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Site Report: FAA Summit Former Gasoline Pumphouse and AST

Site Name: FAA Summit Former Gasoline Pumphouse and AST
Address: ~Mile 201 Parks Highway, Cantwell, AK 99729
File Number: 150.38.031
Hazard ID: 26621
Status: Active
Staff: Jenny Gates, 9072628203
Latitude: 63.328442
Longitude: -149.134136
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Unreported leaks or spills from the above-ground gasoline storage tank appears to be the source of contaminated soil. The area of concern includes FAA Summit former building 300 and former building 200. Soil contaminants include gasoline and diesel range organics (GRO, DRO), benzene, ethylbenzene, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Groundwater contaminants include DRO and benzene. No remediation has taken place at this area of concern. Over the years, numerous monitoring wells have been installed/repaired/decommissioned. As of 2022, there are 18 remaining wells sitewide. There are 2 MWs in the area of former buildings 200 and 300. In 2021, those wells had DRO levels of 9,000 ug/L and 27,000 ug/L.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/4/2016 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC approved Follow-on Site Investigation Report for FAA Summit Station. There were two primary objectives for the follow-on site investigation activities: 1) to further delineate the extent of petroleum contamination at the Summit FAA Station and 2) to determine the nature of the subsurface water at the site. The report concluded that the subsurface water monitored at the Summit FAA Station is not expected to transport any contaminants to nearby surface water or drinking water sources which have been located a minimum of approximately 5 miles away. Joy Whitsel
10/6/2016 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
2/6/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with FAA and contractors to discuss steps necessary for closure. For Former Housing North (HazardID 26620) HRC results will be accepted. For areas of concern (AOCs) where contamination of groundwater or infiltrating subsurface water is present, DEC agrees to review groundwater modeling that proposes to demonstrate that the contamination plume is at equilibrium. Calculation of cumulative risk will be based on source area and assessed on a site by site basis. Regarding establishment of institutional controls (ICSs) at the site, DEC is concerned that the landowner Alaska Dept of Transportation (ADOT) lacks an existing mechanism for tracking and maintaining ICs. Future coordination between the FAA, ADEC and the ADOT will be necessary have to successfully implement ICs restricting groundwater usage. Joy Whitsel
3/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received Draft Summit FAA Station Long Term Monitoring Report dated February 2021. DEC comments sent March 4, 2021. RTC received March 12, 2021.Approval sent 5/27/21. Shonda Oderkirk
3/6/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Oderkirk received Draft FAA Summit Site Investigation and Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan, 10.04.2023; ADEC comments sent 10.12.2023; FAA RTCs received 01.08.2024; ADEC received the final work plan document 03.06.2024. ADEC work plan approval letter sent to FAA on 03.08.2024. Jenny Gates
8/20/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Contaminated Media Transport and Treatment or Disposal Approval Form received for the transport of 10 soil borings generated during site investigation on 06.11.2024. IDW soil is contained in a one-55-gallon drum and will be transported to WA for disposal. COCs are listed as POL-gas and diesel-contaminated soil. ADEC approved and sent signed form on 08.20.2024. Jenny Gates
9/24/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft 2024 FAA Summit Site Investigation and Groundwater Monitoring Report received 09.24.2024; ADEC comments sent 11.01.2024; FAA RTCs received 11.06.2024; ADEC RTCs sent to FAA on 12.12.2024;FAA RTCs received on 01.14.2025; Final ADEC comment table and approval letter sent on 01.16.2025. Jenny Gates

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