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Site Report: Point MacKenzie Fairbanks Natural Gas LNG Plant

Site Name: Point MacKenzie Fairbanks Natural Gas LNG Plant
Address: 25849 W Ayrshire Ave & 27501 W Little Susitna River Rd, Mile 2 Ayrshire Ave; E of Point MacKenzie Rd, Wasilla, AK 99654
File Number: 2265.38.037
Hazard ID: 25518
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.427019
Longitude: -150.094850
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The Point MacKenzie Northern Eclipse Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) site was developed in 1996 as a natural gas processing facility. Natural gas is piped to the facility from Cook Inlet and then compressed, concentrated, and stored prior to being shipped by truck to the Fairbanks LNG facility for distribution. Improvements at the site include a shop building, office building, garage, compression machinery, pressure vessels, glycol cooling systems, and pumping and distribution equipment. Much of the machinery and several of the structures are skid-mounted and/or housed in portable buildings. Water for sanitary facility use is supplied by a well located near the southeast corner of the site. A subsurface site investigation in 2005 consisted of 15 soil borings to depths up to 4.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) for visual observation of soils and collection of soil samples and collection of one groundwater sample from an on-site water well. The stabilized groundwater level in the on-site well in August 2005 was 35 feet bgs. The well log reviewed by SECOR does not provide the screened interval of the well. SECOR infers that the interval of coarse gravel encountered between 215 and 220 feet is the water-bearing zone targeted by the well driller, but it is possible that the well is screened across one or more water-bearing zones. The static water level of 35 feet bgs indicates that either the deep water-bearing zone is under confined conditions, allowing the static level to rise approximately 180 feet in the well casing, or the well is screened across one or more of the shallower zones. DRO and RRO were not detected above the respective Method Reporting Limits (MRLs) in groundwater sample collected from the on-site well in August 2005. Diesel Range Organics (DRO) and Residual Range Organics (RRO) were detected at concentrations ranging up to 30,000 mg/kg and 19,400 mg/kg, respectively, in soil samples collected in August 2005. The soil cleanup levels for DRO and RRO were exceeded in most surface soils and in six borings in the shallow subsurface up to 3 feet bgs. Metals concentrations in soil were generally similar to the concentrations detected in the two background samples collected, except for elevated concentrations in surface soils beneath the LNG skid building. GRO were not analyzed for in the site soils. At the time of site intake, no remediation or disposal activities with respect to the RRO and DRO had been conducted. --------------------- This site also includes spill no. 04239900101, previously tracked under Hazard ID 4604 / Reckey 2004220100101. The problem/comment field for that site indicated: An estimated 150 gallons of engine lube oil were released beginning in January 2004 from oil pan penetrations covered with gasketed bolted plates on the BTB compressor #2. The spill was not reported until July 1, 2005, after some initial excavation had taken place. ~11 cubic yards of soil were excavated, until soil staining was no longer visible, and then backfilled with clean soil. No confirmation samples were taken from the excavation. Contaminated soil was stockpiled on site. Samples were taken from the stockpile on 6/5/07 and analyzed for DRO (up to 758 mg/kg) and RRO (up to 10,600 mg/kg). Excavation activities were limited due to proximity of the compressor building and facility piping. Staining remained at the edge of the building's outer edge. Contamination remains beneath the compressor room and further remediation is planned when the facility is decommissioned (within 5 years). Site is fenced and has limited access.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/6/2005 Site Visit John Brown of the PERP met with Mr. Branch at the site and reviewed the circumstances and location of the spill. Mr. Brown indicated that the reporting of the incident was extremely delinquent and any further violations of the reporting procedures could possible lead to enforcement actions. Young Ha
