Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
4/20/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Rec'd the SARI on this date. On 5/2/16, I requested that the UST program's comments be addressed and that the report be resubmitted. |
Danielle Duncan |
4/22/2016 |
Site Added to Database |
A new site has been added to the database |
Mitzi Read |
4/22/2016 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST site created in CSP database for source area Fuel Dispenser Upgrades, 79908 |
Mitzi Read |
4/22/2016 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79908 name: Fuel Dispenser Upgrades |
Mitzi Read |
4/28/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Gave approval today via email to transport the contaminated soil from the Delta Western facility to the AML dock for shipment to the disposal facility. Receipt/certification of disposal will be sent to me when provided. |
Danielle Duncan |
5/2/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Delta Western is going to address R. Weimer's comments and resubmit the SARI to me. |
Danielle Duncan |
5/20/2016 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
Danielle Duncan |
5/20/2016 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79908 Fuel Dispenser Upgrades. |
Danielle Duncan |
5/23/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Rec'd Monitoring Well Installation Work Plan/ Sampling and Analysis Plan May 2016. |
Danielle Duncan |
6/2/2016 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Approved the work plan Monitoring Well Installation Work Plan/ Sampling and Analysis Plan
May 2016 submitted by ISM Technical Services on behalf of Delta Western Inc. The work plan outlines the installation of two (2) groundwater monitoring wells to determine the extent (if any) of groundwater contamination due to leaks during gas station operation. |
Danielle Duncan |
6/15/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
The locations of the monitoring wells have been modified to avoid traffic at the gas station. |
Danielle Duncan |
9/16/2016 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Approved the Juneau 10th Street Tesoro Station: Monitoring Well Installation/Groundwater Monitoring Report (Report), dated September, 2016 and received in our office on 9/14/16. No contaminants of concern greater than DEC cleanup levels were detected in soil or groundwater collected on site during this sampling event. |
Danielle Duncan |
9/20/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Sent a follow-up letter to the recent groundwater sampling report. Site closure cannot be achieved at this time because the diesel range organics (DRO) contamination in soil on site exceeds the maximum allowable. The groundwater on site should be sampled quarterly in order to establish a trend. Additionally, it may be useful to add a third groundwater monitoring well on the north side of the fuel dispensers.
Danielle Duncan |
9/30/2016 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
Administrative action addition for grant reporting purposes.
Evonne Reese |
10/3/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Teleconference with Delta Western and ISM to discuss roadblocks to site closure: the maximum allowable concentration is exceeded for DRO at 13,800 mg/kg. There are 2 monitoring wells on site and these tested non-detect for hydrocarbons, however these are not located within the zone of contamination due not wanting to have the well damaged as a result of on-going fueling operations. Before site closure, a trend must be established showing that the contamination is not migrating off-site. |
Danielle Duncan |
10/31/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
The options moving forward for the site are:
1. Complete a new MW installation and sample – look for a trend (unknown amount of time)-
site closure can happen with data gaps filled in
2. Dig up the concrete and remove the estimated 1-2 cubic feet of material -site closure can
happen after removal
3. Leave the site as is-open- and when or if any opportunity arises to either remove the soil or
complete another MW then and only then can site closure happen. |
Danielle Duncan |
2/1/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved the work plan to excavate the soil where the contamination is above the maximum allowable. The work will occur in mid-April. |
Danielle Duncan |
11/16/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
Expecting a report soon. |
Danielle Duncan |
1/19/2018 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79908 Fuel Dispenser Upgrades. |
Danielle Duncan |
1/22/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and approved the Juneau 10th Street Tesoro Station: Excavation of POL Soils Report. The soil having petroleum concentrations greater than the maximum allowable has been excavated and disposed of. |
Danielle Duncan |
2/14/2018 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. |
Danielle Duncan |
2/14/2018 |
Public Notice |
As required by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, pursuant to 18 AAC 75.375, Delta Western Incorporated, the Landowner of the subject property, hereby provides public notice that the property located at: 920 West 10th Street Juneau, Alaska, 99801 and more particularly described as follows:
Section 23 of Township 41 South, Range 67 East of the Copper River Meridian. Lot 4 Block 6A of the Urban Renewal Subdivision City and Borough of Juneau Parcel #1C060U060030.
has been subject to a discharge or release and subsequent cleanup of oil or other hazardous substances, regulated under 18 AAC 75, Article 3. This release and cleanup are documented in the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) contaminated sites database at
under the site name 10th Street Tesoro and Hazard ID number 26549.
ADEC determined, in accordance with 18 AAC 75.325 – .390 site cleanup rules, that cleanup has been performed to the maximum extent practicable even though residual petroleum contamination of soil below the concrete fueling pad exists on-site. Further cleanup was determined to be impracticable without compromising the canopy structure above the fueling island. The site is capped with asphalt and concrete therefore, the contaminated soil is inaccessible. |
Danielle Duncan |
2/14/2018 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Danielle Duncan |
5/22/2018 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
Staff changed from Danielle Duncan to IC Unit. IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details added to reflect the conditions established in the 2/14/2018 Cleanup Complete Determination - Institutional Controls Decision Document. Reminder system set to follow-up on land use conditions every five years. |
Kristin Thompson |
9/11/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
Per the responsible party (North Star Petroleum), site improvements are in the works. The canopy will be taken down and contaminated soil previously inaccessible will be excavated. There will likely be a work plan for ADEC review, but we may get a call when the contaminated soil is encountered. |
Danielle Duncan |
2/15/2023 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
Received a IC Verification document from Delta Western Petroleum which verifies that all ICs are being complied with and there have been no land use changes. |
Evonne Reese |