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Site Report: Haines Borough Vocational Technical School

Site Name: Haines Borough Vocational Technical School
Address: Ne Corner of Haines Highway Cutoff and Allen Road; Lot 5 Primary School Subdivision, Haines, AK 99827
File Number: 1508.38.017
Hazard ID: 26216
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 59.234694
Longitude: -135.455037
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In June 2007 the Contaminated Site Program (CSP) approved a Carson Dorn (CD) work plan to provide a closure by removal site assessment for the 1,000-galllon heating oil underground storage tank (UST) at the Vocational Technical (Vo-Tech) School in Haines. At five feet below ground surface (BGS) a layer of stained soil appeared to follow a utility pipe that extended northeast towards the high school. After removing the UST, CD tracked the stained layer of soil contamination beneath the building foundation. CD measured groundwater at five and a half feet BGS in the seven foot deep BGS excavation and collected eight soil confirmation samples (VT-1 through VT-8) and a field duplicate (Dup-10). HB loaded contaminated soil directly into trucks for transport to the Haines Borough (HB) Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP) located on Fairground Road in Haines where the soil was placed between liners in the parking area. While HB backfilled the site with clean soil, CD installed a groundwater monitor well to a depth of eight feet BGS. Samples collected beneath the tank at eight feet BGS (VT-1) and south of the tank at six feet BGS (VT-2) had DRO concentrations below laboratory reporting limits, three samples collected from the west wall (VT-4, VT-5, & VT-6) at six, seven and three feet BGS respectively had DRO concentrations of 34 mg/kg, 2,200 mg/kg and below laboratory reporting limits respectively. The sample collected at the Vo-Tech building foundation from the north wall (VT-3) had a DRO concentration of 3,330 mg/kg. Only two samples VT-3 andVT-8 had any detectable concentrations of RRO at 59 and 51 mg/kg respectively. In 2007 CD investigated groundwater for petroleum contamination by installing and sampling a monitor well in the former UST excavation. The well was completed to a depth of nine feet BGS. Samples were analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO and BTEX compounds. The results for each analytes were below laboratory reporting limits and the respective 18 AAC 75.345 Table C regulatory levels.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/12/2007 Cleanup Plan Approved Cleanup plan for the removal of contaminated soil at the Voc-Ed building tank was approved this date. A groundwater monitoring well will be installed in the excavation hole as soil contamination was found to extend to the water table. The soil will be stockpiled at the wastewater treatment plant. DEC requested that a disposal or treatment plan be submitted as part of the final report for the soil removal. (Action transferred from Hazard ID 4219.) Anne Marie Palmieri
10/29/2007 Interim Removal Action Approved Confirmation samples collected after the tank removal show DRO levels remaining up to 3300 mg/kg below the building. Groundwater samples showed concentrations for benzene and DRO below the cleanup levels. Staff sent a letter to the Borough this date stating that the site can be conditionally closed pending: 1) reciept of the certificate of disposal from Rabanco for the 40 cy of soil sent off-site; and 2) establishment of an IC for the remaining contaminated soil. (Action transferred from Hazard ID 4219.) Anne Marie Palmieri
3/6/2014 Update or Other Action Site Name of Hazard ID 4219 changed from Haines Borough School District USTs to Haines Borough High School. Original site record encompassed four school sites and have now been split into four separate Hazard IDs: 4219 (Haines Borough High School), 26214 (Haines Borough Primary School), 26215 (Haines Borough Elementary School), and 26216 (Haines Borough Vocational Technical School). Problem statement updated and historical actions moved and/or copied accordingly. Mitzi Read
3/6/2014 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
3/7/2014 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter DEC letter was sent by electronic and regular mail to the Director of Public Facilities for the Haines Borough regarding normal Notice of Potential Responsible Party information and notice of an administrative reorganization of school UST sites on the CS database to facilitate pending site closure agreements. Bruce Wanstall
4/7/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79614 name: 1,000-Gallon Heating Oil UST based upon results of a preliminary investigation by Carson Dorn Inc for the Haines Borough in 2005. Bruce Wanstall
4/7/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79614 1,000-Gallon Heating Oil UST based upon results of the UST closure by removal and site investigation into soil and groundwater contamination performed by Carson Dorn Inc. for the Haines Borough in August and September 2007. Bruce Wanstall
4/7/2014 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. A Notice of Environmental Contamination Deed Notice is recorded, the Haines Borough has returned a signed copy of the closure determination agreement and when contaminated soil becomes accessible, the Haines Borough has agreed to submit a work plan for DEC approval to investigate and address the contamination before any work begins. Bruce Wanstall
