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Site Report: Lake Otis Parkway Right of Way

Site Name: Lake Otis Parkway Right of Way
Address: West of 4409 Lake Otis Parkway, Near East Tudor Road Intersection, Anchorage, AK 99502
File Number: 2100.38.542
Hazard ID: 26073
Status: Active
Staff: Alena Voigt, 9072697556
Latitude: 61.181082
Longitude: -149.838057
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


On May 3, 2010 through May 7, 2010 contamination was found in the road right-of-way during the installation of new storm sewer pipe to the west of the 4409 Lake Otis property. The contamination extended in the new right-of-way from west of the former dispenser island to an old log crib that was connected to the former service station to the east. Between October 15, 2012 and October 23, 2012 nine soil borings were sampled in the Lake Otis Parkway right-of-way to the west of the 4409 Lake Otis property. Up to 5,900 mg/kg GRO, 2,800 mg/kg DRO, 2,700 mg/kg RRO, 1.1 mg/kg benzene, 46 mg/kg toluene, 61 mg/kg ethylbenzene, 500 mg/kg xylenes, 1.6 mg/kg 1,1,2-TCA, 1.5 mg/kg carbon tetrachloride, 0.61 bromodichloromethane, and 0.23 1,2-DCA. PCE and PCBs were non detect. The metals appeared to be at naturally occurring concentrations. Contamination was found in the borings between 5 feet and 34 feet below ground surface and appears to extend to groundwater at several locations. Historically groundwater has been encountered at 21 to 27 feet below ground surface with a flow direction to the northeast. On June 17-18, 2014 three monitoring wells were installed to help define the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at this site. Soil samples were only collected from MW-1A, the three soil samples collected from boring MW-1A were all non-detect for VOCs, GRO, DRO, and RRO. On April 23, 2018 monitoring wells MW-2A and MW-3A were decommissioned in accordance with the approved work plan.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/1/2008 Update or Other Action On May 1, 2008 ADEC approves Lake Otis and Tudor intersection improvements corrective action plan. The plan calls for storing and assessing any soils excavated near the site as part of the intersection improvements. Soils meeting default cleanup levels can be reused, soil exceeding default cleanup levels will require treatment. Robert Weimer
5/3/2010 Update or Other Action On May 3, 2010 contamination was found during the installation of new storm sewer pipe at 5 feet below ground surface to the west of the former dispenser island. Based on field readings and observations during the excavation 60 cubic yards of potentially contaminated soil was set aside and is currently stockpiled on the property. The extent of the contamination remaining has not been determined. Diesel/used oil contaminated soil and groundwater (at 2.5 feet below ground surface) was also found around 930 feet to the northwest and possibly downgradient of the former Texaco Service Station at the end of E. 42nd Avenue. More utility excavation work is planned at the former Texaco Service Station near the near storm sewer in the next two weeks. Robert Weimer
5/6/2010 Update or Other Action On May 6, 2010 received notification that Shell will be taking the lead on the cleanup and release investigation of the contamiantion found at 4409 Lake Otis Parkway. ADEC requests GRO, DRO, RRO, BTEX, and HVOC for all soil samples. And PCBs, Metals(arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel, and vanadium), MTBE, EDB, 1,2-DCA, and PAHs taken at the most contaminated 10% of samples for site characterization to determine if they are compounds of concern for this contamination. ADEC recommends collecting metals samples from an non-contaminated similar soil type to compare for naturally occurring background metals levels in the soils. If there appears to be multiple contaminant areas or different product sources then at a minimum of one set of characterization samples will be required from each area/source. In the interest of future cost savings ADEC recommends that while the excavation is open that as much corrective action and release investigation work be conducted as practicable. Conducting corrective action and release investigation in the area of utilities and a roadway would certainly be more difficult and costly later. ADEC is requestings that all sampling and reporting be conducted in accordance with the current Draft Field Sampling Guidance, and let ADEC know when Delta will be doing sampling. Robert Weimer
5/7/2010 Update or Other Action On May 7, 2010 received notification from the road project environmental consultant (Tellus) that an additional 250 to 300 cubic yards of contaminated soil was generated during further storm sewer work at 4 to 6 feet below ground surface, starting to the west the former dispenser island into the first lane of the road and continuing to the north in the new right-of-way. Based on field readings and observations during the storm sewer utility excavation an additional 250 to 300 cubic yards of potentially contaminated soil was set aside and is currently stockpiled on a property across the street to the south. The extent of the contamination remaining has not been determined, but Tellus said that based on their field reading and observations that contaminated soil remains over most of the area starting at 4 feet below ground surface and still remaining at the base of their utility excavations at 5 to 6 feet below ground surface. Additional utility work is to be conducted in the area in the next few days, and a light pole is to be installed near the area down to 15 feet below ground surface in a few weeks. Shell's environmental consultant (Delta) is expected to arrive in town on May 10th. Robert Weimer
