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Site Report: Emmonak Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association (YDFDA) Tank Farm

Site Name: Emmonak Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association (YDFDA) Tank Farm
Address: S of City Office Street, Across from YDFDA Boat Manufacturing Shop, ~75 Feet N of Kwiguk Pass, Emmonak, AK 99581
File Number: 2413.38.011
Hazard ID: 25899
Status: Active
Staff: Stacee Henderson, 9072628202
Latitude: 62.775192
Longitude: -164.521170
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In 2000, petroleum contamination was encountered along the piping at the Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association (YDFDA) tank farm in Emmonak. The tank farm consists of one horizontal diesel tank and three vertical gasoline tanks. Reportedly, the tanks are no longer in use due to the new consolidated tank farm completed in 2000. One soil sample collected 4.5 feet bgs from a soil boring just outside the southeast corner of the tank farm contained a benzene concentration of 0.0539 mg/kg. A 2006 DCRA image indicates the tanks are still present onsite.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/12/2000 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Hart Crowser, Inc. "Site Reconnaissance: Emmonak Bulk Fuel Farm Assessment Project" report received. This site is referred to as the "Yukon Delta Fish Marketing Cooperative" or Tank Farm #9 in this report. Site visits occurred from October 12-13, 2000. Julie Fix
8/21/2012 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
8/24/2012 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79319 name: Emmonak YDFDA Tank Farm Mitzi Read
8/31/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter ADEC sent a prp letter to Kwik'pak Fisheries on this date Grant Lidren
9/11/2013 Update or Other Action Spill Number 13279925001 Julie Fix
12/9/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79319 Emmonak YDFDA Tank Farm. Joshua Barsis
12/18/2014 Update or Other Action Sent a letter on this day, which included a site summary and request for further characterization/delineation. Joshua Barsis
8/17/2016 Update or Other Action A request for site characterization letter was sent on this date. The 12/18/2014 letter was returned to ADEC. Lisa Griswold
8/18/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79319 Emmonak YDFDA Tank Farm. Lisa Griswold
9/23/2016 Update or Other Action Notified by RP that a consultant has been retained and a site characterization work plan should be submitted shortly. Lisa Griswold
1/3/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Site Characterization Work Plan approved on this date. The site characterization work plan summarizes field activities to be conducted in the Summer of 2017 to delineate the contamination around the southeast corner of the tank farm. This is to be completed utilizing test pits to groundwater which is expected at 3-6 feet bgs. Sampling includes: Gasoline Range Organics, Diesel Range Organics, Benzene, toluene, ehthylbenzene and xylenes, Volatile Organic Compounds and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. The site characterization report is to be submitted by October 1, 2017. Lisa Griswold
5/11/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to RP to notify of project management transfer and that the site characterization report should be submitted to Rodman. Lisa Griswold
5/11/2017 Update or Other Action Site transferred to Rodman Lisa Griswold
7/23/2018 Site Characterization Report Approved Report approval letter mailed and emailed to RP. Work plan to address groundwater, surface water and indoor air inhalation exposure pathways is due August 31, 2018. Amy Rodman
4/15/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC reviewed and approved the “Former Yukon Delta Fish Marketing Cooperative Tank Farm – Groundwater/Surface Water Investigation Work Plan” (Work Plan) dated March 25, 2019 for the Emmonak Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association (YDFDA) Tank Farm site in Emmonak, AK. The Work Plan was submitted via email on by RESCON Alaska, LLC (Rescon). The proposed field activities generally consisted of groundwater monitoring well installation and sampling, and surface (porewater or river) water sampling. Amy Rodman
5/20/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater and Surface Water Investigation Report received on this day. Report was originally sent to the previous project manager in September 2020 but the email was undeliverable. Comments sent to RP on 7/1/2021. General comments and requests for clarification were provided in the comments table. Generally, the Department agreed with the consultant's recommendations provided in the report. Additional delineation of groundwater contamination is needed at this site upgradient of MW2 and MW3. Furthermore, the vertical and horizontal extent of soil contamination north and south of TP1, TP2, and TP3 needs to be investigated. Revised report received on 11/5/2021. Julie Fix
12/9/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved The revised "Groundwater and Surface Water Investigation Report" was approved on this day. Julie Fix
7/23/2022 Update or Other Action Received confirmation from consultant that groundwater samples from MW1, MW2, MW3, and surface water sample locations SW1, SW2, and SW3 will be collected following the 2019 Work Plan and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Sampling will occur in late July 2022. Julie Fix
3/8/2024 Update or Other Action A letter sent, via email, on this date, requesting an overdue report for the July 2022 sampling. Updated the contact information for the new point of contact (POC). Letter was resent to the new POC. Stacee Henderson
5/8/2024 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed/approved the revised 2022 Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Report (April 2024). Due to the conditions of the current monitoring wells, the department requested monitoring wells MW1, MW2, and MW3 be decommissioned and additional monitoring wells be installed. Data gaps include groundwater contamination upgradient of MW2 and MW3 and the vertical and horizontal extent of soil contamination north and south of TP1, TP2, and TP3. Work plan requested to addresses well decommissioning for MW1, MW2, and MW3, the installation of additional monitoring wells, and the data gaps. Stacee Henderson

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