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Site Report: Baker Oil Tools - Delores Drive

Site Name: Baker Oil Tools - Delores Drive
Address: 51950 Dolores Drive, Nikiski, AK 99635
File Number: 2323.38.055
Hazard ID: 25935
Status: Active
Staff: Peter Campbell, 9072623412
Latitude: 60.732812
Longitude: -151.301163
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


On September 19, 2012 during an area wide drinking water investigation conducted by ADEC from on-site drinking water systems in the Nikiski area, trichloroethene (TCE) was present in the on-site water sample collected at Baker Oil Tools at a concentration exceeding the ADEC groundwater cleanup criteria.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/6/2012 Site Visit ADEC collected two water samples from the Baker Oil Tools water supply system. The water samples were collected as part of an area wide water system sampling effort conducted by ADEC. The laboratory results indicated that there are elevated levels of trichloroethene, (TCE) and trace levels of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in the two samples. A public health advisory was issued by the ADEC Drinking Water Program. Peter Campbell
9/19/2012 Site Visit ADEC collected a second set of two water samples from the Baker Oil Tools water supply system to verify the presence of solvent impacts to the water system. The new laboratory results confirmed elevated levels of trichloroethene, (TCE) and trace levels of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in the two samples. Peter Campbell
10/30/2012 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Alyce Hughey
10/30/2012 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79354 name: Drinking Water Alyce Hughey
10/31/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter sent to responsible party. Peter Campbell
10/31/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter sent to responsible party. Peter Campbell
10/31/2012 Update or Other Action Letter sent from ADEC to Baker Oil Tools requesting that they hire a qualified person to develop a contamination assessment work plan to assess the source and extent of soil and groundwater impacts. Peter Campbell
11/20/2012 Update or Other Action Letter from Baker Hughes to ADEC requesting an extension of 90 days to collect background information and additional samples from their drinking water system, to evaluate potential offsite sources for contaminants found in the well. Peter Campbell
12/12/2012 Update or Other Action Letter from ADEC to Baker Oil Tools granting 90 day extension for the submittal of a work plan. ADEC also encouraged a representative from Baker Oil Tools to visit our office to discuss and review documents from nearby contaminated sites. Peter Campbell
1/11/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Public information request and meeting with a consultant representing Baker Oil Tools. Peter Campbell
3/7/2013 Update or Other Action Letter sent from ADEC to Baker Oil Tools requesting that they express their intensions in writing for developing a contamination assessment work plan to assess the source and extent of soil and groundwater impacts effecting the Baker Hughes water supply system. Peter Campbell
8/26/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held During a teleconference on August 26, 2013, ADEC staff and Baker Oil Tools staff discussed and agreed on working towards an approach to identify a source of trichloroethylene contamination that has been identified in the Baker Oil Tools water supply system. During the phone conference we agreed that 90 days would be a reasonable time frame for Baker Oil Tools to contact a "qualified person", in order to prepare and submit a work plan for ADEC approval prior to initiating field work. Peter Campbell
8/28/2013 Update or Other Action Letter sent from ADEC to Baker Oil Tools requesting that they hire a qualified person to develop a contamination assessment work plan to identify a source of trichloroethylene contamination that has been identified in the Baker Oil Tools water supply system within 90 days. Peter Campbell
11/25/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received Site Characterization Work Plan from Ahtna Engineering dated November 12, 2013 Peter Campbell
4/29/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Received a revised work plan for a soils and groundwater investigation at the site. Three soil borings and three monitoring wells are to be installed in an attempt to determine if there is a source of TCE on site that is impacting the Baker Oil Tools drinking water well. The work plan was approved without conditions. Peter Campbell
7/16/2014 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed the Nikiski Completions Facility Site Characterization Report, dated July 9, 2014, prepared by Ahtna Engineering. On May 12th through May 16th, 2014 a site characterization was conducted to determine whether TCE detected in the water samples from the groundwater well located at the Nikiski Facility resulted from on-site activities. Areas investigated included the septic leach field and the building drains, corresponding sumps and piping. Soil borings SB-3 and SB-5 were advanced to evaluate the impact in the vicinity of the eastern portion of the facility building piping, where TCE was detected at 40 to 45 feet bgs at concentrations of 0.058 and 0.024 mg/kg. Soil boring SB-4 was advanced to evaluate the impact of the septic leach field, where TCE was detected at 35 to 40 feet bgs at 0.093 mg/kg. Three of the soil borings were constructed into groundwater monitoring wells. Water samples collected from the monitoring well installed in the area of the septic leach field detected TCE groundwater contamination at 0.043 mg/L. Groundwater was measured at 37.85 to 39.47 in measured groundwater monitoring wells. The groundwater measurements in on-site monitoring wells indicated a shallow groundwater gradient flowing to the northwest. No hydrocarbons were encountered. Two separate sump areas located at the paint shop and waste storage areas were investigated by performing a hydrostatic test. Each area consisted of a pair of sumps. Paint shop consisted of an east sump approx. 31.4-gallons and a west sump approx. 42.34-gallons, and the waste storage area consisted of a north sump approx. 101.45-gallons and a south sump approx. 228.27-gallons. Alyce Hughey
7/17/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Letter sent to Baker Oil Tools approving additional monitoring well sampling and the installation of three additional monitoring wells. Peter Campbell