5/7/2010 Update or Other Action On May 7, 2010 received notification from the road project environmental consultant (Tellus) that they were doing further utility trenching on the former Texaco property and encountered an old floor drain log crib. The top of the crib was about 4 feet below ground surface and the bottom about 6 feet below ground surface. Visibly oil stained soils were at 6 feet below ground surface. He collected a set of soil samples for Delta to have analyzed. No contaminated soil was excavated since it was below level of trench. They removed the old logs and section of pipe that ran toward the former Texaco service station building. A portion of the crib was in the right-of-way on the west side of the property. Tellus said the contamination appear similar to was found in the groundwater at 42nd Avenue. A buried electrical line was placed over a portion of the log crib area. Robert Weimer
5/10/2010 Update or Other Action On May 10, 2010 received notification from the road project environmental consultant (Tellus) that Shell Oil's consultant (Delta) is in town this week. Tellus has provided the stockpile, log crib, and the soil and water samples collected at 42nd Avenue to Delta who will submit them to a lab for analysis. Tellus indicated that the project would be drilling a 14 foot deep hole for a light post in the next 2 or 3 days, and the storm sewer hookup across the road to the west this week. Robert Weimer
8/12/2010 Update or Other Action On August 12, 2010 recieived notice that Delta will provide a corrective action plan for the thermal treatment of the 350 to 400 cubic yards of contaminated soil that was generated during the road/utility work at this site in 2010. Robert Weimer
8/23/2010 Update or Other Action On August 23, 2010 reviewed sample results of the 350 to 400 cubic yards of contaminated soil that was generated during the road/utility work at this site in 2010. Up to 11,000 mg/kg DRO, 16,000 mg/kg RRO, 730 mg/kg GRO, 0.16 mg/kg benzene, 250 mg/kg lead (but no TCLP analysis), 0.038 mg/kg tetrachloroethene, 25 mg/kg 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, PAH's over cleanup levels, and detectable PCB's (below cleanup levels) in the locations sampled. Robert Weimer
8/31/2010 Update or Other Action On August 31, 2010 talked with Shell's consultant regarding the sample results of the 350 to 400 cubic yards of contaminated soil that was generated during the road/utility work at this site in 2010. 250 to 300 cubic yards was from the west of the dispenser area and the remaining 100 cubic yards is from the log crib used oil contaminated soil. Up to 11,000 mg/kg DRO, 16,000 mg/kg RRO, 730 mg/kg GRO, 0.16 mg/kg benzene, 250 mg/kg lead (but no TCLP analysis), 0.038 mg/kg tetrachloroethene, 25 mg/kg 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, PAH's over cleanup levels, and detectable PCB's (below cleanup levels) in the locations sampled. They had propsed thermally treating the soil at ASR. Because of the potential hazardous waste levels for lead, the detectable PCBs, and the tetrachloroethene the soil is not approved to go to ASR. I recommended conducting TCLP lead analysis and either shipping out the entire pile or trying to segregate and resample to minimize the portions that would need to be hauled out of state. Based on the results of the segregation and resampling some of the soil may be approved for thermal treatment. Robert Weimer
10/6/2010 Update or Other Action On October 6, 2010 talked with Shell's new consultant (CRA) regarding the sample results of the 350 to 400 cubic yards of contaminated soil that was generated during the road/utility work at this site in 2010. 250 to 300 cubic yards was from the gasoline area and the remaining 100 cubic yards is from the log crib used oil contaminated soil. Because of the potential hazardous waste levels for lead, the detectable PCBs, and the tetrachloroethene the soil is not approved to go to ASR. They plan to segregate and resample to minimize the portions that would need to be hauled out of state. Based on the results of the segregation and resampling some of the soil may be approved for thermal treatment. They will submit a plan for this work and it will focus on the compounds that would cause the soils not to be approved for themal treatment. Robert Weimer
10/11/2010 Site Visit On October 11, 2010 ADEC conducted a site visit to observe current site conditions. Robert Weimer
10/19/2010 Update or Other Action On October 19, 2010 ADEC approved the sampling plan for the 350 to 400 cubic yard stockpile under the following conditions: 1. The 5 field screening samples to be collected from each 50 cubic yard pile are to be collected throughout the pile at least 18 inches below the surface. 2. The analytical sample is to be collected from freshly exposed soil at the location of the highest field screening location. 3. The analysis for HVOC’s by method 8260 B or C, metals by 6020A, and PCBs by method 8082A. 4. The work is to be conducted in accordance with the DEC May 2010 Draft Field Sampling Guidance. Robert Weimer