4/7/2014 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued In accordance with 18 AAC 75.335 (b) (2), the concentration and extent of contamination has been determined to the maximum extent practicable at the former UST site as referenced in this decision document. Soil contamination remaining in a subsurface soil layer on the referenced property is limited, stable and does not present an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Groundwater monitoring demonstrates that the thin zone of contamination is not impacting groundwater. The department approves closure for this site in accordance with 18 AAC 75.380, subject to institutional controls under 18 AAC 75.375, as outlined in the contaminated site record for the Haines Borough Vocational Technical School in the Juneau office and the department database. These controls are necessary to ensure that soil contamination encountered during construction or other disturbances in the future is properly managed, and that current and future landowners or operators on the impacted properties are notified and aware. Bruce Wanstall
4/7/2014 Enforcement Agreement or Order By signing the closure determination agreement, it is the responsibility of the owner/operator/land manager to maintain the terms of the Institutional Controls as stipulated in the signed agreement. If land use and/or ownership changes, the management conditions stated in the closure determination document may not be protective and DEC may require additional remediation and revised conditions. Therefore the Haines Borough shall report to DEC every three years to document land use, or report as soon as the Haines Borough becomes aware of any change in land ownership and/or use, if earlier. The report can be sent to the local DEC office or electronically to Bruce Wanstall
8/4/2014 Update or Other Action Project management staff name changed from Wanstall to IC Unit. Evonne Reese
12/30/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details updated. Reminder system set for the three-year review of land use conditions to occur and the IC reminder letter to be issued in 2017. Kristin Thompson
5/2/2017 Institutional Control Update An ICs Verification letter was issued with a request that the ICs Agreement and Signature Page to be signed and returned within 30 days. Kristin Thompson
7/18/2017 Institutional Control Update A second letter for verifying ICs compliance was issued this date with requests to provide on update on the groundwater monitoring well decommissioning and for the ICs Agreement and Signature Page to be signed and returned within 30 days. Kristin Thompson
8/7/2017 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting The signed ICs Agreement page was received this date. Kristin Thompson
9/21/2017 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting Received notice that the remaining onsite groundwater monitoring well was decommissioned in accordance with ADEC guidance on August 18, 2017. Kristin Thompson
8/1/2024 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was e-mailed to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. Gaige Robinson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination Since petroleum contamination remains in subsurface soil on the Vocational Technical School property above approved cleanup levels, institutional controls are necessary to ensure there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, now and in the future. A Notice of Environmental Contamination (deed notice) shall be recorded in the State Recorder’s Office as an institutional control (IC) that identifies the nature and extent of contamination at the property and the conditions that current and future owners and operators are subject to.
Signed CS Determination The DEC Contaminated Sites Database will be updated to reflect the institutional controls stipulated in the closure determination agreement and description of the contamination remaining at the site. By signing the closure determination agreement, it is the responsibility of the owner/operator/land manager to maintain the terms of the Institutional Controls as stipulated in the signed agreement. Institutional controls may be removed in the future if documentation can be provided that shows cleanup levels have been met.
Other Sub-surface soil contamination is located near the foundation of the Vo-Tech building and in the utility corridor as shown in Drawing 1 in the closure determination document. When the Vocational Technical School building is removed and/or the soil becomes accessible, the soil must be evaluated and contamination addressed in accordance with a DEC approved work plan.


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Other The Haines Borough shall report to DEC every three years to document land use, or report as soon as the Haines Borough becomes aware of any change in land ownership and/or use, if earlier.
When Contaminated Soil is Accessible, Remediation Should Occur Sub-surface soil contamination is located near the foundation of the Vo-Tech building and in the utility corridor. When the Vocational Technical School building is removed and/or the soil becomes accessible, the soil must be evaluated and contamination addressed in accordance with a DEC approved work plan.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Installation of water wells will require approval from DEC.

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