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Site Report: NANA Oilfield Services Tank Farm

Site Name: NANA Oilfield Services Tank Farm
Address: Deadhorse Airport, Block 303, Lot 1, Deadhorse, AK 99734
File Number: 300.38.296
Hazard ID: 25664
Status: Active
Staff: Andrea Carlson, 9074515174
Latitude: 70.199026
Longitude: -148.467217
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


During liner replacement activities in September 2010, petroleum-contaminated soil was discovered beneath Tank 3 at the NANA Oilfield Services tank farm on Block 303, Lot 1 of the Deadhorse Airport. Site investigation activities in April 2011 determined that GRO, DRO, and xylenes were present above DEC cleanup levels.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/9/2011 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PERP staff Ashley Anderson. Spill no. 10399926301; substance = diesel/gasoline; quantity = unknown; PERP file no. 300.02.018. Mitzi Read
6/15/2011 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
6/16/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79093 name: NANA Oilfield Services Tank Farm Mitzi Read
6/24/2011 Risk Assessment Report Approved Reviewed Site Investigation report for Block 303. 17 soil borings were advanced to a depth of 7 feet below pad grade to evaluate the nature and extent of hydrocarbon contamination from at this active tank farm. Soil samples collected from boreholes contained DRO up to 7,100 mg/kg, GRO up to 2,190 mg/kg, and xylenes up to 176 mg/kg. Additional characterization of nearby surface water bodies is anticipated for 2011. Bill O'Connell
6/28/2011 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Keather McLoone
8/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for Supplemental Site Investigation at NOSI tank farm. Three surface water and three sediment samples will be collected and shovel sheen testing will be conducted around the perimeter of potentially impacted tundra ponds. Bill O'Connell
10/4/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Supplemental Site Investigation Report, NANA Oilfield Services Block 303. Supplemental investigation activities included the collection of surface water and sediment samples and shovel sheen testing along the perimeter of water bodies adjacent to the site. Of the three surface water samples collected, two contained concentrations of TAH (total BTEX) and TAqH (BTEX + PAHs) at concentrations that exceed AWQS, with TAH detected up to 286 mg/l and TAqH up to 287 mg/l in the same sample. TAH and TAqH exceedances were the result of BTEX concentrations. Contaminants were detected in 2 of 3 sediment samples at concentrations above benchmark criteria, with DRO detected up to 3,980 mg/kg, and benzene up to 6.61 mg/kg. Several PAHs exceeded NOAA SQuiRT TELs. Heavy to moderate sheen was noted at several locations along the pad edge primarily to the north of the tank farm. Bill O'Connell
3/6/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed NOSI Block 303 Corrective Action Plan. The objective of the corrective action is to address the migration of contaminants from the gravel pad into the surrounding tundra. Corrective action planned for 2012 includes the installation of a vertical barrier liner around three side of the tank farm pad, pad expansion 8 feet into the surrounding tundra on the north side of the pad and on parts of the east and south sides of the pad and the placement of organic material in off pad areas that exhibited hydrocarbon sheen in 2011. Characterization samples will be collected from the liner trench during installation to further delineate the extent of contamination, and surface water and sediment samples will be collected along the edge of the pad after the extension is complete Bill O'Connell
3/18/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Block 303 Tank Farm Corrective Action Report. The objective of the corrective action was to stem the migration of contaminants off of the pad by installing a vertical barrier liner (VBL) around three sides of the tank farm. Additional site characterization was conducted following the liner installation. The VBL was installed into permafrost in a trench approximately 12 inches wide and 3-4.5 feet deep along the edge of the pad in April 2012. The trench was excavated to 5-6 feet deep where the liner was installed through the pad surface. The liner was continuous, except along the southeast corner of the pad, where underground utilities made liner installation impractical and an 11-foot gap was left to accommodate the utilities. To secure the liner along the edge of the pad, gravel was added extending the pad width by 6-10 feet and capped with organic overburden in select locations. Soil samples were collected from the trench, but only from the top two feet, as the width of the trench prevented sampling from deeper intervals. Six soil samples were collected that contained DRO up to 1,080 mg/kg, GRO up to 852 mg/kg, and benzene up to 1.76 mg/kg. A perimeter inspection