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Site Report: Wrangell City Shop UST #3

Site Name: Wrangell City Shop UST #3
Address: 1119 Case Avenue, Wrangell, AK 99929
File Number: 1529.26.010
Hazard ID: 26199
Status: Active
Staff: Mollie Dwyer, 9074651076
Latitude: 56.460315
Longitude: -132.379666
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


On June 22, 2012, a 500-gallon regulated used oil underground storage tank (UST #3) was removed adjacent to the City of Wrangell Public Works shop at 119 Case Avenue in Wrangell, Alaska. Shannon & Wilson collected 14 samples for headspace field screening, eight soil samples from the excavation's sidewall and six soil samples from the stockpile. S&W selected 4 samples and a field duplicate to analyze at SGS laboratory for GRO, DRO, RRO, VOCs, PAHs, PCBs and metals. The two UST excavation samples and one duplicate collected on the west and south sidewalls at the soil/water interface were both over cleanup levels for VOCs, PAHs, arsenic, and chromium. The west sidewall sample was also over cleanup levels for DRO. The excavation samples had up to 2,060 mg/kg DRO, 52.9 mg/kg GRO, 852 mg/kg RRO, 0.0182 mg/kg benzene, non-detect PCBs, 1.11 mg/kg arsenic, 1.11 m/kg barium, 0.247 mg/kg naphthalene, and 7.37 mg/kg 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 11.2 mg/kg 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 0.504 mg/kg 1-methylnapthalene, and 117 mg/kg chromium at the soil water interface on the west wall of the excavation. Subsurface water entered the excavation at depth of six feet below ground surface in the UST excavation pit. Project site is approximately 900 feet south of marine waters and may be tidally influenced. On July 28, 2014 DEC letter requested conducting a release investigation for the groundwater contamination at this site.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
2/7/2014 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
2/7/2014 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST site created in CSP database for source area 500-Gallon Used Oil UST #3, 79600 Mitzi Read
2/7/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79600 name: 500-Gallon Used Oil UST #3 Mitzi Read
3/7/2014 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter DEC PRP letter was sent to Wrangell Public Works Director today by regular and electronic mail providing notice of statutory and regulatory responsibility as owner/operator of the facility. Bruce Wanstall
7/28/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC letter requesting a release investigation work plan for the groundwater contamination at the site, corrective action plan for 25 cy stockpile, and information on background concentrations of chromium in the area. Robert Weimer
7/28/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On June 22, 2012 during the removal of a 500 gallon used oil UST contamination was discovered. 25 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated and is currently stockpiled off site at Lot 4, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Subdivision. Groundwater was encountered at 6 feet below ground surface. The one stockpile sample had 3,460 mg/kg DRO, 204 mg/kg GRO, 2,730 mg/kg RRO, non-detect PCBs, non-detect benzene, 1.23 mg/kg naphthalene, 2.78 mg/kg total xylenes, 89.3 mg/kg chromium, 2.18 mg/kg arsenic, and 14.0 mg/kg 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 23.5 mg/kg 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene. The two UST excavation samples and one duplicate collected on the west and south sidewalls at the soil/water interface were both over cleanup levels for VOCs, PAHs, arsenic, barium, and chromium. The west sidewall sample was also over cleanup levels for DRO. The excavation samples had up to 2,060 mg/kg DRO, 52.9 mg/kg GRO, 852 mg/kg RRO, 0.0182 mg/kg benzene, non-detect PCBs, 1.11 mg/kg arsenic, 1.11 m/kg barium, 0.247 mg/kg naphthalene, and 7.37 mg/kg 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 11.2 mg/kg 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 0.504 mg/kg 1-methylnapthalene, and 117 mg/kg chromium at the soil water interface on the west wall of the excavation. Robert Weimer
7/28/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79600 500-Gallon Used Oil UST #3. Bruce Wanstall
7/30/2014 Site Visit Site visit with Public Works director to inspect the soil removal site and off-site stockpile storage site Bruce Wanstall
10/31/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79600 500-Gallon Used Oil UST #3. Bruce Wanstall
12/31/2014 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Administrative action addition for grant reporting purposes. Evonne Reese
3/9/2015 Update or Other Action Electronic mail request sent to the Public Works Director for information on the condition and location of the contaminated soil stockpiles generated from the UST closure by removal transported, with DEC approval, for storage between liners at Lot 4, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Subdivision, on 5th Street. Recommended testing the soil for suitability for land spreading as a cap on the landfill. Bruce Wanstall
5/5/2015 Update or Other Action DEC met with the new Public Works Director to discuss the stockpile(s) of contaminated soil from several sites in Wrangell stored on City land at the Spur Road rock pit. Bruce Wanstall
