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Site Report: Fort Wainwright - Bldg 3014 Drum Storage Yard CC-FTWW-110

Site Name: Fort Wainwright - Bldg 3014 Drum Storage Yard CC-FTWW-110
Address: NE Corner of Whidden Road & Montgomery Road Intersection, Fort Wainwright, AK 99703
File Number: 108.38.108
Hazard ID: 25553
Status: Active
Staff: Carly Jensen, 9072697558
Latitude: 64.829946
Longitude: -147.650120
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Doyon Utilities sub contractors encountered contaminated soil at the southeast corner of building 3014 while digging a test pit to locate existing utilities to avoid them when they bring new water, sewer, steam, and condensate to this existing facility from the existing manholes south of Montgomery Road. Preliminary results show DRO 6840 mg/kg, GRO 1200 mg/kg, and trimethylbenzenes and naphthalene above Method 2 levels.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/26/2010 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
8/27/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78941 name: Fort Wainwright - Bldg 3014 Debra Caillouet
9/1/2010 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PERP staff Paul Lhotka. Spill no. 10309923001; spill date = 8/18/10; substance = petroleum; quantity = unknown. Description from spill report: "Spill FWA 10-081. Preliminary Report. During routine construction activities at Bldg 3014, excavation contractors for Doyon Utilities encountered contaminated soil while digging a test pit for utilities location. Presumption at this time is P.O.L. contamination. North Wind, Inc. will take analytic samples to include full TCLPs, AK 101, AK 102, and BTEX of the excavated soils. Curent P.I.D. readings are 32 ppm 'cold'. Remediation plan pending test results." Mitzi Read
9/1/2010 Update or Other Action We are creating new parking areas with HBO's for Bldgs 3014 and 3015 as shown on the attached drawings. Both areas are close to the former Bldg 3015 drum storage area, but we do not anticipate they will encounter anything onerous, however, there is a potential for them to encounter some small areas of petroleum. Major contamination found will be stockpiled, sampled, and disposed of IAW State and Federal laws and regs. Contractor will be trenching up to 24 inches for electric conduit and boring up to 36 inches to install the HBO Posts. All areas will be covered with asphalt.Bldg 3014 parking area is north of current area under investigation. So far, only petroleum products have been found. We are still waiting for the rest of the analyticals before completing the new utility installation in that area. Contractor will have Travis-Peterson performing environmental survey tasks during all excavation activities. DEC has no objection to the shallow excavations If contamination is encountered, contractor will stop work and notify the Environmental Office and wait for further instructions. Debra Caillouet
3/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Draft Building 3014 After-Action Report, Fort Wainwright March, 2011. The report documents diesel range organics remaining in soil up to 6480 mg/kg along with various other petroleum related compounds above 18 AAC 75.345 cleanup levels. Please plan to complete the site characterization to determine the nature and extent of the contamination. Debra Caillouet
4/19/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Final Building 3014 After-Action Report, Fort Wainwright April, 2011 The report documents diesel range organics remaining in soil up to 6480 mg/kg along with various other petroleum related compounds above 18 AAC 75.345 cleanup levels. Please plan to complete the site characterization to determine the nature and extent of the contamination. Debra Caillouet
4/19/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78941 Fort Wainwright - Bldg 3014. Debra Caillouet
5/24/2011 Update or Other Action Staff recieved a draft work plan for additional excavation at the site. A response was sent as follows: I have the final 2010 report for the work Jacobs did at this site but I do not even have a draft of the work Doyon/TPECI did at the site. My approval letter for the Jacobs report asked for a plan to completely characterize the site. This work plan seems to only address additional contamination found by some construction contractor. I will not approve the implementation of this plan until I have the Doyon report and a schedule for completing the characterization of the site by an environmental firm, not a construction contractor. Debra Caillouet
6/9/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Doyon Utilities, Building 3014 Water Distribution System Upgrades, Doyon Project Number J101357, Field Report Version 1.1, June 2011 The report documents soil contamination found during excavation at Building 3014 in 2010. Based upon this report, a report by Jacobs Engineering for this site and a commitment from the Army that the site will be completely characterized, DEC accepts this report for the file. Debra Caillouet
6/9/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Work Plan Addendum, Building 3014 Investigation Activities, Fort Wainwright, May 2011 Based upon the field report for Doyon Utilities, the After Action Report by Jacobs Engineering for this site and a commitment from the Army that the site will be completely characterized, DEC has no objection to the implementation of this work. Debra Caillouet
6/17/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved 24 supersacks of DRO contaminated soil from Doyon excavation 2010 ok to OIT Debra Caillouet
6/20/2011 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PERP staff Paul Lhotka. Spill no. 11309913103; spill date = 5/11/11; substance = unknown; quantity = unknown; description from spill notification form: "Spill FWA 11-030 preliminary Report. During routine construction activities at Bldg 3014, the paving contractor encountered 'smelly' soil. P.I.D readings (warmed sample) were up to 80 ppm. Clean-up actions pending." Mitzi Read