7/30/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review and approve a plan to investigate and remove floor drain piping and a tank associated with the floor drain system. The floor drain piping was inspected with a camera system. It appeared that lines were collapsed and in disrepair. Sampling will be conducted to determine if this system is a source of contamination. Peter Campbell
8/6/2014 Site Visit Four Class five injection wells discovered that had been connected to interior floor drains. The injection well closure will be regulated by the EPA, impacted soil and groundwater will be regulated by ADEC. Peter Campbell
8/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received Work Plan Addendum - Nikiski Completions Facility Phase II Removal. The Class V injection wells connected to floor drains from the building are being decommissioned and possible impacts are being investigated. The investigation now includes the EPA Injection Well Program and the State of Alaska Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program as well as the State Contaminated Sites Program. Peter Campbell
9/2/2014 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Received a UST Post-Closure-Notice for a 1800 gallon tank that was part of an EPA regulated Class five injection well. The tank closure is regulated by the ADEC UST Program. A Site Assessment Report is due by October 20, 2014. Peter Campbell
9/26/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received the August 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report. TCE was detected in a monitoring well (MW-1) at levels above ADEC cleanup standards, over time. This well is near what appears to be the source area, a network of floor drain sumps. Peter Campbell
10/27/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Two injection well systems at the site were removed. Analytical data from the contents of a removed steel oil/water separator/Underground Storage Tank (UST) and from the soil located immediately below the concrete cased injection wells indicate that the source of Trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE) diesel range organics (DRO) and some elevated metals impact was the injection well systems used to dispose of fluids from the paint shop and wash bay sumps. Residual DRO and chromium impact to soil remains at the site at the southern end of the steel oil/water separator/UST and in soil below the former easterly concrete cased injection well. DRO, PCE, barium, cadmium, chromium, and lead impact is associated with the drainage area located north of the now removed steel oil/water separator/UST. Characterization activities proposed include the installation of a soil boring and a groundwater monitoring well through the location of one of the concrete cased injection wells and one soil boring at the form former southern end of the steel oil/water separator/UST. Additional groundwater monitoring wells will be installed to delineate the dissolve-phase TCE plume identified at the site in previous characterization work. Peter Campbell
4/9/2015 Update or Other Action Letter sent to Baker Hughes requesting clarification on the certification of accuracy for the elevation survey. Peter Campbell
4/13/2015 Update or Other Action Received letter from registered surveyor verifying vertical accuracy of the elevation survey. Peter Campbell
4/28/2015 Update or Other Action EPA Letter to Baker Hughes dated April 20, 2015. Letter acknowledges the closure of four Class V injection wells at the site and presents a summary of the reports that the EPA Region 10 has reviewed. Peter Campbell
5/12/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Review and approve the Site Characterization Work Plan, Phase II dated May 6, 2015. The work plan calls for the installation of 11 soil borings to groundwater, and converting three of the borings into groundwater monitoring wells. Pressure transducers are to be installed in three wells. Soils stockpiled at the site (10 cubic yards) are to be shipped for disposal at a permitted landfill in the lower 48. ADEC has requested that three additional monitoring wells be installed this field season to further define groundwater impacts at the site. Peter Campbell
9/10/2015 Update or Other Action Approval to transport soil offsite for out of State disposal. Approximately 4 cubic yards of investigation derived waste were shipped as non-hazardous waste to an approved disposal facility. Peter Campbell
12/22/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review Progress Report - Routine Groundwater Monitoring dated November 6, 2015. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, Tetrachloroethane and Trichloroethene have been detected in site monitoring wells. Only Trichloroethene is exceeding groundwater cleanup levels. Groundwater gradients are shallow indicating a permeable shallow aquifer. The extent of contamination has not been identified. No drinking water wells are known to be impacted by groundwater contaminants from this site at this time. Peter Campbell
1/29/2016 Update or Other Action Received a work plan for the installation of two new monitoring wells to aid in the delineation of the chlorinated solvent plume. Peter Campbell
2/2/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review and approve Additional Groundwater Delineation Wells (2/22/2016). Plan calls for the installation of two new wells on the north and west sides of the property. These wells should confirm that contamination is not leaving the property to the north and west. Well installation is expected to be completed by spring 2016. Peter Campbell
3/2/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review and comment on the Data Gap Review and Site characterization Work Plan Peter Campbell
9/27/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tele meeting with Baker Oil – Jason Goodwin and Chris Clodfelter. Consultant: DNA Dan Frank. DEC: Bill O'Connell, Andrea Carlson and Pete Campbell. Discuss expectations as outlined in last letter to Baker Hughes. Wells have apparently been sampled in the past but results not reported to DEC. The building has collapsed from snow load, and Baker Hughes was questioned about the fate of the structure. They stated that the Reali state group was in charge. Stressed concerns over the septic system and the need for characterization and possible need for remediation of the septage and leach field impacted by contaminated wastewater. Peter Campbell

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