11/10/2010 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On November 10, 2010 ADEC approves the thermal treatment of 450 cubic yards of contaminated soil that was generated during the road and utility work in 2010. These soils are currently stockpiled on the former Tudor Motel property accross the street from the Texaco site. Robert Weimer
10/26/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On October 26, 2011 ADEC reviews report documenting the thermal treatment of 450 cubic yards (709 tons) of contaminated soil that was generated during the road and utility work in 2010. Robert Weimer
10/28/2011 Update or Other Action On October 28, 2011 Shell is to provide a work plan to characterize the level and extent of the soil and groundwater contamination for the contamination identified during the 2010 road and utility work. Robert Weimer
9/24/2012 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On September 24, 2012 ADEC approves the September 6, 2012 site investigation work plan for collecting confirmation soil samples to assess the current soil contamination concentrations at this site with the following modifications: 1. There needs to be a qualified person in the field. 2. In two non-adjacent borings the most likely contaminated depth is to be also analyzed for PCBs, Total Metals, MTBE, EDB, EDC, and PAHs. 3. All borings to extend at least 2 feet below the soil/water interface. 4. The soil/water interface needs to be sampled in each soil boring. This sample may be substituted for one of the sample depths listed in the table in Section 3.1 within two feet of the soil/water interface depth. 5. In any boring if a sample depth appears more contaminated by field reading/observations than the depth specified in the table in Section 3.1 then that interval will need to have an analytical sample collected at that depth. This sample may be substituted for one of the sample depths within two feet of the depth listed in the table in Section 3.1. 6. The former “crib” location was identified in the field notes to be at/next to the 4409 Lake Otis Parkway property. 7. The two boring locations proposed do not appear to be placed within the contaminated area identified by the consultant. ADEC attached figure. Initially we need at least 6 borings within that area including two in the street and four along the sidewalk. ADEC also noted that it is important to accurately identify the areas where contamination was observed. ADEC has requested from the road engineer (DOWL) a map showing the survey stations so we can accurately locate the contaminated area as identified in the consultant’s field notes. May wish to delay site investigation work until then. Robert Weimer
2/13/2013 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On Febuary 13, 2013 ADEC approves request to treat 11 drums of contaminated drill cuttings from the assessment in the right of way to the west of the property. Robert Weimer
6/20/2013 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On March 3, 2012 ADEC approves request to transport of 1 drum of contaminated decon water. Robert Weimer
6/20/2013 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On March 13, 2013 ADEC approves request to treat 1 drum of contaminated decon water. Robert Weimer
6/20/2013 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
6/20/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79481 name: Log Crib Contamination Robert Weimer
6/21/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other In 2010 contamination was found in the road right of way during the installation of new storm sewer pipe to the west of the 4409 Lake Otis property. The contamination appeared to be associated with an old log crib that was connected to the former service station to the east. Between October 15, 2012 and October 23, 2012 nine soil borings were sampled in the Lake Otis Parkway right-of-way to the west of the 4409 Lake Otis property. Up to 5,900 mg/kg GRO, 2,800 mg/kg DRO, 2,700 mg/kg RRO, 1.1 mg/kg benzene, 46 mg/kg toluene, 61 mg/kg ethybenzene, 500 mg/kg xylenes, 1.6 mg/kg 1,1,2-TCA, 1.5 mg/kg carbon tetrachloride, 0.61 bromodichloromethane, and 0.23 1,2-DCA. PCE and PCBs were non detect. The metals appeared to be at naturally occuring concentrations. Contamination was found in the borings between 5 feet and 34 feet below ground surface and appears to extent to groundwater at several locations. Historically groundwater has been encountered at 21 to 27 feet below ground surface with a flow direction to the northeast. Robert Weimer
9/4/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79481 Log Crib Contamination. Robert Weimer
12/12/2013 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Contamination related to the operation of the former Shell/Texaco Gas Sation (file number 2100.26.110) PRP letter was sent to Shell/Texaco on 11/20/97. Robert Weimer