8/8/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved 180 tons to OIT Debra Caillouet
3/23/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other reviewed and commented on Preliminary Draft 2012 Work Plan, Assessment and Monitoring at Various Post-Construction Sites, Fort Wainwright, March 2012 Debra Caillouet
7/20/2012 Site Characterization Workplan Approved 2012 Work Plan, Assessment and Monitoring at Various Post-Construction Sites, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, June 2012 Debra Caillouet
4/30/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A work plan for excavation of a utility trench was approved Debra Caillouet
3/16/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Work Plan Environmental Investigations various Sites, Fort Wainwright Alaska January 2015 was reviewed. This this work plan addresses 17 sites at Fort Wainwright. The plan was written in UFP-QAPP but has major deficiencies requiring a complete rewrite of the document. Detailed comment was sent to the Army. Debra Caillouet
6/15/2015 Update or Other Action The Army was sent a review of the response to comment that was provided for the comments sent in March on the draft work plan. DEC has remaining concerns for the Conceptual Site Model, site specific DQO's and the site history provided. Debra Caillouet
1/13/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A Restoration Project Managers (RPM) meeting was held in Anchorage Alaska. The upcoming 2016 site restoration work and monitoring was discussed. Fort Wainwright institutional control policies and procedures were also discussed. Dennis Shepard
12/13/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A two day Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA) and Stakeholders meeting was held on December 13 & 14, 2016. The main focus of the meeting was to develop a site discovery and site intake process that would satisfy requirements of the Fort Wainwright FFA, RCRA Permit, and two party agreements. The Army, EPA and DEC committed to a flowchart of the preliminary source evaluation process. Timelines were established for scoping a land use control implementation plan (LUCIP) and developing a contracting schedule for Fort Wainwright contaminated site investigations and remedial actions. Seven sites were proposed for inclusion into the FFA (three party agreement) by the Army and the RPMs documented the assignment of the regulatory path for these sites using a newly developed and agreed to signature form. Dennis Shepard
1/1/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2015 Annual Institutional Controls Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska (August 2016). Dennis Shepard
6/29/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received a construction sampling and analysis plan (SAP) and quality assurance project plan (QAPP) for the repair of 10th street site bravo, located at this site, on May 19 2022. The work plan details field screening and analytical requirements in the event contamination is found during construction activities at the Bravo site within the Repair 10th Street project. The final work plan was approved on this date. Cascade Galasso-Irish
6/9/2023 CERCLA RI Plan Approved DEC completed a backcheck and partial approval of the Final Supplemental Remedial Investigation (SRI) Work Plan for 33B Barracks, Building 1054, Building 3014, and the Montgomery Road Extension. The objective of each SRI is to characterize the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate the human health and ecological risk. The SRI results will be used to develop preliminary remediation goals and identify remedial alternatives that will be further evaluated in a feasibility study (FS). The work plan is intended for use in conjunction with the Risk Assessment Work Plan, which is currently under regulatory review. Several comments on the draft work plan requested contamination in soil to be delineated to at least the most stringent of DEC’s promulgated cleanup levels, typically the migration to groundwater cleanup levels. DEC recognizes the importance of the intended field sampling, and the Army’s commitment to ensureanalytical methods have limits of detection that are able to achieve the DEC migration to groundwater cleanup levels. As the Army did not identify the fate and transport model that will be used to evaluate the migration to groundwater pathway, DEC will evaluate the results of this field effort as presented in the draft report to evaluate whether the nature and extent of the contamination has been delineated. DEC will identify at that point if sufficient information has been gathered to determine the fate and transport of contamination over time. Data gaps may persist after the SRI effort due to this oversight. Additionally, due to the recent DEC Bulk Petroleum Hydrocarbon Noncancer Toxicity for Human Health Risk Assessments Technical Memorandum (DEC, May 2023), DEC does not find the language in Section 1.3 regarding bulk petroleum risk to be in accordance with guidance, and the Army must address this issue further during comment resolution of the Risk Assessment Work Plan. All other responses to comments have been incorporated into the final document and are accepted. Lastly, on May 24, 2023, DEC was informed that the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) had begun conducting sampling without DEC approval of the SRI work plan. In accordance with 18 AAC 75.335(b) and 18 AAC 75.360(2), work may not begin at a site until the work plan has been approved. This formally documents the Army’s non-compliance with the above-referenced regulations and provides notice that future non-compliance with state regulations may result in a Compliance Advisory Letter or formal enforcement actions, as appropriate. Tim Sharp

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