6/5/2007 Site Visit Young Ha and Frank Wesser of the PERP conducted a site visit to become familiar with the site, monitor sampling activity, and assess the contaminated soil stockpile situation. Further sampling and assessment of the contamination will not be conducted at this time but will be addressed when the building is decommissioned or moved. The PERP recommended comparing the cost of taking the soil stockpile to a remediation facility as opposed to landfarming it That consideration will be undertaken. Mr. Nardini indicated that a disposal plan would be submitted once the sample characterization sample results are received and reviewed. A letter was sent to Mr. Britton this date. The letter indicated financial responsibility for ADEC costs as well as the need for advance approval from ADEC for response actions including approving cleanup plans, monitoring cleanup activity progress, and providing guidance as necessary. The letter reiterated that Mr. Nardini indicated that future activites to be undertaken included collection of characterization samples, collection of confirmation samples from the excavated area, dosposal of the cont6aminated soil stockpile, and development of a site assessment plan to determine how much oil was actually spilled and how much oil remains neneath the building. Stockpile sampling was conducted this date by Mark Vania of URS and samples send for laboratory analysis. Young Ha
6/19/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received the SGS laboratory stockpile sampling results report. Three samples were analyzed for DRO and RRO and the results ranged, in mg/kg, from 419 to 758 for DRO, and from 9,010 to 10,600 for RRO. Only the DRO cleanup level of 250 mg/kg was exceeeded. the RRO cleanup level is 11,000 mg/kg. Young Ha
10/25/2007 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved 21.05 tons of stockpiled soil were transported to Alaska Soil Recycling in Anchorage on this date as authorized by the 10/9/07 PERP letter. The soils were co-mingled with soils of similar contaminants for treatment and disposal. Young Ha
1/31/2008 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program A letter was finalized this date indicating that this site was transferred by the PERP staff to the COntaminated Sites Program. Spill Date = 1/1/2004; Spill Number 04239900101; Substance = Engine Lube Oil; Quantity = ~150 Gallons. Young Ha
9/16/2009 Update or Other Action The CSP reviewed the file and requested a work plan for further site characterization and a summary of work completed to date in report format. Bill Petrik
5/27/2010 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
5/27/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78889 name: Point MacKenzie Northern Eclipse LNG Plant Mitzi Read
6/4/2010 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed 2005 Baseline Site Assessment Report. 15 soil boring were advanced in areas of concern identified during a Phase I Assessment. Several of the process structures at the site have metal grate flooring allowing contaminants to migrate directly to the soil. A water sample was also collected from the onsite drinking water well. DRO was detected up to 30,000 mg/kg, RRO was detected up to 19,400 mg/kg, and ethylene glycol was detected up to 1,180 mg/kg. DRO and RRO were not detected in the onsite drinking water well. DRO above the Migration to Groundwater cleanup level was found in borehole WSB-2 at 3 feet bgs, however the extent of contamination in this area was not fully delineated. Bill O'Connell
6/9/2010 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Bill O'Connell
6/9/2010 Site Visit Site visit conducted today with consultant and personnel from FNG Bill O'Connell
6/9/2010 Update or Other Action The source areas included at this site include another site for which the status has been changed to non-qualifying. The site named Northern Eclipse LNG Plant Engine Oil Leak, Haz ID 4604, File # 2202.38.010 is co-located with the source area covered by soil borings WSB-3 to WSB-6 and all activities related to investigation and remediation of this source area will be tracked under this site. Bill O'Connell
7/9/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Soil Remediation Work Plan for Point Mackenzie LNG Plant Facility. Prior to remediation, additional characterization will be conducted including additional soil sampling at three compressor areas, the former garage, and near the 2005 boring WSB-1. The onsite water well will also be sampled and analyzed for DRO and RRO, although this well is not used for drinking water. Soil excavation will be conducted at the following areas identified in 2005: WSB-1/WSB-2, WSB-4, WSB-7/WSB-8, WSB-10, WSB-15, and at any additional areas identified in 2010 with contaminant concentrations above cleanup levels. Contaminated soil will be transported to ASR for thermal treatment. Confirmation soil samples will be collected in accordance with Table 1 from ADEC's May 2010 Draft Field Sampling Procedures Manual. Bill O'Connell