3/5/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Shell and CRA to discuss future release investigation work. CRA is to submit a work plan for the installation of three groundwater monitoring wells: (A) to the northwest across the street, (B) about 100 feet north of SB-4, and (C) to move to the median next to SB-7. Soil samples are to be collected at monitoring wells A and B. In the future will need a monitoring well near SB-4. Based on soil and groundwater data may need additional monitoring wells to define the nature and extent of the soil and groundwater contamination. Robert Weimer
5/13/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approves the March 2014 Site Investigation Work Plan. The work plan proposes to install three monitoring wells, to collect soil samples from two of them, and ground water samples from all three monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
6/6/2014 Site Visit Site visit to observe current site conditions. Robert Weimer
10/20/2014 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves request to treat 1 drum of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
3/17/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 6, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was between 15.75 and 23.89 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the north by northeast. Purge groundwater samples were collected using a bladder pump with the pump intake 0.75 to 1.38 feet below soil/water interface. The purge water was drummed and is currently stored at 810 W Tudor Road. Up to 3.3 mg/l GRO, 0.368 mg/l DRO, 0.113 mg/l RRO, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) MTBE, 7.74 ug/l dissolved lead, 50.2 ug/l dissolved arsenic, and 74.8 ug/l benzene in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The sampling results for MW-3A and MW-1A are considered biased low because the groundwater sample was not collected within the top foot of the water column of MW-3A, and at least 1 well volume was not purged in MW-1A. Robert Weimer
8/14/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 23, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was between 15.83 and 23.79 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast. Up to 4.81 mg/l GRO, 0.395 mg/l DRO, non-detect (<0.952 mg/l) RRO, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) MTBE, 1.04 ug/l dissolved lead, 47.5 ug/l dissolved arsenic, and 93.5 ug/l benzene in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The concentrations increased on 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. Purge groundwater samples were collected using a bladder pump with the pump intake 0.51 to 0.57 feet below soil/water interface. The purge water was drummed and is currently stored at 810 W Tudor Road. Robert Weimer
8/26/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On June 17-18, 2014 three monitoring wells were installed to help define the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at this site. Soil samples were only collected from MW-1A, the three soil samples collected from boring MW-1A were all non-detect for VOCs, GRO, DRO, and RRO. Robert Weimer
2/4/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 27-28, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was between 16.13 and 23.83 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast. Up to 1.14 mg/l GRO, 0.268 mg/l DRO, non-detect (<0.2 mg/l) RRO, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) MTBE, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) PCE, 83.0 ug/l 1,2-DCA, 0.029 ug/l EDB, 88.5 ug/l dissolved barium, 2.7 ug/l dissolved nickel, 18.1 ug/l dissolved arsenic, and 52.9 ug/l benzene in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The concentrations increased on 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
2/19/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 30, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was between 15.96 and 23.73 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast. Up to 0.812 mg/l GRO, 2.72 mg/l DRO, 3.05 mg/l RRO, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) MTBE, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) PCE, 55.4 ug/l 1,2-DCA, 0.065 ug/l EDB, 137 ug/l dissolved barium, 4.6 ug/l dissolved nickel, 44.6 ug/l dissolved arsenic, and 80.3 ug/l benzene in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The concentrations increased on 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a submersible pump after purging. The samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
3/15/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Shell and their consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. They will submit a work plan for the 2016 groundwater monitoring that will include analysis for PAHs. DEC is requesting quarterly groundwater monitoring event in all monitoring wells for BTEX, GRO, DRO, RRO, and full PAHs along with arsenic, EDB, and EDC in monitoring well MW3. We discussed that since GRO was left (5,900 mg/kg) over maximum allowable concentration (1,400 mg/kg) that area will need confirmation soil samples in the future demonstrating have been remediated below levels for closure with ICs. DEC requested rose diagrams showing historical groundwater flow directions be included in future site monitoring report maps. Robert Weimer
6/1/2016 Site Visit Site visit to check current site conditions. Robert Weimer
