Site Report: Eielson AFB Bldg 1300 AFFF
Site Name: | Eielson AFB Bldg 1300 AFFF |
Address: | Combat Alert Cell (CAC) Building 1300; 277 Caragain Road, Eielson AFB, AK 99702 |
File Number: | 107.38.147 |
Hazard ID: | 26653 |
Status: | Active |
Staff: | Axl LeVan, 9074512156 |
Latitude: | 64.645832 |
Longitude: | -147.074770 |
Horizontal Datum: | WGS84 |
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We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
This site includes multiple releases, including: Spill no. 16309908901: On March 29, 2016 at 2:05PM, a malfunction of the fire suppression system at Eielson Air Force Base Building 1300 triggered the suppression system to come on, releasing Buckeye Hi-Ex aqueous film forming foam (AFFF). The generators did not come on and so the foam was not aerated and was released as a solution into the building. It was estimated that 100 gallons of AFFF mixed with water was released inside the building for a total of approximately 4,500 gallons of solution. The liquid leaked out of the building, onto the pavement outside, and further onto soil. The material safety data sheet indicates it does not contain Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS). DEC performed a site visit on March 30 and observed puddles with sparse white foam and milky liquid on the parking lot pavement, as well as the ground adjacent to the pavement. DEC requested that soil samples be taken from the ground where foam puddles were observed during the site visit and test for perfluorinated compounds. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was confirmed in soil above DEC cleanup levels. Spill no. 16309927902: On October, 5, 2016, while testing pumps on a truck that had recently received maintenance, AFFF was accidentally released onto the pavement at Building 1300. Approximately 270 gallons of a mixture of foam concentrate and water (approximately 1:3 ratio) were released. Inactive potable water well no. 7 is 250 feet from the spill site.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
11/7/2016 | Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program | Spill transferred by PPR staff Kelley Tu. Spill no. 16309908901; spill date = 3/29/16; substance = Buckeye high expansion aqueous film forming foam; quantity = ~4,500 gallons of firefighting foam mixed with water; PPR file number = 107.02.004. | Mitzi Read |
1/10/2017 | Site Added to Database | A new site has been added to the database | Mitzi Read |
8/23/2017 | Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program | Spill transferred by PPR staff Jill Stockbridge. Spill no. 16309927902; spill date = 10/5/16; substance = aqueous film forming foam concentrate mixed water (ratio 1:3); quantity = ~270 gallons; source = P-23 fire truck; PPR file number = 107.02.004. | Mitzi Read |
5/22/2019 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | DEC provided comments on a Draft Expanded PFOA and PFOS Site Inspection at Eielson Air Force Base and Moose Creek, Alaska, Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan Work Plan, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, May 2019. The plan includes installation of 24 monitoring well, groundwater sampling and stepout borings to identify monitoring well locations. | Dennis Shepard |
9/20/2019 | CERCLA SI | The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)jointly approved the Expanded Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) Site Inspection at Eielson Air Force Base and Moose Creek Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan Work Plan (September 2019). Soil and groundwater delineation activities for PFOS and PFOA on Eielson AFB and in the areas in and around Moose Creek, Alaska will be undertaken.. | Dennis Shepard |
8/11/2020 | Meeting or Teleconference Held | DEC, EPA and Air Force remedial project managers met to scope a remedial investigation for the per and poly fluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) contaminated source areas on Eielson Air Force Base. Sample collection of soil, groundwater, surface water, sediments and biota were discussed. The Air Force confirmed that a contract for the work was awarded on August 4, 2020, and work plans are being prepared. | Dennis Shepard |
1/29/2021 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | DEC received a draft Quality Assurance Project Plan, Remedial Investigation (RI) for PFAS at Various Sites, Eielson AFB, Alaska. The purpose of the RI is to characterize the nature and extent of 24 PFAS compounds, specifically perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS),perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) through the application of adaptive high-resolution site characterization and the development of a flux-based conceptual site model.The outcome of the RI will be (1) flux-based ranking of sources and mapping of migration pathway(s), and (2) delineation of soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water impacts. | Dennis Shepard |
1/3/2022 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80009 name: Bldg 1300 AFFF | Axl LeVan |
Contaminant Information
Name | Level Description | Media | Comments |
Control Type
Type | Details |
Description | Details |
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