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Site Report: Residence - 11000 Mendenhall Loop Road HHOT

Site Name: Residence - 11000 Mendenhall Loop Road HHOT
Address: 11000 Mendenhall Loop Road, Juneau, AK 99801
File Number: 1513.38.082
Hazard ID: 25342
Status: Active
Staff: * Currently Not Assigned, 9072693057
Latitude: 58.393996
Longitude: -134.617048
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Approximately 200 gallons of diesel fuel were released from an aboveground heating oil tank. The release was reported on January 6, 2008 by a “downstream neighbor” when the small creek running through her property became contaminated. Prevention and Emergency Response Program (PERP) personnel spent a considerable amount of time ascertaining the source of the spill and deploying sorbent material. Since responsible party was identified and the State stopped cleanup actions, the site cleanup has languished. In October 2008, heavy odor and sheen were still present in the ditch nearest the property but there was no indication of contamination downstream. October 2015: A report submitted by Nortech in 2012 states that the faulty aboveground storage tank had been replaced and that the contaminated soil was left in place and is being treated on the surface with fertilizer and by draining the hot tub in the area. The stormwater drainages were remediated by incineration using a propane weed burner. The Alaska Department of Transportation has performed ditch maintenance and have removed surface sediments from the ditches. The report also indicated that the initial response actions mitigated any off-site migration of diesel fuel. The report also states that fertilizer treatments have been somewhat successful and that there is no vapor intrusion hazard within the crawlspace. Although the data submitted was unreliable due to a laboratory error, diesel range organics (DRO) contamination was detected above ADEC cleanup levels. Specifically, in 2012, the groundwater monitoring well on the property had a DRO concentration of 1.7 mg/L and soil on the property had DRO concentrations ranging from 185-8,110 mg/kg. Nortech estimated that approximately 150-200 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil was present on the property. Fertilizer treatments are on-going both in the yard and in the crawlspace.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/21/2009 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PERP staff Sarah Moore. Spill Number 08119900301; Spill Date 1/6/08; Substance = Diesel; Quantity = ~200 Gallons. Mitzi Read
1/22/2009 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
1/26/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78703 name: 300-Gallon Aboveground Heating Oil Tank Mitzi Read
9/9/2009 Site Visit ADEC performed a site visit at the Goat Hill residence on Loop Road. Site assessment has yet to be completed for a 300 gallon heating fuel spill from an above ground tank located behind and upgradient of the residence. ADEC searched the surface water drainage for signs of residual impacts to water and/or sediments beginning with flow from the foundation french drain outlet to the ditch and under Loop Road to drainage between properties whose residents filed the original complaint to ADEC of oil vapors from an unknown source. Bruce Wanstall
12/23/2009 Workplan Requested DEC letter was sent to the responsible party/landowner requesting site investigation into the effects the home heating oil spill may have on soil and ground water exposure pathways; notification of State interest and cost recovery responsibilities were included. DEC inspection observed no oil apparent impacts to surface water drainages. Bruce Wanstall
4/20/2012 Site Visit ADEC staff performed a site visit. No visible sign of contamination on the property or leaching into the downgradient roadside ditch. Infomed the property owner that we will return once precipitation resumes (extremely dry weather conditions maybe binding petroleum in the soil) Denise Elston
8/1/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter A follow up letter was sent to the PRP to resolve the delay in environmental cleanup. The CSP's cost recovery process was explained. Denise Elston
3/12/2014 Update or Other Action Spoke with the homeowner and verified that fertilizer treatments (in situ remediation) activities are continuing. He will not be calling Nortech to reevaluate the site for a while yet per cost concerns. Danielle Duncan
7/18/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78703 300-Gallon Aboveground Heating Oil Tank. Danielle Duncan
10/1/2015 Workplan Requested Sent certified letter this date requesting that the following be completed by a qualified environmental professional to address contamination on the property: 1. Sampling of the contaminated soil both in the yard and in the crawlspace to be guided by field photoionization detector measurements. 2. Sampling of the groundwater monitoring well on site. 3. Documentation of the condition of the vapor barrier. Danielle Duncan
10/9/2015 Update or Other Action Spoke to RP and they are unable to hire a consultant at this time. In-situ remediation using nutrient ports is ongoing (1 in the back and 1 in the front of the home). The vapor barrier is intact and functioning. There are no odor issues. Danielle Duncan
4/28/2017 Workplan Requested Requested a work plan this date - sent certified. Danielle Duncan
3/1/2019 Workplan Requested Requested a work plan within 90 days via certified mail on this date. Danielle Duncan

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