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Site Report: NSB Point Lay DMS Drum Storage Area

Site Name: NSB Point Lay DMS Drum Storage Area
Address: NW of DMS Building, Along Edge of Gravel Pad, Point Lay, AK 99759
File Number: 425.38.006
Hazard ID: 25365
Status: Active
Staff: Andrea Carlson, 9074515174
Latitude: 69.741200
Longitude: -163.006506
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Based on a site reconnaissance-type of investigation which found DRO at 5,200 mg/kg and RRO at 9,410 mg/kg and drums stored in this area.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/25/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of submittal entitled Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Request for Additional Soil-Sample Information, North Slope Borough Contaminated Sites which covers Anaktuvuk Pass, Point Hope, Point Lay, and Wainwright. Investigation at Department of Municipal Services found DRO at 5,200 mg/kg and RRO at 9,410 mg/kg. Keather McLoone
2/27/2009 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
3/5/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78723 name: Drum Storage Area Bill O'Connell
12/8/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with NSB to discuss site status and potential future activities at the site. The building on this property burned in 2011 and will be demolished. Delineation to take place after demolition in about 2012. Bill O'Connell
11/14/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held O'Connell met with NSB to discuss site status and potential future activities at the site. New facility and water tank being erected at site, no contamination identified. Followup observation of site planned for summer 2013. Keather McLoone
5/5/2014 Update or Other Action Review of satellite images available online and in-house, indicates that there was new structures in the area. Letter to borough with today's date asking for additional effort at this site to understand whether it presents a risk or not, such as confirming whether contamination has migrated from the site. Keather McLoone
9/15/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Date of letter sent to formalize conditional approval sent earlier via email for draft planning document entitled Point Lay DMS Drum Storage Area, Site Characterization Work Plan and dated September 4th. Activities planned include collecting surface and subsurface soil sampling, installing monitoring wells, collecting groundwater samples, and collecting surface water samples. Keather McLoone
12/16/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of document entitled NSB Point Lay DMS Drum Storage Area Site Characterization report. Activities performed in 2014 include advancement of 18 borings, collection of soil samples from 13 of those borings, conversion of four boring into monitoring wells, collecting groundwater samples, and five surface water samples. Contaminants of concern found above cleanup levels in soil include GRO and DRO. GRO, DRO and benzene as well as TAH and TAqH exceedances were found in GW samples. Agviq is recommending a removal effort of soil acting as a source of groundwater contamination as GW daylights into surface water at this site. Keather McLoone
3/13/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of revised NSB Point Lay DMS Drum Storage Area Site Characterization report. This document was revised based on ADEC comment. Keather McLoone
6/9/2015 Update or Other Action Date of receipt of request to approve transport of 60 cubic yards of porous gravel material currently on-site contaminated with fuels, lubricants and glycol to landfill to be staged for final disposition at landfill. Requested a copy of the Disposal of Low-Level Petroleum Polluted Soil Approval Request From for a Class III Landfill to be submitted with or before a request for approval to transport to landfill. Keather McLoone
6/12/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of document entitled Department of Municipal Services Drum Storage Area, Point Lay, Alaska Corrective Action Plan. Document includes a comprehensive site assessment summary, a corrective action plan, and planning information for the removal action. Keather McLoone
6/16/2015 Update or Other Action Date of letter to NSB Landfill Manager requesting approval to dispose of excavated material at the landfill for use as a cap (estimated 60 cubic yards). The letter includes information about contaminant concentrations previously collected in the area to be excavated to demonstrate that they are below regulation limits described in the landfill Operations Plan. GRO up to 489 mg/kg, DRO up to 2,110 mg/kg, and RRO up to 5,940 mg/kg. Keather McLoone
1/17/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to NSB on this day detailing the current status/progress of 22 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
11/20/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated January 17, 2017, and as a follow up to a meeting with NSB on November 17, 2017. This letter details the current status/progress of 23 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
11/16/2018 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated November 20, 2017, and at the request of the North Slope Borough (NSB). This letter details the current progress of 24 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
10/8/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Phase I-II Removal Action Report, dated July 20, 2017 and received on October 3, 2019. The report describes the 2015 and 2016 excavation efforts performed at this site. Confirmation samples collected from the excavations indicated that DRO (up to 2,770 mg/kg) and GRO (up to 275 mg/kg) remain in the pad and tundra material at concentrations above the Method One Table A2 cleanup levels, but below risk-based Method Two cleanup levels for the Arctic Zone. Recommendations provided in the 2017 report included additional removal actions and long-term porewater monitoring. Requested a work plan to delineate the site. Joshua Barsis
2/19/2020 Enforcement Action Notice of Violation issued to NSB on February 18, 2020. See file for more information. Joshua Barsis
12/10/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held A meeting was held with UICCS and UMIAQ to discuss the well and water plant project (scheduled for 2022-2023) near the drum storage site. UMIAQ or their contractor will submit a work plan to do some characterization in the footprint of their project. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
7/20/2023 Update or Other Action In April 2022, NSB conducted a limited site characterization effort in support of a potential water source development project in Point Lay. One boring (G22-EB03) was advanced to 30 feet bgs on Lot 8, west of the NSB Point Lay DMS Drum Storage Area contaminated site (Hazard ID 25365) at the water treatment plant. Three laboratory analytical samples were collected between 5 and 20 feet bgs and analyzed for GRO, RRO, DRO, VOC, and PAH. Sample results included total xylenes, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and naphthalene exceeding the Arctic Zone Human Health cleanup levels at 5-7.5 feet bgs. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
8/13/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Reviewed and approved soil transport to an out of state disposal facility of 2-55 gallons drums of soil IDW from the 2022 Site Characterization efforts. Andrea Carlson

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
26373 NSB Point Lay Warm Storage Area 425.38.008

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