and surface water sampling were conducted in August 2012. The inspection found one area of liner that needed touch up, but generally the pad and liner conditions were acceptable and no sheen was noted on surface water. Three surface water samples were collected from the same general locations as in 2011 and indicated a reduction in contaminant concentrations in surface water, though concentrations were still above AWQS with TAH detected up to 102 ug/l. Shovel sheen testing found less sheen than in 2011 when sediments were disturbed, however relatively heavier sheening was noted at the liner gap. Piezometers were installed to record pore water levels and found water at 4.04 to 4.58 feet bgs, with a gradient to the north. No free phase fuel was observed. Bill O'Connell
5/29/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for 2013 activities at NANA NOSI tank farm. Following installation of the vertical barrier liner in 2012, sheen was noted on surface water adjacent to an 11 foot gap in the liner, which was left to allow for the passage of utilities. Activities planned for 2013 include visual inspection and the collection of surface water samples, maintenance of the pad, and the placement of sorbent boom on surface water near the liner gap. Boom will be placed as soon as the pond is ice free, monitored on a weekly basis, and replaced as needed. Bill O'Connell
11/13/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of report entitled 2013 Activities at NANA Oilfield Services, Inc. Block 303 Tank Farm. In September 2013, pad maintenance was performed to increase stability of the new pad shoulder. Annual monitoring included surface water sampling and shovel sheen testing in each of three ponds bordering the pad. TAH/TAqH results exceeded in one of the three ponds at 18.0 and 18.2 ug/L respectively. This represents about a ten fold reduction in results at this location. Keather McLoone
4/3/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt via email of electronic copy of document entitled 2014 Activities at NANA Oilfield Services, Inc. Block 303 Tank Farm, Prudhoe Bay. 2014 annual monitoring efforts at the site, included a site inspection, surface water sampling, and shovel sheen testing. Inspection of the site showed that the liner and pad edge continue to be in good condition and that an undisturbed sheen was not present. Surface water results showed exceedances of TAH/TAqH water quality criteria at two of the three locations. Shovel disturbance produced sheen but the report concludes that "The distribution of sheening is considerably generally lighter than 2013." Continued monitoring is recommended. Keather McLoone
10/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the letter-style report titled 2015 Activities at NANA Oilfield Services, Inc. Block 303 Tank Farm, dated October 6, 2015. The objective of the 2015 work was to monitor surface water adjacent to the site on the east, south, and north; and to inspect the pad edge and barrier liner for signs of settling, erosion, ponding water, exposed liner, or thermokarsting. Field activities were completed in August of 2015 and consisted of a site inspection, shovel sheen testing, and surface water sampling. During the site inspection, “organic” sheens were noted in undisturbed water at the pad edge on the east pond within marshy areas. Petroleum sheens were not observed in the undisturbed water; however, shovel sheen testing (shovel disturbance in the sediment) did produce a petroleum sheen in several locations. Surface water results revealed exceedances of total aromatic hydrocarbons (TAH) at two of the three surface water sampling locations [north pond (SW-2) and east pond (SW-1)], and exceedances of total aqueous hydrocarbons (TAqH) at the north pond (SW-2). Results from the south pond (SW-3) did not exceed TAH or TAqH water quality criteria. A work plan for further monitoring in 2016 was requested by February 1, 2016. Joshua Barsis
2/5/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Block 303 Tank Farm Surface Water Monitoring Plan, dated February 2016. The plan is a long-term monitoring plan and the work described within is scheduled for August of every year. Annual activities include a site inspection of the pad, surface water sampling, sheen testing, boom placement, and “optional” temporary piezometer installation for the purpose of monitoring pad pore water levels and elevation. A report will be prepared and submitted to ADEC annually. Joshua Barsis
1/24/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the report titled 2016 Activities at NANA Oilfield Services, Inc. Block 303 Tank Farm, dated January 10, 2017 for the NANA Oilfield Services Tank Farm site. Activities were completed on September 6, 2016 and primarily consisted of a pad inspection, surface water sampling at three locations, and shovel-sheen testing at 59 locations along the pad perimeter. Surface water sample locations SW-1 and SW-2 exceeded the Alaska Water Quality Standards (AWQS) for total aromatic hydrocarbons (TAH) and total aqueous hydrocarbons (TAqH). Results from the south pond (SW-3) did not exceed TAH or TAqH water quality criteria. Shovel sheen testing (shovel disturbance in the sediment) did produce a petroleum sheen in several locations with varying degrees of intensity. Next LTM should be submitted by January 1, 2018. Joshua Barsis
