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Site Report: Selawik Old AVEC Tank Farm

Site Name: Selawik Old AVEC Tank Farm
Address: Old AVEC Tank Farm, Selawik, AK 99770
File Number: 500.38.007
Hazard ID: 25508
Status: Active
Staff: * Currently Not Assigned, 9072693057
Latitude: 66.603865
Longitude: -160.009908
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The Native Village of Selawik submitted a DEC Brownfield Assessment Request Form for an area-wide assessment of Selawik which includes the former AVEC tank farm. The site is located on the east side of the village school and close to residential houses. Some drinking water may be derived directly from the Selawik River; however, the Village derives its drinking water from Selawik Lake and a water treatment plant. Historically, the site was used by AVEC for fuel tank storage and electrical generation. The pipeline used to fill the tanks ran from the river - east to west - to the southern part of the property at the generator building In 2003, the northern ASTs were decommissioned. In 2012, the generator building was decommissioned and the eight empty fuel tanks were cut up and disposed of in the Selawik landfill. As of 2013, Cribbing, sub-grade piping, structures, tankfarm liner, and misc. trash from dumping activities remain on site. The AVEC Property is currently enclosed within a chain-link fence (10/16/2019). Site x-referenced with Selawik area-wide Brownfield assessment/Selawik Barge Landing Area, 500.57.001.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/26/2010 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Deborah Williams
5/10/2010 Brownfields Award $39,614 SOA CIP funds awarded to the Native Village of Selawik for a Property Assessment and Cleanup Plan with Sampling on Selawik area-wide, encompassing 3 sites: associated sites Selawik IRA Tank Farm (500.38.001), Former School Tank Farm Gravel Pad (500.38.003), and Selawik Old AVEC Tank Farm (500.38.007). NTP# 18400212017. See Selawik area-wide informational file for more information: 500.57.001. Cascade Galasso-Irish
7/9/2010 Update or Other Action DEC received a response from the Alaska State Historic Perservation Office (SHPO) for the assessment work planned for FY2011 that there is "No Historic Properties Affected." Deborah Williams
5/12/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the Property Assessment and Cleanup Plan for the Selawik area-wide. One of the site investigated was the Former AVEC Facility. Potential source areas at the Former AVEC Facility include three groups of ASTs; fuel piping, diesel powered generator units, lubricants, solvents and other chemicals for equipment maintenance; transformer oil, and creosote treated wood used to support structures. According to AVEC, the facility generated electricity between March 1970 to June 2003. Visual reconnaissance and sampling was performed on October 2, 2010. The former AVEC electrical generation facility is located near the school and the tribal offices in the northern part of Selawik. Boardwalks bound the southern and western edges of the property. The northeastern portion of the site was found to be wetland with standing water. At the southwestern corner of the site stands eight vertical ASTs within a secondary containment area. Staining was observed in the material around the eight ASTs. Two diesel powered generator units remain in a 14-foot by 34-foot building. Five green electrical boxes were on the ground at the southeast corner of the property, three of which were thought to be transformers. The transformers were initially located on the south side of the Butler Building. Nine surface soil samples were collected from the former tank farm. DRO sample concentrations were detected up to 144,000 mg/kg and RRO concentrations ranged up to 35,500 mg/kg. Sample AVS5 contained concentrations of arsenic (51.5 mg/kg) and lead (572 mg/kg). Four surface soil samples collected from these transformer areas, and analyzed for PCBs, were ND. Deborah Williams
5/19/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79089 name: Former Tank Farm Deborah Williams
9/23/2011 Brownfields Award NTP# 18400212032 issued on this date to Selawik for a ABCA and CAP development on Selawik Areawide: Selawik Barge Landing Area, IRA Fuel Project Former Tank Farm, and the Old AVEC Tank Farm, associated sites 500.38.001 and 500.38.007. $15,200 SOA CIP funds awarded for FY2012. Cascade Galasso-Irish
12/14/2011 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter On this date, ADEC sent a PRP letter to AVEC Grant Lidren
4/11/2012 Site Visit ADEC site visit on this date. The 8 vertical tanks were found disconnected and appeared empty. Grant Lidren
3/13/2013 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC received the Selawik Old AVEC Tank Farm and Barge Landing Cleanup report. The generator building and ASTs were decommissioned. All non-hazardous solid waste was taken to the landfill. The generators were removed from the buildings and taken to a newly constructed pad in the new AVEC power plant facility for long-term storage. AVEC burned all the used oils on site. The transformers were transported to the landfill after the transformer oil was drained and burned. The glycol was recycled and stored at the new power house. The generator building was decommissioned and the eight empty fuel tanks were cut up and disposed of in the Selawik landfill. Grant Lidren