2/11/2016 Site Visit Site inspection of the UST site at the Public Works Building. The soil stockpile is located on City-owned gated property on Spur Road in Wrangell. Bruce Wanstall
10/10/2017 Update or Other Action Staff assigned changed from Sally Schlichting to Robert Weimer. Kathryne Roldan
9/24/2018 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves request to transport and disposal of 25 cubic yards of contaminated soil to Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington, Oregon. Robert Weimer
5/6/2019 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC receives documentation of the transport and disposal of 25 cubic yards of contaminated soil to Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington, Oregon. Robert Weimer
5/7/2019 Update or Other Action To date DEC has not receive the release investigation work plan for the groundwater contamination at the site that was requested in the DEC July 28, 2014 letter. Since the arsenic, barium, and chromium concentrations in the excavation soil samples are similar regardless of the petroleum concentrations it does not appear that they are related to the used oil release. Robert Weimer
5/8/2019 Update or Other Action Staff assigned changed from Robert Weimer to Jamie Grant. Robert Weimer
5/23/2019 Workplan Requested Requested work plan to to investigate the nature and extent of remaining soil contamination and any potential groundwater contamination at the site. The work plan should include installation of long term monitoring well(s) and a sampling program sufficient to help assess seasonal and tidal groundwater influences as well as flow direction of groundwater. Soil samples should be collected at the soil/water interface (and the entire smear zone if there is tidal influence) to define any remaining soil contamination. Jamie Grant
12/3/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference held with City of Wrangell and consultant to discuss site details and development of a work plan for Wrangell City Shop UST #3, and two other sites. Work plans expected 02/2020. Jamie Grant
6/8/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Work plan submitted 6/8/2020 to delineate the vertical and horizontal extent of remaining soil contamination and determine if groundwater has been impacted. ADEC provided comments and a revised work plan was submitted and reviewed 7/16/2020. Jamie Grant
7/16/2020 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC issued an approval letter to City and Borough of Wrangell and consultant for work outlined in the 7/16/2020 Site Characterization Work Plan. Jamie Grant
7/16/2020 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79600 500-Gallon Used Oil UST #3. Jamie Grant
2/25/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, DEC approved the report titled Site Characterization Activities, Wrangell City Shop, 1119 Case Avenue, Wrangell, Alaska; ADEC File No. 1529.26.010. This report details site characterization activities conducted in August and September of 2021 at the Wrangell City Shop. Site characterization included advancing soil borings, installing groundwater monitoring wells, and collecting analytical soil and groundwater samples. Four soil borings, B1 through B4, were advanced and completed as monitoring wells MW1 through M4. Monitoring wells MW1 and MW2 were not developed due to the petroleum sheen/odor and the presence of free product in the wells. Monitoring well MW1, MW3, and MW4 were sampled. Diesel range organics (DRO) (up to 7,750 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]) were detected in the samples collected from borings B1 through B4 at concentrations greater than the DEC soil cleanup level. Naphthalene (0.270 mg/kg), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (2.26 mg/kg), and 1,3,5- trimethylbenzene (1.26 mg/kg) were detected at concentrations greater than the DEC soil cleanup levels in boring B1. Residual range organics (RRO) (up to 10,300 mg/kg), benzene (0.675 mg/kg), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (0.761 mg/kg), naphthalene (up to 0.150 mg/kg), and hexavalent chromium (0.42 J mg/kg) were detected at concentrations greater than the DEC soil cleanup levels in boring B2. The remaining tested analytes were either not detected or detected at concentrations less than the DEC soil cleanup levels. Concentrations of DRO (up to 14,300 micrograms per liter [µg/L]), RRO (up to 1,790 µg/L), ethylbenzene (up to 22.2 µg/L), total xylenes (up to 222 µg/L), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (up to 174 µg/L), naphthalene (up to 17.4 µg/L) were detected in the primary/duplicate sample set collected from monitoring well MW1 at concentrations greater than the DEC groundwater cleanup levels. Hexavalent chromium was not detected in the groundwater samples. The remaining tested analytes were either not detected or detected at concentrations less than the ADEC groundwater cleanup levels. Brandi Tolsma
3/15/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Shannon & Wilson submitted a workplan to conduct additional site characterization activities Mollie Dwyer
7/17/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved transport of 1 55-gallon drum of soil and water to the US Ecology Grandview facility in Idaho. Janice Wiegers

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23516 Wrangell City Shop 1529.26.009

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