8/17/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Letter Report of Soil Characterization Results for Point Mackenzie LNG Facility. Soil samples were collected from 10 locations at depths of 0.5, 1.5, and 3 feet bgs and a water sample was collected from the onsite water well. Soil samples were collected to confirm the results of the 2005 investigation and to further delineate the extent of hydrocarbon impacts prior to remedial activities being conducted at the site. Sampling confirmed the presence of contamination at the LNG Skid, adjacent to the Compressors, at the Amine Building and at a stained area near the former garage. Remedial action is scheduled for late August 2010. Bill O'Connell
12/22/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Soil Remediation Report, FNG Point Mackenzie LNG Plant Facility. Excavation of contaminated soil was conducted in August and September 2010 using a track hoe, vacuum truck, and by hand digging. A total of 171 cy of impacted soil were removed from excavations at the LNG Skid, Compressor Area, Booster Compressor Area, New Compressor Area, Amine Building, Former Garage, and Fuel Storage Connex followed by the collection of confirmation soil samples from each excavation. At the LNG skid, approximately 78 cy of impacted soil were excavated. Confirmation samples contained DRO up to 5,010 mg/kg at 6 feet bgs. At the Compressor Area, approximately 50 cy of impacted soil were excavated. Confirmation samples contained DRO up to 1,020 mg/kg at 5.5 ft bgs. A deeper sample collected at 8.5 ft bgs contained DRO at 454 mg/kg. At the Booster Compressor Area, approximately 16 cy of impacted soil were excavated. Confirmation samples contained DRO up to 530 mg/kg at 3 ft bgs. Excavation in these areas was limited by the presence of buildings, under which contaminated soil remains in place. Impacted soil was successfully removed from the New Compressor Area, Amine Building, Former Garage, and Fuel Storage Connex with confirmation samples containing contaminants below cleanup levels. A sample collected from the onsite drinking water well did not contain detectable concentrations of contaminants. Bill O'Connell
3/3/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Contaminant Fate and Transport Evaluation-SESOIL for Pt. Mackenzie Liquid Natural Gas Plant Facility. The SESOIL modeling was required because the deepest confirmation samples collected following site remediation contained DRO above the migration to groundwater cleanup level. Input parameters included a DRO concentration of 4,110 mg/kg, a depth to groundwater of 215 feet bgs based on the log from the drinking water well onsite, and the conservative assumption that the subsurface material was a homogenous sand. Additional parameters included conservative default values for TOC, permeability etc. The results of the SESOIL modeling indicate groundwater will not be impacted, with the maximum potential depth of migration at 157 feet bgs. Bill O'Connell
3/7/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78889 Point MacKenzie Northern Eclipse LNG Plant. Bill O'Connell
4/6/2011 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Bill O'Connell
4/6/2011 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program (ADEC) has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the Point MacKenzie Fairbanks Natural Gas Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Plant located near Wasilla, Alaska. Based on the information provided to date, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required as long as the site is in compliance with established institutional controls (ICs). Bill O'Connell
2/9/2012 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC review conducted, staff changed from O'Connell to IC Unit, five year review added as an IC requirement, and the reminder system was updated. Evonne Reese
4/12/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review An IC review was conducted and an IC reminder letter issued to the responsible party on this date. Nathan Maxwell
5/31/2017 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details updated. Reminder system set for follow-ups to occur every five years. Kristin Thompson
10/8/2024 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. Gaige Robinson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Signed CS Determination


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Other Fairbanks Natural Gas, LLC shall report to ADEC every five years or as soon as they become aware of any change in land ownership or use, if earlier.
When Contaminated Soil is Accessible, Remediation Should Occur When contaminated material becomes accessible, it must be evaluated in accordance with an ADEC-approved work plan.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.

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