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Site Report: Galena AFS/Airport - S1850 Bldg 1850 Storage Yard (CSS008)

Site Name: Galena AFS/Airport - S1850 Bldg 1850 Storage Yard (CSS008)
Address: Cantonment Triangle, West of POL Tank Farm, Galena, AK 99741
File Number: 860.38.049
Hazard ID: 25911
Status: Active
Staff: Tim Sharp, 9074512131
Latitude: 64.740721
Longitude: -156.954695
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


S1850 is a fenced 120 feet by 70 feet storage yard located south of building 1850. Historic use of this storage yard included storage of drums and other potentially hazardous materials. Investgations in 2011 and 2012 confirmed historic sampling results that indicate TCE and DRO have impacted soil and/or groundwater at this site. Updated November 11, 2014: Investigations in 2013 confirmed that TCE soil and groundwater contamination extends west and north of the fenced area into the roadway and may comingle with TCE contamination from site SS006/SS019. This site will now be managed under site SS006/SS019.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/24/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a Draft Remedial Investigation results report for Site. Dennis Shepard
9/7/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments for the Draft Remedial Investigation results report for the Site. Dennis Shepard
9/10/2012 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
10/10/2012 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter to EPA concerning Risk Assessments (RAs) for Remedial Investigation Sites at Galena. DEC has asked EPA to provide an opinion on risk assessment issues requiring resolution for the remedial investigation sites at Galena. Specific issues of concern are: determination of risk assessment source area and calculation of exposure point concentrations Dennis Shepard
11/15/2012 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79332 name: S1850 Bldg 1850 Storage Yard Dennis Shepard
2/1/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received a Draft Final Remedial Investigation results report for the site. Dennis Shepard
4/24/2013 CERCLA RI Report Approved The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) received a Draft RI results report for Site S1850 on April 20, 2012. ADEC provided comments for the draft report on September 7, 2012. On February 1, 2013, ADEC received a response to comments (RTC) and a Draft Final RI results report for Site S1850. Based on the acceptable responses in the RTC, the Draft Final RI results report for Site S1850 was approved. Dennis Shepard
1/14/2014 CERCLA RI Plan Approved DEC provided approval for a 2013 Supplemental Remedial Investigation (RI) and Site Characterization (SC) Sampling Plan on May 24, 2013. The sampling plan presents step out sample locations and analytical protocols for supplemental remedial investigation at six Sites (B400, OWS1833, DSWD, SS006/SS019, and FT001) and supplemental site characterization activities at two Sites (ST010 and OAP) at the Former Galena FOL. By Agreement between the Air Force and DEC, TCE contamination at site S1850 is being investigated as part of the investigations at Sites SS006 and SS019. Dennis Shepard
10/26/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A restoration Advisory board meeting was held in Galena Alaska to discuss the general and specific status of site investigations and cleanup at Galena. Dennis Shepard
8/8/2018 Site Visit DEC conducted a site visit at the Former Forward Operating Location in Galena, AK on August 8-9, 2018. A photo log is available in DEC's electronic file. Jamie McKellar
10/29/2018 Site Visit On October 23, 2018, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit with inspections of each site was conducted the following day (10/24/2018) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
4/5/2019 Site Visit On April 2, 2019, DEC staff participated in a Technical Project Team meeting with representatives from USAF, Parsons, CH2M, and ADOT. The TPT meeting was held at the Fairbanks DEC office. On April 3-4, 2019, DEC staff traveled to Galena to participate in meetings with the City Mayor & RAB chair to discuss community concerns about site cleanup; a Proposed Plan meeting for Site DP023, and a community regional advisory board (RAB) meeting to discuss fieldwork completed during the 2018 field season and upcoming 2019 fieldwork. Site visits were also conducted. Jamie McKellar
10/23/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held On October 22, 2019, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit was conducted the following day (10/23/2019) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
11/15/2023 Site Visit DEC, DOT, USAF, and contractors met at the Fairbanks DEC office on May 2, 2023 for a Technical Project Team meeting. The following day a site visit and Regional Advisory Board (RAB) meeting were held in Galena. Meeting minutes for the TPT and RAB meetings were approved on November 15, 2023. Jamie McKellar
4/23/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff participated in the biannual Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF BRAC, Parsons, Jacobs/CH2M Hill, and EA Engineering. The meeting was held at the EA Engineering office in Anchorage, AK. Jamie McKellar

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