6/28/2013 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On this date, ADEC approved the June 2013 SELAWIK FORMER AVEC TANK FARM AND BARGE LANDING SITE SITE CHARACTERIZATION PLAN submitted by Travis/Peterson Grant Lidren
12/5/2013 Update or Other Action Cribbing, sub-grade piping, structures, tankfarm liner, and misc. trash from dumping activities remain on site. Grant Lidren
12/5/2013 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the Selawik Former AVEC Tank Farm and Barge Landing Site Characterization Report dated December 2013. All borings were advanced to refusal at the permafrost interface (2 feet bgs at the AVEC Tank farm and 3 feet bgs at the Barge landing). A total of 14 soil borings were advanced at the former AVEC power plant/tank farm site and seven were advanced at the Barge Landing. At the Barge Landing, three soil samples were collected 1 to 3 feet bgs. The soil borings were advanced at the former AVEC AST removal staging area and from the marine header. None of the samples contained contaminant concentrations above method two arctic zone cleanup levels. At the AVEC power plant/tank farm site, Soil borings contained very strong hydrocarbon odors and/or sheen from melt water inside these borings: P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, and P07. Out of the 14 soil borings advanced, analytical soil samples were collected from only six of the borings. Out of the six analytical soil sampled collected, five were advanced in the same horizontal location as the historic borings advanced during the historic 2010 Brownfield assessment (P01/P15 =AVS7, P02=AVS5, P03=AV6S, P05=AVS4, P10=AVS8). Analytical soil samples were collected 2 feet bgs at the interval between melt water depth and the permafrost interface approximately 1.5 feet bgs. Soil samples above method two arctic zone cleanup levels were encountered in two borings collected at the 2010 Brownfield assessment known areas of contamination. P01 contained DRO up to 152,000 mg/kg, 2-methylnapthalene up to 395 mg/kg, and naphthalene up to 164 mg/kg. P03 contained DRO at 57,900 mg/kg and naphthalene at 127 mg/kg. TCLP was run on three soil samples for lead. These soil samples were well below the TCLP limit for lead. However, a TCLP sample was not collected from the historic 2010 Brownfield assessment boring AVS5 which contained a lead sample at 572 mg/kg. Grant Lidren
4/2/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held On this date, ADEC attended a meeting with AVEC and Travis and Peterson to discuss the field sampling effort for the 2014 season. Grant Lidren
6/20/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On this date, ADEC approved the Selawik Former AVEC Tank Farm Site Characterization Plan submitted by TPECI dated June 2014 Grant Lidren
5/19/2015 Update or Other Action On May 19, 2015, ADEC received the Selawik Former AVEC Tank Farm Site Characterization Report submitted by Travis and Peterson, dated May 2015. In 2014, a total of 11 soil borings were advanced with one analytical soil sample collected at the melt water interface or the permafrost interface. Petroleum odors were noted at boreholes S17, S19, S20, and S24. Permafrost was encountered 28 to 32 inches bgs. Melt water was encountered 0.5 to 1.5 feet bgs. Five soil borings out of the 11 contained petroleum contamination above arctic zone cleanup levels with RRO up to 26,100, and DRO up to 20,900 mg/kg. These soil samples were collected just outside the AVEC property lines to the south and to the west. Two surface water samples collected from the foot print of the former Butler Building contained petroleum constituents, but below water quality standards. Grant Lidren
7/22/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held On this date, ADEC attended a meeting with AVEC and TPECI to discuss the Selawik Former AVEC Tank Farm Site Characterization Report dated May 2015. Grant Lidren
9/14/2018 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC sent a letter to AVEC requesting a meeting to discuss all active AVEC contaminated sites. Grant Lidren
11/20/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held The ADEC hosted a meeting with the Alaska Village Electric Corporation (AVEC) to discuss the 14 AVEC sites currently on the contaminated sites database. AVEC CEO, and environmental consultant were in attendance as well as ADEC program managers, and site project managers. Individual site status and cleanup needs were discussed for each site, in addition to overall funding sources, level of priority and forward progress at the sites as a whole. Kara Kusche
10/16/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC received a photo of the property from a Maniilaq Association site visit on this date. The AVEC property is currently enclosed inside a chain-link fence. Grant Lidren
4/14/2020 Update or Other Action Brownfield file associated with Old AVEC Tank Farm consolidated on this date. See Selawik area-wide informational Brownfield file for more information. Cascade Galasso-Irish

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

Control Type

Type Details


Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
25656 Selawik Areawide Brownfield Assessment & Barge Landing Area 500.57.001

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