1/18/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the report titled 2017 Block 303 Tank Farm Surface Water Monitoring Activities, dated January 16, 2018 for the NANA Oilfield Services Tank Farm site. Activities were completed on August 2, 2017 and primarily consisted of a pad inspection, surface water sampling at three locations, and shovel-sheen testing at 60 locations along the pad perimeter. Surface water sample locations SW-1 and SW-2 exceeded the Alaska Water Quality Standards (AWQS) for total aromatic hydrocarbons (TAH) and total aqueous hydrocarbons (TAqH). Results from the south pond (SW-3) did not exceed TAH or TAqH water quality criteria. Shovel sheen testing (shovel disturbance in the sediment) did produce a petroleum sheen in several locations with varying degrees of intensity, however no heavy sheens were observed during the 2017 effort. Joshua Barsis
11/27/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the report titled 2018 Block 303 Tank Farm Surface Water Monitoring Activities, dated November 27, 2018 for the NANA Oilfield Services Tank Farm site. Activities were completed on July 29, 2018 and primarily consisted of a pad inspection, surface water sampling, and shovel-sheen testing. Consistent with historical results, surface water sample locations SW-1 and SW-2 exceeded the Alaska Water Quality Standards (AWQS) for total aromatic hydrocarbons (TAH) and total aqueous hydrocarbons (TAqH). Results from the south pond (SW-3) did not exceed TAH or TAqH water quality criteria. Shovel sheen testing (shovel disturbance in the sediment) did produce a petroleum sheen in several locations with varying degrees of intensity during the 2018 effort. The liner does not appear to be accomplishing the intended goal of eliminating contaminant migration to the surrounding ditch and tundra. ADEC requested in a letter dated November 27 that the 2019 monitoring report discuss in greater detail the effectiveness of the liner and whether corrective action is necessary and/or could be a practical solution. Joshua Barsis
12/27/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the report titled Block 303 Tank Farm 2019 Surface Water and Supplemental Liner Monitoring Report, dated December 20, 2019 for the NANA Oilfield Services Tank Farm site. Activities were completed in September 2019 and primarily consisted of a visual pad inspection, surface water sampling, shovel-sheen testing, and an additional 2019 supplemental liner investigation. Surface water sample locations SW-1, SW-2, and for the first time SW-4 exceeded the Alaska Water Quality Standards (AWQS) for total aromatic hydrocarbons (TAH) and total aqueous hydrocarbons (TAqH). Results from the south pond (SW-3) did not exceed TAH or TAqH water quality criteria. Shovel sheen testing (shovel disturbance in the sediment) did produce a petroleum sheen in several locations with varying degrees of intensity during the 2019 effort. The 2019 supplemental liner investigation included the installation of eight temporary well points (WP1 through WP8) used to gauge groundwater flow direction. Three of the wells (WP4, WP6 and WP8) were sampled. All three wells sampled were contaminated and exceeded TAH and TAqH criteria. Further monitoring should continue in 2020. In addition, some corrective action, or measures should be included in the 2020 work plan. Joshua Barsis
7/28/2020 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The department received a work plan on June 25, 2020 to inspect the site and liner, conduct shovel sheen tests, review records of absorbent boom use, collect surface waters samples from five locations (new location added), conduct additional subsurface soil testing in three locations. The work plan did not include corrective actions as requested in Dec. 2019. The work plan as proposed was approved. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
7/29/2020 Workplan Requested The work plan received on June 25, 2020 did not include corrective actions that were requested in Dec. 2019. A letter requesting a work plan proposing corrective actions for the site was sent. A deadline of September 30 was given for submittal of a work plan. The RP and consultant requested an extension for submittal of a corrective action work plan until November 30, 2020. This extension was approved. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
10/14/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with NANA and consultant from Kuna Eng. to discuss current conditions at the site and path forward. NANA will submit a workplan with corrective action on November 30, 2020. A report of the annual monitoring is under review by the department. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
