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Site Report: Galena AFS/Airport - Bldg 400 (B400 / SS022) Former Civil Aeronautics Admin AF Weather Station

Site Name: Galena AFS/Airport - Bldg 400 (B400 / SS022) Former Civil Aeronautics Admin AF Weather Station
Address: Building 400; Galena Airport S of Site PADS, Galena, AK 99741
File Number: 860.38.053
Hazard ID: 26181
Status: Active
Staff: Tim Sharp, 9074512131
Latitude: 64.737410
Longitude: -156.954006
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Last Updated: September 15, 2017 B400 Building 400 (Site SS022) is the location of the former weather station, located south of the cantonment “triangle” in the Galena airfield area between the flight line and the northern apron. Building 400, demolished between 1992-1998, was a wooden structure with baseboard heat, a 4-inch-diameter water well (Water Well #5), a septic system, an aboveground storage tank (AST) that stored heating fuel, and underground lines that provided electricity to the facility. Investigations to determine the nature and extent of contamination at Site SS022 were conducted in 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2015. Contaminants found to exceed Method Two CULs for migration to groundwater include trichloroethene (TCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE), diesel-range organics (DRO), naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene, and 2-methylnaphthalene. Additionally, groundwater is contaminated with TCE near the AST location. On July 19, 2017, ADEC approved the record of decision (ROD) for Site SS022. Selected remedies include soil-vapor extraction (SVE), excavation of petroleum-related contaminated soil, and land use controls (LUC) to mitigate potential exposures.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/24/2013 CERCLA RI Report Approved Site originally investigated as a POL site; however, TCE was detected above Cleanup Levels (CULs)during site investigations reported in 2012. Current PBR contractor will conduct remedial investigation data gap sampling in 2013 and complete Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report including Baseline Risk Assessment. Dennis Shepard
1/14/2014 CERCLA RI Plan Approved The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) received a Draft 2013 Supplemental Remedial Investigation (RI) and Site Characterization (SC) Sampling Plan on May 24, 2013. The sampling plan presents step out sample locations and analytical protocols for supplemental remedial investigation at six Sites (B400, OWS1833, DSWD, SS006/SS019, and FT001). DEC provided review comments for the draft sampling plan on July 3, 2013. A response to comments (RTC) and a Draft Final version of the plan was submitted on July 25, 2013. DEC provided comments for the Draft Final on July 19, 2013. A comment resolution teleconference meeting was held on July 19, 2013 to resolve the final issues for the sampling plan. All issues were resolved in the meeting and DEC approval was given to finalize the plan. Final version of the sampling plan was received on December 16, 2013 and approval of the work plan was given on January 14, 2014. Dennis Shepard
1/15/2014 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
1/16/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79581 name: B400 Bldg 400 Frmr CAA AF Weather Station Dennis Shepard
4/15/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held A Technical Project Team meeting was held to meet the Air Force newly selected Performance Based Remediation Contractor for Galena. The 6.5 year remediation contract was awarded to Parsons Governmental Services (Parsons). The contract includes completing the risk assessments, remediation feasibility studies, proposed plans and record of decision for remedial investigations at 10 Sites (FT001, SS006, SS013, SS015, SS019, SS018/AOC023, SS022/B400, DP023/DSWD, OW024/OWS1833, and SS025). Dennis Shepard
1/8/2015 CERCLA RI Report Approved DEC approved the Supplemental Remedial Investigation report for Site B400/SS022. The purpose of the Supplemental RI at Site B400 was to evaluate soil and groundwater in an area down gradient of the former wooden cesspool and a wooden-box-covered septic tank west of former Building 400 and to evaluate soil and groundwater at the location of the newly identified former septic tank and leach field located south of former Building 400. Two monitoring wells – B400-MW001 and MW002, were installed to evaluate the groundwater at the septic tank and leach field south of Building 400. Two additional borings were completed and sampling confirmed Trichloroethene(TCE)above clean up levels in soil and groundwater. It is stated in the report that the extent of TCE is not bound vertically or to the west and south of B400_GP012. Additional characterization/ sampling efforts are planned and this sampling will be specified in a Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Work Plan. Dennis Shepard
1/20/2015 Risk Assessment Report Approved DEC approved the Human Health Risk Assessment, Building 400 Former Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) – Air Force Weather Station (Site B400). The cumulative carcinogenic risks and non-carcinogenic hazards were estimated for four receptor groups. The risk assessment reported that the cumulative carcinogenic risk to Current/future occupational worker, Near-term future resident, and Long-term future resident exposed to surface soil, indoor air, and potable groundwater is greater than the cumulative risk goal of 1 × 10-5. Remediation plans include a proposed pilot test SVE system being designed for the site. Dennis Shepard
6/3/2015 CERCLA FS DEC approved the Feasibility Study Report for Building 400, Former CAA Air Force Weather Station (Site SS022), Performance-Based Remediation at Galena. Five Specific response actions (no action, Land Use Controls (LUCs), monitored natural attenuation (MNA), bioventing, soil vapor extraction (SVE), and excavation with on-site treatment) were retained for assembly into remedial alternatives and subsequent detailed and comparative analysis. The preferred alternative includes SVE to treat vadose zone and Variably saturated zone TCE-impacted soil; excavation to remove petroleum-impacted soil; and MNA, combined with LUCs, to remediate groundwater. Dennis Shepard
6/3/2015 CERCLA FS DEC approved the CERCLA feasibility Study for the Site. The preferred alternative includes SVE to treat vadose zone and VSZ TCE-impacted soil; excavation to remove petroleum-impacted soil; and MNA, combined with LUCs, to remediate groundwater. Dennis Shepard
10/8/2015 CERCLA Proposed Plan DEC approved the CERCLA proposed plan- Air Force Proposes Alternatives for B400 Building 400 Former CAA Air Force Weather Station (Site SS022) with Soil and Groundwater Impacts– Public Comment Invited, Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL), Alaska. Dennis Shepard