6/8/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 18, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was between 15.64 and 22.25 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast. Up to 1.82 mg/l GRO, 0.536 mg/l DRO, 1.30 mg/l RRO, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) MTBE, 75.2 ug/l 1,2-DCA, 0.071 ug/l EDB, and 75.1 ug/l benzene in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The concentrations increased on 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a submersible pump after purging. The samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
7/27/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC requested revised work plan for PAH sampling of selected monitoring wells at this site to help assess current concentrations in the groundwater. Robert Weimer
7/29/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 1, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was between 19.60 and 23.56 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast. Up to 8.04 mg/l GRO, 1.52 mg/l DRO, 0.157 mg/l RRO, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) MTBE, 24.0 ug/l 1,2-DCA, 0.44 ug/l EDB, and 225 ug/l benzene in the 2 monitoring wells sampled. The concentrations increased on 1 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. Because samples arrived in the lab 5 days after sampling over temperature (15.3 degrees C) the results are considered biased low (this was noted in the report narrative and QA/QC checklist). Robert Weimer
8/3/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Shell and their consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. They will submit a revised work plan for the September/October 2016 groundwater monitoring to include PAHs. Rose diagrams showing historical groundwater flow directions are to be included in future site monitoring report maps. They will document which monitoring wells are damaged or not accessible, so they can be repaired, decommissioned, or possibly replaced. DEC is requesting quarterly groundwater monitoring event in all monitoring wells for BTEX, GRO, DRO, RRO, and full PAHs along with arsenic, EDB, and EDC in monitoring well MW3. We discussed that since GRO was left (5,900 mg/kg) over maximum allowable concentration (1,400 mg/kg) that area will need confirmation soil samples in the future demonstrating have been remediated below levels for closure with ICs. Robert Weimer
10/3/2016 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved transport of purge water to 810 W Tudor site. Robert Weimer
12/14/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review enhanced fluid recovery work plan. They propose to pump 100 gallons of water from monitoring well MW-3A, then 100 gallons from monitoring well MW-1A to help enhance the remediation of those areas. Need a revised work plan with a separate treatment/disposal form of the contaminated water and specify how long they are going to wait to sample the monitoring well after pumping. Robert Weimer
12/15/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Shells consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. We discussed that the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination needs to be characterized before a site can be considered for closure. They will submit a proposal for DEC approval regarding future groundwater monitoring. They will submit and updated PAH sampling report with method detection limits. DEC is requesting a revised work plan for enhanced fluid recovery in monitoring wells MW-1A and MW-3A. Robert Weimer
4/13/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approves the April 12, 2017 enhanced fluid recovery work plan. They propose to pump 100 gallons of water from monitoring well MW-3A, then 100 gallons from monitoring well MW-1A to help enhance the remediation of those areas. Groundwater analytical samples will be collected before the pumping or at least 1 week after the pumping. Robert Weimer
4/13/2017 Update or Other Action DEC received notification that they have not been able to get the traffic control permit yet for the pumping of monitoring well MW-3A. They would like to just pump monitoring well MW-1A. Due to concerns about drawing contamination toward MW-1A if MW-3A is not pumped first. DEC requests that the pumping at this site be delayed until access can be obtained to pump MW-3A. Robert Weimer
7/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 5, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was between 16.08 and 23.10 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast. Up to 1.1 mg/l GRO, 1.41 mg/l DRO, 1.1 mg/l RRO, non-detect MTBE, 44.4 ug/l 1,2-DCA (1.7 ug/l cleanup level), non-detect ug/l EDB, 13.3 ug/l naphthalene (1.7 ug/l cleanup level), other PAHs were below cleanup levels, and 65.1 ug/l benzene in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The concentrations increased on 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
8/8/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Shell with Shells consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. We discussed that they will look at groundwater concentration trends to see if they can suspend or reduce the frequency of the sampling of the monitoring wells in the roadway and the monitoring well on the property across the street. Robert Weimer
9/22/2017 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved transport of purge water to 810 W Tudor site. Robert Weimer
