and treatment recorded in a log book, and providing a visual description documented by photographs. The stockpile drainage recovery logs in the Report document the recovery of an estimated total volume of 2,616 gallons of water from the stockpiles that was treated by filtration and discharged on-Site in 2015. The site activity met the objectives of the DEC-Approved Plan. The Memo Report is approved in accordance with 18 AAC 75.335(d). According to the Plan schedule, the spring 2016 report will be due by June 2016. Bruce Wanstall
6/7/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed the Memo Report from the Takshanuk Watershed Council regarding maintenance activity of contaminated soil stockpiles in Haines. The Memo Report is approved in accordance with 18 AAC 75.335(d). Bruce Wanstall
12/2/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed the Memo Report from the Takshanuk Watershed Council regarding maintenance activity on the contaminated soil stockpiles in Haines. The Memo Report is in accordance with the May 7, 2014 Jones Point Stockpile Management and Sampling Plan and is approved under 18 AAC 75.335(d). Installation of the electric fence to deter bears is working! The Report letter states that Takshanuk plans to test the soil in spring 2017. Next report is scheduled in May, 2017. Bruce Wanstall
7/10/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received stockpile status report submitted 6/29/2017. Reviewed and discussed the report with the PRP, Takshanuk Watershed Council. No sampling has been conducted of either soil or groundwater in the last several years. Water is still being recovered from the base of the stockpiles and run through a GAC filter. Recommended that a consultant be hired and a plan for active bioremediation be developed this fall with intent to implement in the spring, along with some baseline sampling and potentially groundwater sampling as well. Sally Schlichting
9/22/2017 Update or Other Action The responsible party will plan on pumping the piles as normal this fall and submit a work plan for the land farming activities that will begin this spring. Danielle Duncan
2/1/2018 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78667 Jones Point Biocell. Danielle Duncan
2/6/2018 Workplan Requested Requested a work plan today to sample the stockpiles, soil, and groundwater. Danielle Duncan
5/3/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC Brownfields staff held a teleconference with Takshanuk Watershed Council to discuss site status and Brownfields eligibility. Lisa Griswold
7/26/2018 Update or Other Action IndiePay paperwork was delivered to Klukwan Inc. this date. Danielle Duncan
12/28/2018 Workplan Requested Requested a work plan to sample the stockpiles, soil, and groundwater for ADEC review pursuant to 18 AAC 75.335 developed by a qualified environmental consultant within 60 days of receipt of this letter. Note that the work may be completed piecemeal as you are able. If no work plan is received, a deed notice of environmental contamination may be placed on the property to inform the public and/or potential property buyers of the presence of contamination. Danielle Duncan
2/7/2019 Update or Other Action CES received notice to move forward with developing a bioremediation sampling plan for the Jones Point Stockpiles. They anticipate completing the plan and submitting it to ADEC by February 25, 2019. Based on the results of the sampling effort, CES will then work to develop a plan for landfarming or disposal of the stockpiled soil and investigating the groundwater where the bioremediation piles currently are located. Danielle Duncan
7/12/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved the Jones Point Stockpiles Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) this date. The plan includes stockpile sampling, soil borings, and groundwater monitoring well installation. Danielle Duncan
1/27/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On January 25, 2021 ADEC received "Joint Point Stockpiles Site Investigation" dated November 2020. The report summarizes soil and groundwater sampling activities. Rachael Petraeus
5/25/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved On May 25, 2021 ADEC approved "Joint Point Stockpiles Site Investigation" dated November 2020. ADEC's comments have been resolved. ADEC is waiting for final report. Rachael Petraeus
5/25/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On May 24, 2021 ADEC received "Bioremediation and Sampling and Analysis Plan" dated May 2021. The work plan proposes strategies for continued soil remediation and soil sampling activities. Rachael Petraeus
8/28/2024 Update or Other Action Received the revised 2022 Stockpile Sample Results dated August 2024 Stacee Henderson
10/10/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Letter sent on this date, to the RP regarding the the revised 2022 Stockpile Sample Results (report), dated August 2024. The report was not approved and DEC does not concur the stockpiles have been adequately characterized due to insufficient field screening and samples/duplicates. The RP requested transport of the soil to the Haines Community Waste Solutions Landfill (landfill) for use as cover material. The landfill operator confirmed interest of the contaminated soil for use as cover material, via email on September 23, 2024. In a letter dated October 10, 2024, the ADEC Solid Waste Program did not oppose the use of the soil as cover material landfill. CPS will approve the transport of the soil, once completed Contaminated Media Transport and Treatment or Disposal Approval form is submitted. Stacee Henderson
10/10/2024 Workplan Requested Work plan was requested, on this date, in the letter sent to the RP regarding the the revised 2022 Stockpile Sample Results, dated August 2024. The work plan should include the collection of confirmation samples from groundwater and the areas beneath the five stockpiles, once the stockpiles have been removed. Stacee Henderson
10/28/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Provided a signed soil transport form. The RP will notify DEC CSP with an updated schedule prior to transport in spring 2025. The soil should be transported to the Haines Community Waste Solutions Landfill before September 30, 2025. Stacee Henderson

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898 Haines Tank Farm 1508.38.005

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