10/20/2015 CERCLA Proposed Plan A Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Meeting was held in Galena Alaska. The DEC approved Proposed Plan for the site B400/SS022 was presented during the RAB meeting. Public comment was recorded during the meeting and written comments were solicited in a booklet which contained all three proposed plans being presented (Plans for Sites SS015, SS0222, OW024). Dennis Shepard
10/26/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A restoration Advisory board meeting was held in Galena Alaska to discuss the general and specific status of site investigations and cleanup at Galena. Dennis Shepard
7/19/2017 CERCLA ROD Approved Approval of the Record of Decision (ROD) for B400 Building 400, Former CAA Air Force Weather Station (Site SS022) Jamie McKellar
9/13/2017 CERCLA Remedial Design/Remedial Action Plan Approved Approval of Remedial Design and Remedial Action (RD/RA) Work Plan, pending signing of the Record of Decision (ROD) for this site. Jamie McKellar
8/8/2018 Site Visit DEC conducted a site visit at the Former Forward Operating Location in Galena, AK on August 8-9, 2018. A photo log is available in DEC's electronic file. Jamie McKellar
10/29/2018 Site Visit On October 23, 2018, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit with inspections of each site was conducted the following day (10/24/2018) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
1/2/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: 2017 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites CPL006, CSS002, OW024, SS014/SS017, SS016, SS022, SS025, ST009, and ST010. Parsons, December 2018. The report presents and evaluates performance monitoring data for sites managed by Parsons with an approved Cleanup Plan or Record of Decision (ROD), and an active remedy installed and operating for fiscal year 2017. Jamie McKellar
4/5/2019 Site Visit On April 2, 2019, DEC staff participated in a Technical Project Team meeting with representatives from USAF, Parsons, CH2M, and ADOT. The TPT meeting was held at the Fairbanks DEC office. On April 3-4, 2019, DEC staff traveled to Galena to participate in meetings with the City Mayor & RAB chair to discuss community concerns about site cleanup; a Proposed Plan meeting for Site DP023, and a community regional advisory board (RAB) meeting to discuss fieldwork completed during the 2018 field season and upcoming 2019 fieldwork. Site visits were also conducted. Jamie McKellar
10/23/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held On October 22, 2019, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit was conducted the following day (10/23/2019) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
10/30/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: Final 2018 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites CPL006, CSS002, OW024, SS006/SS019, SS014/SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, SS025, ST009, ST010, and FT001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, October 2019) Jamie McKellar
4/21/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: 2020 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites CPL006, CSS002, SS006/SS019, SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, ST009, ST010, and FT001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, April 2021) Jamie McKellar
8/23/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVED: Final Remedial Process Optimization Evaluation Report, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, June 2023) Jamie McKellar
9/14/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN APPROVED: Final Addendum 3 to Work Plan for Remedial Process Optimization Technical Memorandum, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, September 2023) Jamie McKellar
11/15/2023 Site Visit DEC, DOT, USAF, and contractors met at the Fairbanks DEC office on May 2, 2023 for a Technical Project Team meeting. The following day a site visit and Regional Advisory Board (RAB) meeting were held in Galena. Meeting minutes for the TPT and RAB meetings were approved on November 15, 2023. Jamie McKellar
4/23/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff participated in the biannual Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF BRAC, Parsons, Jacobs/CH2M Hill, and EA Engineering. The meeting was held at the EA Engineering office in Anchorage, AK. Jamie McKellar
6/26/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the Final Addendum 4 to Work Plan for Remedial Process Optimization at the Former Galena Forward Operating Location on this date. Tim Sharp
6/27/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved multiple data quality assessment reports for soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and sediment. Reports were submitted by Parsons and CH2M/Jacobs. Approval letter is dated 6/27/2024. Jamie McKellar
7/16/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2023 Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Remediation System Annual Report. The document describes the results of the operations, monitoring, and maintenance (OM&M) activities from October 2022 through September 2023 for five SVE systems at the Former Galena Forward Operating Location. Tim Sharp
12/10/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Draft 2023 Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for Sites CPL006, CSS002, SS006/SS019, SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, ST009, ST010, and FT001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL). The PMR details 2023 data for the listed sites at the Galena FOL and provides an evaluation of how selected remedies are progressing. The report also proposes recommendations for further monitoring, maintenance, and treatment options. Tim Sharp
1/13/2025 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the Final 2023 Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for Sites CPL006, CSS002, SS006/SS019, SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, ST009, ST010, and FT001. PMR is located on the sitewide file (860.38.005). Tim Sharp
3/11/2025 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has received and reviewed the Final Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Report for 2024 Groundwater Sampling at the Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL). The DQA report evaluates the analytical data for quality and quantity metrics to verify they are sufficient to accomplish the project objectives for sites FT001, SS006, ST010, SS015, SS016, SS019, SS022, and CSS002. Tim Sharp

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