12/6/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 2, 2017 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 16.03 feet below ground surface in monitoring well MW-1A. Groundwater flow direction was not measured this event. Monitoring well MW-1A had non-detect GRO, 0.844 mg/l DRO, 2.47 mg/l RRO, non-detect MTBE, non-detect 1,2-DCA (1.7 ug/l cleanup level), non-detect ug/l EDB, 0.0254 ug/l naphthalene (1.7 ug/l cleanup level), other PAHs were below cleanup levels, and non-detect benzene in the 1 monitoring well sampled. The monitoring well (MW-3A) with historically the highest VOC and GRO concentrations was not sampled this monitoring event. The concentrations increased on 1 of the 1 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. The field notes noted that the water in monitoring well MW-1A had a slight odor and sheen. They propose to just sample the monitoring well out of the roadway (MW-1A) and would like to suspend sampling for PAHs. Robert Weimer
12/22/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Shell with Shells consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. They plan to install another monitoring well down gradient of monitoring well MW-1A. They are to submit a work plan for the decommissioning of monitoring wells MW-2A and MW-3A, monitoring well MW-3A is to have another sampling event just prior to decommissioning. Robert Weimer
4/2/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approves work plan for the decommissioning of monitoring wells MW-2A and MW-3A, and sampling monitoring well MW-3A just prior to decommissioning. They are delaying the installation of another monitoring well down gradient of monitoring well MW-1A pending the results of future groundwater monitoring. Based on the results of the groundwater monitoring of MW-1A additional monitoring well(s) may be required to define the extent of the groundwater contamination for this site. Robert Weimer
4/9/2018 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves request for off-site treatment through potable carbon treatment at 810 W Tudor Road of 6 gallons of purge water. Robert Weimer
4/18/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Shell with Shells consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. They are to decommission monitoring wells MW-2A and MW-3A, monitoring well MW-3A is to have another sampling event just prior to decommissioning. They are to repair monitoring well MW-1A to seal to prevent surface infiltration. Based on the results of monitoring well MW-1A may need additional monitoring wells to define the extent of the contamination. Robert Weimer
8/15/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Shell with Shells consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. They have decommission monitoring wells MW-2A and MW-3A. They have repaired monitoring well MW-1A to seal to prevent surface infiltration. Based on the results of monitoring well MW-1A may need additional monitoring wells to define the extent of the contamination. On all sites GES will provide a diagram showing the remaining soil contamination above migration to groundwater, human health, and maximum allowable cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
8/17/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On April 23, 2018 monitoring wells MW-2A and MW-3A were decommissioned in accordance the approved work plan. Robert Weimer
9/28/2018 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves request for off-site treatment through potable carbon treatment at 810 W Tudor Road of 2 gallons of purge water. Robert Weimer
11/6/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 23-26, 2018 groundwater monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 15.7 to 20.03 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast this event. Up to 8.58 mg/l GRO, 2.27 mg/l DRO, 4.15 mg/l RRO, 336 ug/l benzene, 1,240 ug/l toluene, non-detect MTBE, 602 ug/l ethylbenzene, and 2,520 ug/l xylenes, 20.7 ug/l 1,2-DCA (1.7 ug/l cleanup level), non-detect ug/l EDB, 66.3 ug/l naphthalene (1.7 ug/l cleanup level), other PAHs were below cleanup levels in the 2 monitoring wells sampled (MW-1A and MW-3A. The concentrations increased on 2 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The sample depths were not documented in the field notes as required. The field notes noted that the water in monitoring well MW-1A had a slight odor and sheen. While the sample for monitoring well MW-1A arrived at the lab over temperature (12.6 degrees C), it should not significantly effect the concentrations since it was delivered to the lab about 1 hour after sampling. MW-3A sample arrived with too high pH, so those results may be biased low. Robert Weimer
1/30/2019 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79481 Log Crib Contamination. Robert Weimer
2/19/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 3, 2018 groundwater monitoring event of monitoring well MW-1A. Depth to groundwater was 16.06 feet below ground surface in this monitoring well. The screened interval is 18 to 33 feet below ground surface. Up to 0.129 mg/l GRO, 0.589 mg/l DRO, and 1.67 mg/l RRO. Only GRO, DRO, and RRO was analyzed this monitoring event. The concentrations decreased in the 1 monitoring well sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The sample depth was not documented in the field notes as required and the well screen was submerged (which it has each monitoring event) so the results may be biased low. Robert Weimer
