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Site Report: ADFG Goose Bay Former Boat Launch Area

Site Name: ADFG Goose Bay Former Boat Launch Area
Address: South of Goose Bay Air Strip on Goose Bay, Big Lake, AK 99652
File Number: 2226.38.007
Hazard ID: 26136
Status: Active
Staff: * Currently Not Assigned, 9072693057
Latitude: 61.392275
Longitude: -149.847047
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Samples collected from the ADFG Goose Bay Former Boat Launch Area site in August of 2013 revealed that lead was present in the soils above ADEC cleanup level. Because of the unacceptable risk posed by the lead contamination, it was determined that cover material should be placed. On August 13, 2014 ADEC personnel collected four soil samples (Samples 1 through 4) for lead analysis from a vegetated bluff wall. Samples were collected to determine if soil in this area was suitable for cover material. Lead was the only contaminant of concern. Each sample was a composite of four vertical locations on the bluff, collected from six inches below ground surface (bgs). Sample 1, collected from the easternmost portion of the vegetated bluff, exhibited a concentration of lead at 926 mg/kg, which exceeds the ADEC cleanup level of 400 mg/kg. All other samples exhibited concentrations of lead; however at levels below the ADEC cleanup levels. Soil samples collected from unauthorized shooting areas at the site contained total lead up to 4,930 mg/kg and TCLP lead up to 36.5 mg/l. DNR/ML&W is the ultimate land owner with a state game refuge layer on top managed by ADF&G, and then ML&W issued an ILMA to DOT for the airport (so 3 layers of co-management).

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/14/2013 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
11/13/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79528 name: Tresspass Shooting Range Bill O'Connell
1/14/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79528 Tresspass Shooting Range. Joshua Barsis
8/21/2016 Update or Other Action Boat launch area was capped with clean fill by ADFG Joshua Barsis
7/22/2021 Update or Other Action Requested documentation from the RP, including any documentation, data, and or reports related to this assessment and site cleanup to place in the file and determine next steps to take. Jessica Hall
10/12/2021 Update or Other Action Per email from ADF&G, received on 10/12/2021, they capped the lead contaminated area at the old boat launch and at the barge landing trailhead. Originally proposed excavating cap material from an area adjoining the boat launch contaminated site, but that was not done, instead, the contractor excavated the cap material from the existing road bed from nearby UAA lands leading to the old Nike launch site The work plan didn’t clarify that they were also capping the contaminated site at the barge landing site (BL13-1) as that was above the regulatory criteria. They did place Geotextile over the site and added 9” of fill. Photos from Palmer office will be forwarded. Jessica Hall
12/14/2021 Update or Other Action Per email from Native Village of Eklutna (NVE), dated December 14, 2021, Staff performed site visits on the two trespass shooting areas- ADFG Goose Bay Former Boat Launch (2226.38.007), and BLM Goose Bay Airstrip East End Trespass Shooting Area (2226.38.008). Site Visit forms for these two sites, as well as a map depicting area for which our Educational Fish Net permit through ADFG allows our community members to fish was provided in this email. These two contaminated sites are in/near NVE fishing area and there are ongoing contamination concerns as shown by our site visits- particularly the East End Trespass Shooting Range and the dumped vehicles observed onsite. Hunting of moose, ducks, and other game birds occurs at or near these sites. Jessica Hall
12/28/2021 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter sent to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Jessica Hall
1/19/2022 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter to Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Jessica Hall
3/21/2022 Update or Other Action Review site file and respond to inquiry from Chickaloon Village Traditional Council. Jessica Hall

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