1/26/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held to discuss work plan submitted on 11-30-2020. Sivu LLC and department in agreement that a new more detailed work plan will be provided to address requested corrective actions. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
8/3/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved A work plan by KUNA for SIVU was approved for surface water sampling and limited soil and sediment investigation. DEC reminded SIVU that we are still requesting mitigation as requested in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
9/6/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC reviewed a work plan for Blocks 303 and 301 to conduct baseline sampling on behalf of new operators Colville. DEC had no objectives and recommended surface water sampling. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
2/7/2023 Site Characterization Report Approved A site investigation was conducted by the new operators. Thirteen borings were advanced, 3 suprapermafrost groundwater samples were collected. Four surface water samples were collected and shovel sheen tests were performed. Near the fuel storage, GRO and DRO were detected above Table A2 cleanup levels and PAH and VOC were detected above migration to groundwater cleanup levels but below human health cleanup levels. In suprapermafrost groundwater GRO, DRO, RRO, PAH and VOC were detected above groundwater cleanup levels and there were exceedances of water quality standards for TAH and TAqH in the groundwater and surface water samples. Shovel sheen tests performed in undeveloped areas adjacent to the fuel storage yielded low to heavy sheens. Soil and water were sampled for PFAS. PFOS was detected in soil (up to 0.101 mg/kg) above the migration to groundwater cleanup levels but below human health cleanup levels. PFAS was detected in all of the groundwater and surface water samples analyzed for PFAS. PFOS exceeded groundwater cleanup levels, up to 6.7 micrograms/liter. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
4/21/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received Draft Site Investigation Report NOSI Block 303, Lot 1, Tank Farm report from SIVU. Report describes site surface water monitoring and sediment sampling. Surface water samples exceeded Alaska water quality standards at two locations off the pad. Andrea Carlson
5/5/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Draft Site Investigation Report NOSI Block 303, Lot 1, Tank Farm dated April 2023. The report details soil, sediment and surface water sampling conducted in August 2022. SIVU’s environmental consultant Kuna installed ten hand augured soil borings and collected samples for laboratory analysis of BTEX and PAHs. They compared soil concentrations at locations inside and outside of the vertical barrier. Four sediment samples were collected using a hand shovel, and five surface water samples were collected at locations along the edge of the gravel pad. Both the sediment and surface water samples were submitted to the laboratory and analyzed for BTEX and PAHs. The DEC water quality standards were exceeded in four of the surface water samples, with TAH ranging from 86.5 µg/L to 127.1 µg/L (WQS of 10 µg/L) and TAqH from 87.8 µg/L to 128.5 µg/L (WQS is 15 µg/L). Andrea Carlson
9/6/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2023 work plan dated August 23, 2023. Work plan proposed continued monitoring of the site including collecting surface water adjacent to the pad. Additionally, inspecting pad edges for integrity of the vertical barrier and collecting soil samples to assess connectivity between surface water and impacted soil. Andrea Carlson
2/2/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held on this day with DEC/DOL and three RPs including Northstar Energy, NANA North LLC (formerly SIVU LLC, formerly NANA Oilfield Solutions), and Colville. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the schedule for an upcoming workplan and proposed May 2024 field schedule. Colville plans to relocate the retail fueling station from Block 301 to Block 303. DEC/DOL clarified that they were all responsible parties, offered a meeting to discuss the upcoming workplan submittal and to try to work with them on achieving their timeline. Andrea Carlson
2/16/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2023 Site Monitoring Results NOSI Block 303, Lot 1, Tank Farm Site report from SIVU, now NANA North LLC. Report describes annual monitoring at the site including surface water and soil samples. Surface water samples exceed Alaska water quality standards at four locations. Andrea Carlson
3/19/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and approved Contaminated Water Managment Plan for controlling contaminated surface water from leaving the site during placement of new gravel fill near the pad. Andrea Carlson

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