8/28/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Shell with Shells consultant (GES) to discuss future site work for site closure. They have repaired monitoring well MW-1A to seal to prevent surface infiltration. Based on the results of monitoring well MW-1A may need additional monitoring wells to define the extent of the contamination. GES will provide a diagram showing the remaining soil contamination above migration to groundwater, human health, and maximum allowable cleanup levels. We discussed that for future groundwater monitoring events they will purge the monitoring at such a rate that the groundwater is within the screened interval (18 to 33 feet bgs) with the pump intake within the top foot of the water at time of sampling, but if they are not able to this they may need to install a replacement monitoring well screened at a shallower depth. Robert Weimer
9/27/2019 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves request for off-site treatment through potable carbon treatment at 810 W Tudor Road of 5 gallons of purge water. Robert Weimer
11/20/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 5, 2019 groundwater monitoring event of monitoring well MW-1A. Depth to groundwater was 16.90 feet below ground surface in this monitoring well. The screened interval is 18 to 33 feet below ground surface (bgs). Up to 0.0112 mg/l GRO, 0.379 mg/l DRO, and 1.06 mg/l RRO. Only GRO, DRO, and RRO was analyzed this monitoring event. The concentrations decreased in the 1 monitoring well sampled. The samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging. The sample depth was at 17.75 feet bgs, which was above the well screen interval that was submerged (which it has each monitoring event) so the results may be biased low. Robert Weimer
2/4/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved On February 4, 2021, the CSP approved the document titled "Groundwater Monitoring Report, Semi-Annual Fourth Quarter 2019", prepared by Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc. The report was approved via electronic letter. Randy Guintu
5/4/2023 Site Characterization Report Approved The ADEC CSP has reviewed the “First Semiannual 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report”, dated September 13, 2022, and submitted to the department on September 23, 2022 from GES. The report details groundwater sampling activities that occurred on May 26, 2022. One groundwater sample, including a duplicate, was collected from Monitoring Well MW-1A, and analyzed for gasoline range organics (GRO), diesel range organics (DRO), residual range organics (RRO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Monitoring Well MW-1A contained concentrations of RRO (1,690 micrograms per liter [µg/L]), above the ADEC Table C cleanup level of 1,100 µg/L. The remaining tested analytes were either not detected or were detected at concentrations less than the applicable cleanup levels. Purged groundwater was filtered through a portable GAC filter and discharged to the ADEC approved designated location. Alena Voigt
9/14/2023 Site Visit Site visit by L. Krebs-Barsis to identify well location in parking lot northwest of the intersection. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
9/22/2023 Update or Other Action The ADEC CSP reviewed the “First Semiannual 2023 Groundwater Monitoring Report”, dated July 14, 2023, from Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc. (GES). The ADEC is provided comments to the RP that should be addressed and re-submitted. Alena Voigt
9/29/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference held with GES, Shell, ADEC PM and Supervisor regarding site and path towards closure. Alena Voigt
12/27/2024 Site Characterization Report Approved CSP reviewed revised 1H2023 report received June 5, 2024. MW-1A was samples for GRO, DRO, RRO, and VOCs. Monitoring Well MW-1A contained concentrations of DRO (2,490 micrograms per liter [µg/L]), and RRO (9,420 µg/L), above the ADEC Table C cleanup level of 1,500 µg/L and 1,100 µg/L, respectively. The remaining tested analytes were either not detected or were detected at concentrations less than the applicable cleanup levels. Alena Voigt
2/3/2025 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The CSP reviewed and approved "Work Plan for Well Installations and Well Decommission Shell Branded Wholesale Facility”. The work plan details installation of a new monitoring well and a replacement monitoring well, to replace, MW-1A, which is improperly screened. MW-1A will be decommissioned in accordance with the ADEC Monitoring Well Guidance. Soil samples will be analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, VOCs, and SVOCs. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, and VOCs. Investigated derived waste (IDW) consisting of soil cuttings, development and purge groundwater, will be stored in 55-gallon drums onsite pending analytical results. Alena Voigt

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24012 Texaco - #18 (former) 2100.26.110

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